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Everyone is assuming the Italian is an innocent man that did nothing wrong.

Innocent? He's the victim. It has nothing to do with anything. A man was shot and killed. The perpetrator needs to be brought to justice regardless of the motive or what this man has done in the past.

And how do you know what everybody is assuming? I for one didn't make any assumptions about the man other than that he was shot while riding his motorcycle.

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that is one Big Ass gun for sure... not your run of the mill punk...

[Not that uncommon, out of interest a common 11mm round would fall into the .44 and .45 category. This caliber is as common as 9 mm nowadays, but defiantly pack more humph!



So he wasn't robbed then? Thus the motive for murder was something else? Who carries around 22k baht (unless you are going to buy something expensive but then you can get a bank cheque or use a credit/debit card).

No wallet. Who goes ANYWHERE without a wallet? So chances are he WAS robbed since the wallet was gone, but they didn't think to check his shorts. However, robbery may or may not have been the motive.

I go everywhere whithout wallet and I have done since I started to go anywhere with money and I know many people that do, so what is wrong with that??

This ain't a robbery case 'cos the money was there in his pocket.


the business competition

sorry me .... I just guess


i dont understand , the man is dead as to whether his did or did not do anything no one not even the police to kil him, so they should pay for it , the hods that do this dont care about people coming here and reading such stuff i am sure it will make them think that perhaps it's not such a nice place to be after all!


Since they pick pocked my wallet years ago I never use it anymore.The shorts what you cab buy in Thailand has plenty of space for your money and is save.jap.gif

So he wasn't robbed then? Thus the motive for murder was something else? Who carries around 22k baht (unless you are going to buy something expensive but then you can get a bank cheque or use a credit/debit card).

No wallet. Who goes ANYWHERE without a wallet? So chances are he WAS robbed since the wallet was gone, but they didn't think to check his shorts. However, robbery may or may not have been the motive.

I go everywhere whithout wallet and I have done since I started to go anywhere with money and I know many people that do, so what is wrong with that??


11mm gun - sounds Russian - not saying that it was a Russian of course since the Chinese 11mm is also popular among the gangs here


No wallet. Who goes ANYWHERE without a wallet? So chances are he WAS robbed since the wallet was gone, but they didn't think to check his shorts. However, robbery may or may not have been the motive.

I haven't owned a wallet for over thirty years, just keep stuff in a pocket or zipped inside a bag.

And it's an obvious question as to what he might have been involved in besides a bungalow business - it's of course possible that he got killed simply over his normal assets/activities, or slept with the wrong man's wife or daughter, but that seems IMO a lot less likely than his getting in over his head with some nasty people in some shady business. No accusations, just normal inferences.

And even he were the most heinous monster, he doesn't deserve such an end; sincere condolences are due to those he left behind, as well as the (remote) hope that the killer(s) are brought to justice.


11mm gun - sounds Russian - not saying that it was a Russian of course

JoHnBKK ; 11 mm guns are commonly used for the Police officers and as well as the Thai soldiers ... They are quite big and can make a severe damage to the body..... To kill someone, I rather use 11 mm cos' he/she will have no chance or surviving.... ( = 0):guitar:


So there's a Bungalow business up for grabs. Unless of course some Thai Lady happened to be the partner and she keeps the lot. At least it should see the Police bothering to visit Phi Phi and make a few enquiries. For example, ' Your husband just got shot. Any chance of the bungalow complex at discount? Oh, and where were you?'

No doubt it'll be yet another death by misadventure. The Police concluding that he ran into 4 stray bullets that happened to be passing at the time. It happens ...................... in Thailand.

If the Police found 22,100 baht then how much did they not find in the wallet?

And their amazingly vigilant response is not to cordon the scene, put up road blocks or gather witness statements, but it is to contact the motorbike rental owner and tell him him the bad news; bike's been crashed mate. Worse still he's dead so has got out of paying the over priced repairs. Falangs eh? And worse still the Police lose out on getting their share.

Life can be cruel. So can death.

But I admire the sensitivity of the Press. No naming or photograph. Well that should ease the family's grief at learning how he was shot and left to die from his wounds and that there'll be no justice whatsoever or arrest.


It amazes me that you are still here in Thailand - I cannot find one positive statement or comment in your post, just plainly rude, insinuating and insulting, Hmmmm maybe not even 'plainly'! You have accused the police of stealing, his partner of colluding, and in general, Thais' and Thailand to be a Hell away from Hell. Why don't you return to the delights of whichever land you left and get mugged there, THEN complain! Why ARE you here? Maybe the guy had upset someone, that remains to be seen, but stop and think for a minute - you are upsetting many people! (Sorry Mr Editor if this is a bit of a diatribe - but invidious and bigoted people just anger me)

That's true, too much rubbish has gone to Thailand.

Try to ask those people why they left hometown, just my 2 cents......

They cannot have their rights in their countries so they blame Thailand.


He rented a jet ski and ain't pay for the damage.. ... So here is to show Farangs what the crime syndicate can do to your blo..ody dam_n lives..:guitar:

I wanna know his name. He might be some of the guys I know.....

I can guarantee you he was not some of the guys you know, just a gut feeling.

I've been living here for almost 15 years, but haven't been to Phuket for over 20. I tell everyone I know to steer clear of there.

And I never use a wallet.

R.I.P Italian guy


Let me add some very "little" details which i found after a little research: 1) The deceased passport is missing and.......2) The guy was going to settle an expansive divorce with a cash settlement either the day he was shoot or the following day, the wifey was asking for 12 millions baht

That's all...



So there's a Bungalow business up for grabs. Unless of course some Thai Lady happened to be the partner and she keeps the lot. At least it should see the Police bothering to visit Phi Phi and make a few enquiries. For example, ' Your husband just got shot. Any chance of the bungalow complex at discount? Oh, and where were you?'

No doubt it'll be yet another death by misadventure. The Police concluding that he ran into 4 stray bullets that happened to be passing at the time. It happens ...................... in Thailand.

If the Police found 22,100 baht then how much did they not find in the wallet?

And their amazingly vigilant response is not to cordon the scene, put up road blocks or gather witness statements, but it is to contact the motorbike rental owner and tell him him the bad news; bike's been crashed mate. Worse still he's dead so has got out of paying the over priced repairs. Falangs eh? And worse still the Police lose out on getting their share.

Life can be cruel. So can death.

But I admire the sensitivity of the Press. No naming or photograph. Well that should ease the family's grief at learning how he was shot and left to die from his wounds and that there'll be no justice whatsoever or arrest.


It amazes me that you are still here in Thailand - I cannot find one positive statement or comment in your post, just plainly rude, insinuating and insulting, Hmmmm maybe not even 'plainly'! You have accused the police of stealing, his partner of colluding, and in general, Thais' and Thailand to be a Hell away from Hell. Why don't you return to the delights of whichever land you left and get mugged there, THEN complain! Why ARE you here? Maybe the guy had upset someone, that remains to be seen, but stop and think for a minute - you are upsetting many people! (Sorry Mr Editor if this is a bit of a diatribe - but invidious and bigoted people just anger me)

well said


So he wasn't robbed then? Thus the motive for murder was something else? Who carries around 22k baht (unless you are going to buy something expensive but then you can get a bank cheque or use a credit/debit card).

No wallet. Who goes ANYWHERE without a wallet? So chances are he WAS robbed since the wallet was gone, but they didn't think to check his shorts. However, robbery may or may not have been the motive.

I go everywhere whithout wallet and I have done since I started to go anywhere with money and I know many people that do, so what is wrong with that??

This ain't a robbery case 'cos the money was there in his pocket.


the business competition

sorry me .... I just guess

When a person with so much as half a brain conducts a robbery, he, or she, should always leave some behind so morons will state that it wasnt a robbery.

He rented a jet ski and ain't pay for the damage.. ... So here is to show Farangs what the crime syndicate can do to your blo..ody dam_n lives..:guitar:

I wanna know his name. He might be some of the guys I know.....

I can guarantee you he was not some of the guys you know, just a gut feeling.

I met an Italian guy workin' in the metro, Rome on the way to Vientian. He was headin' south,Puket. I am wondering he might be that guy. Hopefully not.......dude. .... This time I sound serious enough?


11mm gun - sounds Russian - not saying that it was a Russian of course

JoHnBKK ; 11 mm guns are commonly use for the Police officers and as well as the Thai soldiers ... They are quite big and can make a severe damage to the body..... To kill someone, I rather use 11 mm cos' he/she will have no chance or surviving.... ( = 0):guitar:

what ! "if I were to kill someone I RATHER USE 11MM" ......gees what a comment.


BTW...well done to the Phuket Gazzette for not posting the persons name or splashing a copy of the photo page of the guys passport all over the internet, giving the deceased person concerned a little dignity in death

The "rags" in Pattaya could learn something

Well spoken.


It seems strange to me 4 shots, plenty cash in the shorts not in his wallet and a business in Phi Phi.

I know that too many expats do run cafes and we know who are the main customers and workers there.

Not judging, just let see what are the next opinions.....

Like your post and you hit the spot....

It is not a robbery and you are so Right about.... we all need to watch and see. In my personal opinion, he must make someone piss and that person took his life. The polices will find out fast. I am sorry for his family and this tragic story should not happen in a small town in which everyone knows each other.


11mm gun - sounds Russian - not saying that it was a Russian of course

Every arms manufacturer in the world produces a small arm that will fire an 11 mm round. The term 11 mm is a generic term to describe rounds, (ammunition) that fall loosely into the base diameter of…11 mm, the two most common are .44, .45, .454 and even uncommon round such as 11.15mm and 11.43mm. Bottom line, the statement that 11mm rounds were found doesn’t say a lot as to the weapon used yet. They would have to wait for a ballistic report.


Everyone is assuming the Italian is an innocent man that did nothing wrong.

Do you have any evidence to the contrary? Do you know him? Why would you even say such a thing? Should he not be given any benefit of doubt? I find your post reprehensible.

I myself find you your post ... reprehensible Mr. Richard. I agree with the guy who you are answering to. Cheers


Let me add some very "little" details which i found after a little research: 1) The deceased passport is missing and.......2) The guy was going to settle an expansive divorce with a cash settlement either the day he was shoot or the following day, the wifey was asking for 12 millions baht

That's all...


12 million baht that is a hell of a lot by thai standards. A thai woman and money is a lethal combination.


11mm gun - sounds Russian - not saying that it was a Russian of course

JoHnBKK ; 11 mm guns are commonly use for the Police officers and as well as the Thai soldiers ... They are quite big and can make a severe damage to the body..... To kill someone, I rather use 11 mm cos' he/she will have no chance or surviving.... ( = 0):guitar:

what ! "if I were to kill someone I RATHER USE 11MM" ......gees what a comment.

will you pop up some firecrackers...........dude?


Agreed with housepainter and I'm not invidious nor bigoted nor live in the Amazing Thailand but been there plenty of times ... I'm realistic and this is a pretty much well picture of Thailand. Amen !


Let me add some very "little" details which i found after a little research: 1) The deceased passport is missing and.......2) The guy was going to settle an expansive divorce with a cash settlement either the day he was shoot or the following day, the wifey was asking for 12 millions baht

That's all...


Here, it is. You got it. Bingo...... thanks dude...


Everyone is assuming the Italian is an innocent man that did nothing wrong.

Are you serious? Let's say he did something wrong. We should execute this guy riding his motorbike?


This ain't a robbery case 'cos the money was there in his pocket.


the business competition

sorry me .... I just guess

When a person with so much as half a brain conducts a robbery, he, or she, should always leave some behind so morons will state that it wasnt a robbery.

Now was thinking that if it was for some other reason than robbery, take all the money and make it look like robbery.. Throw Phucket's finest off a bit..


So there's a Bungalow business up for grabs. Unless of course some Thai Lady happened to be the partner and she keeps the lot. At least it should see the Police bothering to visit Phi Phi and make a few enquiries. For example, ' Your husband just got shot. Any chance of the bungalow complex at discount? Oh, and where were you?'

No doubt it'll be yet another death by misadventure. The Police concluding that he ran into 4 stray bullets that happened to be passing at the time. It happens ...................... in Thailand.

If the Police found 22,100 baht then how much did they not find in the wallet?

And their amazingly vigilant response is not to cordon the scene, put up road blocks or gather witness statements, but it is to contact the motorbike rental owner and tell him him the bad news; bike's been crashed mate. Worse still he's dead so has got out of paying the over priced repairs. Falangs eh? And worse still the Police lose out on getting their share.

Life can be cruel. So can death.

But I admire the sensitivity of the Press. No naming or photograph. Well that should ease the family's grief at learning how he was shot and left to die from his wounds and that there'll be no justice whatsoever or arrest.


It amazes me that you are still here in Thailand - I cannot find one positive statement or comment in your post, just plainly rude, insinuating and insulting, Hmmmm maybe not even 'plainly'! You have accused the police of stealing, his partner of colluding, and in general, Thais' and Thailand to be a Hell away from Hell. Why don't you return to the delights of whichever land you left and get mugged there, THEN complain! Why ARE you here? Maybe the guy had upset someone, that remains to be seen, but stop and think for a minute - you are upsetting many people! (Sorry Mr Editor if this is a bit of a diatribe - but invidious and bigoted people just anger me)

Should he be congratulating the shooter on his marksmanship? What is there to compliment or condone in this story besides the decision to withhold the name of the deceased?

As far as this post being "just plain rude," try reading back a few years and count how many people are murdered and how much the police (don't) care, even when the identity of the killer is known. Is it rude to notice this?

Which part of this "rude" post compares the poster's country of origin favorably with Thailand?


So there's a Bungalow business up for grabs. Unless of course some Thai Lady happened to be the partner and she keeps the lot. At least it should see the Police bothering to visit Phi Phi and make a few enquiries. For example, ' Your husband just got shot. Any chance of the bungalow complex at discount? Oh, and where were you?'

No doubt it'll be yet another death by misadventure. The Police concluding that he ran into 4 stray bullets that happened to be passing at the time. It happens ...................... in Thailand.

If the Police found 22,100 baht then how much did they not find in the wallet?

And their amazingly vigilant response is not to cordon the scene, put up road blocks or gather witness statements, but it is to contact the motorbike rental owner and tell him him the bad news; bike's been crashed mate. Worse still he's dead so has got out of paying the over priced repairs. Falangs eh? And worse still the Police lose out on getting their share.

Life can be cruel. So can death.

But I admire the sensitivity of the Press. No naming or photograph. Well that should ease the family's grief at learning how he was shot and left to die from his wounds and that there'll be no justice whatsoever or arrest.


It amazes me that you are still here in Thailand - I cannot find one positive statement or comment in your post, just plainly rude, insinuating and insulting, Hmmmm maybe not even 'plainly'! You have accused the police of stealing, his partner of colluding, and in general, Thais' and Thailand to be a Hell away from Hell. Why don't you return to the delights of whichever land you left and get mugged there, THEN complain! Why ARE you here? Maybe the guy had upset someone, that remains to be seen, but stop and think for a minute - you are upsetting many people! (Sorry Mr Editor if this is a bit of a diatribe - but invidious and bigoted people just anger me)

Interesting. I am seeing several Thais responding with "maybe he upset someone". Clearly, it is acceptable in Thai culture to shoot someone if you are upset. I suppose you can tell the officer, "sorry officer I was upset".


Something fishy here. Correct me if I’m wrong (and I’m sure you will), but 11mm is fairly rare ammunition, and was only used in a few firearms including some old model Mausers. How many of those are on this island?


I never carry a wallet.B)

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