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Thailand Rejects Foreign Election Monitors

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Suthep's comments might seem a bit harsh and inappropriate (they are!), but if you ask any Thai - who isn't an ardent red shirt - how they feel about foreign election monitors, you'll probably get a similar response!

I read it as, he said that he didn't respect westerners. Period. Suppose it could be the interpretation?


Just a ridiculous statement, spoken by a fabulously ignorant man. Do you think Abhisit would ever utter such nonsense? Who is he appealing to anyway? What a goon. I suspect the central government has alot of goons. I am certain he is not the only clown.

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When I see statements like this, especially from someone who should know better, I merely shake my head and laugh. To me it really doesn't matter if his statement is just something personal, or whether it resonates throughout the Thai mentality.

I live here because I choose to. I have a better life here than I could back in the U.S., and for the most part I truly like the Thai people and get along well with them, with only 1 exception coming to mind. I have a wonderful wife whose entire family has whole-heartedly accepted me, love me, and most importantly, respect me. No one thinks of me as any type of "walking ATM", and only once has a family member asked to borrow money, and that was when she was in Ubon and needed to get back to Chiang Mai as fast as possible because her father was deathly ill. Two months later she repaid the money, even though I made it clear to her at the time that she didn't need to.

Yes, there are attitudes and beliefs in Thailand that could, and sometimes do, boggle the mind if you let them, but for the most part I simply shrug them off and go about my life, enjoying myself and what I have.

I am far from blind to the many problems of Thailand, from the attitude of superiority over others, to the corruption that has filled every nook and cranny of Thai society, to the lack of acceptance of blame for anything that goes wrong, and the soul quaking fear that they might have to actually apologize for anything, thereby losing face. I am also well aware of the fact that their educational system is a total joke and would be one of the first things I would change – IF I had the power and authority to do so.

But I also know that nothing I (or any other non-Thai) say or do is going to make one iota of difference in this country. What would it take to make the Thai wake up to the "real world" and change their attitudes? Major, foreign owned companies pulling out, for starters, followed by ALL foreigners packing up and taking their money with them. Follow that with a boycott on Thai exports, and all travel agencies putting Thailand on a "Do not visit" list. Only then, when their economy totally and completely crashes, and there are Egyptian, Tunisian and Libyan type "revolutions" will this country wake up and smell the coffee.

Unfortunately, none of the above will ever happen, which means that Thailand will continue to be Thailand. Well, the revolutions against the corrupt government could happen, but with the 'mai pen rai' attitude so deeply embedded in the general population, I don't see it as a reality.

So, I live my life each day as best as I can, doing the things I want and like to do, well aware of what my "limitations" are as a "guest" of this country, and simply laugh at the xenophobic racism, and outright stupidity that I see exhibited so much of the time by the so-called leaders of this country.

Very, very well spoken. The words of a truly wise man. Thank you for your perspective.


The reason that nobody respects the criminal Suthep is that he is no only crooked (Land distribution program over which Chuan govt felt, or the Pal Oil fraud) the man has a personal level of that of a uncleaned sewage worker. of course he rejects monitors. Every fraud does.


You see this Thailand's great sadness (and weakness) they just are so arrogant. They firmly believe they do it 'best' and don't need assistance - and, of course, are frightened what a truly free and fair election - monitored - would reveal. If there is nothing to hide - what's the problem?

Farangs put a lot of money into Thailand and help the likes of him to be rich, farangs pay more wages to the police and other officials due to their mafia type iligal payments. He would respect them if the Cambodia situation excelled and they ended up at war and Vietnam, Laos and Burma came in to help Cambodia him and his associates would be kissing the westerners ass for help.

What a comment by a diplomat even with no brains.


Well that's nothing new... How many times have I heard Thailand is for Thai, not farang... Maybe we ARE disrespected by the government here, just like most of the Thai people!

Try and buy some land, get a Thai passport or citizenship. Then you will understand.

The concept of being Thai is only about 70 years old. Also most Thais would have a local language and identify themselves as from Isaarn, Pat Tai, chow duey, etc. Thus Thai is not even the daily fluently spoken language (personally I speak Sukhothai language and no one understands me in Bangkok). So I guess being Thai means you have an ID card, are loyal to the king, can understand the news on Thai TV, and believe everything you read in Thai school books?


It's a pity they dont teach the Thais,some Western Sayings at school,

and just one that springs to mind:

"Don't bite the hand that feeds you"


Monitoring elections would be fairly pointless as outrageous cheating such as ballot box stuffing and ghost voters on the electoral roll is not really done here.

Most of the dodgy stuff is done well before or after election day.

Before election day, "canvassers" arrange for villages to block vote one way or another and facilitate the cash for votes to be distributed. Some of these "canvassers" end up shot at each general election. They are low down on the food chain and their murders make it to the local press but not so often to the English language press. They may arrange meetings or banquets and possibly seal off the village to outsiders during the meeting. Would observers know about this?

After election day, politicians and their factions change sides or will simply sell their parliamentary votes to the highest bidder. If the army is not happy, you can be sure the courts will step in again to redress the balance. Will international observers observe this?


I like to see any of the westerners on this forum agree to outside monitoring of the elections in their respective countries? Almost all if not all Governments have a certain amount of corruption. I have to agree with Suthep on this one and say I don't trust westerners eithermfr_closed1.gif


I understand Suthep feelings, he knows that if they have foreign observers in it might put pressure on them to have an honest and fare election. Then how could they buy votes.


I like to see any of the westerners on this forum agree to outside monitoring of the elections in their respective countries? Almost all if not all Governments have a certain amount of corruption. I have to agree with Suthep on this one and say I don't trust westerners eithermfr_closed1.gif

Not so fast ...


International monitors to observe US election for first time

For the first time, experts from the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) will observe the presidential election, after a formal invitation from the State Department.

What hand would that be?

It's a pity they dont teach the Thais,some Western Sayings at school,

and just one that springs to mind:

"Don't bite the hand that feeds you"


Reading some of my young Thai niece's schoolbooks it's no wonder they end up which such a twisted xenophobic view of reality. Taught (indoctrinated) from a very young age how special the Thai people are compared to everyone else. :(

Such a pity that such a beautiful country has such a high % of simpleminded fools populating it.

Our US textbooks tell the virtues of socialism while castigating the right, any wonder why the US has such a high percentage of simpleminded fools populating it.


Reading some of my young Thai niece's schoolbooks it's no wonder they end up which such a twisted xenophobic view of reality. Taught (indoctrinated) from a very young age how special the Thai people are compared to everyone else. :(

Such a pity that such a beautiful country has such a high % of simpleminded fools populating it.

Our US textbooks tell the virtues of socialism while castigating the right, any wonder why the US has such a high percentage of simpleminded fools populating it.

Define socialist -- someone to the left of Sarah Palin?


Okay fair enough,

I like to see any of the westerners on this forum agree to outside monitoring of the elections in their respective countries? Almost all if not all Governments have a certain amount of corruption. I have to agree with Suthep on this one and say I don't trust westerners eithermfr_closed1.gif

Not so fast ...


For the first time, experts from the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) will observe the presidential election, after a formal invitation from the State Department.


Suthep's comments might seem a bit harsh and inappropriate (they are!), but if you ask any Thai - who isn't an ardent red shirt - how they feel about foreign election monitors, you'll probably get a similar response!

That doesn't seem to be true. The news article itself states that the Red Shirts are the one's asking for foreign monitors. Did you read the article before you opened your mouth or just open your mouth?


For all those posters who are sure that Thais (especially Thai men) hate them and who themselves reflect in their posts a total lack of respect for Thai people, all I can say is that I pity you. It's unlikely that you were brought here in shackles. It's unlikely that there's any insurmountable barrier to your going back to where you came from or, in the alternative, going somewhere that you felt accepted and for whose people you could feel respect. For myself, I cannot imagine living somewhere about which I had the feelings reflected in many of these posts. Life is way, way too short!!!


Reading some of my young Thai niece's schoolbooks it's no wonder they end up which such a twisted xenophobic view of reality. Taught (indoctrinated) from a very young age how special the Thai people are compared to everyone else. :(

Such a pity that such a beautiful country has such a high % of simpleminded fools populating it.

"I totally agree.. The Thai have no clue about the rest of the world or life as it once was.. That is called HISTORY..

From the days of Abraham to Jesus, to Mohammed, to all these new in your face religions and leaders.. I ask one college kid if she knew of Ghandi, WWI and II as well as the Beatles Jagger, and Frank Sinatra.. She never heard of anyone or any time.. I call most of them just simply put.. BRAINDEAD"

"Thailand surrendered to the Japanese P.D.Q in 1941. Oh, they're not farangs. Wait a bit. Who did the Japanese surrender to? Didn't the Japanese also think that they were so much more superior?

BTW How much foreign aid does Thailand soak up? Who invented and supplies all the technology that Thailand enjoys?

I hope that all the farang Ambassadors cross this moron off the invite list next time they hold a shindig - paid for by farang taxes. That should please him no end, not having to share a room with the representatives of people that he doesn't respect.."

"and tell Tescos, Toyota, Big C, Boots and ALL the Embassies - and destroy his collections (which he UNDOUBTEDLY has) of Shakespeare, Mozart, Michaelangelo and all the other 'rubbish' that farangs have produced over the centuries - and show us all the great cultural 'contributions' the Thai's have produced to the world's libraries, art gallery's and museums."

"How does this guy always get his facts wrong about this government... all the MPs were legally elected whatever party they represent as by the constitution which Thaksin altered to suit himself but backfired......... its the MPs that voted in Abhisit... its because of the coalition that we have so much political corruption, lets hope one party manages to gain a majority after this coming election and stop the political blackmail that seems to be rife in Thai politics... lets just hope that winning party does not contain Jutaporn.. ( can someone send him a court jesters outfit ) Myself.... I like Newin.. but I dinna have a vote..."

Who do you all think you are? You have no stake in anything the Thai government does. You have no stake in anything the Thai people do. The only true rights any of you have are those GRANTED to you by the government of the country you are VISITING. You have no right to walk/fly/bus/sail into this country, as a VISITOR, and iterate all this blathering, whining, xenophobic, (to use one of the words used with regard to the Thai people in the first post above), and bigoted BS. As for any dissatisfaction with anything indigenous to Thailand, if you don't like it then GO HOME! No one is twisting your arm to stay here and endure the wonderful food, awesome climate, laid-back lifestyle, and OVERALL great people here. You all come in with your f....d up superiority complexes with your screwed up view of things, most likely based on your ability to act "rich", thus perpetuating the stereotypes we falang already have with the Thai's. The reality is that our own societies back in the west are just as screwed up as anything Thai or anywhere else on the planet, each with their own distinct set of quirks and eccentricities. These forums were originally intended for falang to help each other out with being in this truly foreign land. It has degenerated into a group of constant complainers. Complain about Thai politics. Complain about the Thai logic. Complain about Thai education. Complain about Thai culture. If all this really bothers you, why are you still here? One can only hope that there are not many Thai's who read the crap on this site. You people do not represent my views at all and if you taint how Thai people see the farang even more by reading posts in here you are not doing any of us any favors. Jeez..... were all of you this whiny back where you came from? These people are who they are and who they choose to be. That's their right. You can have your opinions for sure. It's just that some of your opinions are better left UNSAID. Especially when it is totally derogatory. How they do things? NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. How they think? NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. How government functions? NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. How they choose to view us? Jerks like some of the posters on here do much to damage that view I'm sure. But in the end, NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. For the Americans reading in here: Do you like the Mexicans coming in and acting as though they own the joint? They refuse to speak English. They maintain their own little Mexican cliques. They eat their own types of food. They talk rubbish about Americans in Spanish and most of the time can get away with dissing us in our faces. How are the ugly farang who come here to Thailand any better?! They're not. Thailand owes you nothing. Thailand will be here with or without any of us. It is a fairly ancient land far older than lost western civilizations - 10 times as old as our grand old USA (or more - not shooting for accuracy right now). So grow up and get civilized. Be gracious GUESTS.


Suthep's comments might seem a bit harsh and inappropriate (they are!), but if you ask any Thai - who isn't an ardent red shirt - how they feel about foreign election monitors, you'll probably get a similar response!

Which only goes to show the majority of Thais who have that opinion are xenophobes with limited intellect. When you consider the widespread corruption and incompetence in this country is it not obvious why international observers are needed.....ask the majority of Thais if they know of vote buying and intimidation and they will say yes.....so ??

"The kingdom has suffered years of political instability, punctuated by unrest and military intervention, seeing 18 actual or attempted coups since 1932 when the country became a constitutional monarchy."

When you look at successful affluent countries all around (Singapore Malaysia, Hong Kong) why is Thailand such a failure? Mainly because it never got colonized and had the benfit of western influence. And before anyone says well why are you living here then? Change the record....you can love a place and still want it to improve for it's own benefit if nothing else.


I like to see any of the westerners on this forum agree to outside monitoring of the elections in their respective countries? Almost all if not all Governments have a certain amount of corruption. I have to agree with Suthep on this one and say I don't trust westerners eithermfr_closed1.gif

Does the concept of

Xenophobia mean anything to you?


I like to see any of the westerners on this forum agree to outside monitoring of the elections in their respective countries? Almost all if not all Governments have a certain amount of corruption. I have to agree with Suthep on this one and say I don't trust westerners eithermfr_closed1.gif

I don't trust anyone full stop, however, I'm not deputy PM & not running around spitting vile rubbish to the media.

Interesting how he views foriegners, yet his deputy to a man who was educated by them. laugh.gif

Ohh and in answer to what you are suggesting regarding certain western govts not liking foriegners entering their country to monitor elections, let me assure you if the same level of nonesense went on in my homeland that would seem to go on around this place, the PEOPLE would DEMAND that someone responsible monitored what was going on - ANYWAY, he probably can't get a visa to visit to see whats going on there in any case wink.gif


I have been very moderate - and im sure this post will be deleted - WHAT A PRICK! The prime minister would be better off without the comments and advice from this guy - one sure way to ruin a party - mind you on the other hand who runs the party anyway????????????????????

The amount of revenue we put into this country - whether you are married or not -



Thanks Mikenyork, I've always wanted to say that but never had the right words.

For all those posters who are sure that Thais (especially Thai men) hate them and who themselves reflect in their posts a total lack of respect for Thai people, all I can say is that I pity you. It's unlikely that you were brought here in shackles. It's unlikely that there's any insurmountable barrier to your going back to where you came from or, in the alternative, going somewhere that you felt accepted and for whose people you could feel respect. For myself, I cannot imagine living somewhere about which I had the feelings reflected in many of these posts. Life is way, way too short!!!


Scumbag of the year award goes to Suthep !!

What a <deleted> ... I call a spade a spade ... and he has said he doe's not respect farang ..( westerners ) .... he has said what he has said and he knows the exact meaning of ' not respect'

so suthep ! Iv'e got news for you ... I don't respect many thais either ... especially those in government.

Westerners need to get together and make there vioces heard !! Suthep .. you must go ....

Someone saying this needs to be taught a lesson !! :angry:

A few expats outside his residence with placardes will soon get some attention... who the hell does this guy think he is ??


Not Really, Will you enlighten me?

I like to see any of the westerners on this forum agree to outside monitoring of the elections in their respective countries? Almost all if not all Governments have a certain amount of corruption. I have to agree with Suthep on this one and say I don't trust westerners eithermfr_closed1.gif

Does the concept of

Xenophobia mean anything to you?


Thailand may be located in a land of ancient civilizations, but it is a young nation state, and an even younger "sort of" democracy. Their corruption ridden elections are a joke and there is no evidence they are really fixing this themselves. Denial isn't attractive. They don't want white people looking in, how about Indonesians who ain't white and could teach Thailand a thing or two about changing to a real democracy.


Reading some of my young Thai niece's schoolbooks it's no wonder they end up which such a twisted xenophobic view of reality. Taught (indoctrinated) from a very young age how special the Thai people are compared to everyone else. :(

Such a pity that such a beautiful country has such a high % of simpleminded fools populating it.

"I totally agree.. The Thai have no clue about the rest of the world or life as it once was.. That is called HISTORY..

From the days of Abraham to Jesus, to Mohammed, to all these new in your face religions and leaders.. I ask one college kid if she knew of Ghandi, WWI and II as well as the Beatles Jagger, and Frank Sinatra.. She never heard of anyone or any time.. I call most of them just simply put.. BRAINDEAD"

"Thailand surrendered to the Japanese P.D.Q in 1941. Oh, they're not farangs. Wait a bit. Who did the Japanese surrender to? Didn't the Japanese also think that they were so much more superior?

BTW How much foreign aid does Thailand soak up? Who invented and supplies all the technology that Thailand enjoys?

I hope that all the farang Ambassadors cross this moron off the invite list next time they hold a shindig - paid for by farang taxes. That should please him no end, not having to share a room with the representatives of people that he doesn't respect.."

"and tell Tescos, Toyota, Big C, Boots and ALL the Embassies - and destroy his collections (which he UNDOUBTEDLY has) of Shakespeare, Mozart, Michaelangelo and all the other 'rubbish' that farangs have produced over the centuries - and show us all the great cultural 'contributions' the Thai's have produced to the world's libraries, art gallery's and museums."

"How does this guy always get his facts wrong about this government... all the MPs were legally elected whatever party they represent as by the constitution which Thaksin altered to suit himself but backfired......... its the MPs that voted in Abhisit... its because of the coalition that we have so much political corruption, lets hope one party manages to gain a majority after this coming election and stop the political blackmail that seems to be rife in Thai politics... lets just hope that winning party does not contain Jutaporn.. ( can someone send him a court jesters outfit ) Myself.... I like Newin.. but I dinna have a vote..."

Who do you all think you are? You have no stake in anything the Thai government does. You have no stake in anything the Thai people do. The only true rights any of you have are those GRANTED to you by the government of the country you are VISITING. You have no right to walk/fly/bus/sail into this country, as a VISITOR, and iterate all this blathering, whining, xenophobic, (to use one of the words used with regard to the Thai people in the first post above), and bigoted BS. As for any dissatisfaction with anything indigenous to Thailand, if you don't like it then GO HOME! No one is twisting your arm to stay here and endure the wonderful food, awesome climate, laid-back lifestyle, and OVERALL great people here. You all come in with your f....d up superiority complexes with your screwed up view of things, most likely based on your ability to act "rich", thus perpetuating the stereotypes we falang already have with the Thai's. The reality is that our own societies back in the west are just as screwed up as anything Thai or anywhere else on the planet, each with their own distinct set of quirks and eccentricities. These forums were originally intended for falang to help each other out with being in this truly foreign land. It has degenerated into a group of constant complainers. Complain about Thai politics. Complain about the Thai logic. Complain about Thai education. Complain about Thai culture. If all this really bothers you, why are you still here? One can only hope that there are not many Thai's who read the crap on this site. You people do not represent my views at all and if you taint how Thai people see the farang even more by reading posts in here you are not doing any of us any favors. Jeez..... were all of you this whiny back where you came from? These people are who they are and who they choose to be. That's their right. You can have your opinions for sure. It's just that some of your opinions are better left UNSAID. Especially when it is totally derogatory. How they do things? NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. How they think? NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. How government functions? NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. How they choose to view us? Jerks like some of the posters on here do much to damage that view I'm sure. But in the end, NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. For the Americans reading in here: Do you like the Mexicans coming in and acting as though they own the joint? They refuse to speak English. They maintain their own little Mexican cliques. They eat their own types of food. They talk rubbish about Americans in Spanish and most of the time can get away with dissing us in our faces. How are the ugly farang who come here to Thailand any better?! They're not. Thailand owes you nothing. Thailand will be here with or without any of us. It is a fairly ancient land far older than lost western civilizations - 10 times as old as our grand old USA (or more - not shooting for accuracy right now). So grow up and get civilized. Be gracious GUESTS.

Investing your life and your family's life does include having a stake in what the Thai government does. A lot of people here are law-abiding, tax paying, investing residents that gainfully employ Thais. If they should have no say in the government that represents them, then I don't know what universe you are living in.

Honestly, your rant is reminiscent of a 12 year old having a hissy fit.


Reading some of my young Thai niece's schoolbooks it's no wonder they end up which such a twisted xenophobic view of reality. Taught (indoctrinated) from a very young age how special the Thai people are compared to everyone else. :(

Such a pity that such a beautiful country has such a high % of simpleminded fools populating it.

"I totally agree.. The Thai have no clue about the rest of the world or life as it once was.. That is called HISTORY..

From the days of Abraham to Jesus, to Mohammed, to all these new in your face religions and leaders.. I ask one college kid if she knew of Ghandi, WWI and II as well as the Beatles Jagger, and Frank Sinatra.. She never heard of anyone or any time.. I call most of them just simply put.. BRAINDEAD"

"Thailand surrendered to the Japanese P.D.Q in 1941. Oh, they're not farangs. Wait a bit. Who did the Japanese surrender to? Didn't the Japanese also think that they were so much more superior?

BTW How much foreign aid does Thailand soak up? Who invented and supplies all the technology that Thailand enjoys?

I hope that all the farang Ambassadors cross this moron off the invite list next time they hold a shindig - paid for by farang taxes. That should please him no end, not having to share a room with the representatives of people that he doesn't respect.."

"and tell Tescos, Toyota, Big C, Boots and ALL the Embassies - and destroy his collections (which he UNDOUBTEDLY has) of Shakespeare, Mozart, Michaelangelo and all the other 'rubbish' that farangs have produced over the centuries - and show us all the great cultural 'contributions' the Thai's have produced to the world's libraries, art gallery's and museums."

"How does this guy always get his facts wrong about this government... all the MPs were legally elected whatever party they represent as by the constitution which Thaksin altered to suit himself but backfired......... its the MPs that voted in Abhisit... its because of the coalition that we have so much political corruption, lets hope one party manages to gain a majority after this coming election and stop the political blackmail that seems to be rife in Thai politics... lets just hope that winning party does not contain Jutaporn.. ( can someone send him a court jesters outfit ) Myself.... I like Newin.. but I dinna have a vote..."

Who do you all think you are? You have no stake in anything the Thai government does. You have no stake in anything the Thai people do. The only true rights any of you have are those GRANTED to you by the government of the country you are VISITING. You have no right to walk/fly/bus/sail into this country, as a VISITOR, and iterate all this blathering, whining, xenophobic, (to use one of the words used with regard to the Thai people in the first post above), and bigoted BS. As for any dissatisfaction with anything indigenous to Thailand, if you don't like it then GO HOME! No one is twisting your arm to stay here and endure the wonderful food, awesome climate, laid-back lifestyle, and OVERALL great people here. You all come in with your f....d up superiority complexes with your screwed up view of things, most likely based on your ability to act "rich", thus perpetuating the stereotypes we falang already have with the Thai's. The reality is that our own societies back in the west are just as screwed up as anything Thai or anywhere else on the planet, each with their own distinct set of quirks and eccentricities. These forums were originally intended for falang to help each other out with being in this truly foreign land. It has degenerated into a group of constant complainers. Complain about Thai politics. Complain about the Thai logic. Complain about Thai education. Complain about Thai culture. If all this really bothers you, why are you still here? One can only hope that there are not many Thai's who read the crap on this site. You people do not represent my views at all and if you taint how Thai people see the farang even more by reading posts in here you are not doing any of us any favors. Jeez..... were all of you this whiny back where you came from? These people are who they are and who they choose to be. That's their right. You can have your opinions for sure. It's just that some of your opinions are better left UNSAID. Especially when it is totally derogatory. How they do things? NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. How they think? NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. How government functions? NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. How they choose to view us? Jerks like some of the posters on here do much to damage that view I'm sure. But in the end, NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. For the Americans reading in here: Do you like the Mexicans coming in and acting as though they own the joint? They refuse to speak English. They maintain their own little Mexican cliques. They eat their own types of food. They talk rubbish about Americans in Spanish and most of the time can get away with dissing us in our faces. How are the ugly farang who come here to Thailand any better?! They're not. Thailand owes you nothing. Thailand will be here with or without any of us. It is a fairly ancient land far older than lost western civilizations - 10 times as old as our grand old USA (or more - not shooting for accuracy right now). So grow up and get civilized. Be gracious GUESTS.

Guitarman you should be going for Thai Citizenship as you have the same defensive mindset. It makes me want to puke. We have every right to comment on the Thailand and the Thais as they have the right to comment when they visit the UK for eg......Seeing as i pay 37% tax for very limited benefit i think I am entitled to have an opnion. It's called FREEDOM of SPEECH! heard of it? Actually i posted before i read you pathetically defensive and predictable GO HOME comment. But you are a perfect example. Maybe the world doesnt think we need foreign monitors in UK for eg because you dont get politicians going around buying the vote for 200 baht and a packet of Mama....

Who benefits from free and fair elections? Foreigners? no the Thai people...duh! Do you not think we should have foreign observers in African countries where violence often present fair elections or is Thailand special because they have the luck of a good climate and the Portuguese brought them Chillis?

BTW the Thai Culture wont be around for much longer as they are busy trying to become western by chasing all the technology and lifestyle which admittedly makes those countries quite shallow.


Many of us(expats) posters seem to be bothered by the possibly(most likely ) dishonest elections. I really do not understand why?

Elections do not affect us(foreigners) in any way what so ever. We can not vote, our lives do not change. The only difference it may possibly make is another change in the visa regulations or more rules on house or business buying or running.

Saying that, those changes, if were ever even thought of would be be implemented anyway.

Perfect example, Thaksin changed the 30 days visa run, new government did not reverse it but rather tightened it.

Personally i am only bothered by the choice of language and words used by the country leader,which shows general attitude towards foreigners.

I am also bothered that someone in his position, supposedly with very very good education would use words such as "farang"

None of the lawyers i have ever used, or doctors or accountants ever used word "farang" (in my presence at least) and here a Nations leader blabbing it in public., which once again only shows his level of education and intelligence

I am even more bothered that no one in the government including PM, did not at least criticize his words and did not force him to apologize, even though i deeply believe he should be sacked.

Yes we were not sent here by force, nor brought in chains. However we are here and there is absolutely no reason to disrespect us.

The constant discrimination by the sellers and general business running is already enough, why add more wood to the fire.

We do not receive any social security or welfare, we do not enjoy any of the discounts that Thai's get, so really we are no burden on the country or society.

Any university graduate(Thai National) with degree from any Western University instantly gets higher pay then grad from local university.

Furthermore most smaller business owned and run by Thai do not even pay any taxes , while any business owned by a foreigner no matter how small always pays taxes and every other duty that exists.


This is my last post as a European business man here for 11years. How dare this brain dead politician make such a statement about us. No doubt he is driving a high end Germam car manufactured inThailand. Abhiset should demand an immediate apology from him or replace him with Korn.

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