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Teeth Whitening Warning: Beauty House In Pattaya


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Do not get teeth whitening done in Thailand for a "dentist" associated with the Beauty House in Pattaya, Thailand.

I paid $250 US to get it done there and it hurt like heck! No kidding, tears of pain were running down the sides of my face. And then when he was finished, it hadn't improved my teeth at all!

I complained and wouldn't pay. I was so pissed off, I marched across the street to another dentist and asked them if they thought my teeth had been whitened. The Beauty House called the police, and basically, I had to pay or go to jail! Glad I at least embarrassed the bad dentist, as he followed me, at my invitation, across the street to the other dental clinic.

The place is a joke!

I spoke to another dentist from a hospital in the area about this, and described the laser. He said that they were probably using a laser meant for skin blemishes -- not teeth.

Beware... go to a dental hospital if you go there. Beware of The Beauty House in Pattaya... for dental work, anyway!

Beauty House is located on 2nd Road just north of Pattaya Klang

Edited by Baccusboy
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Individual differences

Whitening toothpaste

Bleaching Side affects

What is involved Contra -indications

Over the counter kits Cautions

How Does Tooth Whitening Work?

Teeth come in many colors. Some have a yellowish tone, some orange, some brown and some gray. The outside of your teeth, the enamel, is clear. The color that you see show through from the tooth structure under the enamel called the dentin.

To whiten teeth a peroxide-type chemical is applied and it goes through the enamel into the dentin. There are different ways this chemical can be applied. Both the character of your teeth and the whitening technique used determines how long it will take for your teeth to whiten, how white your teeth will get, and how long the whiter color will last.

Individual's Teeth

It is important for you to understand that every individual's teeth responds in a unique way to bleaching and whitening products.  Some people will see dramatic results in a short time, others will see little results or need lengthier treatment to achieve desired results.  This is why it is very important to seek the advice and supervision of a dentist for your safety and favorable results.

      Over the years you may have experienced a natural build up of stains on your teeth from coffee, tea, colas, smoking, antibiotics, food, deposits of calculus and tartar, certain minerals, old fillings, tooth nerve damage or trauma to teeth that have darkened the natural whiteness of your teeth. These factors will effect the bleaching procedure you should choice.  These factors also determine when the teeth will need a bleaching touch-up.

    But yellowing (aging) of your teeth can be easily reversed to boost your self confidence, appearance and self esteem.

"Bleach is bleach is bleach, it's effectiveness is time and dose related"*

There is actually no bleach involved at all in this process. A clear flavored gel  base bleaching produce made up of carbamide peroxide is applied in the "bleach" tray that is worn over the teeth for several hours each day or overnight.. This systems works well for moderate staining or discoloration

Whitening effect is entirely

dependent on peroxide concentration x time in contact with teeth

Professional Tooth Whitening vs. Over-The-Counter Kits


    Be careful of over the counter home bleaching kit: 

They can vary in quality of materials.

The gel may be of low viscosity allowing the gel to leak onto your gums and cause irritation.

Whitening gel may be swallowed due to poor fitting one size fits all bleaching trays.

Lack of dental supervision. 

If you have an abscessed tooth, the tooth may get traumatized through the use of an over-the-counter product and all of a sudden, they will just start dissolving,  Tooth discoloration could be due to decay, older fillings or leaking fillings.  Your dentist is the best advisor to tell you what methods of whitening is best for your individualized needs and conditions.#

The boil-and bite" trays used by over-the-counter products:  Dramatically overlap soft tissue (gums) producing more irritation.

They also feel bulky in your mouth which can result in discomfort and possible TMJ problems. 

Whitening results are more unpredictable

          Dentist supervised whitening ensures that you are the right candidate for the procedure, monitor the progress of bleaching and address problems if they arise. 

    Without this guidance, people sometimes try to bleach teeth discolored from nerve damage, trauma or cavities.  Bleaching these teeth only causes additional damage,  People with tooth sensitivity or gum disease also creates more problems such as... bleaching sensitive teeth causes intense pain and discomfort.

    We suggest dentist supervised take home bleaching kits. or In Office Power Bleaching:

These kits use high quality materials

  Individualized designed trays that are less bulky and conforms more closely to the natural contours of your teeth making it more comfortable and safe to produce better whitening results. 

  The custom-fitted tray helps protect your gums from leaking peroxide.

More importantly your dentist can can perform a check-up before you use the kit which allows problems to be identified before they cause pain or are worsened as a result of unsupervised bleaching. 

Follow-up visits allow the dentist to monitor progress and address problems that may arise.

It is a safer method that provides betters results.

    For your safety we use only Whitening products that have the ADA Seal of Approval.

Tooth Whitening vs. Toothpaste That Promotes Whitening

    It would take up to a year and half longer to whiten your teeth one shade lighter through daily use of a toothpaste whitening product as compared to using a whitening gel. 

    The reasons for this is that the toothpaste is diluted by saliva and is only in your mouth for a few minutes or less.  Also whitening toothpastes do not lighten the color of tooth structure, they simply remove surface stains with mild abrasives or special chemical or polishing agents. 

    With the whitening kit you will be able to see results within three days of starting the whitening process and usually takes only 4-5 applications to see one color shade change. 

Remember: Whitening toothpaste can only remove stains, they do not change the color of the teeth.

What Is Involved?     Tooth whitening can be done in your home around your schedule after only two visits to our office:

At your first visit we will check your teeth and gums to be sure that you begin the treatment in good dental health. We will than take an impression of your teeth in order to provide you with a custom-fit soft plastic tray that is fabricated by us. This tray is designed to hold the whitening gel next to your teeth. 

At the second visit, this custom made mouth tray will be tried in, adjusted and trimmed to channel the active whitening agent to your teeth and not your gums to prevent irritation. You will be given your kit which contains the custom mouth piece, syringe delivered whitening gel and samples of products to help you maintain your smile along with instructions and supervision by Dr. Peterson. You decide when and how often to bleach your teeth!

We suggest you return for a third visit to review your progress and determine the response of your teeth to whitening and any side effects.

Side Effects

    The main ingredients in most whitening products is hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide. One in two people experience temporary tooth sensitivity to cold, heat, or pressure as a result of home whitening treatment.  Individuals with receding gums appear most likely to experience tooth sensitivity. This sensitivity is short lived and tends to decrease as whitening treatment progresses and usually ends a day or two after the treatment is completed. Remember that home use whitening systems are safe and effective and result in only mild, temporary changes in gum and dental pulp tissues.^


Contra-Indications For Tooth Whitening

We do not recommend bleaching for smokers or alcohol users. Smokers should stop smoking before having their teeth bleached. The smoking not only defeats the effect of whitening but there is concern about the mixture of hydrogen peroxide with smoking having a potentiating effect on tissue damage already known to be caused by smoking. 

If you have pre-existing cosmetic restoration (bonding, porcelain crowns or veneers) you may need to replace them after the whitening treatment in order to match your new, whiter smile.

Stains in the gray family (such as from tetracycline) can be harder to remove, if not impossible. These stains can take up to six months or longer to whiten. 

The best candidates for whitening are those with stains caused by coffee, tobacco or aging. 

Contraindications/limitations of home bleaching: Comments

Extensive composite (white) & porcelain restorations Restorations will NOT bleach and you need to be informed about the cost of replacement

Pre-existing sensitivity 2/3 of these people will experience some sensitivity for 1-4 days; usually reversible upon termination of bleaching

Severe gray/blue banded tetracycline staining Guarded prognosis, may reduce amount of

"masking: required for future 

Discoloration in gingival third or exposed yellow  Guarded prognosis for whitening

Pregnant or lactating  No know adverse effects but avoid use as a precautionary measure

TMJ Consider bleaching one arch and monitor comfort

Translucent teeth May appear darker after bleaching

Amalgam restoration in front teeth Replace amalgams to avoid "greening effect"

Noncompliance or unrealistic expectation Determine realistic whitening results****

***An Update on Tooth Whitening, Woman Dentist Journal, pg 10-22, Jan/Feb 2003

CAUTIONS     If restorations are planned for the anterior (front) part of your mouth it is advisable to accomplish the whitening first, then match the new restorations to the now whitened teeth. You will need to plan to wait three weeks after bleaching before starting these restorative procedures. 

    We cannot predict the effectiveness of the whitening agent, so it is recommended that whitening be tried first to see what degree of shade change is obtainable because each person’s reaction to whitening is so individual. 

    The results for people who don’t smoke, drink coffee/ tea/red wine and have good dental health habits see little to no change in their whitening effect for up to five years after treatment. 

    You can easily "touch-up" the results at home within a few days once or twice a year. And don’t forget to keep your regular dental visits twice a year.

For permanent change, you should consider the placement of Veneers.

One study concluded that both surface roughness and adhesion of S. mutans to the enamel surface increase after bleaching. 

Journal of Dentistry Volume 31, Issue 8 , N. Hosoya, , K. Honda, F. Iino and T. AraiNovember 2003, Pages 543-548


March 23, 2005

Resource: Whitening Systems, Stacie Crozier, ADA News April 16, 2001, pg 11.

* Whiteners put shine on dental care, Stacie Crozier, ADA News April 16, 2001 pg 8-10 stated by Dr. Heymann.

^Incidence of Tooth Sensitivity After Home Whitening Treatment; Dr. Jorgensen, Dr. Carroll; JADA, Vol 133; pgs 1076-1082; Aug 2002.

Dentistry Today pg 34-36, September 2002

#Nightguard Vital Bleaching; Dr. Haywood; Dental Products Report pg 82-86,96; Oct 2002.



PLEASE NOTE: The information contained herein is intended for educational purposes only.  It is not intended and should not be construed as the delivery of dental/medical care and is not a substitute for personal hands on dental/medical attention, diagnosis or treatment.  Persons requiring diagnosis, treatment, or with specific questions are urged to contact your family dental/health care provider for appropriate care.

Copyright ©1998-2005 Family Gentle Dental Care, all rights reserved.

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i suspect baccusboy didnt research the procedure thoroughly enough before.

thats no criticism , in thailand where there are medical and dental clinics on every street corner making wildly exaggerated promises for what they claim to be able to achieve , its all to easy to get suckered in and then see that the result comes nowhere near to the expectation.

most of the "professionals " here in thailand will just trouser the cash without telling you any of the contra- indications or possible side effects.

buyer beware , especially when its your body.

shophouse clinics should be avoided , unless specifically recommended by someone who know what they are talking about.

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Deja Vu

"Before we started the dentist ( House of Beauty ) 1st Road on the right going towards and before Big C said I should expect some sensations similar to small electric shocks.

The reality was more like what I imagine having a cattle prod applied to your front teeth. It was not the tooth itself that hurt but the gum line.

When I say it hurt I really mean real pain not an itch or unpleasant sensation. I had tears in my eyes.

After he finished my teeth were sensetive for a day or two but then ok.

I certainly would think twice before going through that kinda pain again.

ps He did give me two Neurofen before we started

Richard "

see this thread


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Do not get teeth whitening done in Thailand for a "dentist" associated with the Beauty House in Pattaya, Thailand.

I paid $250 US to get it done there and it hurt like heck! No kidding, tears of pain were running down the sides of my face. And then when he was finished, it hadn't improved my teeth at all!

I complained and wouldn't pay. I was so pissed off, I marched across the street to another dentist and asked them if they thought my teeth had been whitened. The Beauty House called the police, and basically, I had to pay or go to jail! Glad I at least embarrassed the bad dentist, as he followed me, at my invitation, across the street to the other dental clinic.

The place is a joke!

I spoke to another dentist from a hospital in the area about this, and described the laser. He said that they were probably using a laser meant for skin blemishes -- not teeth.

Beware... go to a dental hospital if you go there. Beware of The Beauty House in Pattaya... for dental work, anyway!

Beauty House is located on 2nd Road just north of Pattaya Klang

You're quite the impulsive person. Chances are, it didn't work on you because your enamel is stained. The laser whitened the part beneath your enamel, but it's not noticable because your enamel is too stained from coffee, cigarettes, etc.

Just thank your lucky stars that you weren't arrested. What you did was theft, pure and simple.

You think you embarrassed the dentist. I think you made a jackass out of yourself. In the process, you gave the Thais another reason to think that farangs are jackasses in general. Good work.

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Do not get teeth whitening done in Thailand for a "dentist" associated with the Beauty House in Pattaya, Thailand.

I paid $250 US to get it done there and it hurt like heck! No kidding, tears of pain were running down the sides of my face. And then when he was finished, it hadn't improved my teeth at all!

I complained and wouldn't pay. I was so pissed off, I marched across the street to another dentist and asked them if they thought my teeth had been whitened. The Beauty House called the police, and basically, I had to pay or go to jail! Glad I at least embarrassed the bad dentist, as he followed me, at my invitation, across the street to the other dental clinic.

The place is a joke!

I spoke to another dentist from a hospital in the area about this, and described the laser. He said that they were probably using a laser meant for skin blemishes -- not teeth.

Beware... go to a dental hospital if you go there. Beware of The Beauty House in Pattaya... for dental work, anyway!

Beauty House is located on 2nd Road just north of Pattaya Klang

You're quite the impulsive person. Chances are, it didn't work on you because your enamel is stained. The laser whitened the part beneath your enamel, but it's not noticable because your enamel is too stained from coffee, cigarettes, etc.

Just thank your lucky stars that you weren't arrested. What you did was theft, pure and simple.

You think you embarrassed the dentist. I think you made a jackass out of yourself. In the process, you gave the Thais another reason to think that farangs are jackasses in general. Good work.

1. I don't smoke, and I rarely drink coffee. My teeth are average, and not stained in any unnatural way.

2. What I did was not theft. I paid, and intended to pay if the police said I had to, which they did.

3. What this Thai "dentist" did, and the Beauty House did, is something others should be warned about. Personally, I don't care what the people at Beauty House, or this "dentist," think about farangs. You should be more concerned about what farangs think about Thais when they read stories like this, and how it can hurt the Thai tourism industry. The dentist I spoke to at the dental hospital certainly was, as it takes from his legitimate business.

4. The dentist at the Pattaya dental hospital I visited said that my enamel was fine, and said my teeth would show a dramatic improvement if the procedure were done correctly. Unfortunately, I showed so much pain and sensitivity from the bad "dentist" at Beauty House that I was told I should not undergo the procedure for at least several weeks.

Beware Beauty House in Pattaya for dental work. I'm sure their other beauty services are fine, but just don't go there for teeth!

I merely want to help others here by pointing out a place to AVOID at all costs. I'm not disrespecting Thailand in general, as this bad dentist and Beauty House are -- I am saying go somewhere respectable, like a dental hospital, if you want to have your teeth worked on in Thailand.

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I merely want to help others here by pointing out a place to AVOID at all costs. I'm not disrespecting Thailand in general, as this bad dentist and Beauty House are -- I am saying go somewhere respectable, like a dental hospital, if you want to have your teeth worked on in Thailand.

well said baccusboy.

in fact , in most developed countries it is illegal for anyone without a dental degree from an accredited university and membership of a professional association to practice dentistry , and tooth whitening is dentistry. (i am assuming that the operator was not qualified to practise dentistry)

not prosecuting untrained people who work using dangerous and injurious materials in peoples mouths without understanding the nature of the materials they are using is madness.

anywhere else , it would have been the "dentist" at fault , not the patient.

but this is thailand , and its buyer beware

Edited by taxexile
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You see a sign "Dentist" outside of a building and you walk in. A Thai guy dressed in a white coat greets you. He introduces himself. You then allow him and his tools inside your mouth to do whatever.

Would it not be sensible to first make some inquiries as to the credentials of the "dentist?" Where did he get his training, what qualifications does he have?

Would it not be sensible to ask a few questions regarding the laser procedure, eg. What type laser are you using, how much experience have you had with teeth whitening, what are the complications, will there be any side effects etc. etc.

Perhaps you should return to the dental practice to ascertain whether the cleaner wears a white coat.

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You see a sign "Dentist" outside of a building and you walk in. A Thai guy dressed in a white coat greets you. He introduces himself. You then allow him and his tools inside your mouth to do whatever.

Would it not be sensible to first make some inquiries as to the credentials of the "dentist?" Where did he get his training, what qualifications does he have?

Would it not be sensible to ask a few questions regarding the laser procedure, eg. What type laser are you using, how much experience have you had with teeth whitening, what are the complications, will there be any side effects etc. etc.

Perhaps you should return to the dental practice to ascertain whether the cleaner wears a white coat.


And that is exactly why I am posting this here.

I actually did a lot of web research into finding a place to have my teeth whitenend. I ended up going to The Beauty House on the advice of a lady working the front desk at my hotel, who said, with a very excited look and a gorgeous Thai smile: You should go to this place. Unfortunately, I didn't inquire as to how she came to that conclusion until after the failed procedure. She said she didn't know anyone who went there -- she thought the place was good because they advertised in their local ad flyer.

I freely admit I made a mistake in going there, so I fail to see why you seem to enjoy rubbing my nose in it? Going to Beauty House was a very stupid and costly mistake. My main goal in posting all of this is to make sure that others don't do the same thing.

Avoid the "dentist" associated with Beauty House in Pattaya for dental work -- especially teeth whitening.

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I believe you that you had a bad experience at the Beauty House. I went and talked to them about their whitening a good while back, and I had a very bad feeling about that place, so didn't even consider using them. I agree they should be avoided.

Some points to consider:

Laser whitening will work on coffee and tobacco stains; however, if you are a big smoker or coffee drinker, you will just stain them again.

Laser whitening will not work on tetracycline fading. A good dentist can tell you if you have this problem. If you do, don't bother with laser.

The full effect of the laser will not show up right away, it does the next day, so it is probably not unusual to be a little disappointed at the immediate results.

Some people are not good candidates because of thin enamel, they will be writhing in pain, but I don't know if there is a way for the dentist to know until they do the procedure, and chances are they will still charge if the procedure has to be cut short due to pain.

Edited by Thaiquila
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I have been buying a tooth cleaning product for a number of years now from the Watsons shop inside `Big C` 2nd road. It is called Denivit and is German made.... It is excellent for removing tea/coffee stains from the teeth.

I have over the last few years met a number of people who have had the laser whitening tratment at the Beauty House. Most seemed quite happy with the treatment although some said it made little difference to the teeth and was not really worth the money..... So Denivit is the thing for me and works every time at a cost of 59 baht per tube, and no sensitivity afterwards....just brush and then smile. :o

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