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Farang/thai Relationship!


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Love is blind but im now coming to my senses, what was i thinking off!

I had like many people on visiting Thailand fallen for a girl in a big way but where a lot of people lose a lot of money i was very fortunate as im 26 years old and had f*** all money to lose.

I first met this girl last year on my first trip to Thailand with friends and had the time of my life. On returning to good old blighty and my s**t boring job i thought im saving my pennies and coming back out here in seven months.

I spent 6 months travelling around Thailand mainly but went over to Cambodia for a little as well as Malaysia. Dont worry she wasn't in tow for the full 6 months as i travelled on my own which i intended initially but i always found myself running back to her and probably spent a good 3.5/4 months with her.

From very early on she told me about another guy, an American guy a lot older than me and i could only respect her honesty. After all i was with her and we were having such a good time together. He obviously had money and was sending her enough every month as well as paying for her a new set of love cushions which i got a lot of pleasure out of.

I genuinely felt we had strong feelings for each other but i totally understood her circumstances and after all i couldn't take care of her so there was nothing i could do when he came over for a holiday and took my sweetheart away from me.(he didn't know about me of course and i didn't want to spoil things for her) After a few weeks with him she missed me and made an excuse to spend some time with her family in issan during songkran and i went along with her and had a mind blowing experience.

After a few more weeks with him he went home so she was all mine again. I even went back to her village to attend her sisters wedding and all her family seemed to love me even though i wasn't giving her loads of money.

Im back home now and only just starting to see the light.

He's back with her know having jacked his job in to live in Thailand and as much as i know theres not much of a future between us, it hurts like ###### knowing i can't be with her.

You may wonder why im telling you this but for a long time i was affected by it and now that reality is setting in i felt like i wanted to tell some of you guys and see what your views on it are. Maybe then i can live and learn as i feel im always going to want to be coming to Thailand, especially as a single guy. You never know i may meet a farang chick soon and that will be the end of my Thailand days, but man what an adventure i've had in this wonderful country and can only envy you guys who live there. You never know, maybe one day.

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This scenario could have happened any where in the world. You should focus on the positives and think back on all the happy moments you spent with her. Dont waste time dwelling on the negatives.

Before you know it, you will be spending many happy moments with another beautiful woman, whether she be Thai or not.

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Yep. Move on mate. Plenty of great girls here. My ex and i were together for about 16 months. I lived and worked here. but i had to go back to the UK to sort somethings out(6 months). 4 months down the line i found out she was seeing some other farang she had met. Yes i was gutted. But then again i was no angel when i was back in the UK.:o I felt that everything we had meant ###### all. But really when i look back. Yes we had a good time but i wasnt really in love with her. I thought i was then but not really. Anyway. When i came back we still met each other but no future. Which was for the best. So what i'm trying to say is. Sure it hurts but get over it and come back and i'm sure you will meet someone else. I did. After being back for 2 months. I met my gf on Ko Samet where she was on holiday with her friends on the Kings birthday 2 years ago. In 3 weeks i will marry my missus. I couldnt be happier. :D

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It sounds like she did have feelings for you but like the others say, time to move on I think. At least when you started the relationship you knew about the other guy. The person i feel sorry for, is the American. He's her walking ATM and she's fcucking behind his back. He probably hasn't got a clue and by the sounds of it when she's cleaned him out she'll move on to some other sucker. :o

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Nice of the Yank to pay for the ‘Love Cushions’

Cheers guys for your views. I thought i would of got some stick with that post. As for forgetting about it and coming back, the same may well happen again. It's made me look at it with a stronger mind, i think next time i'll have fun and not get to involved. It's a vicious circle.

I should think some of you guys are in great relationships and i wish you all well.

All the best Jockster with your special day.


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No doubt you aren't the only one she is messing around with, besides her perm ATM. However I must say you are bit off by continuing on with an attached lady knowingly. Put yourself in the poor lad's shoes who's being raked over and ask yourself this would you want the same to happen to you?

Edited by britmaveric
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Love is blind but im now coming to my senses, what was i thinking off!

From very early on she told me about another guy, an American guy a lot older than me and i could only respect her honesty. After all i was with her and we were having such a good time together. He obviously had money.....

... her family in issan during songkran and i went along with her and had a mind blowing experience.

He's back with her know having jacked his job in to live in Thailand and as much as i know theres not much of a future between us, it hurts like ###### knowing i can't be with her.

I do not know where you met this girl but I strongly suspect it was a bar somewhere. There is a few clues in what you have said.

It sounds very much like she is a prostitute who is conning the American guy just as much as she is you. All of the prositutes wher I live are from Isan. All the girls (andmen) who do the real work are either local or come fromthe south.

If you want to meet a decent faithful women in Thailand, keep away from bars.

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I think the girl likes you more but thai girls must think of the future and that other man can obviously take care of her financially. It's very important in Thailand because there's no social welfare service in Thailand. You'd better forget that girl.

I am sorry but that is blatantly naiive. There is plenty of job oportunities in Thailand. No girl needs to screw farang for money. It is just that many of the, especially from Isan, do so because the are too lazy to work.

If they thought about the future, as you say, then this particular girl anyway, would have remained faithful to the old Amercian guy. The girl is obviously up for a cheap lifestyle whilst getting screwed for money. This is out and out prositution which goes on far too much here.

The "no social welfare" argument does not hold water.

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Love is blind but im now coming to my senses, what was i thinking off!

From very early on she told me about another guy, an American guy a lot older than me and i could only respect her honesty. After all i was with her and we were having such a good time together. He obviously had money.....

... her family in issan during songkran and i went along with her and had a mind blowing experience.

He's back with her know having jacked his job in to live in Thailand and as much as i know theres not much of a future between us, it hurts like ###### knowing i can't be with her.

I do not know where you met this girl but I strongly suspect it was a bar somewhere. There is a few clues in what you have said.

It sounds very much like she is a prostitute who is conning the American guy just as much as she is you. All of the prositutes wher I live are from Isan. All the girls (andmen) who do the real work are either local or come fromthe south.

If you want to meet a decent faithful women in Thailand, keep away from bars.

Regret to say that my wife and I know many so called "decent" women who have husbands and boyfriends. Many are business women and some have farang husbands. What would you have suggested to the husbands of these women? "Perhaps you would have been better off with a prostitute". Immorality is not the reserved domain of bar girls. :o At least the bar girl has the excuse of earning money for the family. What excuse is there when you have it all :D

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No doubt you aren't the only one she is messing around with, besides her perm ATM. However I must say you are bit off by continuing on with an attached lady knowingly. Put yourself in the poor lad's shoes who's being raked over and ask yourself this would you want the same to happen to you?

I'd met the girl on my first trip last year before she'd even met the other guy. It was only on my return that she told me about the other guy she'd met after me leaving from the first trip. I thought fair enough, after all im not taking care of her. It was only after he returned a second time that the money started coming and he had plans to return for good. You may say why didn't i say good bye there and then but it's not as easy as that when you have feelings for someone. Remember by this time i had spent including the first trip about 3 months with her.

I do understand your view but you didn't know the full story. If i'd of known from the start i wouldn't of carried it on, im not that kind of guy and no, i wouldn't want it to happen to me but i was on my first trip to Thailand and maybe a bit naive and fell for her hook, line and sinker and couldn't walk away from her.

As for prostitution, i dont like that term and you can't use it in the same sense as in the western world. Well you can to a certain extent but i didnt ask this girl for services for money or pay a bar fine. I just see it as i pulled a girl on a night out and i gave her some money every now and then.

Im sure there will be some views on the last paragraph.

Happy days!

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I am sorry but that is blatantly naiive. There is plenty of job oportunities in Thailand. No girl needs to screw farang for money. It is just that many of the, especially from Isan, do so because the are too lazy to work.

The "no social welfare" argument does not hold water.

Yes, plenty of jobs, if you have some education and live in the right area.

As for being lazy, you try working in a bar for 10/12 hours and see how long you last. Don't be so judgemental and try talking to some of the girls.

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I am sorry but that is blatantly naiive. There is plenty of job oportunities in Thailand. No girl needs to screw farang for money. It is just that many of the, especially from Isan, do so because the are too lazy to work.

The "no social welfare" argument does not hold water.

Yes, plenty of jobs, if you have some education and live in the right area.

As for being lazy, you try working in a bar for 10/12 hours and see how long you last. Don't be so judgemental and try talking to some of the girls.

I just can't see Omerta succeeding on personality or looks. :o Just doesn't seem to have the right attitude to find a farang boyfriend.

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It sounds like the girl was doing her job and doing it well. She provided companionship, happiness, some fun and laughter to someone who was attracted to her.

She would know that her time in the industry is limited, so she has to take care of her current financial needs and plan for her future too before she gets too old.

She will therefore meet, greet and entertain as many admirers as she can, and try to lure the one who she believes canbest take good care of her future needs.

Don't despair. There are plenty girls in the world (and in Thailand too) who will regard you as the best of the bunch.

Time is on your side, use it wisely.

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