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Whats Wrong With Web Browsers In Thailand Sometimes?

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Last few days I can operate applications such as Messenger, skype, etc But when it comes to opening many webpages they get timed out and not open , even if the page struggles and opens its impossible to open any links. i really think the Internet in thailand is most frustrating in SE asia, and I'm in the capital city. Using ADSL with Wifi router


Normally when skype etc can connect but websites can't its a dns issue.

Using the google or opendns servers instead of or together with the ISP ones often helps.


Using the google or opendns servers instead of or together with the ISP ones often helps.

And how, exactly, would one go about doing that?


ADSL modems/routers will have a DNS page where you have the option to use 'user discovered' or some such designation servers rather than the automatically detected from ISP provider.


Lately I have to use a proxy server to open up CNN.com in either Firefox or IE

Same here. For several days last week I could not reach Google and ThaiVisa without a proxy. And then it just seemed to fix itself.

Using the google or opendns servers instead of or together with the ISP ones often helps.

And how, exactly, would one go about doing that?


Google DNS

On my router I can specify up to three (3) DNS servers so I use a combination -- one each from Google, OpenDNS, and my ISP. Regardless, I still could not reach Google or ThaiVisa.


My guess is that the blame lies with the quality of service from your ISP, which more than likely is TRUE. A friend of mine always gets freeze ups, no matter what browser he's using or what programs he's running at the time.


When surfing farang websites halfway around the world (or closer) it seems the distances and hops can result in a lot of packet losses, retransmissions, etc., that can confuse browsers/email clients and will cause them to stop working for X seconds or even freeze-up....and of course the main problem of lower international bandwidth/speed which slows the loading of webpages/downloading of files. I've used my ISP's DNS servers, Google DNS servers, Open DNS servers, etc., and it don't make any difference which one I'm using. I get my best DNS speed/reliability by using my ISP's DNS server (TOT) as primary and Google DNS as the secondary DNS server. I'm on a TOT 6Mb plan and I see this problem on my laptop running Win 7 & IE8 sometimes (mostly browser stops working for 5-10 seconds mainly on https websites and then starts working again). But on my other laptop running Win XP & IE8 the laptop will sometimes totally freeze-up for minutes while browsing mainly on https websites. By "sometimes", I mean around 2 percent of the time. Win 7 definitely handles browser issues like this better than Win XP. Of course, I've had browser freeze-up/slow down issues when still living in farang land, but it was definitely way less than 1% of the time...probably just a buggy websites more than anything else.

Fortunately, TOT has worked well for me with the exception of the international speed usually only being about 25% of the plan's advertised full speed; in-Thailand speed meets the advertised speed....and the reliability has been 99% plus. But hopefully over the next month or so I'll be switching to True Cable internet (20Mb plan) if they ever finish installing the cable trunk line in my moobaan; so, I'm hoping for some speed improvements, both for in-Thailand and international websites.


if it is SOMETIMES, then last week after the Tuesday night rain storm it was the WORST ! all ISPs reported exchange gateway problems, service unavailability, even telephone landline not work !

enjoy our unexpected INTERNET HOLIDAY sometimes :-)


If you are talking about the rain storm that hit the Bangkok area from about 3am to 6am on Tuesday morning, I can't say whether the internet or phone lines were working for sure at my house (in western Bangkok) as I wasn't surfing the internet or calling anyone...still trying to get some sleep. But I can say I didn't get much sleep due to the rain/wind/lightning/thunder and when looking at my ADSL modem lights while listening to the thunder the lights were lit-up as normal indicating at least a connection to the DSLAM, which means the phone line was also probably still working. Whether the internet gateway was still up and running I couldn't say as my computer was turned off and I was listening to the thunder while trying to get some sleep.


After making above post #11 post about how IE8 running Win XP seemed to temporarily freeze-up too often, I decided to rerun TCP Optimizer and instead of allowing the program to do what it thought was best to optimize the TCP/browser speed (like I did a few months ago when running TCP Optimizer on the computer) I selected the option to set things back to Windows default settings. When I ran TCP Optimizer a few months ago it didn't seem to make any difference in browsing/downloading speed so I just keep the settings since it didn't seem to affect anything that I could tell....I assumed maybe it would help some things I would notice later-on but never did.

It's still early in the game, but I can already tell my browsing is working much better/faster compared to just before rerunning TCP Optimizer and selecting Windows default settings. Maybe TCP Optimizer didn't know best in optimizing/tweaking/peaking my TCP/browsing on my XP computer; maybe the Win XP default settings are pretty close to being the best/most stable. More testing over the coming days/week will tell me more, but for now (or at least the last 30 minutes or so) browsing is definitely faster on my XP computer...almost as fast as my Win 7 computer.


I often have troubles opening Google on AIS 3G, bing works ok. Really pisses me off that this is called a developing country while most 3rd world countries have allot better net, but they charge western rates or more, allot more.

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