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I Sleep To Much


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For some reason I have been sleeping far to much! Well I feel its to much, I have just woek up after a 8hr40min sleep and had to drag myself out of bed! I am not drinking i eat healthy and work out, but for the last few months I just want to sleep sleep sleep. I would like only 6 hrs a night apart form the odd night I might go out and get drunk of course, but even when i set my alarm it jsut so hard to open my eyes and the extra 30 mins i promise myself turns into 3 hrs, why am I so tired? is 8-9 hours to much? I think it is.

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I feel drowsy and poorly rested when my R.E.M., or very deep dream sleep is delayed and occurs too close to my wake up time.

I find this occurs most often during uncomfortable sleeping weather. I don't seem to go into deep sleep until the early hours when it is coolest.

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Couple of things come to my mind:

1. Overtraining

2. Dehydration

Both are easy to check.

1. Quit gym for a month or greatly decrease the intensity and duration of your work outs.

2. What color is your urine? It should be near clear. The darker it is, the more dehydrated you are. Thirst level is NOT an indication of your need for water. You may not believe it but it has a tremendous effect on your energy level and I have experienced it myself. Just thnk about it, your body is mostly made of water and you need water for all the biological processes in your body to take place. Drink more, pee more, it's not gonna hurt you.

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Couple of things come to my mind:

1. Overtraining

2. Dehydration

Both are easy to check.

1. Quit gym for a month or greatly decrease the intensity and duration of your work outs.

2. What color is your urine? It should be near clear. The darker it is, the more dehydrated you are. Thirst level is NOT an indication of your need for water. You may not believe it but it has a tremendous effect on your energy level and I have experienced it myself. Just thnk about it, your body is mostly made of water and you need water for all the biological processes in your body to take place. Drink more, pee more, it's not gonna hurt you.

My urine in the pan has a head on it and smells of Chang. :huh:

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Do you have low energy during day time?

How is your reaction ingeneral, slow?

Do you put weight on lately?


If the answer is yes,you might want to check thyroid function and blood count to rule out treatable condition.

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Really? I am 33 I hope its nto age related or I'll be up to 12 hours a day by 40 :(

You dont seem to realise that a younger a person, the longer he sleeps!! Babies sleep longest!! Oldeies normally wake up very early, many need pills to helpm them sleep. Nothing wrong in sleeping long at age 33.....you are working hard and partying hard at this age. Enjoy & take care!!

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Actually the sleep pattern you describe would be perfectly normal for many people. I personally need 9 - 91/2 hours a night (down from 10 when I was younger!) , and do my deepest sleeping towards morning, which in turn is probably why I need more hours of sleep than the average person.

But I take it this is a change from your normal pattern...

If so...are you on any medications? What is your caffeine intake like? Are you under any stress?

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Hi Andy,

To add to the other questions, do you have a weight problem, that make you restless or hot,(as in temperature) so you don't sleep well? Is your bed, pillow or partner keeping you awake ? Do you read in bed? or watch late night movies? Are you a midnight snacker ? Do you smoke late at night,or eat chocolate, or drink coffee ? Do you go to sleep with music playing via an earphone. Do you have particular problems or frustrations that you mull over? Do you snore,and /or don't know about it? Do you wake up suddenly for no reason ? Is there an annoying street light shining in at just the wrong place?

Try - changing the way your bed faces. get a different pillow, if you snore, check how serious it is, ie sleep apnea? When you've done all that remember that Thailand is very hot and humid at this time of year, and that may be a big factor. Regards.

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I'm surprised no one has said it yet, but excessive sleeping is a classic symptom of depression. Are you happy, busy and satisfied with your life when you are awake? If you are, and the sleep is not causing you scheduling problems, why worry about it? It's easy to get into the habit of sleeping too much here since the days are too hot to enjoy anything outside, especially this time of the year.

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