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Big Trouble In Little Laos

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Just got back home from laos.

Talk about a fast turnaround.... One minute they are giving double entries out like candy, the next they are downscaling to 3 and your out, now they are down to 2 and your out.

Not saying that you will be turned down, but the visa issues are very irratic there at the moment.

about 6 weeks ago there was a post on here saying that people were being denied tourist visas if they already had 3 over a 12 month period. So I called them for clarification and they said that 3 tourist visas in a rolling 12 month period starting from the date of issue of the first visa, then they would 'possibly' deny. But so long as they cant read three dates within the last 12 months to THAT day, then you can come upand will get one.

3 days ago, i called again, because i know how things can change, and they said the same thing, so I was in the clear only having 2 in the PP..... hmmmmm.

I get to the embassy and first thing i notice is an Australian guy arguing the toss with the staff that he only had 2 visas and why were they turning him down... this did not sound encouraging. I stepped up and handed my own documents in, and the girl just flipped through and said..."single entry... no more".

When i pointed out that i was invited to the embassy by their staff because my trip would be successful, she just replied "don't care... do you want it or not?"... "you are not a tourist.... you do not stay Thailand so long for tourist reasons"... She said that they have to now force people away from tourist visas and to only apply for the adequate visa to cover the reason they are in thailand for.

If you say you have girlfriend in thailand, they say... then you are not tourist... dont mention gf, it wont help.

the next guy that came up to the counter was also knocked back... basically, on the day before they started charging again for visas, you would expect the place to be heaving on collection day. But not this time. the place was not as full as i have seen it in the past, and i never saw anyone collecting that i had seen applying.

I spoke to a few people who were collecting and all were either on their first or second, a big difference from 5 months ago where most were on their 8th or 10th....lol

I feel sorry for the laotians who seem to have set up an industry in the past 9 months... it has exploded from 4 or 5 tuk tuks and a coupleof vans to a huge fleet of each and 5 gazebos offering visa application and photcopyiong services. I think in a few weeks the place may be a ghost town, and the embassy can once again melt back into lazy days watching TV.

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B) hi .looks like malaysia is the place to get visas from . james hat yai

Having said all this. I am naturally sceptical about things like this. I have noticed that a lotof the guys outside were offereing visa agent services for 2000 baht and the next day would be 5000 baht. I exclaimed to my gf that these guys may have infiltrated the staff and have set up a 'visa gurantee' system for the obvious tea money.

I am not trying to insinuate anything.... but anything is possible.

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Like they say get the approiate visa for what you are doing. If no one saw this coming how stupid are you. Every time something that is beneficial is abused they will eventully crack down, case in point the old 30 day border runs a thing of the pass because of abuse.

The OP should talk to some of the jokers who were getting 9 or 10 tourist visas they are the ones who screwed it up. Eventually they will tighten up the education visa and then listen to the wailling about how I support the economy.

Edited by moe666
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......"you are not a tourist.... you do not stay Thailand so long for tourist reasons"... She said that they have to now force people away from tourist visas and to only apply for the adequate visa to cover the reason they are in thailand for.

Can't see anything wrong with this statement. Apply for the adequate visa.


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......"you are not a tourist.... you do not stay Thailand so long for tourist reasons"... She said that they have to now force people away from tourist visas and to only apply for the adequate visa to cover the reason they are in thailand for.

Can't see anything wrong with this statement. Apply for the adequate visa.


She was absoluely right and people should have the correct visa.

Now if the rest of the world can just catch all the Thais that got off a plane in foreign countries on a tourist visa and just disappeared, back to Thailand to assist with this program. Perhaps Los Angeles would be a good place to start.

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......"you are not a tourist.... you do not stay Thailand so long for tourist reasons"... She said that they have to now force people away from tourist visas and to only apply for the adequate visa to cover the reason they are in thailand for.

Can't see anything wrong with this statement. Apply for the adequate visa.


She was absoluely right and people should have the correct visa.

Now if the rest of the world can just catch all the Thais that got off a plane in foreign countries on a tourist visa and just disappeared, back to Thailand to assist with this program. Perhaps Los Angeles would be a good place to start.

You may want to rethink that, do you know how hard it is for an average Thai to get a tourist visa to the states. Near impossible. There is no show up on the plane and get 30 days.

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......"you are not a tourist.... you do not stay Thailand so long for tourist reasons"... She said that they have to now force people away from tourist visas and to only apply for the adequate visa to cover the reason they are in thailand for.

Can't see anything wrong with this statement. Apply for the adequate visa.


She was absoluely right and people should have the correct visa.

Now if the rest of the world can just catch all the Thais that got off a plane in foreign countries on a tourist visa and just disappeared, back to Thailand to assist with this program. Perhaps Los Angeles would be a good place to start.

You may want to rethink that, do you know how hard it is for an average Thai to get a tourist visa to the states. Near impossible. There is no show up on the plane and get 30 days.

No need to rethink it is very hard now because in the past it happened to often. They also used to go to Vancouver a lot then head south to the stataes mostly california. That is why now they are screened before getting visas. But the ones that did it are still there


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In an effort to bring this errant thread at least somewhat back on topic. :whistling:

Quite honestly, this should come as a surprise to almost no one who even peruses the T/V forum sporadically. :blink:

Nearly everyone shouldve thought something like this would be in the wind given how hard the Thai Consulate in Lao was being hit for visas, especially since they reduced the 30 day visa exempt land crossings to 15 days AND given their 'soft touch' or liberal interpretation of the rules. It certainly didn't help having Tourist Visas being free as all it did was over work the staff. Reports I've had from people who were there recently said the place was a mad house in the mornings!

Weve been seeing gradual 'tightening up' of the interpretation of the visa rules by almost EVERY Thai consulate/embassy in the world. One only needs to look at the US and even Hull (which was a known soft touch for a long time) to see the writing is possibly on the wall about the way things might end up with tourist visa and other types of visas as well.

Still, two T/V's from Lao (with extensions) gives you nearly 6 months in-country, another couple from a different neighboring countrys Thai consulate (with extensions) gives you 6 more months. That's a year, anyway you slice it. A year is a year. :D

I can already envision the number of people lining up to enroll in a private language school for an ED visa! :o

This new news certainly doesn't bode all that well for the 'perpetual tourist' category of foreigners. :( Personally I didnt (and still dont) have much of a problem with foreigners living here yet playing the tourist visa game :) .

The rules regarding these visas were written so ambiguously and so broadly interpreted by the consulates that its only natural foreigners would use it to their advantage. I know if I was in their situation I would do it too.

Good luck all, hope it works out one way or another. :)

Edited by tod-daniels
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Must be true as Walen school recently has an increased number of students wishing to learn Thai or English and have trouble free stay in Thailand during their studies.

We are known and famous for providing reliable and very quick service.

Walen school - most reliable ED visa assistance. Long term stay in Thailand - no visa runs.


Also no other school can process ED visa application faster than Walen, so if time is of essence come to Walen

Please register for priority service


We are in Bangkok (two locations), Chiangmai, Pattaya and Phuket and online (worldwide)

Branch in the Philippines (Angeles City) coming very soon!

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Slogan available for Non-IMM ED Visa Thai Language shop: The Dumber You Are, The Longer You Can Stay!

Dear Jazzbo,

If you are ever in trouble and need to learn Thai and get quality ED visa support you can count on Walen providing best quality service. If you just want to be cynical wrong address. Walen actually knows what to do relating to both teaching Thai and providing ED visa assistance.

Still thanks for your comment.

Walen school - we know our work

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I already know Thai and 4 other Asian languages

I do not need a Visa

There are several schools suggesting that one can study Thai for Visa purposes and stay for more years than it takes to earn a PhD

A Thai student in a language school in USA needs 18 hours of classroom study per week to qualify for a Visa.

I am just being cynical

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Must be true as Walen school recently has an increased number of students wishing to learn Thai or English and have trouble free stay in Thailand during their studies.

We are known and famous for providing reliable and very quick service.

Walen school - most reliable ED visa assistance. Long term stay in Thailand - no visa runs.


Also no other school can process ED visa application faster than Walen, so if time is of essence come to Walen

Please register for priority service


We are in Bangkok (two locations), Chiangmai, Pattaya and Phuket and online (worldwide)

Branch in the Philippines (Angeles City) coming very soon!

You don't have to do border runs OR leave the country every three months if on an ED visa?

Just as an aside, i find it hard to believe a country would sabotage its tourist industry by shutting the books on EVERY person that has more than 2 double entries in their passport.:huh:

If this "2 entries maximum" rule is correct, then surely the rule must only apply to people who have had the 2 double entry stamps in the space of (say) 1 year or so??

I can't imagine them wanting to deny tourists who utilise a few double entries every 3 to 5 years or so

Edited by ozzieovaseas
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That depends. If you have a valid multiple ED-visa you make border runs every 90 days.

You cna also get an extension of stay from immigration. Than you report to immirgation very 90 days with 1,900 baht and paperwork from the school confirming you are still studying and get a new 90 days.

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So what visa/entry stamp is the OP trying to do a visa run on?

I live in Thailand, have a Thai gf, baby, house, I work outside of Thailand so every time I come back from work I get a re-entry stamp at the airport. We spend all year in Thailand and we go to the UK on holiday once a year where I apply for my visa in Hull.

I come here on a Non-Imm O 12 month visa, is this the right visa for my situation?

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So what visa/entry stamp is the OP trying to do a visa run on?

I live in Thailand, have a Thai gf, baby, house, I work outside of Thailand so every time I come back from work I get a re-entry stamp at the airport. We spend all year in Thailand and we go to the UK on holiday once a year where I apply for my visa in Hull.

I come here on a Non-Imm O 12 month visa, is this the right visa for my situation?

Yes it is the correct visa.

The tightening up is only on tourist visas.

Some of the replies are suggesting i am bitching about the situation, just to set the record straight, i am not bothered, i have my bases covered. This website is primarily developed for this exact type of informative visa related post. I am not saying what is right or wrong with the situation at the embassies, however, i was a bit arsed at the fact we phoned before travelling all the way there and being told we were cool to go, and then i get a partial knockback. If they had said so, then i could have gone to malaysia or cambodia. But its cool. i just felt sorry to see so many people get the kickback. I hate visa runs like the next man, to have to go through all the hassle and come away fruitless must be hard.

But if this post has saved a few people from a wasted trip, then it has served its purpose, regardless of the fact that a few people who are living on their retirement visas can comment on the younger of us who have little other options than multiple tourist visas to stay here.

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  • 1 month later...

Must be true as Walen school recently has an increased number of students wishing to learn Thai or English and have trouble free stay in Thailand during their studies.

We are known and famous for providing reliable and very quick service.

Walen school - most reliable ED visa assistance. Long term stay in Thailand - no visa runs.


Also no other school can process ED visa application faster than Walen, so if time is of essence come to Walen

Please register for priority service


We are in Bangkok (two locations), Chiangmai, Pattaya and Phuket and online (worldwide)

Branch in the Philippines (Angeles City) coming very soon!

You don't have to do border runs OR leave the country every three months if on an ED visa?

Just as an aside, i find it hard to believe a country would sabotage its tourist industry by shutting the books on EVERY person that has more than 2 double entries in their passport.:huh:

If this "2 entries maximum" rule is correct, then surely the rule must only apply to people who have had the 2 double entry stamps in the space of (say) 1 year or so??

I can't imagine them wanting to deny tourists who utilise a few double entries every 3 to 5 years or so

I guess it depends on your definition of a tourist. Most tourist I come in contact with are in Thailand for no more than a month usually 10 to 14 days and on some sort of package tour. This will probably be their one and only trip to Thailand. Not tosay there are not a few people who use Thailand for a base to travel around SE Asia but there numbers are small and I donot believe you would sabotage the tourist industry by tightening up the rules.

The same thing happened with the 30 day visa runs and the folks who where living in Thailand on these screamed to high heaven about the changes then. Guess what Thailand is still here hasn't gone anywhere and seems to be doing just fine without pepetual 30 day border runners. People will adapt and find another loop hole.

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Normally i agree completely that people need the correct visa if they like to live in Thailand, and that they are getting tougher on people who live in Thailand on TR visas.

But there are also people who like to stay a long time in Thailand and have enough money so they don’t need to work but are younger then 50 year.

So if you are below 50 year old, have a lot of money, are not married ( with a Thai wife ) you are fxxcked as you can’t stay legally in Thailand. :(

According the Thai system it is not possible to be young and rich. B)

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Thailand has a current investment option for long term stay available from Immigration for such people.

Yes, for a investment of 10 MM THB if i remember correct. ( which has to be invested in a company )

And this is only if you invest and not if only like to live in Thailand.

This and all the paperwork involved makes this not a real option in my opinion..

Edited by merijn
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