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British Freight Boss On Sex Charges Found Dead

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How was this guy's previous occupation - and oh look, a freight train - have anything to do with the thrust of this story? Will the PR department of Freightliner (Coal) now jump into action to let the World know that they are not a haven for sexual deviants?

Point taken Bagwan. But probably only Brits know what Freightliner is - its something different in the United States. Its a journalistic thing. People tend to know what people in the news do or did for a living. Had this man been a High Court judge it would not mean that the High Court was full of sexual deviants.

Not so sure about the high court. Probably not the best example to use. :ph34r:

hehe that was funny whistling.gif

<BR>The American Freightliner <BR>built by White and comparable to PeterBilt and Kenworth.<BR><IMG src="http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_h2HFSk-YN8U/SULubD3hdRI/AAAAAAAAAkY/s8JVd_BXWj0/S730/BOCOE.jpg"><BR><BR>
Cool now we are talking trucks, That picture is actually an FB freightliner, which is in fact a Peterbuilt rebadged as a freightliner !

Sorry just had to point that out. I know this well as i use to live in this one and on a hot balmy night in queensland nothing like jumping in the back to get some sleep as the engine heat after shut down turns the sleeper into a pressure cooker! Ah yes i miss those sweaty nights of uncomfortable sleep no doubt works a treat in northern America in winter!



Whilst he was on remand I went to visit him a couple of times in jail, believing, as I do that a man is innocent until proven guilty, He used to come into my pub occasionally, often in the company of young men, all of whom were clearly over the age of consent. British consular officials in Chiang Mai and people from the embassy in Bangkok also visited him. He was furnished with a list of recommended lawyers by the embassy, but preferred to employ the services of a lwayer who spoke no English but would 'get other prisoners to translate' The lawyer had a repuation, I was led to understand, for arranging bail and the discreet return of passport in return for the bail money - 300,000 baht was the figure quoted at the time. Mr Petit had enough money to pay. As he refused the consular advice (and mine) to retain a more orthodox lawyer, and after talking to consular officials I stopped visiting him.

A sad end to a life - overdosing in a Vientiane guest house, and dying with the unproven allegation that he'd had sex with a 13 year old boy, an allegation he categorically denied. At least if he was guilty thats one less pervert for kids to have to worry about., but I take no pleasure from his death and I hope he rests in peace.

Very good post..I applaud your reason, and actions.



Paying for release in the context of the Thai system is a RATIONAL CHOICE, whether guilty or innocent, and in no way is any indicator at all that the person paying is guilty or innocent. However, paying doesn't guarantee actually getting what was promised. Obviously, locked up prisoners are not in a strong bargaining or verification position. I know nothing of the case; talking in general.


Thank you for your balanced post Millwall Fan, it's quite refreshing to read a non judgemental post such as yours, and I support the support you gave this poor wretch, but I suspect this is the norm for you.

Sir, I salute you, and that's not an easy thing for a Palace fan to do.

I'm humbled that a Palace fan could speak such postive words!!!

I am stunned that a Palace fan can actually speak....


Thank you for your balanced post Millwall Fan, it's quite refreshing to read a non judgemental post such as yours, and I support the support you gave this poor wretch, but I suspect this is the norm for you.

Sir, I salute you, and that's not an easy thing for a Palace fan to do.

I'm humbled that a Palace fan could speak such postive words!!!

How about a Southend fan?

Depends. South end of what?


This is a sad story.

The odds are that this guy was probably innocent.

It seems that too often the wrong people are locked up in Thailand whilst the real hardened criminals stay out of prison knowing how to use the system to their advantage.


Thank you for your balanced post Millwall Fan, it's quite refreshing to read a non judgemental post such as yours, and I support the support you gave this poor wretch, but I suspect this is the norm for you.

Sir, I salute you, and that's not an easy thing for a Palace fan to do.

I'm humbled that a Palace fan could speak such postive words!!!

How about a Southend fan?

Depends. South end of what?

South End of League Two mad.gif


how did he come to be in Laos? and not in prison?

As per Post #2, he was apparently released on bail, and apparently not barred from leaving the country.

He doesn't look like someone who circumvents borders on the sly.

What do people who circumvent borders on the sly look like?


Lee Aldhouse

Lee Aldhouse didn't circumvent any borders, he just took advantage of Thailand's lack of border security and lax law enforcement and walked straight through a border checkpoint, being stamped out.


You guys are forgetting all those FALSE Accusations that have happened in the past. Millwall Fan tells us he denied it till the end. He may have not been able to cope with the pressure or accusations.

I'm all for locking Ped's up for life!... but those of us that have been here in Thailand long enough have seen and heard way too much to think someone is innocent until proven guilty, and even then, in Thailand, nothing is for certain. Case in point; how can a lawyer get him free on bail and his passport back!? Thailand: "Hub of corruption".

You guys should think before you speak (or write) If you stay here long enough you will come across corruption, and if you're on the wrong end of it, don't expect sympathy from others.

Whats Peds (millwall_fan) done wrong then ;) apart from writing an interesting post that is :(


I don't know if this chap was guilty or not and I doubt if anybody on this forum does either, the only people who know for sure are the late Mr Petit and the person/people who made the allegation, the problem is that mud sticks and there will always those who will say there is no smoke without fire.

As Millwall fan tells us, and he seems to be the only poster who knew him, he denied the allegations to the end, so maybe, just maybe, he was totally innocent, we will never know. Maybe he thought he was going to be convicted, even though he knew himself to be innocent, and just couldn't face the prospect of spending time in a Thai jail, and all that comes with it, for a crime he didn't commit. Maybe he was guilty and knew he would be convicted and, rightly, go to jail, and again couldn't face the prospect of a custodial sentence in a Thai jail, and as I have said, all that goes with it. It is apparent that this wretched man took his own life as he just couldn't cope with his future prospects.

During part of my career I actually worked with sex offenders, both alleged and convicted, and I have to say that part of my career was probably one of the most challenging part of my life. Some of the people I came into contact with really made my skin crawl and it was really hard to remain professional, however some people who had had been charged with the most hideous offences were exonerated, either at trial or on appeal, when the allegations were proved to be unfounded and very often malicious, it was that period of my life that taught me to be non-judgemental.

I can relate to this guy from my personal experiences, my ex-Thai wife was in the process of trying to steal everything from me and tried the peodo card, she told our local friends that I was a peodo and also tried to put it on a internet forum. She also tried to say that I married her to steal her house and that I killed her dogs, beheaded them and sent the heads to her kids school, the dogs are incidentally still alive and well. Thankfully I was strong enough to challenge her and filed defamation charges, she later admitted in court that she lied in an attempt to blacken my name and steal my assets. But just think if I had been a weaker character, it doesn't bare thinking about.

People have already indicated that the Thai justice system is corrupt, though I found it to be pretty effective, and it was easy for this chap to get bail, I really don't know if that's the truth or not, but if the system is corrupt enough to get him bail, maybe it's corrupt enough to convict an innocent man.

We will never know the truth.



Whilst he was on remand I went to visit him a couple of times in jail, believing, as I do that a man is innocent until proven guilty, He used to come into my pub occasionally, often in the company of young men, all of whom were clearly over the age of consent. British consular officials in Chiang Mai and people from the embassy in Bangkok also visited him. He was furnished with a list of recommended lawyers by the embassy, but preferred to employ the services of a lwayer who spoke no English but would 'get other prisoners to translate' The lawyer had a repuation, I was led to understand, for arranging bail and the discreet return of passport in return for the bail money - 300,000 baht was the figure quoted at the time. Mr Petit had enough money to pay. As he refused the consular advice (and mine) to retain a more orthodox lawyer, and after talking to consular officials I stopped visiting him.

A sad end to a life - overdosing in a Vientiane guest house, and dying with the unproven allegation that he'd had sex with a 13 year old boy, an allegation he categorically denied. At least if he was guilty thats one less pervert for kids to have to worry about., but I take no pleasure from his death and I hope he rests in peace.

A seldomly seen good response to a sensible item.


every time there is a suspect in a pedo story people shift the blame on the the Thai justice system or shift the attention to "what about Thai pedos". Strange.

The point to be made here is not whether a suspect is a pedo, a restaurant owner, or simple a husband with too much money exposed to his wife, when it's a foreigner that is dead the response is always "no foul play is suspected". Either it is the Thais scripted response to these events or it's just their attitude toward of just another dead farang. I suspect the latter.

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