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Syrian security forces fire on protesters, kill dozens


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Syrian security forces fire on protesters, kill dozens

2011-03-28 08:08:15 GMT+7 (ICT)

DAMASCUS (BNO NEWS) -- Syrian security forces on Friday and Saturday fired on protesters in Daraa and the surrounding villages of Sanmein and Tafas, killing at least 26 people and injuring others, Human Rights Watch reported on Monday.

Human Rights Watch said at least 61 people have been killed in Daraa governorate since March 18, citing figures from Syrian human rights activists. Meanwhile on Saturday, clashes between security forces and protesters in the coastal city of Latakia killed at least 12 others.

Human Rights Watch has called on the Syrian government to hold to account those responsible for any unlawful shooting on demonstrators and urged concerned governments to back their condemnations of Syria's violent crackdown with concrete measures, such as ending all transfer of military or security assistance, as long as the abuses continue.

"Syria's authorities promise reform on TV but meet demonstrators with bullets in the streets," said Sarah Leah Whitson, Middle East director at Human Rights Watch. "The government should understand that these demonstrations won't end until it stops shooting at protesters and begins to change its repressive laws and practices."

In Daraa on Friday, tens of thousands of demonstrators gathered for a funeral procession for protesters killed the previous day. The protest had been peaceful in the morning, but security forces fired live ammunition at protesters after they tried to destroy a statue of former president Hafez al-Assad in the square facing the governor's residence, two witnesses told Human Rights Watch. Video footage posted by anonymous sources on YouTube showed the protesters attempting to pull down the statue as well as a billboard photo of President Bashar al-Asad in a neighboring square. The sound of gunfire could be heard in the background.

A Daraa resident told Human Rights Watch on Saturday that protests on Friday had first been peaceful. When people in the crowd received information that security forces had shot and killed demonstrators in the nearby village of Sanamein, who were on their way to join the funeral procession in Daraa, they vented their anger by trying to destroy a statue of former president al-Asad, the father of the current president. "The information about the killing of protesters who were coming to join us angered the crowd. And some people tried to destroy the statue of President Hafez al-Asad. At that point, security forces opened fire, and I ran away," a witness told Human Rights Watch.

Another Daraa resident told Human Rights Watch that 14 people had died in the subsequent shootings in Daraa, but Human Rights Watch was able to obtain the names of only two dead protesters. They were identified by the organization as Muhammad Ayshat and Tarek Abu Aysh.

In Sanamein, a resident told Human Rights Watch what had happened in his village. "We were heading to Daraa to join the funeral when we reached security forces who were blocking our way. When we refused to stop, they started shooting at us," he said, adding that 16 people were killed.

Also on Saturday, anti-government protesters set fire to the headquarters of the ruling Baath Party and a police station in Tafas, another village near Daraa, during the funeral of a demonstrator who had been killed on Friday, a Syrian activist told Human Rights Watch. The activist told Human Rights Watch that security forces had killed two protesters in an effort to disperse the crowd.

"Attacks on a statue do not justify shooting protesters dead," Whitson said. "It is time for President al-Asad to show leadership by reigning in his security forces, investigating those responsible for unlawful attacks on protesters, and holding them accountable in a court of law."

The confrontations between protesters and security forces in Latakia on Saturday led the Syrian army to deploy in the city at night. Human Rights Watch spoke to two residents in Latakia, but both were too afraid to provide any details of the events, the organization said. Anti-government demonstrators in Latakia who spoke to television outlets accused the security forces of opening fire on them, while officials and pro-government protesters accused the anti-government protesters of having guns and shooting at police.

The government has arrested scores of people since large-scale demonstrations began on March 16. Some have been released while others remain in detention and their whereabouts are unknown. Human Rights Watch urged authorities to immediately disclose the names, whereabouts, and charges against anyone who may still be in custody in connection with recent events.

The violence against peaceful anti-government demonstrators in Syria has been condemned worldwide, including by the United States and the United Nations.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2011-03-28

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Replace one rich power hungry thug for another. They'll cheer the replacement, and shout 'Allah-Akbar' like dogs mindlessly barking at a shadow, then thirty more years of oppression will painfully go by, then they'll demonstrate again, more people killed in the streets, and another thug will take the helm, and so on and so on.

Meanwhile, girls and women will continue to be treated worse than dogs (at least dogs can go where they want, when they want). And men don't routinely beat their dogs in Arab countries, do they?

The big fireworks will come when the sh*t hits the fan in Saudi Arabia.

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Replace one rich power hungry thug for another. They'll cheer the replacement, and shout 'Allah-Akbar' like dogs mindlessly barking at a shadow, then thirty more years of oppression will painfully go by, then they'll demonstrate again, more people killed in the streets, and another thug will take the helm, and so on and so on.

Meanwhile, girls and women will continue to be treated worse than dogs (at least dogs can go where they want, when they want). And men don't routinely beat their dogs in Arab countries, do they?

The big fireworks will come when the sh*t hits the fan in Saudi Arabia.

Looks like you know nothing, but are only full of hatred.

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Replace one rich power hungry thug for another. They'll cheer the replacement, and shout 'Allah-Akbar' like dogs mindlessly barking at a shadow, then thirty more years of oppression will painfully go by, then they'll demonstrate again, more people killed in the streets, and another thug will take the helm, and so on and so on.

Meanwhile, girls and women will continue to be treated worse than dogs (at least dogs can go where they want, when they want). And men don't routinely beat their dogs in Arab countries, do they?

The big fireworks will come when the sh*t hits the fan in Saudi Arabia.

Looks like you know nothing, but are only full of hatred.

Brahmburgers is correct - it is you that knows nothing - digging your head into the sand and ignoring facts. This is the way in these countries...Ghadaffi Duck said it all to the BCC reporter Bowen - "You do not understand the system here" and Ghadaffi is right we (Western people) do not understand the system - it is tribal as in all these countries...The civilised world ditched the tribal nonsense centuries ago....but a "religion" desperate to drag the rest of us back to before the middle ages has not.....It could be said that Thailand is the same. Siamese / Chinese / Burmese / Kmer / Lanna / Hmong...tribal....have and have nots. This is where you get the divisions - Red Shirts / Yellow Shirts ...tribal....then you get the "dictatorship governments" that shoot at their "own people" when they have had enough of living in abject squaler while the despots get richer......wake up and smell the coffee - demographics will change it all and very very soon....Ghadhaffi has had his day and will be gone but can only be replaced by another tribal leader...starting the whole cycle of nonsense again.

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Therefore the West should butt out and leave Asia and the Middle East alone,

Everyone, west included should butt out. If they dont, they eventually become despised and then you get things like terrorism. Either people and societies believe in self determination or they dont. If you believe in self determinism you would be willing to stick up for a choice you didnt agree with but which was a choice of the people. Unfortunately we see mostly mass hypocrisy with silly and erroneous arguments to justify naked interference in another peoples choice.

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Replace one rich power hungry thug for another. They'll cheer the replacement, and shout 'Allah-Akbar' like dogs mindlessly barking at a shadow, then thirty more years of oppression will painfully go by, then they'll demonstrate again, more people killed in the streets, and another thug will take the helm, and so on and so on.

Meanwhile, girls and women will continue to be treated worse than dogs (at least dogs can go where they want, when they want). And men don't routinely beat their dogs in Arab countries, do they?

The big fireworks will come when the sh*t hits the fan in Saudi Arabia.

Looks like you know nothing, but are only full of hatred.

Brahmburgers is correct - it is you that knows nothing - digging your head into the sand and ignoring facts. This is the way in these countries...Ghadaffi Duck said it all to the BCC reporter Bowen - "You do not understand the system here" and Ghadaffi is right we (Western people) do not understand the system - it is tribal as in all these countries...The civilised world ditched the tribal nonsense centuries ago....but a "religion" desperate to drag the rest of us back to before the middle ages has not.....It could be said that Thailand is the same. Siamese / Chinese / Burmese / Kmer / Lanna / Hmong...tribal....have and have nots. This is where you get the divisions - Red Shirts / Yellow Shirts ...tribal....then you get the "dictatorship governments" that shoot at their "own people" when they have had enough of living in abject squaler while the despots get richer......wake up and smell the coffee - demographics will change it all and very very soon....Ghadhaffi has had his day and will be gone but can only be replaced by another tribal leader...starting the whole cycle of nonsense again.

the civilised world ... :whistling:

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Replace one rich power hungry thug for another. They'll cheer the replacement, and shout 'Allah-Akbar' like dogs mindlessly barking at a shadow, then thirty more years of oppression will painfully go by, then they'll demonstrate again, more people killed in the streets, and another thug will take the helm, and so on and so on.

Meanwhile, girls and women will continue to be treated worse than dogs (at least dogs can go where they want, when they want). And men don't routinely beat their dogs in Arab countries, do they?

The big fireworks will come when the sh*t hits the fan in Saudi Arabia.

Looks like you know nothing, but are only full of hatred.

Whereas deeply misogynistic Arab societies are merely showing their love for their women chattels :blink:

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Therefore the West should butt out and leave Asia and the Middle East alone,

Everyone, west included should butt out. If they dont, they eventually become despised and then you get things like terrorism. Either people and societies believe in self determination or they dont. If you believe in self determinism you would be willing to stick up for a choice you didnt agree with but which was a choice of the people. Unfortunately we see mostly mass hypocrisy with silly and erroneous arguments to justify naked interference in another peoples choice.

A good point. Islam has enough divisions within it - the main ones being Sunni and Shia. Throw in the pot a handful of dictators/royal families and the region has plenty of problems to sort out for itself. Of course one solution is to provide a unifying theme that they can all get behind and forget their differences - the 'western' nations have to be very careful how they handle intervention in the region so as not to become the focal point that some are trying to make them.

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Either people and societies believe in self determination or they dont. If you believe in self determinism you would be willing to stick up for a choice you didnt agree with but which was a choice of the people.

Those nasty Allies interfered with the German people's choice in WW II. Who do they think that they are? :rolleyes:

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Therefore the West should butt out and leave Asia and the Middle East alone,

Everyone, west included should butt out. If they dont, they eventually become despised and then you get things like terrorism. Either people and societies believe in self determination or they dont. If you believe in self determinism you would be willing to stick up for a choice you didnt agree with but which was a choice of the people. Unfortunately we see mostly mass hypocrisy with silly and erroneous arguments to justify naked interference in another peoples choice.

A good point. Islam has enough divisions within it - the main ones being Sunni and Shia. Throw in the pot a handful of dictators/royal families and the region has plenty of problems to sort out for itself. Of course one solution is to provide a unifying theme that they can all get behind and forget their differences - the 'western' nations have to be very careful how they handle intervention in the region so as not to become the focal point that some are trying to make them.

"Of course one solution is to provide a unifying theme that they can all get behind and forget their differences -"

They already have this. It's called Israel.

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I agree that the US should keep its dog out of that fight.

Yet, it's in a 'damned if you do, damned if you don't' scenario. Looking at Libya, which is in a similar quagmire, the rebels were hoping the US (the world's most powerful military) would come through and assist. They got their wish with a cherry on top, as strong European military forces chimed in also. But, when a new regime gets in power, whether it be in Libya, Syria, Yemen, or Bahrain ......how soon before they chime in on the anti-American rhetoric?

That eventuality is most likely in Yemen, which looks to be the most likely to get an anti-American regime, when the smoke clears.

But all in all, problems in those fiefdoms are (or often become) part of America's problems. It's generally a problematic part of the world. Everyone hates Israel, there are no natural resources except oil, and that's finite. The carrying capacity of those desert lands is about 10 people per sq.Km, yet it's being forced to try to provide for thousands per sq.Km. There was even talk of towing icebergs there, remember that?

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Therefore the West should butt out and leave Asia and the Middle East alone,

Interesting opinion.

When it comes to government killing civilians the West should butt out, but when it come to Israel responding to attacks, West should condemn it and help.

You can not kill 2 rabbits with 1 bullet.

Pick one and stick to it.

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Therefore the West should butt out and leave Asia and the Middle East alone,

Interesting opinion.

When it comes to government killing civilians the West should butt out, but when it come to Israel responding to attacks, West should condemn it and help.

You can not kill 2 rabbits with 1 bullet.

Pick one and stick to it.

As usual you are delirious. What has your beloved Israel got to do with this thread. Like I told you before. Change the record dude. I am sick of reading the same old, same old from you. GIVE ME BREAK.:annoyed:

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The Syrian people should be able to determine their own future as should the people of Bahrain, Libya, Yemen and Saudi.

Yes and here in lies the dilemma, more kittens...............................Ah sorry, I digress to another thread in a similar vein.....

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Therefore the West should butt out and leave Asia and the Middle East alone,

Interesting opinion.

When it comes to government killing civilians the West should butt out, but when it come to Israel responding to attacks, West should condemn it and help.

You can not kill 2 rabbits with 1 bullet.

Pick one and stick to it.

As usual you are delirious. What has your beloved Israel got to do with this thread. Like I told you before. Change the record dude. I am sick of reading the same old, same old from you. GIVE ME BREAK.:annoyed:

You know very well what Israel has to do with the thread, it's called a double standard and reading same old same old isn't just strictly limited to you.. Seems basically he considers you a contradictory, hypocrite.. That's my take anyway...

Edited by WarpSpeed
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Therefore the West should butt out and leave Asia and the Middle East alone,

Interesting opinion.

When it comes to government killing civilians the West should butt out, but when it come to Israel responding to attacks, West should condemn it and help.

You can not kill 2 rabbits with 1 bullet.

Pick one and stick to it.

As usual you are delirious. What has your beloved Israel got to do with this thread. Like I told you before. Change the record dude. I am sick of reading the same old, same old from you. GIVE ME BREAK.:annoyed:

You know very well what Israel has to do with the thread, it's called a double standard and reading same old same old isn't just strictly limited to you.. Seems basically he considers you a contradictory, hypocrite.. That's my take anyway...

Israel has nothing to do with this issue here.

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Posts have been deleted.

Please keep to the specifics of the post and do not condemn entire demographic groups nor take personal shots at other posters.

Leeway will be given as far as putting the OP into a global perspective, but that does not mean ThaiVisa posting rules may be ignored.

Thank you.

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Looks like you know nothing, but are only full of hatred.

Looking in a mirror as you write this? :ermm:


I am looking at a post that equals human beings with dogs. That is an insult alone.

For Muslims dogs are unclean and impure animals. Equal Muslims with dogs is a racist insult.


Edited by bangkokeddy
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Looks like you know nothing, but are only full of hatred.

Looking in a mirror as you write this? :ermm:


I am looking at a post that equals human beings with dogs. That is an insult alone.

For Muslims dogs are unclean and impure animals. Equal Muslims with dogs is a racist insult.


I don't see anyone comparing mualims to dogs. I bekieve you are mistaken,

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Looks like you know nothing, but are only full of hatred.

Looking in a mirror as you write this? :ermm:


I am looking at a post that equals human beings with dogs. That is an insult alone.

For Muslims dogs are unclean and impure animals. Equal Muslims with dogs is a racist insult.


I don't see anyone comparing mualims to dogs. I bekieve you are mistaken,

"...and shout 'Allah-Akbar' like dogs mindlessly barking ..."

nobody shouts "Allah-Akbar" , makes no sense, and certainly not like a dog.

Its Allahu Akbar, Usually translated "God is [the] Greatest," or "God is Great", it is a common Islamic Arabic expression, used as both an informal expression of faith and as a formal declaration.

This phrase is recited by Muslims in many different situations. For example, when they are very happy, to express approval, to praise a speaker, or as a battle cry, during times of extreme stress. In the Islamic world, instead of applause, often someone will shout takbir and the crowd will respond "Allahu Akbar" in chorus.


Those people there get killed for simply participating in some protests and all what he can come up with is this racist and arrogant comment. And his equally arrogant buddy defend his hate speech in the name of the civilised world. :bah:

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Looks like you know nothing, but are only full of hatred.

Looking in a mirror as you write this? :ermm:


I am looking at a post that equals human beings with dogs.

Your posts are full of hatred for everyone but Muslim terrorists. You need to do some soul searching.

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Therefore the West should butt out and leave Asia and the Middle East alone,

Interesting opinion.

When it comes to government killing civilians the West should butt out, but when it come to Israel responding to attacks, West should condemn it and help.

You can not kill 2 rabbits with 1 bullet.

Pick one and stick to it.

As usual you are delirious. What has your beloved Israel got to do with this thread. Like I told you before. Change the record dude. I am sick of reading the same old, same old from you. GIVE ME BREAK.:annoyed:

Perhaps when you stop being a hypocrite i willwink.gif

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Therefore the West should butt out and leave Asia and the Middle East alone,

Interesting opinion.

When it comes to government killing civilians the West should butt out, but when it come to Israel responding to attacks, West should condemn it and help.

You can not kill 2 rabbits with 1 bullet.

Pick one and stick to it.

As usual you are delirious. What has your beloved Israel got to do with this thread. Like I told you before. Change the record dude. I am sick of reading the same old, same old from you. GIVE ME BREAK.:annoyed:

Perhaps when you stop being a hypocrite i willwink.gif

Once again it seems you have some sort of personnal issue that,once again, I cannot help you with. :lol:

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Therefore the West should butt out and leave Asia and the Middle East alone,

Interesting opinion.

When it comes to government killing civilians the West should butt out, but when it come to Israel responding to attacks, West should condemn it and help.

You can not kill 2 rabbits with 1 bullet.

Pick one and stick to it.

As usual you are delirious. What has your beloved Israel got to do with this thread. Like I told you before. Change the record dude. I am sick of reading the same old, same old from you. GIVE ME BREAK.:annoyed:

You know very well what Israel has to do with the thread, it's called a double standard and reading same old same old isn't just strictly limited to you.. Seems basically he considers you a contradictory, hypocrite.. That's my take anyway...

If the West followed a 'butt out' policy, as I wish that they would, there would not be a problem with Israel and Palestine today.

Would you care to ellaborate on these double standards??

Edited by coma
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It really goes against my craw to close threads. I am very liberal in which way threads meander down their respective paths, and information from all points of view are worthy.

However, I have deleted numerous posts in this thread, and I have issued a public warning which has been ignored. So it pains me, to be honest, but I feel I have no choice but to close this thread and hope posters can be more cognizant of ThaiVisa posting rules in other like threads.

Other than spam or non-Thai-related threads in General, I believe this is the first thread I have ever closed, and I don't like the feeling.


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