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Sharp Drop In Temperatures Felt In Thailand As Mercury Plummets Nationwide

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Sharp drop in temperatures felt nationwide as mercury plummets

By Chularat Saengpassa

The Nation


The sharp drop in temperatures over the past few days makes it seem as if winter has returned to Thailand.

The mercury plummeted to between 16 and 18 degrees Celsius in Bangkok and its neighbouring provinces, while the temperature on Doi Inthanon, the country's highest peak, plunged to just 3.4 degrees yesterday.

Meteorological Department acting chief Somchai Baimuang said yesterday that the drop in temperatures had stemmed from an intensely high-pressure ridge, which was now hovering over Thailand.

"Never before in my working life have the temperatures dropped as much as 10 degrees in a single day. Never before have I experienced a winter in the summer," he said.

The cold weather has become a hot topic on Web boards and social-networking websites. One user posted: "I took a motorcycle to work this morning and, while going down Sathorn Road, I thought this must be the coldest day in the decade." Another said: "It was extremely hot last weekend. Then, we had heavy rains on Monday and Tuesday … and now it's so cold … this reminds me of the movie '2012'."

Meanwhile, a two-metre high wave hit Chon Buri province on Wednesday night, completely destroying five houses and sinking 10 boats.

"I've never seen a wave this high before. It was up to two-metres high," fisherman Muen Jitkawan said, adding that his fellow fishermen were talking about the possibility of a tsunami hitting Pattaya.

In Surat Thani, rough waves also sank about 10 boats, but there were no casualties. The sea was too hostile for ferries to Koh Pha-ngan.

"The waves are much stronger than last year, and small fishing trawlers should not venture out," Surat Thani Governor Thirayut Iamtrakoon said.

The Meteorological Department has predicted strong waves in the Gulf of Thailand, and is advising all ships to proceed with caution and small boats to stay anchored until Saturday.

Meanwhile, Somchai said the drop in temperatures had nothing to do with the recent earthquake and tsunami in Japan.

A senior meteorologist said yesterday that this cold weather was unusual and caused by ocean winds from the West that were encountering cool winds from China, which made the cold last longer and brought on rains.

Anont Sanitwong na Ayutthaya, director of the Geo-Informatics and Space Technology Development Agency, said the weather would be unpredictable due to changes in the |wind's direction |and sea currents.

Current weather conditions and forecast:

Bangkok: http://weather.thaivisa.com/bangkok/bangkok/'>http://weather.thaivisa.com/bangkok/bangkok/

Chiang Mai: http://weather.thaivisa.com/chiang-mai/chiang-mai/'>http://weather.thaivisa.com/chiang-mai/chiang-mai/

Pattaya: http://weather.thaivisa.com/chon-buri/pattaya/'>http://weather.thaivisa.com/chon-buri/pattaya/

Khon Kaen: http://weather.thaivisa.com/khon-kaen/khon-kaen/'>http://weather.thaivisa.com/khon-kaen/khon-kaen/

Mae Hong Son: http://weather.thaivisa.com/mae-hong-son/mae-hong-son/'>http://weather.thaivisa.com/mae-hong-son/mae-hong-son/

Phuket: http://weather.thaivisa.com/phuket/phuket/'>http://weather.thaivisa.com/phuket/phuket/

Hua Hin: http://weather.thaivisa.com/prachuap-khiri-khan/hua-hin/'>http://weather.thaivisa.com/prachuap-khiri-khan/hua-hin/

Hat Yai: http://weather.thaivisa.com/songkhla/hat-yai/'>http://weather.thaivisa.com/songkhla/hat-yai/

Koh Samui: http://weather.thaivisa.com/surat-thani/ko-samui/'>http://weather.thaivisa.com/surat-thani/ko-samui/

All amphurs, cities and provinces: http://weather.thaivisa.com/


-- The Nation 2011-03-18

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just less air con and fan usage, cold weather is a nice challenge from the recent heat wave and hopefully the hot season will be milder, than the last year.

many canals, rivers and dams were drying up, so some rain and milder temperatures will save crops


twas 15 c in parts of Chiangmai this morning at 0500 am now up to 16c - 0747am - and guess what the SUN is coming out for the first time in 4 days!!! awesome!


ahhhhhhhhh ,, back to shorts this morning ,, plus windcheater,beanie,sox and thongs(for my feet,not the other kind) ,,,,, looking cool B)


Mea Taeng is nice this morning, 21c and sunny clear sky’s….Very nice. For the last 3 days it rained no-stop and was down to 14c in the day time. This 21 and sunny is nice; somehow I think it’s going to climb straight back up to hot, hot and hot over the next two days.


its funny that the country does it meteorological research on message boards instead of Google. this week (saturday) the moon will be the closest its been to Earth since 1983 (completing an 18 year cycle) and will cause extreme gravitational pull.

"Super full Moons occur whenever the Moon's perigee period — the time when it is closest to our home planet — coincides with the middle of its lunar cycle. It's a rare occasion that only occurs about once every 18 years."


"This proxigean cycle is when the moon has its strongest gravitational pull and so a maximum tidal effect on the earth. Some research suggests that seismic activity is more likely to occur around this time, but is still dependent on the nature of the dynamics in tectonic plates."


all heil the SuperMoon.


Next year i will sit in front of a great grand Fireplace,because that i am going to build!!

even make pizza and make bread in it...cheesy.gif The house have an open solution (no sit inside a house this guy)

So a Grand fireplace it is!

However am born a viking so i have no problm taking this,but they all in the village will Love me next year.

Ps: Brrr its "cold mellow.gif


Temperature drops across Thailand by 1-2 degrees; BKK at 17 degrees Celsius; forecast of more rain across country /TAN_Network

This is certainly the coldest March since I came to Thailand. In Hua Hin yesterday it felt more like San Francisco with sheets of rain coming down, strong winds, and what felt like 15 degrees - official temperature was 19.

Just saw on TV there's snow in the mountains in Vietnam. First time ever. Crazy!


Temperature drops across Thailand by 1-2 degrees; BKK at 17 degrees Celsius; forecast of more rain across country /TAN_Network

Around 18 degrees Celsius in Ubon Ratchathani yesterday, cold wind from China. Today in Sisaket at 8.50 am 21 degrees. Nothing scary about the change of temperature. It happened before and it will happen again.:jap:


Al Gore will probably try to say it's " climate change" caused by our SUV's!

Right on Miami Bob!

Mr. Gore and his cartel of elites, who produced the movie on global warming called An Inconvenient Truth, would probably tell you that all of this cold weather is being caused by global warming. Yes, Mr. Gore and his friends spent a few million dollars to convince you that cold weather really means hot weather :blink:

What Mr. Gore did not tell you in his film is that he and his friends own very lucrative companies that deal in the marketing of Carbon Credits, and that they stand to make billions of dollars if they can convince you to support your government's plans to pass legislation to limit carbon emissions and to legally mandate the global, international trading of Carbon Credits. Hummm. That was just a small, inconvenient truth that was left out of the movie. Darn! :whistling:

So everyone! Open up those beautiful minds of yours and connect the dots... and enjoy this wonderful cool weather we are experiencing in the middle of the hot season. 'Tis just a small proclivity of Mother Nature for your enjoyment. :rolleyes:

"Gee Whiz! Thanks Mother Nature!!!" :)


Temp. here in Kranuan at our house was 15.8 at daybreak.

Al Gore? John Mc Cain? Their all crooks,

They haven't got a dam_n thing to do with the temp or weather in Thailand or anything else I hope.

The Politics & corporate greed of that country is why I retired here.

The only good republican is a jailed one.

Back to the topic,

I would like to see how far back records of weather stats have been kept

and what the coldest temperature my have been beenmay have been.


twas 15 c in parts of Chiangmai this morning at 0500 am now up to 16c - 0747am - and guess what the SUN is coming out for the first time in 4 days!!! awesome!

I live in the San Sai area of Chiangmai and wandering around this morning I could not believe the number of dead birds in the parks and streets. I lost count of the number and they all seemed to be the same breed. I don't know much about birds so pls don't ask me what breed they are. I think they may have been caught unaware in the sudden cold snap and rain.


its funny that the country does it meteorological research on message boards instead of Google. this week (saturday) the moon will be the closest its been to Earth since 1983 (completing an 18 year cycle) and will cause extreme gravitational pull.

"Super full Moons occur whenever the Moon's perigee period — the time when it is closest to our home planet — coincides with the middle of its lunar cycle. It's a rare occasion that only occurs about once every 18 years."


"This proxigean cycle is when the moon has its strongest gravitational pull and so a maximum tidal effect on the earth. Some research suggests that seismic activity is more likely to occur around this time, but is still dependent on the nature of the dynamics in tectonic plates."


all heil the SuperMoon.

does 83+18 still add up to 101 ,,,or have l missed something since l last went to school,, if it does the super moon is running a bit late ,,, must be global warming/cooling , whatever ;)


1,800 rescue staff on call in Bkk in case of bad weather

BANGKOK (NNT) -- Bangkok is prepared for summer storms with human resources and equipments geared up in an event which will see thunderstorms and strong gale forces in the capital city until tomorrow.

According to Fire and Rescue Department Director Yuttasak Romchatthong, Bangkok Deputy Governor Dr Malinee Sukkhavejjaworakit was concerned over the well-being of Bangkok residents as the temperature dropped significantly in the city. Dr. Malinee also warned people against possible hail which has been forecast to occur across Thailand including Bangkok except for the South.

The Meteorological Department’s forecast stands until tomorrow. Residents living near huge road signs or billboards have been warned to take extra caution as winds might force them to fall over houses or passers-by. They are also advised to stay inside the building during the thunder storms.

Mr. Yuttasak has coordinated with related agency on providing a team of 1,800 rescue staff in 35 locations around Bangkok in case of emergency. Those who need help can call 199 or 1555 24 hours.


-- NNT 2011-03-18 footer_n.gif


Temp. here in Kranuan at our house was 15.8 at daybreak.

Al Gore? John Mc Cain? Their all crooks,

They haven't got a dam_n thing to do with the temp or weather in Thailand or anything else I hope.

The Politics & corporate greed of that country is why I retired here.

The only good republican is a jailed one.

Back to the topic,

I would like to see how far back records of weather stats have been kept

and what the coldest temperature my have been beenmay have been.

This link is for my Amphur in Phetchabun.

30 Year stats Wichien Buri


Temp. here in Kranuan at our house was 15.8 at daybreak.

Al Gore? John Mc Cain? Their all crooks,

They haven't got a dam_n thing to do with the temp or weather in Thailand or anything else I hope.

The Politics & corporate greed of that country is why I retired here.

The only good republican is a jailed one.

Back to the topic,

I would like to see how far back records of weather stats have been kept

and what the coldest temperature my have been beenmay have been.

Since when is Al Gore a Republican? And did you miss the fact that politics in Thailand is 10 times more corrupt and Thai corporations and businesses are 100 times greedier than their american counterparts. Do you know how much money the wealthy businesses and people give to charity in Thailand? Hardly anything. They pay ultra low wages, work their people six days a week, give few vacation days, no benefits...And don't even get me started on politics in Thailand.

If you retired in Thailand because those reasons, brother, you are in the WRONG place.

Or maybe here it is easier for you to bury your head in the sand since you don't understand what they are saying.


Global cooling!

Yes lets start a Billion Dollar Study on it.

Let's make a five $ billion research..................:jap:


My thick furry persian cats feel right at home...

Both my American Shorthair cats have been freezing their asses off! Seriously, they have buried themselves under the blankets the last two days.

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