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Laws Governing Standing Up During Anthem Playing In Cinemas


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I think this subject has changed azimuth.

Indeed, my initial post was about Law and its enforcement. No court would uphedl that not standing up is an insulting offence of lèse majesté.

By taking this thread where it is now we act exactly same most of Thais do: Talking and acting out of fear without knowing the real facts. There is nobody jailed because he did not stand up. I posted a link regarding a pending case and would appreciate more input of facts.

Absolute consense regarding any matter is never a good thing and reminds of totalitarian regimes (that Thailand could or could not be). The recent events in the Middle East show where all these systems end one day.

My point was about myself being OK for standing up, but forcing nobody to do so. Insulting Law breaking remarks towards a host country and its culture are however not acceptable by the people choosing, as it is their perfect right, to remain seated. Thailand is finally a tourist destination and one has to adjust to even his rudest customers.

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Conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth.

For some people it gives a sense of security when everyone does the same. For me it has the opposite reaction. Everything has to have reasoning, explanation, purpose or logic.

I think it has to do with your upbringing!

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My point was about myself being OK for standing up, but forcing nobody to do so. Insulting Law breaking remarks towards a host country and its culture are however not acceptable by the people choosing, as it is their perfect right, to remain seated. Thailand is finally a tourist destination and one has to adjust to even his rudest customers.

You've obviously only just arrived, maybe a couple weeks? Otherwise you wouldnt say something so ridiculous such as Thailand is a tourist destination that has to adjust to its rudest customers. They have never adjusted to anything, they have murdered people for stepping on money bearing the Kings face. There is no adjustment from them, just us.

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You've obviously only just arrived, maybe a couple weeks? Otherwise you wouldnt say something so ridiculous such as Thailand is a tourist destination that has to adjust to its rudest customers. They have never adjusted to anything, they have murdered people for stepping on money bearing the Kings face. There is no adjustment from them, just us.

Thais are same bamboo, they are bending but not breaking in the wind and if there is money involved they are adjusting very very well - I would even state that they are artists in adjusting - a strong selling point. Everybody in a global market has to adjust to his/her customers, there is no exception if you do want to do business.

Sources please for people being murdered regarding stepping on money. Facts, facts, facts. Not just rumours.

Did you ever see a Russian adjust?

P.S.: I might know Thailand as well or even better than you.

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Didn't it used to be that everyone stood up in the cinema for the national anthem in the UK? Things move a bit slower here.

I think it was epitomised in the 1971 film "Till Death Us Do Part" with Alf Garnett being the only person to stand up.

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Anyone notice that they don't play the Royal Anthem in the top end cinemas in Central Festival ?

I live in Buriram province and (re National Anthem) I have often been virtually the only person to stand still at 18.00 hrs in Makro ! That is OK with me - personal choice and personal awareness.

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Anyone notice that they don't play the Royal Anthem in the top end cinemas in Central Festival ?

I live in Buriram province and (re National Anthem) I have often been virtually the only person to stand still at 18.00 hrs in Makro ! That is OK with me - personal choice and personal awareness.

Are you sure - I have seen many films there and have always seen the kings anthem played (by top end I assume you mean the Porch and First Class Cinemas??)

As a matter of interest the only time I have seen ppl not stand for the anthem were a small group of young americans during Cobra Gold. They did eventually stand up when they realised everyone else was glaring at them.

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Anyone notice that they don't play the Royal Anthem in the top end cinemas in Central Festival ?

I live in Buriram province and (re National Anthem) I have often been virtually the only person to stand still at 18.00 hrs in Makro ! That is OK with me - personal choice and personal awareness.

The standing still thing is mostly a Bangkok thing. (And perhaps South, I wouldn't know). In the Real Thailand people tend to go about their business, save for the occasional Farang who wants to go native but missed the target by a couple feet.

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Anyone notice that they don't play the Royal Anthem in the top end cinemas in Central Festival ?

I live in Buriram province and (re National Anthem) I have often been virtually the only person to stand still at 18.00 hrs in Makro ! That is OK with me - personal choice and personal awareness.

Are you sure - I have seen many films there and have always seen the kings anthem played (by top end I assume you mean the Porch and First Class Cinemas??)

As a matter of interest the only time I have seen ppl not stand for the anthem were a small group of young americans during Cobra Gold. They did eventually stand up when they realised everyone else was glaring at them.

Jing Jing - the VIP screens did not play the Royal Anthem when I (and Mrs Cardholder) were there.

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Anyone notice that they don't play the Royal Anthem in the top end cinemas in Central Festival ?

I live in Buriram province and (re National Anthem) I have often been virtually the only person to stand still at 18.00 hrs in Makro ! That is OK with me - personal choice and personal awareness.

The standing still thing is mostly a Bangkok thing. (And perhaps South, I wouldn't know). In the Real Thailand people tend to go about their business, save for the occasional Farang who wants to go native but missed the target by a couple feet.

They probably stand still because they are weighed down with the mandatory wanabe amulets. :D

I've never heard the national anthem played anywhere other than the cinema and the TV/Radio.

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Anyone notice that they don't play the Royal Anthem in the top end cinemas in Central Festival ?

I live in Buriram province and (re National Anthem) I have often been virtually the only person to stand still at 18.00 hrs in Makro ! That is OK with me - personal choice and personal awareness.

The standing still thing is mostly a Bangkok thing. (And perhaps South, I wouldn't know). In the Real Thailand people tend to go about their business, save for the occasional Farang who wants to go native but missed the target by a couple feet.

They probably stand still because they are weighed down with the mandatory wanabe amulets. :D

I've never heard the national anthem played anywhere other than the cinema and the TV/Radio.

Definately played at Theppasit market in Jomtien at 6pm - the look of confusion on some of the faces there (mainly Russians I think) is worth seeing!

Edited by Orac
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When I first came I never stood at the first couple of movies I went to see, but I soon started to comply. I believe in individuality and find it hard to accept that an informed public would all think exactly the same way and do the same thing. I don't think it is at all healthy.

Thanks goodness someone else has the same opinion as me, refreshing to hear, the mob mentality in Thailand does not help anyone. Brainwashing no less as far as Im concerned.

There are airplanes leaving every hour. Lager lout.

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When I first came I never stood at the first couple of movies I went to see, but I soon started to comply. I believe in individuality and find it hard to accept that an informed public would all think exactly the same way and do the same thing. I don't think it is at all healthy.

Thanks goodness someone else has the same opinion as me, refreshing to hear, the mob mentality in Thailand does not help anyone. Brainwashing no less as far as Im concerned.

Agreed. And you only need to look at this topic to see that the bullying attempts and mob mentally extend to foreigners just fine! (And perhaps worse)

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Anyone notice that they don't play the Royal Anthem in the top end cinemas in Central Festival ?

I live in Buriram province and (re National Anthem) I have often been virtually the only person to stand still at 18.00 hrs in Makro ! That is OK with me - personal choice and personal awareness.

The standing still thing is mostly a Bangkok thing. (And perhaps South, I wouldn't know). In the Real Thailand people tend to go about their business, save for the occasional Farang who wants to go native but missed the target by a couple feet.

They probably stand still because they are weighed down with the mandatory wanabe amulets. :D

I've never heard the national anthem played anywhere other than the cinema and the TV/Radio.


Cinema they play the Royal Hymn though. But as for the national anthem, they play it at all government sites including public transport places such as railway- and bus stations. Even the BTS stations even though they're not government owned. It's all a lot more prevalent in Bangkok. In Chiang Mai you don't see it played too much, or if it is played then you don't see too many people stopping. (Although even here it seems on the increase. :( )

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When I first came I never stood at the first couple of movies I went to see, but I soon started to comply. I believe in individuality and find it hard to accept that an informed public would all think exactly the same way and do the same thing. I don't think it is at all healthy.

Thanks goodness someone else has the same opinion as me, refreshing to hear, the mob mentality in Thailand does not help anyone. Brainwashing no less as far as Im concerned.

Agreed. And you only need to look at this topic to see that the bullying attempts and mob mentally extend to foreigners just fine! (And perhaps worse)

All British i'm guessing ^^, English highly likely at that..

Which says more about the state of the UK when it comes to National Pride in my opinion than it does about anything else..

Sad really, Rule Britannia..

Edit : I'm not saying any of you are wrong here either, i just find it sad that it's my fellow Countrymen that are the one's that are effectively knocking something that is Nationalistic & something that i am personally very envious where Thailand is concerned & the US also before their Sporting Events etc, on something that England simply has ZERO interest in any more & if you have, you could probably be looking at Police action against you..

Edited by MSingh
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I can believe it, I'm the guy that will shout at you across the entire theatre to shut the fuc_k up if you are talking during the movie.

Good luck to you, have you ever kicked the back of someone's Chair though & in turn, their back, because they were not standing up for teh National Anthem ??

A simple yes or no will do ..:)

& is it ALWAYS Brits, Middle Easterners etc like you say & never say, Americans, for example who do all that talkign as in my experience it is Americans who can never really seem to do exactlly what you allege you shout accross the entire Theatre ??

Computer says NO !!

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There's a difference between intrinsic national pride and enforced national pride. If everyone has pride in their nation then obviously no need to strictly enforce it.

That is one of the big dilemmas of modern day society, with its advanced communication and mobility. What does it hold for the idea of nation/state.

Some countries try to enforce nationalism to keep the old package together but will it all fall apart at the seams after a while or will it have the desired effect.

Personally for me when it infringes on individual rights, there is an exponential decrease in anything intrinsic.

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I was thinking about posting something very similar to this myself. Last Saturday I was with my girlfriend in one of those large eating areas (this is in Bangkok) where you have the seating area and on the outside of this you have the various food venders. The National Anthem started up at 6.00pm, my g/f stood up followed by myself, some of the vendors stopped what they were doing. I was the only farang there, out of the 30 or 40 Thais that were seated 3 stood up, those that were interested gave me some funny looks.


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I always stand for the Thai national anthem, as a long term guest here I do it out of respect for the country I live in. It is always played in our village market twice a day, and I have never failed to get smiles and friendliness from the folks there, because I respect their institutions. As I understand things, it is actually against the law not to stand up, but even if the law was changed I would still stand up, it is only polite to do so when visiting another country, even if it is on a semi-permanent basis.

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Is this not how dictatorships work?

It is difficult to judge actual pride or affection for something when it is enforced.

Do any of our home countries enforce such laws? I've a feeling they don't, and if they did we would be complaining about it, but because it is a Thai thing we just have sooooo much love and respect for it.

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I. As I understand things, it is actually against the law not to stand up

"You understand things", but I would really love to have these Laws named and translated. I will end up consulting a Law firm as I am really curious if all these forced or not forced customs are based on Laws or just on fear.

The latter would not surprise me in a society of poor education and permanent brainwashing.

Should there however be such Laws (including their enforcement) the excellent post of cmsally which describes where enforced national pride may lead. Greetings from the Middle East, they are showing us the example.

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I don't see the hassle with this.

If you don't stand up then obviously you are either stupid, crippled or making a political protest.

What is the point?

You have virtually no rights here, so just stand up for a couple of minutes and save yourself all the hassle - If you want to play Citizen Smith, this is probably not the best country to try it!

Rightly or wrongly, show a bit of moderation, you don't have to believe in it, but neither would I want to spend 15 years in a Thai Jail.

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