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Pain In The Anal Region


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I'm male, straight, 40 years old and otherwise decent weight level. Since Monday (today is Friday night) have had a persistent, distinct pain just inside the anal hole. I noticed it most a) when riding my bicycle and the seat obviously pushes up, or b ) when I lay down in bed, on my back.

Have had minor hemorrhoids before but I always noticed that they can be 'overcome' just by shifting your weight around or sitting differently, etc, but this seems different. This is more persistent regardless of how I walk, carry myself, sit, etc. I went ahead and did a 'self exam' while in the shower on two occasions. The first time I felt certain there was nothing there, but the second time it felt like there could be, possibly, some extra tissue just on the inside, unless that's just the way the anus is naturally - I otherwise wouldn't know.

The pain persists even now and, again, unlike light hemorrhoids which usually subsides or varies depending on your toilet usage, this doesn't seem to be going away or changing with rest or variation in activity.

Other symptoms are that I suddenly think I 'need to go now' quite often, even though I actually don't need to - the slight pain just sends a message making me think it's time to use the bathroom.

I'll be in Bangkok likely next month or the month after that (am in a neighboring country now). As I work at a rather low salary, are there any recommendations, affordable, I could get a check up while there? Likewise, would not Thai doctors be quite put off by doing such an examination? I know a few years back when I got a skin exam for my shoulder (at bumrungrad), they wouldn't even get close to me and stood afar. Is a check up even possible?

Moreover, anyone else have experience with this, or knowledge, and ideas? My apologies about the 'sensitive' topic. Thanks.

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Definitely would suggest that you see a general surgeon to confirm the diagnosis; you would need an examination as well as a proctoscopy. This may just again be "internal" haemmorhoids but something more serious needs to be excluded.

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I have had the same kind of experience as reported by the OP with the Thai doc staying on the other side of the room during a so called diagnosis. But obviously there are at least specialists who will do the necessary probings.

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A specialist in colorectal problems will have no hesitation about examining.

As you are on a low salary, and likely will need endoscopy, I suggest you try Saint Louis Hospital, a non-profit where where costs are substantially lower than at Bumrungrad et al.

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The symptoms you describe 'kibal' sound very similar to those that I experienced just over 5 year's ago.

Don't want to be too alarmist but I was diagnosed with rectal cancer and ended up having radiation/ chemo and surgery. It's now over 5 years since that happened so I survived.

You most definitely need to get it checked out as soon as possible even if it's just to eliminate the need for concern.

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Yes, I created this account because the topic isn't, well an open one.

I'll gladly accept another form of hemorrhoids any day over something much less desirable. The only strange thing is that I haven't had to assert myself on the toilet at all for awhile - I was told there's usually a correlation with that.

Prodriver, I certainly hope not.

Thanks for the replies and the suggestion for the St Louis Hospital. All I'll need is a check up and a few words of "ok" or "not ok", nothing fancy. I was told before that some of the state hospitals can be just as good as the for-profits, in some cases.

To answer a few posts, yes when I went into the skin clinic (dermatology?) dept. at Bumrungrad in '09 the doctor sat a ways on the other side of his desk, leaning back in his chair with leg crossed over the other while checking his sms messages, and didn't last more than 3 minutes, all to tell me don't worry as it was "melasma" or something, for which he charged 900 baht.

Thanks for the replies.

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