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Island Evacuation To Start Tomorrow

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We went out to get some food here stuck in Khanom and the place we ate at had the Thai news on. Evidently there is a Thai aircraft carrier en route to Tao, KPG and Samui to transfer the trapped tourists from the islands and take them to BKK. Things are evidently that bad now. They should start tomorrow :o

It doesn't look like we are going to get back in the next few days.

Samui looks a mess on the TV and has also been declared a disaster zone. :o

It seems like it hasn't stopped raining since last September. We may have had a few days of sunshine but in between it has been raining non stop.

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According to the Thai news report they are going to be transferring the trapped tourists by helicopter from the three islands and onto the carrier which will then return with them to BKK. Supposed to be here by the morning to start first thing.

This is all by the Thai news channel. They also showed the Thai Navy rescuing 70 school children from a small island just off Chumphon.

Things are looking bleak at the moment :(

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According to the Thai news report they are going to be transferring the trapped tourists by helicopter from the three islands and onto the carrier which will then return with them to BKK.

How many Tourists would we think are trapped ??

How people can be on a Helicopter that they'd provide ( no Chinook's ) ??

I wonder who would foot the Bill for thos mammoth Logistical operation that REALLY wouldn't be cheap ??

I can't imagine this is true when you think about it like that..

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Both of them!

What's your thoughts on how it would be funded & by who then, transferring thousands of people off of Samui via Helicopters ??

Stop it...you're spoiling the dramatic effect. :D

Edit : There's no point Smokes, no point..Let them crack on..

Edited by MSingh
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Both of them!

What's your thoughts on how it would be funded & by who then, transferring thousands of people off of Samui via Helicopters ??

Stop it...you're spoiling the dramatic effect. :D

Edit : There's no point Smokes, no point..Let them crack on..

I dunno what they're all sitting at the airport for anyway....plenty of hotels...must be a bar open somewhere....bloody whingers the lot of 'em! :o:P

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The report was more aimed at Koh Tao where they say around 1500 tourists are trapped and supplies are dwindling fast. Whether it actually happens is different from what they are promising on the TV. Lets see if the carrier turns up. I did notice it had a couple of harriers on board as well. :D

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Evidently so :blink: They may be able to pick up a load of spares now as they have binned all the UK ones. I think the carrier also has some amphibious landing craft as well ? :huh:

Supposed to be 1500 stranded tourists on Tao wanting off. :D

Looking at the weather forecast for today and out the hotel window it isn't looking good for getting back to Samui today with the high winds predicted ? :blink:

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According to the Thai news report they are going to be transferring the trapped tourists by helicopter from the three islands and onto the carrier which will then return with them to BKK.

How many Tourists would we think are trapped ??

How people can be on a Helicopter that they'd provide ( no Chinook's ) ??

I wonder who would foot the Bill for thos mammoth Logistical operation that REALLY wouldn't be cheap ??

I can't imagine this is true when you think about it like that..

That big Navy ship that has just arrived off Koh Tao must just be there for some diving and R & R then :whistling:

Edited by H2oDunc
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According to the Thai news report they are going to be transferring the trapped tourists by helicopter from the three islands and onto the carrier which will then return with them to BKK.

How many Tourists would we think are trapped ??

How people can be on a Helicopter that they'd provide ( no Chinook's ) ??

I wonder who would foot the Bill for thos mammoth Logistical operation that REALLY wouldn't be cheap ??

I can't imagine this is true when you think about it like that..

That big Navy ship that has just arrived off Koh Tao must just be there for some diving and R & R then :whistling:

To be fair if the post had mentioned just Koh Tao in the first place would have made more sense. Evacuating Samui??

Great title though....:D

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Freaky- Koh Tao gets evacuated nearly every year (just usually in November, not now!) but Koh Phangan? Never! Where are they going to go if the mainland is so flooded that nobody can get out??

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Can somebody rescue us poor stranded farangs here on the mainland ? :huh: Can't they do a 1 for 1 exchange ? ;) So many tourists OFF the island and so many expats back ONTO the islands :D

Not going anywhere today but fingers crossed for tomorrow :D

Some pictures taken from the balcony in the hotel




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The report was more aimed at Koh Tao where they say around 1500 tourists are trapped and supplies are dwindling fast. Whether it actually happens is different from what they are promising on the TV. Lets see if the carrier turns up. I did notice it had a couple of harriers on board as well. :D

Oh right, you must have been dramatizing it then as i could have swore you said " According to the Thai news report they are going to be transferring the trapped tourists by helicopter from the three islands and onto the carrier which will then return with them to BKK "..

Let' hope it's a safe Operation, whatever it is..

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A helicopter just flew over my house in KP.

I just caught a glimpse, it looked mostly white with a blue tail.

Probably a TAS chopper for offshore workers. I am waiting to go offshore now from Sattahip by boat :(

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Can somebody rescue us poor stranded farangs here on the mainland ? :huh: Can't they do a 1 for 1 exchange ? ;) So many tourists OFF the island and so many expats back ONTO the islands :D

Not going anywhere today but fingers crossed for tomorrow :D

Some pictures taken from the balcony in the hotel

Glad you have something to do to keep you from going stir crazy, Dunc, thanks for the pictures. What are all those things sticking up near the beach in the third picture, though?

Here on the West coast of Samui in the lee of the island it is much calmer. There are 5 Rajah ferries hugging the coast and three ocean going freighters as well. Yesterday saw a big barge and tug as well as one Sea Trans ferry offshore of Lipa Noi. Saw this from Taling Ngam, so probably more off of or moored at Nathon.

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Went this morning to help some friends with a little massage shop across from soi Grandfather Rock. Shop has been flooded for three days now (I think we got the last massage on Monday, they had cleaned up from Sunday night and then it started flooding again Monday afternoon). To my surprise they were all packed up waiting for a van to pick them up and take them to the Rajah Ferry port for evacuation by the Royal Navy! Didn't sound like a sure thing to me so I hung around for a while, sure enough they got a call saying that the evacuation was delayed because the highway near Chaiya (North of Surat Thanee town) was blocked by flooding (or maybe landslides, don't know). Packed them up in the truck and they are now staying in the unoccupied bungalow next to mine. Take care of those you can, it will most likely be your turn sometime

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