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Good Ole Bib'S At It Again!


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My Thai missus just informed that the good ole BIB's are only stopping the farang at their pathetic little road block on the way between kamala and Patong. Now this is really P__SSED me off. With all the B.S that's going on in Phuket these days like murders,thievery,hit and runs,taxi/tuk tuk/jet ski scum scams,corrupt to the core government officials and unbelievably stupid and reckless driving on the roads that we see here on a daily basis(I know farangs can be reckless but oh my goodness so can the locals and if not much worse!!). The best these BiB ID___S! can do is extort money (in a cowardly manner) to the very people that keep this place alive and not bankrupt. Talk about bitting the hand that feeds you........ these guys dont have a f>>>ing clue do they. Or maybe they do but the are so arrogant that they dont care about destroying this place until it really happens!!!

P_ss_d with brain dead mentality.

Rant over.

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Interesting. One thing about the BIB in Phuket, I have never seen just farang targeted at the stops. From my observations I would say more often the opposite it true. I have heard this coming from Bangkok before, but I often cruise through stops unmolested as do a lot of other farang. Someone should get some video of this if it is true.


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Interesting. One thing about the BIB in Phuket, I have never seen just farang targeted at the stops. From my observations I would say more often the opposite it true. I have heard this coming from Bangkok before, but I often cruise through stops unmolested as do a lot of other farang. Someone should get some video of this if it is true.

I have ... BUT they were ONLY asking to see a DL. They would accept any DL from any country. (It happened to me enough there that I noticed if you started reaching for your wallet (not to pay but to show a DL) they would just wave you on. Sadly, they don't know how to tell if the DL is valid for motorcycles or not which means more farang skin on the streets from inexperienced and unqualified drivers!

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Interesting. One thing about the BIB in Phuket, I have never seen just farang targeted at the stops. From my observations I would say more often the opposite it true. I have heard this coming from Bangkok before, but I often cruise through stops unmolested as do a lot of other farang. Someone should get some video of this if it is true.

I have ... BUT they were ONLY asking to see a DL. They would accept any DL from any country. (It happened to me enough there that I noticed if you started reaching for your wallet (not to pay but to show a DL) they would just wave you on. Sadly, they don't know how to tell if the DL is valid for motorcycles or not which means more farang skin on the streets from inexperienced and unqualified drivers!

I can tell you a thai MC DL does not make a better driver its real easy to get one ( i got one and one for a car too).

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Ok dude,I understand your point as I have been lucky enough to pass through these ridiculous road blocks before ,whether it was fluke or the fact that i sometimes had a Thai with me on the back.

However,I understand that you seem to want to defend the bs that goes on around here because you have been around here long enough and your heart is here,dont get me wrong,so was mine,until after many years of trying to forget the bs and pretend like everything is okay,I realised that its not. I know the the usual comment that follows,but think about it,if eveyone has the same "Oh,this is Thailand attitude and we cant change it attitude" then it wont change.

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Ok dude,I understand your point as I have been lucky enough to pass through these ridiculous road blocks before ,whether it was fluke or the fact that i sometimes had a Thai with me on the back.

However,I understand that you seem to want to defend the bs that goes on around here because you have been around here long enough and your heart is here,dont get me wrong,so was mine,until after many years of trying to forget the bs and pretend like everything is okay,I realised that its not. I know the the usual comment that follows,but think about it,if eveyone has the same "Oh,this is Thailand attitude and we cant change it attitude" then it wont change.

Getting stopped (yes -- using racial profiling) for a DL check is neither cowardly (as you suggested in the OP) nor imho wrong. It seems that the many tourists don't even have a DL and end up in the hospital or the morgue. A few hundred baht fine is nothing if it prevents unneeded deaths/serious injuries, and if it gets a few to decide renting a motorcycle they have absolutely no experience driving is not worth the hassle then all the better! This isn't biting the hand that feeds them, it is (a bit selectively) enforcing the law. I have been stopped when they stopped everyone --- and I have been stopped when they only stopped farang. I have never been fined nor have I experienced any requests for tea-money for riding in Phuket.

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Interesting. One thing about the BIB in Phuket, I have never seen just farang targeted at the stops. From my observations I would say more often the opposite it true. I have heard this coming from Bangkok before, but I often cruise through stops unmolested as do a lot of other farang. Someone should get some video of this if it is true.

you must be joking????yes????

if not, not sure how long you have been riding around, stopped 2 times yesterday and they wanna se DL and tax both times, a lot of local was just went past,

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Interesting. One thing about the BIB in Phuket, I have never seen just farang targeted at the stops. From my observations I would say more often the opposite it true. I have heard this coming from Bangkok before, but I often cruise through stops unmolested as do a lot of other farang. Someone should get some video of this if it is true.

you must be joking????yes????

if not, not sure how long you have been riding around, stopped 2 times yesterday and they wanna se DL and tax both times, a lot of local was just went past,

What are you riding? A HD? I think I have been stopped once in 6 years on my now 13 year old Honda Smile. I have been stopped once in my car as the registration had expired... But I don't go to Patong very often, and I have never been stopped there. I don't look at them either, so maybe I haven't noticed them wanting me to stop...

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Poor Steven. It must be hell for you living in a place surrounded by such inferior beings. I have lived here for eleven years and can remember being stopped only once and when I showed my license, I was waved through. Most of the roadblocks I see have comparable numbers of Thais and farangs being stopped. Often when they are set up, they are looking for one of the foreign reprobates who have committed some heinous crime and think because the police here are so stupid, incompetent and corrupt that they can escape unscathed. They rarely do because law enforcement here have an excellent "closed" record taking into consideration the resources they have at their disposal to do the job. It is easy to complain but would you chase criminals for THB 6,000 a month out of which you had to pay for your uniform, motorbike, firearm and ammunition? I dount it. With your attitude you would probably be out there soliciting bribes and intimidating the weaker among us.

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I don't suppose it occured to the OP or the other poor targeted Farangs getting stopped that if they just followed the law of the land they have chosen to visit / live in then they would not get fleeced :huh:

NO ! It is the god given right of the Farang to choose which laws he abides by here.

We have the same thing here on Samui about 3-4 times a week. Both Thai's and Farang get the same treatment. 500 baht fine. :o

Funnily enough in 4 years I have never been hassled, fleeced or anything as they just wave me through as I am always wearing a helmet along with the missus if she is with me.

I find it amusing that in the one breath you are complaining about the BIB's not doing their job and in the next complaining when they do ? :huh::blink:

It is simple. Wear a lid and carry your license

Rocket science it isn't ;)

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I have been stopped probably 6 times in 5 years, each time just a quick license check and you are on your way

Each time everyone is stopped and checked not just the farangs

If you do not have a license and get stopped you deserve to be fined, most tourists do not have a license and have never ridden a motorbike before.

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Were those stopped not wearing helmets by any chance?

I've been riding for 5 years here now (mostly Bangkok) and often got stopped by the BiB at checkpoints in and around BKK. I have a Thai car and bike licence, never had to pay a fine (on the bike), never had a real problem, most times they wanted to take a look at my bike and for me to rev it higher cos they loved the sound of it (sports bike with racing exhaust which technically is illegal here lol). A few times, some of the BiB even took it for a run down the street (with my permission of course)!

Most times when you are stopped, how you respond to the BiB is what makes the difference. Park the bike and get off it, take off your helmet, get your paperwork together and SMILE. It works wonders. You don't need to speak Thai at all with them, just don't give them any attitude. And I'll say it again, SMILE! :)

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Agreed. It is probably a question of attitude. Many 'Farangs have the wrong attitude'. I have lived here 40 years and I speak Thai dress decently and have seldom had any problem with the Thai police. In fact I have some wonderful Thai police friends.

Poor Steven. It must be hell for you living in a place surrounded by such inferior beings. I have lived here for eleven years and can remember being stopped only once and when I showed my license, I was waved through. Most of the roadblocks I see have comparable numbers of Thais and farangs being stopped. Often when they are set up, they are looking for one of the foreign reprobates who have committed some heinous crime and think because the police here are so stupid, incompetent and corrupt that they can escape unscathed. They rarely do because law enforcement here have an excellent "closed" record taking into consideration the resources they have at their disposal to do the job. It is easy to complain but would you chase criminals for THB 6,000 a month out of which you had to pay for your uniform, motorbike, firearm and ammunition? I dount it. With your attitude you would probably be out there soliciting bribes and intimidating the weaker among us.

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Maybe I’m just luckily, but I’m also almost never stopped.

And if they stop me it is to check DL which is fine for me.

I had 1 fine ( not wearing helmet ) in 22 years. :)

But I have to admit that I don’t use often the scooter or big bike any more and the last few years I use 90% of the time the car instead.

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I find the police roadblocks very pleasant in Phuket compared to other provinces i've been stopped in, never been fined for something i didn't do.

They speak english at least but some roadblocks when trying to enter Bangkok from other provinces can be a ordeal (stretching it out for 20 mins) for nothing more than a farang shakedown and the language barrier just makes it worse.

I just throw them a hundred or two and be gone.

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Don't know what prompted the OP's rant, but seemed a bit inconsistent to say the least.

If you have a properly registered/insured bike, have a license, wear a helmet, and are sober, you should have no problems. If a slight inconvenience to you helps take a few dangerous drivers off the streets, then that's a good thing I think. cool.gif

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Don't know what prompted the OP's rant, but seemed a bit inconsistent to say the least.

If you have a properly registered/insured bike, have a license, wear a helmet, and are sober, you should have no problems. If a slight inconvenience to you helps take a few dangerous drivers off the streets, then that's a good thing I think. cool.gif

Good post ISabai.

Also, how long has the OP been here? I guess he doesn't realize the upcoming holiday and all those red label bottles that need to be purchased........

I too got stopped at the Karon block on the way to Patong last week. Very pleasant as usual, flapped with the BIB as he checked my license and reg, talked about the weather for a sec, I made a crack about my helmet being pretty much the same as my bald head, had three of them laughing, a wave and a goodbye.

A first though was I did see they have set up a booth to pay fines instead of making all go to Chalong. Convenient and efficient our BIBs.

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The Phuket roads are so civilised compared to Samui. I love living on Samui but our roads are a nightmare, the accident levels horrific and believe me, the OP would not be complaining if he lived here and saw the bib trying to improve road saety.

I would add that its the law to wear a helmet so if you get caught for breaking the law please explain to me why you should'nt be pulled up for it?

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Back during high season it seemed I was getting stopped every time I went out. Once, I got checked twice at the same checkpoint, it had a particularly long que <_<. But I have a current Thai drivers license, insurance and always wear a helmet. As such I've never had to pay anything.

Never seen farangs only being stopped either. I'd also be curious if anyone has any first hand experience with that. Every time I've seen/been through one the BIB pulled everyone over.


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Don't know what prompted the OP's rant,

Hearsay via his 'thai missus', apparently.

Well worth his feelings of anger and meriting a thread.

He best watch out what else she tells him is the true :rolleyes:

Agreed, I don't believe for a second that they were only pulling over foreigners, to me, that's complete B.S.

Now, that being said, are the fine amounts maybe different......(?).................I think so, I think Thais pay 100thb for helmet fines, foreigners 500 in Patong and 300 around the rest of the island.

But I don't have a problem with that.

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Last week my family and I went through a checkpoint somewhere near Kathu. We were driving the car and were waived through. There were several falang( tourist appearing ) stopped with their rental scooters. All were wearing their rental helmets. A young Thai kid without a helmet was waived through. A policeman jumped in his pickup and followed the kid down the road a ways and then pulled over, and the kid got in and as we were driving by, they appeared to be laughing and having a fun conversation. Bull shit? On a trip in my car a few years back from Chiang Mai to Bangkok and back I had to pay these sleaze bags four different times. I drive a 26 year old classic Volvo (Wolwo) that purrs along at 90 KPH and rarely goes faster. Twice the cops said I was speeding at ridiculous unattainable speeds in my car. Now there is some bullshit. These folks who have lived here for almost a hundred years and have never had to pay these thieves anything are truly blessed.

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A policeman jumped in his pickup and followed the kid down the road a ways and then pulled over, and the kid got in and as we were driving by, they appeared to be laughing and having a fun conversation. Bull shit?

Yes, because you saw a moment in time and not what followed.

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A policeman jumped in his pickup and followed the kid down the road a ways and then pulled over, and the kid got in and as we were driving by, they appeared to be laughing and having a fun conversation. Bull shit?

Yes, because you saw a moment in time and not what followed.

You are correct in that during the short amount of time I saw what I saw and what happened before or after our few minutes of observation could be anything. Regardless, during that particular time frame, there were only falangs stopped and the only thai,who was the only person riding without a helmet was the only one waived through...except the people in cars. I agree with many here that the Thai police are perfect and treat everyone fairly at all times...

Edited by bunta71
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A policeman jumped in his pickup and followed the kid down the road a ways and then pulled over, and the kid got in and as we were driving by, they appeared to be laughing and having a fun conversation. Bull shit?

Yes, because you saw a moment in time and not what followed.

I agree with many here that the Thai police are perfect and treat everyone fairly at all times...

Sarcasm noted, far from the point I was making.

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A policeman jumped in his pickup and followed the kid down the road a ways and then pulled over, and the kid got in and as we were driving by, they appeared to be laughing and having a fun conversation. Bull shit?

Yes, because you saw a moment in time and not what followed.

I agree with many here that the Thai police are perfect and treat everyone fairly at all times...

Sarcasm noted, far from the point I was making.

You and I should have lunch and compare stories sometime.

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The police have a budget that no where nears covering the amount they actually need.

They have to buy copy paper, staples, and overtime.

They have to investigate murders and burglary and the budget they are given doesn't get near to what they actually need.

So.......they set up road blocks and levy fines. Yes, some of it is kicked upstairs, but, a fair amount of it is used to meet professional expenses.

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I don't suppose it occured to the OP or the other poor targeted Farangs getting stopped that if they just followed the law of the land they have chosen to visit / live in then they would not get fleeced

It is simple. Wear a lid and carry your license

Rocket science it isn't ;)

Hi H2oDunc. Sorry I have to point out that your comment that obeying laws and you will not be fleeced is nonsensical. By definition, "fleeced" means you didn't do anything to deserve the fine/extortion.

"fleeced" 1. To defraud of money or property; swindle.

As you know there are many accounts of RTP trying to do people for imaginary offenses.

Interesting. One thing about the BIB in Phuket, I have never seen just farang targeted at the stops. From my observations I would say more often the opposite it true. I have heard this coming from Bangkok before, but I often cruise through stops unmolested as do a lot of other farang. Someone should get some video of this if it is true.

you must be joking????yes????

if not, not sure how long you have been riding around, stopped 2 times yesterday and they wanna se DL and tax both times, a lot of local was just went past,

Nope, not joking. Almost 6 years over the last 10, all in Phuket with several rides and drives to Bangkok, Samui, HatYai, and Malaysia. Only ticketed once in 2001 for no helmet. Never once been stopped for speeding. It's possible I could have been ticketed for not having my DL once when my wallet was stolen 2 days prior to being stopped, and another time when I had a bike on red plates for too long because the dealer it was bought at shut without issuing the book, but since I was a volunteer with the highway police at the time I got off with a warning. (I think you are one too yes?) Both times I saw many Thai's getting stopped as well as farang passing through without being stopped.

One thing I do see is que's of Thai's sitting on motorbikes 200m from a police checkpoint waiting for it to shut so they can proceed, or flipping U-turns when they see one ahead. The police don't seem to be bothered by this as I think the constitution technically protects citizens from random search and seizure and the Thai's technically have a choice to go through a check point or not. It's something I have always wondered about and will someday research further, as law is always been a hobby of mine.


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