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A little bird told me that by the end of this year AIS will loose their contracts to supply phone services - they have already been excluded from future 3G

so does this mean we all have to change to Dtac???


Various companies are threatening to sue them out of existence (I think mainly the state-owned TOT which is claiming massive damages?). I have to say it looks rather political to me (and I'm not a Thaksin fan boy).


I think this is quite important for ALL TV readers as it will affect those who haven't the slightest interest in communications pre se.

I personally am going to move as quick as I can - I don't want to have to sort my contacts etc out in a rush.

POINT - Can I keep my phone number? - I've had it for 10 years and changing it would be a nightmare - or at least something I need to sort out NOW!


Relax. Someone will pay someone something and nothing will happen. You can't take mobiles away from Thais there would be a riot.

LOL.  How true.   :lol:


I think this is quite important for ALL TV readers as it will affect those who haven't the slightest interest in communications pre se.

I personally am going to move as quick as I can - I don't want to have to sort my contacts etc out in a rush.

POINT - Can I keep my phone number? - I've had it for 10 years and changing it would be a nightmare - or at least something I need to sort out NOW!

Number portability is supposed to be in effect now, check with your carrier


I think this is quite important for ALL TV readers as it will affect those who haven't the slightest interest in communications pre se.

I personally am going to move as quick as I can - I don't want to have to sort my contacts etc out in a rush.

POINT - Can I keep my phone number? - I've had it for 10 years and changing it would be a nightmare - or at least something I need to sort out NOW!

I wouldn't get too worried. AIS has a huge customer base and I can't imagine all the AIS numbers being blocked to access the phone network. Most likely they would be bought out or taken over before that would happen. AIS isn't necessarily locked out of the 3G market. Last I heard they were allocated the 900Mhz 3G frequency a long time ago and they were going to do some test implementations of 4G on that frequency within the next year.

Yes, you can keep your phone number and move it to another provider. It's called MNP (Mobile Number Portability). I just went through it with changing from AIS to Truemove. AIS did all they could to delay the transfer the number to Truemove. It took just over two months for the change to take place. At one point, I was called by AIS daily asking why I didn't want their service only to be advised that they rejected it and to have Truemove resubmit the request. I think most people would have given up in frustration.

The speculation was DTAC was facing being locked out of the 3G game, but then I heard DTAC was negotiating CAT for use of the 850Mhz 3G in some areas.

TIT, so I wouldn't try to second guess anything. Just wait until something happens and then don't count on it, as it may change again. The game between the government, public telecoms, and private telecoms has been going on for years! Lots of palms need to be greased from time to time.

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