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Thailand Rejects Foreign Election Monitors


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Can't be democratically elected if someone is there making sure it is legal and above board. They pay good money for votes

International monitors - they do not all have to be the Caucasian farangs Suthep hates so much - is a good idea to keep the Red Shirts from saying the election was rigged by the Democrat Party. Of course millions of dollars will not be passed out to the rural poor and the city slickers in Bangkok, so that will surely hurt to not spread the wealth a little. I think Suthep hates Whites and I believe that 90% of Thai men agree with him and would like for all farangs to get the Hell out of Thailand. Come for two weeks, spend your money (Thai men will cheat you out of much of it - always smiling and acting like your friend)and get the Hell out! I am a permanent resident of Phuket and I can tell you that the vast majority of Thai men hate Whites/Caucasians. Each year the Immigration laws make it more difficult for a Caucasian farang to stay in this country. Hint? Even this so-called pro-Western PM has done nothing but make it more difficult in all ways for a farang to live here. I had high hopes when he first took office but he has done absolutely nothing. And, that is a mistake. Throw some crumbs to the poor/rural Red Shirts and they will back off a bit. Thaksin promised them the world and they are willing to this day to fight and die for him as they did in Bangkok. They will return soon. Thai politicians are so stupid. Suthep is not the only great Thai savior and diplomat. He just said what he and nearly all Thais believe.

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Well that's nothing new... How many times have I heard Thailand is for Thai, not farang... Maybe we ARE disrespected by the government here, just like most of the Thai people!

It's not difficult to understand this sentiment (Jimis, not Sutheps) considering the significant economic advantage most f'langs have over Thais.

However, Thailand is the proverbial land of milk and honey - if it weren't for corrupt pollies & cops & & & ........... Thais would probably at much less of an economic disadvantage compared to f'langs.

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I disagree in your comparison. It is not uncommon for Minority politicians in the west (at least in the US) to make comments that attack those with more power than them as well as accusing them of bad intentions against their people. In other words it is much more okay to slam other groups, societies or people that are stronger when it is done by those with less power.

As for Farang being a derogatory term, it is not. Although it generally used to describe white westerners it also can simply mean foreigners. Thailand is a different culture and they have no issue with calling a race or group what they are. Asian is by no means a derogatory term but it would be considered derogatory in the West for a waiter to tell the busboy to get those Asians a drink. In Thailand this it is perfectly acceptable.

While I have no doubt he made a mistake in the words he chose (if translated properly) I am very confident his words were not meant to be racist in any way shape or form. But bottom line is this is not the West and it is their country run on the way they choose good or bad and it is not our place to tell them how to do things or that they should obey political correctness that may exist in the west and we should be offended when they don't adhere to our views. They may fail but it will be their failure and they certainly have the right to pick and choose how they will use the west to further their goals. The bottom line we are guests in THEIR country and WE need to adapt to them ... not the other way around.

The word farang can and is used in a derogatory and demeaning manner and it is not correct for a politician to be referring to a group of people in that manner however I am quite sure his meaning was properly conveyed and the lack of respect intentionally meant. Suthep is an arrogant and thoroughly despicable individual from what I know of him. The point was that he intentionally, whether racist or not, sets out to disrespect foreigners and in particular Westerners to curry favour when he simply could have said international observers were not wanted tells you everything you need to know.

Thai politics since the late 90's has been built on racist, nationalist and xenophobic policy to appeal to the masses. Thaksin was the master.

Your argument that racism is ok because the Thais are ok with insulting other races is of course flawed but as usual you stretch to apologise and defend everything they do with the old we are guests chestnut and if you don't like it go home, the Thais can do what they want it's their country nonsense tacked on for good measure.

Spot on - we finally agree on something ;)

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Suthep: "I don't respect 'farangs'. We do not have to surrender to them"

seems to be an honest man who speaks out what he thinks and in my [not so] humble view he has the right to do so. monitoring of elections, no matter by whom it's done, would be humiliating Thailand.

eat your hearts out Thai haters! B)

Spoken like a representative from an emotionally very unsecure nation.

The humiliation would come with the report from the observers.

Hate is too strong a word, actually, I despise the Thai upper classes in general and the so called politicians. That is based on their behaviour, attitudes and lack of national progress since 1932.

I pity those who believe that a deputy PM making this statement is improving his standing.

Thailand is a third world country that deserves so much better.

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What's the point in monitoring the election it's decide in the Moo Baans prior to going to the polling station by the Pu Yai Baan, after he has received the highest gift, incentive or bribe, depending in your point of view.

Yeah. What exactly are non Thai speaking monitors going to do? Go to every moo baan and listen to the pu yai baan's morning announcements every day to ensure there is no corruption or voter intimidation going on? What a joke, they would be beyond useless, only there to justify the results after the corruption and intimidation has occurred as they would be incapable of catching any of it

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From various discussions with pretty well educated Thais about condominium investment and purchasing many said they were happy for other Thais (rich) to take advantage of them and accepted it as the way Thailand is, but were indignant about foreigners doing it as wrong and immoral. :blink:

You can only laugh...

or complain on internet forums. :D

Not really. Comments like yours are considered "Thai Bashing..."

Khun Suthep just publicly stated what most Thais already think. And why not, tourists continue to poor in so keep the insults and scams comming. You couldn't make this stuff up :D

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Suthep's comments might seem a bit harsh and inappropriate (they are!), but if you ask any Thai - who isn't an ardent red shirt - how they feel about foreign election monitors, you'll probably get a similar response!

From various discussions with pretty well educated Thais about condominium investment and purchasing many said they were happy for other Thais (rich) to take advantage of them and accepted it as the way Thailand is, but were indignant about foreigners doing it as wrong and immoral. :blink:

You can only laugh...

or complain on internet forums. :D

Geez my Thai wife owns three properties in Melbourne Australia and that includes the land.

That is interesting, how did she manage to fund 3 properties in another country ? As you were the one to bring this fact into this discussion I am sure you won't be offended and be happy to explain.

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In that specific case the request for foreigners monitoring is not a necessity if only it would have been to please one red side.

Each country has a population superior to all the others.

In UK we fly the flag

In Frane we are the centre of the World culture.

In Japan we are Japanese.

In China we are chinese etc.....etc....

The Greeks, Romans, etc...were and disappeared in the Antiquity.

Thai are taught to be proud, to smile rightly to be A Thai but being part of The world better they accept they are not UNIQUE and lose some of their arrogance.

One World One People is not for tomorrow but coming and English still the passport to the World ( even Singapore surrendered to the English language 60 years ago to florish since )

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Reading some of my young Thai niece's schoolbooks it's no wonder they end up which such a twisted xenophobic view of reality. Taught (indoctrinated) from a very young age how special the Thai people are compared to everyone else. :(

Such a pity that such a beautiful country has such a high % of simpleminded fools populating it.

Maybe some farangs are the fools.

The Thai people are special compared to everybody else. If you disagree then go live in Nigeria or Cambodia or Vietnam or Burma or

saudi arabia and then tell me the Thai people are not special. They are dam_n special compared to everybody else and thats why we like it here!

His remarks however are due to the fact that HE is an idiot not because of Thai pride. His boss Abhisit already said foreign observers are welcome so this guy is just an idiot.

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Poor decision.

Typically Thai though.

Khun Suthep probably let his emotions carry him away -speaking before thinking- but then on the other hand it plays to the home crowd. He insinuates that the Reds need the help/support of the western world but that his government does not.

Farangs may not care for his tone but then we can't vote here either :jap:

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While hurtful to hear such a thing from a high ranking politician, I appreciate the honesty. I and my money do not need to be here.

I'm sure there are plenty of meth traffickers, money launderers, and mafiosos from non-western countries willing to take my place.

By the way, how many of you western guys here have been reluctant to mention that you live in or frequently visit Thailand? Is that because westerners don't respect Thailand and its notoriety as a haven for shamefulness?

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This kind of attitude is typical from a Banana republic minister frustrated to be so small on the international scene, what the west have to care about, it doesn't make any difference if Thailand do or say something.

It's really laughable when this moron talk about sending military support in Libya, ah yes send what!!?? No ground operation, so what!!?? their decommissioned rusty aircraft carrier maybe haha. Even troupes on the ground would be crushed easily by Qaddafi's army.

So small you are Thailand and you play arrogance!!

Woop pak dee kua Khun Suthep.

They were talking about sending military to Libya? Please tell me thats a joke, as a former Marine i would feel pretty confident invading Thailand with just a company of Marines.

I'm a 20 year retired Jarhead, with 16 of that in Recon/Force Recon. Give me 2 teams and I'd have control of the country in about a week, and that's if we were feeling a bit lazy. lol

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This from the arrogant little old man that has been the subject of two corruption scandals. Small in stature and small in brain.

Mr Abhiset why don't you sack this dislikable little creature before he growls again and frightens away your fellow British farang countrymen.

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The run up to the election is what they should be concerned with first. Then monitor the voting place. Let the people police themselves . The Thai voter as do other countries voters deserve what they legally vote into office. When, not if, unlawful acts are alleged/proven, disqualify every candidate of that party in the Province. Then press charges against those involved.

Sorry let me rephrase that.

Do not allow foreign independent witnesses in the first place.

1) Monitor the whole process yourself so that you can see if any voting deviates from that with which you wish.

2) Whatever the end result people deserve it (unless it doesnt happen to be the end result that we want in which case we will change it.)

3) If individual results are not to our liking we will disqualify the candidate and anyone who is connected to him from the election.

4) We will then charge them (maybe) and lock them up.

5) P.S. if you think you are going to vote in Thaksin again, you must be joking.... you have tried that at least twice and we have made it clear that it is unacceptable. So please stop.

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Why not suggest to good old David Cammeron that we invite Thai Observers to our elections? Or for the non UK readers please ask your governments to invite the Thia Election Committee to observe your elections?..... Just an idea....Then we can all spend out time looking over each others shoulders.

Yes, why not? In particular if the request came from the opposition in my country. I do not think that many Europeans would feel insulted if there were international observers present during their elections.

I for one would not mind. Either they would not find much, or if they did it would be good to get it highlighted. But I would prefer an international professional institution to do it. The Thai EC do not have a very impressive track record.

If the opposition, alleged to be the masters of vote buying, asks for observers, while the government, allegedly white as driven snow refuses, what could be the reason?

some alternatives:

Scenario 1 - With reputable (ie foreign) observers:

1. Red shirts wins in a fair election

2. Red shirts win with votebuying

3. Democrats win in a fair election

4. Democrats win with votebuying.

Scenario 2 - Without observers:

1. Red shirts win with votebuying (as proved in the court of law)

2. Democrats win in a fair election (as proved in the court of law)

If you were a democrat - would you allow observers?

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Yes Indeed...This guy can rightfully claim his place ...right there next to the best of other Political Numbnuts...Obama Bush Blair Cameron Brown Gadaffi.....

Funny how they do not find the huge amount of Farrang investment and Tourism input...Inappropriate.

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I disagree in your comparison. It is not uncommon for Minority politicians in the west (at least in the US) to make comments that attack those with more power than them as well as accusing them of bad intentions against their people. In other words it is much more okay to slam other groups, societies or people that are stronger when it is done by those with less power.

As for Farang being a derogatory term, it is not. Although it generally used to describe white westerners it also can simply mean foreigners. Thailand is a different culture and they have no issue with calling a race or group what they are. Asian is by no means a derogatory term but it would be considered derogatory in the West for a waiter to tell the busboy to get those Asians a drink. In Thailand this it is perfectly acceptable.

While I have no doubt he made a mistake in the words he chose (if translated properly) I am very confident his words were not meant to be racist in any way shape or form. But bottom line is this is not the West and it is their country run on the way they choose good or bad and it is not our place to tell them how to do things or that they should obey political correctness that may exist in the west and we should be offended when they don't adhere to our views. They may fail but it will be their failure and they certainly have the right to pick and choose how they will use the west to further their goals. The bottom line we are guests in THEIR country and WE need to adapt to them ... not the other way around.

The word farang can and is used in a derogatory and demeaning manner and it is not correct for a politician to be referring to a group of people in that manner however I am quite sure his meaning was properly conveyed and the lack of respect intentionally meant. Suthep is an arrogant and thoroughly despicable individual from what I know of him. The point was that he intentionally, whether racist or not, sets out to disrespect foreigners and in particular Westerners to curry favour when he simply could have said international observers were not wanted tells you everything you need to know.

Thai politics since the late 90's has been built on racist, nationalist and xenophobic policy to appeal to the masses. Thaksin was the master.

Your argument that racism is ok because the Thais are ok with insulting other races is of course flawed but as usual you stretch to apologise and defend everything they do with the old we are guests chestnut and if you don't like it go home, the Thais can do what they want it's their country nonsense tacked on for good measure.

Spot on - we finally agree on something ;)

I also agree. There is no reason to apologise for the rudeness and arrogance of Thai men or their corruption. Us hated farangs spend a lot of money in this country. The Thais like our money but not us. We have a right to speak up and though we are 'guests" we pay plenty - check the cost of a Retirment Visa - to stay here. To a Thai a promise is something they already did. Thai policies are racist, nationalist, and xenophobic. How can any sane person deny that. I live here permanently & I will not be driven out.

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It's about context and the individual. If you don't like the word then that is your own issue, if you don't mind it then that is also your decision. For me I understand that some people don't know how to describe us so it's fair, if it's shouted from the back of a passing pick up or used by someone I already know then it's derogatory.

Whoever says it's the word for foreigners or westeners then actually no it isn't, it is a word to describe foreigners but certainly not the one that should be used by a politician. unless he's trying to stir up the coals of course.

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Amazing. I guess it would take specific names being called out on national television one by one for the apologists to finally understand that Thais HATE falangs and dont want you here period. "Yes YOU David Jones, we dont respect and HATE you!" "AND YOU Peter Smith, we also hate and have no respect for YOU! Leave all your money and belongings with the nearest Thai and get the fuc_k out!"

Couldnt be any clearer than it already is with the deputy pm saying it across the nation for all Thais to nod and agree with.

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I'm a 20 year retired Jarhead, with 16 of that in Recon/Force Recon. Give me 2 teams and I'd have control of the country in about a week, and that's if we were feeling a bit lazy. lol

I'm pretty sure you'd be able to round up at LEAST 2 teams of Force Recon at Soi Cowboy tonight

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I think he is right: Farang cannot be trusted!!!

Farang can NOT be trusted to ensure the Thai way of vote buying goes on!

Farang can NOT be trusted to take bribes at polling booths.

Farang can NOT be trusted to keep quiet about certain things.

Farang can NOT be trusted to abstain from reporting things in the media.

He makes a very good and accurate statement which is 100% spot on!!

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It says something about the man who said the words !

Who the hell care about a crook like him ??

He is just like the majority of the people in the parlement, all corrupt, red, yellow etc. color not help in that direction !

This is a cartoon and it will go on !

One day Thailand do not have so good export etc. ot will be bankrupt in 6 months !

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I think he is right: Farang cannot be trusted!!!

Farang can NOT be trusted to ensure the Thai way of vote buying goes on!

Farang can NOT be trusted to take bribes at polling booths.

Farang can NOT be trusted to keep quiet about certain things.

Farang can NOT be trusted to abstain from reporting things in the media.

He makes a very good and accurate statement which is 100% spot on!!

Now this I can agree on. Kind of sounds like a lady that became president of the Philippines. TIT

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Interesting, this concept of "respect".

How an individual judges whether to respect someone or not will depend almost entirely on his cultural definition of the term. In the case of a Thai man of his age, respect is not the same animal as it is to an English or American or *whatever* person.

Given what it is that a Thai person of his age considers the "right qualities" to engender a feeling of respect then I think we can, given our own cultural bias (most of us anyway), all be quite complimented by his comment.

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