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When a person with so much as half a brain conducts a robbery, he, or she, should always leave some behind so morons will state that it wasnt a robbery.

It would appear that the above person with half a brain is far more intelligent that the vast majority of TV posters commenting on this thread based the cr*p that has been written.

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"Thalang police found three 11mm bullet casings and three unspent 11mm bullets at the scene"

I wonder why there were 3 unspent shells at the scene also. A dirty semi-auto that kept jamming or a malfunctioning gun. It just seams odd to me that they would find them there.


So there's a Bungalow business up for grabs. Unless of course some Thai Lady happened to be the partner and she keeps the lot. At least it should see the Police bothering to visit Phi Phi and make a few enquiries. For example, ' Your husband just got shot. Any chance of the bungalow complex at discount? Oh, and where were you?'

No doubt it'll be yet another death by misadventure. The Police concluding that he ran into 4 stray bullets that happened to be passing at the time. It happens ...................... in Thailand.

If the Police found 22,100 baht then how much did they not find in the wallet?

And their amazingly vigilant response is not to cordon the scene, put up road blocks or gather witness statements, but it is to contact the motorbike rental owner and tell him him the bad news; bike's been crashed mate. Worse still he's dead so has got out of paying the over priced repairs. Falangs eh? And worse still the Police lose out on getting their share.

Life can be cruel. So can death.

But I admire the sensitivity of the Press. No naming or photograph. Well that should ease the family's grief at learning how he was shot and left to die from his wounds and that there'll be no justice whatsoever or arrest.


It amazes me that you are still here in Thailand - I cannot find one positive statement or comment in your post, just plainly rude, insinuating and insulting, Hmmmm maybe not even 'plainly'! You have accused the police of stealing, his partner of colluding, and in general, Thais' and Thailand to be a Hell away from Hell. Why don't you return to the delights of whichever land you left and get mugged there, THEN complain! Why ARE you here? Maybe the guy had upset someone, that remains to be seen, but stop and think for a minute - you are upsetting many people! (Sorry Mr Editor if this is a bit of a diatribe - but invidious and bigoted people just anger me)

That's true, too much rubbish has gone to Thailand.

Try to ask those people why they left hometown, just my 2 cents......

They cannot have their rights in their countries so they blame Thailand.



Everyone is assuming the Italian is an innocent man that did nothing wrong.

Are you serious? Let's say he did something wrong. We should execute this guy riding his motorbike?

I didn't see he was innocent or guilty. All I said was everyone here is assuming he is innocent and did nothing wrong. Apparently, he upset someone.

When a person with so much as half a brain conducts a robbery, he, or she, should always leave some behind so morons will state that it wasnt a robbery.

lol no highway bandit/murderer is going to intentionally leave 22,000 baht behind


So he wasn't robbed then? Thus the motive for murder was something else? Who carries around 22k baht (unless you are going to buy something expensive but then you can get a bank cheque or use a credit/debit card).

He might just have been involved in some dodgy dealings maybe!!!!!

This could be the case or there is business or money involved in the background.

In any event, this does have all the hallmarks of a contract killing and not that of a random robbery attempt.

I bet there is no conclusion to this case. Another incident to be listed in the, who knows file.


When a person with so much as half a brain conducts a robbery, he, or she, should always leave some behind so morons will state that it wasnt a robbery.

It would appear that the above person with half a brain is far more intelligent that the vast majority of TV posters commenting on this thread based the cr*p that has been written.

I insist his thread to be removed for violating the rules "insulting fellow members" using the word "Morons" to describe other people.


Interesting. I am seeing several Thais responding with "maybe he upset someone". Clearly, it is acceptable in Thai culture to shoot someone if you are upset. I suppose you can tell the officer, "sorry officer I was upset".

Explanation does not equal condonation


60 yrs old, not 40, him had a italian restaurant in Phi Phi Island, the name was Luciano butti.

Today was the day for him for go to the court for divorce from him wife.

<br>I put the name because is in the Italian news <a href="http://www.tgcom.mediaset.it/mondo/articoli/1003292/thailandia-ucciso-un-italiano.shtml">http://www.tgcom.mediaset.it/mondo/articoli/1003292/thailandia-ucciso-un-italiano.shtml</a><br><br>Why you guys dont just wait the police report about the crimes?<br>Most of the times you wrong about the cause of crimes just because you "suppose", dont suppose give time for have a full story, all details and the report from the police than you can talk about.<br><br>PS: not all people killed in Thailand must to be a boss of mafia or drugs dealer or criminals killed by other criminals<br>.Ciao


When a person with so much as half a brain conducts a robbery, he, or she, should always leave some behind so morons will state that it wasnt a robbery.

It would appear that the above person with half a brain is far more intelligent that the vast majority of TV posters commenting on this thread based the cr*p that has been written.

I insist his thread to be removed for violating the rules "insulting fellow members" using the word "Morons" to describe other people.

Calm down, I've been called worse than a moron. :)


60 yrs old, not 40, him had a italian restaurant in Phi Phi Island, the name was Luciano butti.

Today was the day for him for go to the court for divorce from him wife.


If true then no need to call Poirot eh. :huh:


Had this happened in that other well known resort beginning with P.......... I am sue the police would have concluded that it was a case of suicide, and someone stole the gun.


The more that I read comments on ThaiVisa, the more I believe the IQ of most commenters is less than 70.

I understand why many Thais think farang are stupid. Many people on this forum constantly prove that assumption.


Anyone prepared the wager what the police investigation will conclude as to the cause of death in the this case ?......:whistling:

BTW...well done to the Phuket Gazzette for not posting the persons name or splashing a copy of the photo page of the guys passport all over the internet, giving the deceased person concerned a little dignity in death

The "rags" in Pattaya could learn something

Oh please be fair - certain media outlets in Pattaya would have had the corpse, as he was found, all over the news by now. His relatives could then see first hand how he died. Journalism at its finest.:bah:


Agreed with housepainter and I'm not invidious nor bigoted nor live in the Amazing Thailand but been there plenty of times ... I'm realistic and this is a pretty much well picture of Thailand. Amen !

Sounds like you have established your knowledge of Thailand by reading to many forums.


Everyone is assuming the Italian is an innocent man that did nothing wrong.

Are you serious? Let's say he did something wrong. We should execute this guy riding his motorbike?

I didn't see he was innocent or guilty. All I said was everyone here is assuming he is innocent and did nothing wrong. Apparently, he upset someone.

You've got someone on your side at least Richard as I can see exactly that, what you are trying to portray as being the case and all that the others are trying to do is put some kind of inuendo or false slant on your words to get a bit of air-time (of the hot type) by sticking the knife into you. If you had said something akin to "all paeodophiles are respectable people" then you would deserve all of the vitriolic venom thrown at you, but you didn't!!

Of course he is involved in something dodgy that has upset somebody big-time for them to have put 4 bullets into him. Robbery can be eliminated as a motive on account of the fact that more than 20,000 Baht was found on his body and you're not going to tell me that any robber with any modicum of sense is going to (ensure) they terminate someone's life in broad daylight in a traffic congested area and THEN ride away empty handed, are you????!!!!

On the question of exactly what he did to warrant such a reprisal I'm sure that this will come out once they catch the perpretator and maybe Richard's statement will be vindicated (not that he has done anything wrong or said anything remotely controvertial). Prepare your apologies boys!!!


So he wasn't robbed then? Thus the motive for murder was something else? Who carries around 22k baht (unless you are going to buy something expensive but then you can get a bank cheque or use a credit/debit card).

And, 22K Baht at 10 PM...makes me wonder a bit, however, he was a businessman so that amount wouldn't be so extraordinary. Again, the motive doesn't look like a typical robbing, but something with intent, especially with the size of an 11 MM shelled gun. Revenge, jealousy, bad business dealing, who knows?

That being said, it's still another sad story with unfortunate results in the LOS.


It seems strange to me 4 shots, plenty cash in the shorts not in his wallet and a business in Phi Phi.

I know that too many expats do run cafes and we know who are the main customers and workers there.

Not judging, just let see what are the next opinions.....

Like your post and you hit the spot....

It is not a robbery and you are so Right about.... we all need to watch and see. In my personal opinion, he must make someone piss and that person took his life. The polices will find out fast. I am sorry for his family and this tragic story should not happen in a small town in which everyone knows each other.

Yea sure, even Glock makes one and there are even caseless ones around, however the Russian and Chinese are the cheapest here of course - no matter what, the chap is dead and if they ever find out who did it will be seen -


Everyone is assuming the Italian is an innocent man that did nothing wrong.

Innocent? He's the victim. It has nothing to do with anything. A man was shot and killed. The perpetrator needs to be brought to justice regardless of the motive or what this man has done in the past.

And how do you know what everybody is assuming? I for one didn't make any assumptions about the man other than that he was shot while riding his motorcycle.

Yesssss!!! he's the victim in this case, granted, but do you seriously think that he is completely innocent of any act that might have resulted in his murder. Maybe he was in the wrong place at the wrong time and the person who killed him was in a bad mood and just happened to have a gun loaded with bullets on him and didn't like the colour of his bike helmet and wanted to punish him for assaulting his eyes - do me a favour will you!!!


Interesting a 11mm (45 cal) 6 shot revolver and handler ejected last 3 live rounds from the cylinder? PANIC???

As a note to this, I would also note that I made the assumption the wound to the wrist is a defensive wound (4 wounds/3 shots).


Everyone is assuming the Italian is an innocent man that did nothing wrong.

Do you have any evidence to the contrary? Do you know him? Why would you even say such a thing? Should he not be given any benefit of doubt? I find your post reprehensible.

I myself find you your post ... reprehensible Mr. Richard. I agree with the guy who you are answering to. Cheers

I find your unneccesary and undeserving character assasination of an innocent man quite deplorable. Cheers.


Interesting a 11mm (45 cal) 6 shot revolver and handler ejected last 3 live rounds from the cylinder? PANIC???

As a note to this, I would also note that I made the assumption the wound to the wrist is a defensive wound (4 wounds/3 shots).

My eyes not good but the casing looks like a semi auto round, not from a revolver. The guy could have had a jam or miss fire and ejected a few. :huh:


Everyone is assuming the Italian is an innocent man that did nothing wrong.

Innocent? He's the victim. It has nothing to do with anything. A man was shot and killed. The perpetrator needs to be brought to justice regardless of the motive or what this man has done in the past.

And how do you know what everybody is assuming? I for one didn't make any assumptions about the man other than that he was shot while riding his motorcycle.

Yesssss!!! he's the victim in this case, granted, but do you seriously think that he is completely innocent of any act that might have resulted in his murder. Maybe he was in the wrong place at the wrong time and the person who killed him was in a bad mood and just happened to have a gun loaded with bullets on him and didn't like the colour of his bike helmet and wanted to punish him for assaulting his eyes - do me a favour will you!!!

Yep.......... this can be true.... For a month ago, a Thai airways Pilot was shot drivn' hi car to work around the swampie without enough reason only he threw the head lights on the other car. Luckily ,he didn't get kill. Apparently, there are many cases similar to this.:guitar:


sounds like there was a lot of panic - 4 unspent cartridges lying around with the spent casings - It seems as usual we will never know the outcome of this and many other farrang murders!


Interesting a 11mm (45 cal) 6 shot revolver and handler ejected last 3 live rounds from the cylinder? PANIC???

As a note to this, I would also note that I made the assumption the wound to the wrist is a defensive wound (4 wounds/3 shots).

My eyes not good but the casing looks like a semi auto round, not from a revolver. The guy could have had a jam or miss fire and ejected a few. :huh:

I certainly agree, auto is possible (I can't tell by photo too) but ejecting 3 live rounds in the middle of an assualt by an untrained assailant, not trained to "tap rack and go" after a failure?

Well again, just assumptions, but first brush with evidence? Any auto firing 45 cal., glock and such are very expensive and if so, a very high priced assassin.


Russian mafia versus the Italian mafia no contest nowadays

This is the most stupid post i read....you dont know the mafia in my country and you dont know the russian mafia....time to cut people like this from write such things.

BTW all expert of firearm...wow we can open a site and make money....im and ex sniper soldier and i read a lot of wrong" i suppose"...live the police give a report that is better.


Everyone is assuming the Italian is an innocent man that did nothing wrong.

How on earth do you figure that? I have read no post with the slightest inclination to that effect.

Whether HE did anything wrong or not is besides the point, he was murdered and the killer should be brought to justice.

From your logic I sure hope you don't do anything wrong, lest someone be justified in shooting you four times to death :blink:

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