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English Proficiency Ranking Of 44 Countries


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'Rank' 'Country' 'EF EPI Score' 'Level'

1 Norway 69.09 Very High Proficiency

2 Netherlands 67.93 Very High Proficiency

3 Denmark 66.58 Very High Proficiency

4 Sweden 66.26 Very High Proficiency

5 Finland 61.25 Very High Proficiency

6 Austria 58.58 High Proficiency

7 Belgium 57.23 High Proficiency

8 Germany 56.64 High Proficiency

9 Malaysia 55.54 High Proficiency

10 Poland 54.62 Moderate Proficiency

11 Switzerland 54.60 Moderate Proficiency

12 Hong Kong 54.44 Moderate Proficiency

13 South Korea 54.19 Moderate Proficiency

14 Japan 54.17 Moderate Proficiency

15 Portugal 53.62 Moderate Proficiency

16 Argentina 53.49 Moderate Proficiency

17 France 53.16 Moderate Proficiency

18 Mexico 51.48 Moderate Proficiency

19 Czech Republic 51.31 Moderate Proficiency

20 Hungary 50.80 Moderate Proficiency

21 Slovakia 50.64 Moderate Proficiency

22 Costa Rica 49.15 Low Proficiency

23 Italy 49.05 Low Proficiency

24 Spain 49.01 Low Proficiency

25 Taiwan 48.93 Low Proficiency

26 Saudi Arabia 48.05 Low Proficiency

27 Guatemala 47.80 Low Proficiency

28 El Salvador 47.65 Low Proficiency

29 China 47.62 Low Proficiency

30 India 47.35 Low Proficiency

31 Brazil 47.27 Low Proficiency

32 Russia 45.79 Low Proficiency

33 Dominican Republic 44.91 Very Low Proficiency

34 Indonesia 44.78 Very Low Proficiency

35 Peru 44.71 Very Low Proficiency

36 Chile 44.63 Very Low Proficiency

37 Ecuador 44.54 Very Low Proficiency

38 Venezuela 44.43 Very Low Proficiency

39 Vietnam 44.32 Very Low Proficiency

40 Panama 43.62 Very Low Proficiency

41 Colombia 42.77 Very Low Proficiency

42 Thailand 39.41 Very Low Proficiency

43 Turkey 37.66 Very Low Proficiency

44 Kazakhstan 31.74 Very Low Proficiency

English proficiency is highest in Europe as a whole. All the very high proficiency countries and all but one of the high proficiency countries are found there. However, the trend does not hold for all European countries: Spain, Italy and Turkey fall behind their neighbors.

Asia has a range of English proficiency levels from high in Malaysia to very low in Vietnam and Indonesia. The wealthier Asian countries tend to have higher levels of proficiency, as would be expected from their higher rates of school attendance and greater investment in private English courses.

Latin America has the lowest level of English proficiency of any region. Only Mexico and Argentina score above low proficiency. Historically weaker school enrollment levels, more political unrest, and low levels of government investment in education are all contributing factors.


Edited by licentiapoetica
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I work with Thai's in the Middle East, there are a few Thai companies trying to crack the construction industry overseas but their main obsticle is their Thai staff/workers lack of English skills.

It's a shame, these engineers are world class and can easily compete with Fillipinos for overseas jobs but alas...no or little English skills.

Thailand is losing billions every year in what would be a very good income from Thai workers overseas sending their salaries home.

Me thinks it is a polcy from high up the ruling elite ladder to keep the poor poor. Only top Bkk elite get the oppertunity to learn English at any sort of professional manner.

What a shame Thailand!

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I notice England doesn't make the list! Presumably down to illiteracy in schools and massive immigration!! :ph34r:

USA isn't on the list either, I remember when USA had a lower literacy rate than Philippines and Philippines doesn't even make the top 44!

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I just returned 2 x Books bought by people for my Daughter's Birthday, back to Se-ed Book Shop as the English in them was absolutely ridiculous & i simply won't have my Daughter learning from them.

That's not the first time i've done that either..

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Absolutely meaningless.

So speaking English is a definitive advantage ? It makes the difference between winners and losers ?

Malaysia ahead of Hong Kong, South Korea, Japan, Taiwan and China ? :cheesy:

Just visit a trailer park in the USA or in a British suburb, you will see for yourself what a definitive advantage speaking english gives you

FYI, this survey is sponsored by "the largest privately held education company that specializes in language training"

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FYI, this survey is sponsored by "the largest privately held education company that specializes in language training"


To be honest, saying you can speak english in an international resume is like saying you can read and write, it is assumed.

But linking the english proficiency of a nation with its world ranking is preposterous. Japan and Germany, and now China, owe more their prosperity to their engineers than to their english proficiency.

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FYI, this survey is sponsored by "the largest privately held education company that specializes in language training"


To be honest, saying you can speak english in an international resume is like saying you can read and write, it is assumed.

And what if they can't speak English?

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FYI, this survey is sponsored by "the largest privately held education company that specializes in language training"


To be honest, saying you can speak english in an international resume is like saying you can read and write, it is assumed.

And what if they can't speak English?

You look for work in your home country. A lot of people don't see a problem with that.

Actually a lot of foreign companies have problem with their local subsidiaries in Asia because they hire people based on their language abilities rather than their professional abilities. And it's not this kind of survey that is going to help them.

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USA isn't on the list either, I remember when USA had a lower literacy rate than Philippines and Philippines doesn't even make the top 44!

Uhh, news flash!! The O/P's post is NOT about literacy, but about proficiency in engrish. Must be your second language huh? :o Keep up with those ESL classes they'll pay off ;) .. Just joking. :jap: .. ..

Actually in outright literacy in their native language Thailand is pretty close to the top 'o the heap, far ahead of the US or UK. Although I'm more than a little suspect of any figures or stats which come from the government.

I do find it strange that the Phillipines doesn't make the top 44 in engrish proficiency as they're far more adept at speaking engrish than I've seen err heard ;) around these parts. Then again, maybe they were exempt and considered a native engrish speaking country in this instance.

Are you sure 'drunk' isn't an honest to goodness second language :whistling: . I hear it spoken all the time here by foreigners and Thais alike! :lol:

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I think the point has somewhat eluded you jurgen

The point being ?

Let's put it this way.....

Your name would suggest that you are German? Or perhaps Austrian? Either way, I would guess that English is not your first language.

So I don't quite understand how you can suggest that speaking English is not important to people when you yourself have learned to speak English. This isn't about nations, it's about individuals.

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This list is pretty self-promoting. The scores are from those who took free online English tests at the company's website. Thus, the rankings "are far more representative of the average English level of adults than other worldwide English tests." Someone doesn't know much about that which they are BSing.

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I think the point has somewhat eluded you jurgen

The point being ?

Let's put it this way.....

Your name would suggest that you are German? Or perhaps Austrian? Either way, I would guess that English is not your first language.

So I don't quite understand how you can suggest that speaking English is not important to people when you yourself have learned to speak English. This isn't about nations, it's about individuals.

Right about english not being my first language. But I still don't get the point ....

English is important to me because I'm in international business but I deal on a daily basis with engineers and technicians who can't speak english. They are at their position because of their technical abilities, I'm at mine because of other abilities, one of them is being able to speak a couple of foreign languages.

But honestly I still don't get it, so what is the point of this thread?

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The point of the thread is that the OP found a list that he/she thought was interesting and threw it out so that the TV crew could chew on it. My opinion is that the list is not very accurate. Yours was that it was absolutely meaningless. I'd say that we are in agreement.

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Let's make an equally fair comparison of English speaking people living in Thailand for 5 years or more. How many of them speak fluent Thai? You know, enough to actually CONVERSE with Thai people.

I was on a ferry to Koh Samet while sitting beside 3 blokes who were talking steadily amongst each other. It was half an hour before I realized they were actually speaking English. As it turned out they were Cockney Londoners on their first trip to Thailand. I only understood about one out of 10 words they spoke. Hey, but what should I know, I'm only a Canadian. :D

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