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Thai Domestic ATM Fees To Be Reduced


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  • you all must be very poor, if you can't afford the <deleted>.......g 20 baht.
  • spending thousands for ladies and beer but complain about atm fees.
  • Cheep Charlies
  • i guess you all are this people who buy beer in 7/11 and go in walkingstreet, but don't spent a baht there.
  • do we need this in thailand?

Never paid for a lady.

Drink very little just on weekends.

Never been to walking Street

Never bought a beer in 7/Eleven

So can I now complain about 150 baht fees.

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Wonder if they'll reduce the 150 Baht foreign card usage fees also...unsure.gif

In your dreams! that 150 baht is a cash cow for the government to show their "appreciation" for foreigners traveling to Thailand! never mind that the banks in the travelers country also charge a fee for each transaction. (my bank one percent) look for that 150 baht to be around for years! It supports the "Thai" bank ATM's!
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Wonder if they'll reduce the 150 Baht foreign card usage fees also...unsure.gif

Just an FYI .... AEON Bank ATMs don't charge 150 Baht fee

You can check where they have ATMs here ... http://www.aeon.co.th/lang/en/menu/Service_Location/region/Bangkok#soutput

Still get the fee from my home bank but at least I don't feel like I am throwing away another $5

:blink: How did I go for the last few years without knowing that?! Thanks very much for the tip. Too bad there aren't many in the northern provinces, but good info still.

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I can stand in a queue in an airconditioned building and quite quickly be attended to by a smiling, reasonably polite, person who hands me my cash and updates my passbook at the same time all with little or no security risk for FREE


I can queue at an ATM with the sun blazing on my neck while some non-technically-minded moron in front of me fiddles with the ATM keyboard desparately trying to get it to play the lastest #1 pop hit while chatting on his/her mobile. When it becomes my turn I squint to see the dark filthy finger-printed screen on tippy toes or crouched down as the ATM has been placed at a height either for giants or dwarfs I find out that it has either no 100 baht notes, no 500 baht notes, or no notes at all. If I'm lucky and it does have money I'm taking a risk of having my pin number stolen and my account emptied by some unscrupulous Bulgarians. And for all of this I pay a FEE.

ATMs should be FREE OF CHARGE.

Edited by KKK
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They are not LOSING 100 mill bht, only losing what they got for free in the first place.

You pay for opening an account, virtually get no interest, pay for an atm card, pay to close an account, pay yearly fees for having your account.

What do you get in return--NOWT. All they get is what I mentioned, plus OUR MONEY they keep and use to lend others at a rate of borrowing 10% + They have a nerve.

How long have they been charging at a.t.m.? they should have quite a bit of revenue from it. Now they say they are going to lose money.. A JOKE April 1st early

Where you come from ? you sure in your country the banks are free of charge ? in Italy and in all other countries from my experience banks are a pain. So before speak like many other how shit is this or that in Thailand check your home country and much more if you don't like what they do here why you are here ? why you not go back home and make this place free of people like you ? Too many users here only like to speak bad about Thailand but still always here, live here and spend money here so why speak ? Shut up is better or if you are a man go back home and live in your country.

This comment is for everyone who usually speak bad about this and that but still live here. Is really annoying to read every time always the same shit from people who live here but usually speak bad about this place. There isn't a perfect country where to live so if you are here respect where you are and their rules or go back home.

Batblaster I agree with your comments and understand your anger however many of the comments on this website speak the truth, we as expats can change nothing only Thais can change things but it seems to me the majority of Thais just dont care and are happy to go along being ripped off on a daily basis by the banks and the cops.

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I can stand in a queue in an airconditioned building and quite quickly be attended to by a smiling, reasonably polite, person who hands me my cash and updates my passbook at the same time all with little or no security risk for FREE


I can queue at an ATM with the sun blazing on my neck while some non-technically-minded moron in front of me fiddles with the ATM keyboard desparately trying to get it to play the lastest #1 pop hit while chatting on his/her mobile. When it becomes my turn I squint to see the dark filthy finger-printed screen on tippy toes or crouched down as the ATM has been placed at a height either for giants or dwarfs I find out that it has either no 100 baht notes, no 500 baht notes, or no notes at all. If I'm lucky and it does have money I'm taking a risk of having my pin number stolen and my account emptied by some unscrupulous Bulgarians. And for all of this I pay a FEE.

ATMs should be FREE OF CHARGE.

God man your having a rough time of it here.

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  • you all must be very poor, if you can't afford the <deleted>.......g 20 baht.
  • spending thousands for ladies and beer but complain about atm fees.
  • Cheep Charlies
  • i guess you all are this people who buy beer in 7/11 and go in walkingstreet, but don't spent a baht there.
  • do we need this in thailand?

Who is 'you'? where referring to 'you' being poor.

Who is spending thousands on ladies?

What's wrong with buying beer in 7/11?

who is 'we'?

What's with the last bullet point?

I can easily afford to pay 20, 5 or whatever Baht it is to withdraw. This is not the point. I'd rather be a cheap Charlie than a stupid and submissive Charlie.

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  • you all must be very poor, if you can't afford the <deleted>.......g 20 baht.
  • spending thousands for ladies and beer but complain about atm fees.
  • Cheep Charlies
  • i guess you all are this people who buy beer in 7/11 and go in walkingstreet, but don't spent a baht there.
  • do we need this in thailand?

Never paid for a lady.

Drink very little just on weekends.

Never been to walking Street

Never bought a beer in 7/Eleven

So can I now complain about 150 baht fees.

Because there are many Guys like you here. That's why Thai is bein' like Way.. ... unscrupulously Thai Banks makin' money out of their Clients.... Don't you get it...

It's not the question of affordability though. re-consider what you are thinkin' again please.......

Edited by dunkin2012
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  • you all must be very poor, if you can't afford the <deleted>.......g 20 baht.
  • spending thousands for ladies and beer but complain about atm fees.
  • Cheep Charlies
  • i guess you all are this people who buy beer in 7/11 and go in walkingstreet, but don't spent a baht there.
  • do we need this in thailand?

Never paid for a lady.

Drink very little just on weekends.

Never been to walking Street

Never bought a beer in 7/Eleven

So can I now complain about 150 baht fees.

Because there are many Guys like you here. That's why Thai is bein' like Way.. ... unscrupulously Thai Banks makin' money out of their Clients.... Don't you get it...

It's not the question of affordability though. re-consider what you are thinkin' again please.......

Many guys like me?? So thais are what they are because I don't crawl the streets thowing money at prostitutes and get shit faced on alcohol every night and throw up in the gutters before I bed my next dirty bar girl. I am sorry that myself and my kind have caused so many problems for living a normal family life. Extreemly sorry. I guess I am not the right farang profile for Thailand

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  • you all must be very poor, if you can't afford the <deleted>.......g 20 baht.
  • spending thousands for ladies and beer but complain about atm fees.
  • Cheep Charlies
  • i guess you all are this people who buy beer in 7/11 and go in walkingstreet, but don't spent a baht there.
  • do we need this in thailand?

Never paid for a lady.

Drink very little just on weekends.

Never been to walking Street

Never bought a beer in 7/Eleven

So can I now complain about 150 baht fees.

Because there are many Guys like you here. That's why Thai is bein' like Way.. ... unscrupulously Thai Banks makin' money out of their Clients.... Don't you get it...

It's not the question of affordability though. re-consider what you are thinkin' again please.......

Many guys like me?? So Thais are what they are because I don't crawl the streets throwing money at prostitutes and get shit faced on alcohol every night and throw up in the gutters before I bed my next dirty bar girl. I am sorry that myself and my kind have caused so many problems for living a normal family life. Extremely sorry. I guess I am not the right farang profile for Thailand


Unfortunately there are many posters '' here '' for what you described and look at their outlay for a leg over and beer as very cheap and don't mind the other expenses being topped up. Sort of blinkered eh. :unsure:

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I had my first experience with the new fee structure today. Made an out of area withdrawal at a Kasikorn ATM and paid B15 for 10,000 baht. Before it would have cost me B10. Next time I'll withdraw 20,000 and if I pay the same B15 fee, then it would actually save me 5 baht :D

(Under the old structure 20k resulted in a B20 fee)

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I just paid my Thai taxes online today and got a 15 Baht charge. Thought maybe it was a "special" price for paying taxes before I saw this.

BTW - my tax liability was 9.00 Baht, so my bank charge was about 60% more than my amount due. :D

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  • you all must be very poor, if you can't afford the <deleted>.......g 20 baht.
  • spending thousands for ladies and beer but complain about atm fees.
  • Cheep Charlies
  • i guess you all are this people who buy beer in 7/11 and go in walkingstreet, but don't spent a baht there.
  • do we need this in thailand?

Never paid for a lady.

Drink very little just on weekends.

Never been to walking Street

Never bought a beer in 7/Eleven

So can I now complain about 150 baht fees.

Because there are many Guys like you here. That's why Thai is bein' like Way.. ... unscrupulously Thai Banks makin' money out of their Clients.... Don't you get it...

It's not the question of affordability though. re-consider what you are thinkin' again please.......

Many guys like me?? So Thais are what they are because I don't crawl the streets throwing money at prostitutes and get shit faced on alcohol every night and throw up in the gutters before I bed my next dirty bar girl. I am sorry that myself and my kind have caused so many problems for living a normal family life. Extremely sorry. I guess I am not the right farang profile for Thailand


Unfortunately there are many posters '' here '' for what you described and look at their outlay for a leg over and beer as very cheap and don't mind the other expenses being topped up. Sort of blinkered eh. :unsure:

transam + softgeorge , All apologies.I don't mean you,Softgeorge.. I mean Jessicar. And I really don't agree with what he posted. I'm really sick of Thai banks. Whenever they see a loophole, they don't miss the chance to grab some money from us. If you read carefully ,you will understand that i have nothing to against you with what you replied Jessicar. Rather, I feel you have your own unique lifestyle though. Haha.....:jap: :guitar:

Edited by dunkin2012
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This looks like a fee increase to me. I have never been charged a same bank ATM fee for cash withdrawls, if within the same province. Now a fee will be charged after you've used the ATM four times in one month?

edit: nevermind, I think I read it wrong. Looks like same bank, same province withdrawls are still free?

Customers will be given free service for cross-bank, same-city cash withdrawals and balance enquiries for the first four times of each month.

Yes, it appears to mean you can use another bank's ATM in the same city for four free withdrawals per month. Presumably if you use your own bank it would remain "free."

What do you bet that translates to 4 free withdrawals from any bank, same province, but the 5th and those after, FROM ANY BANK including the home bank will be charged.?:wacko:

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Yes, I suspect the banks WILL indeed find other sources of income to make up. Like increasing the ATM charges for foreigners from 150 baht to what ? After all there are at least 12 million tourists a year in Thailand. If we assume even 10% of those tourists rely on ATM withdrawals, and if we further assume just ONE withdrawal per tourist, it translates to at least 1.2 million ATM withdrawals by foreign tourists a year -- yielding a fee income of 180 million baht a year at current levels. Now jack that up to 300 baht and PRESTO !! an additional 180 million baht income to make up for that so-called 100 million baht loss.

I have an idea! Lets start a grassroots action to spread world wide, to all 12 million tourists each year, to bring only travelers checks. Use no atm cards. We can tie up all the bank employees' time counting checks and Thai baht. :welcomeani: to the Hub of travelers checks.

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I can stand in a queue in an airconditioned building and quite quickly be attended to by a smiling, reasonably polite, person who hands me my cash and updates my passbook at the same time all with little or no security risk for FREE


I can queue at an ATM with the sun blazing on my neck while some non-technically-minded moron in front of me fiddles with the ATM keyboard desparately trying to get it to play the lastest #1 pop hit while chatting on his/her mobile. When it becomes my turn I squint to see the dark filthy finger-printed screen on tippy toes or crouched down as the ATM has been placed at a height either for giants or dwarfs I find out that it has either no 100 baht notes, no 500 baht notes, or no notes at all. If I'm lucky and it does have money I'm taking a risk of having my pin number stolen and my account emptied by some unscrupulous Bulgarians. And for all of this I pay a FEE.

ATMs should be FREE OF CHARGE.

What bank are you with?!?!? At Kasikorn, the long legged young skinnier than a lite pole, ladies take your queve slip, give the 4 fingered hand point to the front door and ask us to use the atm outside. This is a fact.

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I'm actually surprised there are not more ATM fees in Thailand given the low cost of hiring live people. I always figured this is why there are so few vending machines here ... it is actually cheaper to buy a person than a machine. blink.gif

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I can stand in a queue in an airconditioned building and quite quickly be attended to by a smiling, reasonably polite, person who hands me my cash and updates my passbook at the same time all with little or no security risk for FREE


I can queue at an ATM with the sun blazing on my neck while some non-technically-minded moron in front of me fiddles with the ATM keyboard desparately trying to get it to play the lastest #1 pop hit while chatting on his/her mobile. When it becomes my turn I squint to see the dark filthy finger-printed screen on tippy toes or crouched down as the ATM has been placed at a height either for giants or dwarfs I find out that it has either no 100 baht notes, no 500 baht notes, or no notes at all. If I'm lucky and it does have money I'm taking a risk of having my pin number stolen and my account emptied by some unscrupulous Bulgarians. And for all of this I pay a FEE.

ATMs should be FREE OF CHARGE.

God man your having a rough time of it here.

And I would think he is not Bulgarian either!

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I read it the same way but still it´s a little confuseing so let´s hope like you say we are reading it wrong. ;-)

This looks like a fee increase to me. I have never been charged a same bank ATM fee for cash withdrawls, if within the same province. Now a fee will be charged after you've used the ATM four times in one month?

edit: nevermind, I think I read it wrong. Looks like same bank, same province withdrawls are still free?

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I can stand in a queue in an airconditioned building and quite quickly be attended to by a smiling, reasonably polite, person who hands me my cash and updates my passbook at the same time all with little or no security risk for FREE


I can queue at an ATM with the sun blazing on my neck while some non-technically-minded moron in front of me fiddles with the ATM keyboard desparately trying to get it to play the lastest #1 pop hit while chatting on his/her mobile. When it becomes my turn I squint to see the dark filthy finger-printed screen on tippy toes or crouched down as the ATM has been placed at a height either for giants or dwarfs I find out that it has either no 100 baht notes, no 500 baht notes, or no notes at all. If I'm lucky and it does have money I'm taking a risk of having my pin number stolen and my account emptied by some unscrupulous Bulgarians. And for all of this I pay a FEE.

ATMs should be FREE OF CHARGE.

What bank are you with?!?!? At Kasikorn, the long legged young skinnier than a lite pole, ladies take your queve slip, give the 4 fingered hand point to the front door and ask us to use the atm outside. This is a fact.

Can relate to that experience. Kasikorn did the same thing when I was visiting Bangkok last month, despite me having a passport, bank card and backup ID.

I was told to use the ATM outside or go to the Bangkok Bank branch down the road. That was also closed so I then went to SCB where they grudgingly agreed to do a 20k cash withdrawal in the branch. But the sullen expressions said everything.

I wouldn't be surprised if an advisory is sent out by Head Office telling staff to stop doing withdrawals in the branch. Why bother when you can get 150 baht a pop?

Edited by MarkyM3
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Wonder if they'll reduce the 150 Baht foreign card usage fees also...unsure.gif

I noticed the other day that Siam Commercial don't charge me anything to withdraw from my Hong Kong based Hang Seng bank account.

I've tried 2 Siam Commercial ATMs and both times there was no fee.

I bank here with Kasikorn and out of habit always used their ATMs, even when using my HK ATM card and always got charged the 150 baht, so was pleasantly surprised that Siam Commercial don't charge.

SCB is notorious for Heavy charges for many things and Poor exchange rate. I ain't believe yah...

Exchange rates with Kasikorn are reported to be even worse. Besides, SCB never charged my card 150 THB fee, but that is perhaps because I use China UnionPay card for withdrawal and not Visa/MC.

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What bank are you with?!?!? At Kasikorn, the long legged young skinnier than a lite pole, ladies take your queve slip, give the 4 fingered hand point to the front door and ask us to use the atm outside. This is a fact.

With SCB and Bangkok Bank there is no such a problem. I assume Krung Thai as well.

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Like it or not, banks are a necessary evil. No banks no credit, how would we access our funds from another county, how would we be paid. There would be no credit cards no atms. Banks have a huge advatage over us, but without them we would be screwed. Life is a bitch sometimes, but thats life.

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Like it or not, banks are a necessary evil. No banks no credit, how would we access our funds from another county, how would we be paid. There would be no credit cards no atms. Banks have a huge advatage over us, but without them we would be screwed. Life is a bitch sometimes, but thats life.

But they are indeed greedy....

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I agree, when I moved here 10 years ago, it cost me $1.50 to with draw $500 or 20,000 baht. Now I still pay the $1.50 to my US bank, but then I pay the 150 baht fee ($5.00) and a 1% foreign transaction fee ($5.00) to the Thai banks, when I with draw 15,000 baht or $500. Pisses me off but not much I can do. I now pay $11.50 for banks fees that 10 years ago only cost me $1.50 to with draw the same amount. As they say TIT.

When you retire you think inflation will eat away at your retirement, never figured it would be currency devaluation. Miss those good old days when I was getting 40 to 45 baht for a buck. Now, get less money and pay more in fees, retirement is great.

Edited by bkkharry
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