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New Facility On Tmb Atm

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While useing my irish atm card at the TMB ATM it asked me wheather i

wanted to withdraw useing my own curency or not.

It took me by surprise and i didn't havetime to figure it out.

I supose this is just a facility where they show you how much money you are taking out

in your own currency.


does it affect the exchange rate,does it mean that they order it in euros and give you their exchange rate.

because how would they know what exchange rate my Irish bank would give me.

I hope you understand the question and would I be grateful for any explaination.


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Yea, sounds like DCC. Don't accept/use DCC as the exchange rate will probably be around 2 to 4% lower, or at least that what I've seen when DCC was attempted when using my credit card...I had the store void/cancel the transaction before I signed the receipt and redo the charge in baht/local currency. You may wonder why a bank/card/store would even offer DCC if it costs the customer more; well, it makes more profit for the bank/card/store (they pocket that 2 to 4% lower rate they gave you) and the only thing the customer got out of a DCC transaction was maybe a warm fuzzy of thinking being charged in his home country currency is a good thing--but it's NOT a good thing for the customer....it's only a good thing for the bank/card/store. Summary: DON'T accept/do transactions using DCC!

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