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Law Prohibiting Marriage To Foreigners Over The Age Of 50 Proposed To Thai Cabinet

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Thai parliament does not have an original bone in its body! Straight from Cambo's ridiculous rule. Get a life Thailand - you have more pressing matters to consider - like corruption - let the old guys (like me) marry who we want - we bring M O N E Y... Idiots!

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Yes. Thailand should bring in this law to prohibit older Farangs and other foreigners from marrying very young women .

I have seen some farangs with young wives who could be their grand daughters!.

Laos and Cambodia have enacted these law: why not Thailand.

So Khun Sundaram444. What do you think about me being 57 and my Thai wife being 52. Do you think this is a just law? Do you think that just because I'm over 50 I should not have been able to marry my Thai wife who is 5 years younger then me?

You totally miss the point. A Farang over 50 can't marry anyone, including Thai women over 50.

It they want to implement an age range -- fine. I don't think think a guy ought to marry someone old enough to be their daughter (or grand-daughter) either. But this stupidity is saying that men over 50 can not marry at all. It's stupid, it's discriminatory, and borders on a human rights violation.

Amazing Thailand!


Thai parliament does not have an original bone in its body! Straight from Cambo's ridiculous rule. Get a life Thailand - you have more pressing matters to consider - like corruption - let the old guys (like me) marry who we want - we bring M O N E Y... Idiots!

I expected better from you :lol:


absolutely ridiculous and discriminatory.pure xenophobia

I am over 50, my Thai girlfriend is pregnant with our baby, we planned to get married end of year once I get divorced from foreign wife. I have my company ,visa and work permit , pay taxes and need no retirement or marriage visa to stay in Thailand

:D You've got to love people who are waiting for their divorce papers to come through so they can get married.

Wasn't leaving your first lot of children with a broken family enough? Now you have to leave another child without a father, when you snuff it in 10-15 years time.


I wonder how many over 50s, who have been sitting on the fence about getting married, will now rush out and marry their tilacs this month before the gates close, because they really believe this hilarious spoof :lol:


Typical third-world country bullshit...showing the government flexing their muscles again...

Oh...sorry! I forgot...this is a DEMOCRATIC SOCIETY now...right?

Thai's...ridiculous...still writing the laws and issues the way they want to write them...you're free, you live in a democratic state....BUT!




It's fine...

It only applies to straight marriages. The sexpats can just marry an eighteen year old boy instead of an eighteen year old girl.

Fifteen bottles of Heineken and they feel the same anyway...

It would take 15 truck loads of whiskey or more before I would stick my jolly roger into a male. I will leave that for the gay community.:D

Some will never ever know, you my friend, could have been one of them, there are many that don't have large hands, deep voices, stand out adam apples or what u call a jolly roger, they are beautiful with beautiful breast, buns, walk, talk and at that time one might not need anything to drink, there is a million stories out there and many guys that will never know for sure and after the fat lady sings who the f@@# cares, make the most of your now's this month stink will find the fan, count your blessings daily, Mother Earth is pissed off.


April fools


No, not April fools ... the same laws were recently passed in both Cambodia and Laos, thus Thailand just follows this new S.E. Asian racial concept.

Old farangs over 50 that marry young Thai girls also have children, the children are Eurasian (half-casts) and Thailand does not regard this as a positive development within its society, hence the new law.


I think its a great idea by the government. It takes the temptation and pressure off all us over 50's!!!

Can't see the local village chiefs checking the farangs proof of age if he turns up in the village with a few bob on his tail to marry one of the local talent.

No doubt the common law wife will apply when you pop your clogs and a substantial amount of money is left!!


April fools


No, not April fools ... the same laws were recently passed in both Cambodia and Laos, thus Thailand just follows this new S.E. Asian racial concept.

Old farangs over 50 that marry young Thai girls also have children, the children are Eurasian (half-casts) and Thailand does not regard this as a positive development within its society, hence the new law.

So they make all those half cast people TV actors because Thai people don't like them?


Tsunamis are not allowed in Thailand, it is against the law ... makes about the same sense.

Just can't stop laughing about their copy-cat out-lawing(s) (themselves).:D:lol:


"In any other country, this would be an obvious April Fool joke, but in Thailand, and with the gross stupidity of Thai politicians and their zenophobic attitude. Who knows?"

I love a good irony.


April fools


No, not April fools ... the same laws were recently passed in both Cambodia and Laos, thus Thailand just follows this new S.E. Asian racial concept.

Old farangs over 50 that marry young Thai girls also have children, the children are Eurasian (half-casts) and Thailand does not regard this as a positive development within its society, hence the new law.

My friend -you need sex lessons.

Whether over 50 or not, married or not, farangs (and not all over 50 are old!) can still impregnate Thai girls who will bear half-caste children. The proposed law (as suggested here today) will not change that!


Khun Twatchai also said as a potential farang groom you will not be allowed to be balding, fat, smelly or wear socks with sandals and shorts.


Wow! They are really being very creative in the ministries! What about coming up with some "intelligent" solutions for a change? It would be refreshing!

Yeah, like implementing the already pre-existing 'prostitution laws'. I'm pretty sure these old dtao hua gnoo didn't meet their girlbrides at the local coffee shop/wat.

Fact is this 'government' make too much money out of having their women sell their ass, same as ALL preceding governments. And the fact they announce this straight after Cambodia's new 'law' (laughable - Cambodia = law) is truly pathetic given that this country, Thailand is the biggest brothel in the world. And am sure my friends Nui and Lim will be put off their daily trawling of 'marriage' websites aimed at old farang.

Also agree with poster expressing 'what if you're 50 and proposed spouse maybe 49?'

STUPID reasoning. If you want your country to NOT be labeled, and rightly so, as biggest whore house in the world (a) raise education/expectations, and (B) make Thai males lawfully responsible for the upbringing of their children. I won't hold my breath.


angry mob of isaan girl burning government building .....

Think of how they will feel when they find out it all started as a joke!


So does that mean that a foreigner over 50 cannot marry any Thai national regardless of age?

e.g Foreigner 51 and Thai woman 45 cannot get married?

That would seem ridiculous!

Yes it is ridiculous and doesn't this law also go against basic human rights?

Yes it does but has Thailand ever respected anyone's human rights


I just talked to my wife about this: Ha ha ha!!!

"We marry already. I no care. It not my business. I think too much I get headache. It not our problem."

She's right you know -- <deleted> should I care. Well, that is until they decide to annul our marriage because I'm a Farang over 50. I guess that the Thai government will have to wait until their Laos and Cambodia big brothers make the first move before that happens 'eh. With my pension, assets, and retirement saving -- man, I just hate being such a darn burden to the Thai people. Maybe it's time to move to Central American or Sri Lanka? Or hell, Malaysia would welcome me with open arms. Why am I here again?

Yeah back to reality: I'm here because I met, fell in love with, and married a beautiful, good-hearted, middle-aged Buddhist woman who shares common ideals and a common moral and religious background as I do. And it's her desire and wishes to remain in her home country. We can always move back to mine. So -- how do you legislate that?

Stupid, corrupt governments + Apathetic populations = 99% of the countries around the world (Nothing to see here. Keep walking please...) :(


angry mob of isaan girl burning government building .....

Yes I guess the farang hubby pool is about to completely dry up. I guess they will just have to turn thier aim towards those men from Burma, korea, china and Japan.


What I don't understand is the older guy (60 plus in a lot of cases) having children. They make various arguments as to why it is not a bad thing, however, at the end of the day you are going to have a child

that is going to be left fatherless at a relatively young age, and that is not fair on the child.

What an argument: It is better for a child never to have lived than risk being left fatherless at a relatively young age.

I don't think there are many fatherless children that would agree to this.


Oh my... this is not only ridiculous like crazy, but a discrimination to the choosing rights of women on their freedom to pick the husband they want...

This is like telling Thai ladies: "since you don't have the brain to pick a husband, we'll tell you who you can marry"... :blink:

I wonder if this people is actually running out of ideas on how to screw the international income of this country... perhaps, not allowing tourist be the next big deal? :rolleyes:

Party like animals, date and have fun with all girls you can (without the need of 400k)... but do not ever consider to marry one! ha!... in the other hand... doesn't sound that bad... :whistling:


I knew that the Thai politicians are stupid but that they are so stupid I never imagined........

I always imagined they were this stupid. Their ignorance and stupidity is on display every day in this backward country. First, to all the Thia numb nuts in Parliament, if you are really concerned about the retirement amount, just raise it for men who marry Thai nationals you idiots! It's a pitence to us anyway! The fact is, it just bugs the heck out of you that your women prefer farang of any age over your little shrink-wrapped package! You want to remain free to treat your women like crap and have them do all the work you are all to lazy or stupid (likely both) to do so you have time to play with little boys and ladyboys in your local brothels, drink your days away and gamble away what little baht you do have from whatever scam you were running . As far as the little fatherless bastards that might be created by an old farang who keels over before it's grown, I suspect the geezer will have provided for the wife and child much better than any Thai man is capable of doing. Also here is a heads up for you brain dead little MP droids, just because you all believe 400,000 or 800,000 is alot of money, to most farang of retirement age it is absolutely nothing, and I seriously doubt any farang ever married a Thai girl of any age with this thought in mind. So I guess it will still be perfectly ok for these impotent little lilliputions to cheat on their wives with these young girls or marry them themselves and abuse them. Thailand is a country on the decline in a big way and this will be another huge step towards its demise. Other than your women, you have little else to offer us and you will learn this lesson the hard way.

Just tell us how you really feel, don't hold back .

I too am getting really really sick of the BLANKET opinion of ALL Thai males. Given also, that there are a large percentage of farang males here escaping enforcement of their various countries' laws regarding Child Support.

NOT everyone's the same. Good and bad in every race. Only here, no law enforcement.


April fools


No, not April fools ... the same laws were recently passed in both Cambodia and Laos, thus Thailand just follows this new S.E. Asian racial concept.

Old farangs over 50 that marry young Thai girls also have children, the children are Eurasian (half-casts) and Thailand does not regard this as a positive development within its society, hence the new law.

My friend -you need sex lessons.

Whether over 50 or not, married or not, farangs (and not all over 50 are old!) can still impregnate Thai girls who will bear half-caste children. The proposed law (as suggested here today) will not change that!

How funny that in Thailand the subject of half casts is still around. It is a non issue. What about Thai/Chinese half casts? They happen to be currently the most elite group in the country. Most of the top/major Thai movie stars, TV personalities and singers are half Thai, half farang. That white skin is valued more than Gold! There is no proposed law, it is a spoof!


April fools


No, not April fools ... the same laws were recently passed in both Cambodia and Laos, thus Thailand just follows this new S.E. Asian racial concept.

Old farangs over 50 that marry young Thai girls also have children, the children are Eurasian (half-casts) and Thailand does not regard this as a positive development within its society, hence the new law.

My friend -you need sex lessons.

Whether over 50 or not, married or not, farangs (and not all over 50 are old!) can still impregnate Thai girls who will bear half-caste children. The proposed law (as suggested here today) will not change that!

How funny that in Thailand the subject of half casts is still around. It is a non issue. What about Thai/Chinese half casts? They happen to be currently the most elite group in the country. Most of the top/major Thai movie stars, TV personalities and singers are half Thai, half farang. That white skin is valued more than Gold! There is no proposed law, it is a spoof!

april fools and not even original. How disappointing, they should have added the fool proposal: and all men above 50 that want to come to thailand need to have their balls cut off first so they can not make any bastard kids

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