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What would have been the outcome if Rio Ferguson -sorry Ferdinand had been caught playing footsie for Bangkok United?

....3 days ban and 25 Baht fine B)

Ferdinand banned for eight months

How the saga has unfolded

Rio Ferdinand has been banned for eight months and fined £50,000 by the Football Association after being found guilty of missing a drugs test.

An independent tribunal found the Manchester United defender guilty of misconduct after he failed to take a test on 23 September.

The ban, which provisionally starts from 12 January, would see him miss the rest of the season and Euro 2004.

It's certainly a punishment that will not leave people thinking the FA has gone soft on drugs

Lord Coe


Coe's role in helping to overhaul the FA's disciplinary process :o:D


I am not a Manchester United fan. I loathe and detest Manchester United, I also loathe and destest their manager, who will resign next year! (More info to follow).

I believe Rio is a casual drug user, cocaine clears from the (body) system in 48 hours. Far better to miss a test, lie low and say you forgot. He is dim, Manchester United know he is dim, his IQ is around 106. He is lucky. He has a fine of a weeks wages and an eight month ban. Personally I would prefer to hear from his supplier in the News of The World.

It will all come out, just like Fergie, both their days are numbered. Trust me I know.


well said,mr.barret.

rio is indeed dim, dimmer in fact than a glow-worms ringpiece,and in my opinion he got off lightly. he should have been banned for a couple of years.

premier league footballers have every thing done for them, all they have to remember is what time to turn up at the training ground, which is their left foot and which is their right and occasionally they have to pee into a bottle. for this they receive at least £50,000 a week(3.5 million baht).

he chose to ignore the request for a drug test and therefore is in breach of the regulations. i'm sure he has never forgotten to show up for an appointment with his hair stylist,tailor or to take his aston martin in for a service on time, so the fact that he chose to scurry off when he should have been taking his drug test speaks volumes about his motives.

incidentally, i share mr. barrets feelings towards manchester united and all who sail on her, and await the managers resignation.

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