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Thaksin Kicks Off Election Campaign In New Phone-In

Lite Beer

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Like why is a man that is banned from politics, AND not able to run for MP in the future based upon the law of the land being followed by so many apparently brainwashed people :)

You summarise above your view.Anyone who doesn't agree is in your opinion "brainwashed".So much for the spirit of open discussion.

However there are many scholars, academics - not to mention millions of Thais who have a completely different understanding of why Thaksin is loathed and feared by the ruling elite.

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I guess people vote the way they feel.........and their beliefs will only be challenged when a better alternative is clearly visible...........so why don't you guys start working on that angle...............is that a good enough explanation..

huh? What does that have to do with THIS topic? Remember the topic is "Thaksin Kicks Off Election Campaign In New Phone-In"

You say people vote the way they feel? I suggest that people vote the way they are told in many places upcountry. Look at who has been elected in most places over the past 20 years and it is almost invariably the person backed by the local political machine. The local political machine in Udon Thani is solidly behind Thaksin currently (see how I brought that back to the topic!?)

Question: Why are you trying to drag the thread off-topic when it is clearly about Thaksin and PTP?

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Just did a quick internet search to see if any International news outlets picked up on this story in terms of maybe changing their tune about having any doubt about Thaksin's motives and being the leader of the opposition .. instead I found an interesting interview with Abhisit by Forbes from 2 days ago where he talks about Thaksin and the elections ... http://www.forbes.co...p-for-vote.html

Having finished reading yet but found this quote from him interesting ...

When I took over the party leadership in 2005, polls showed we had 7% support in the northeast, which has been a Thaksin stronghold. Now polls show we have 25% to 30%.

Interesting also in the quoted article Abhisit recognised Thaksin had many achievements to his credit and that many Thai people were happy with this.

If I was to make this statement I would be attacked by the usual pack of forum reactionaries.Go figure.

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Just read in the other BKK English newspaper that there was speculation that Thaksin will back his sister (Yingluck Shinawatra) to be the next PM.

The party also says the person who the elect to be the party leader may not be the same person they choose for PM.

Doesn't really sound like a party that wants the public to know what they are up to.

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Just did a quick internet search to see if any International news outlets picked up on this story in terms of maybe changing their tune about having any doubt about Thaksin's motives and being the leader of the opposition .. instead I found an interesting interview with Abhisit by Forbes from 2 days ago where he talks about Thaksin and the elections ... http://www.forbes.co...p-for-vote.html

Having finished reading yet but found this quote from him interesting ...

When I took over the party leadership in 2005, polls showed we had 7% support in the northeast, which has been a Thaksin stronghold. Now polls show we have 25% to 30%.

Interesting also in the quoted article Abhisit recognised Thaksin had many achievements to his credit and that many Thai people were happy with this.

If I was to make this statement I would be attacked by the usual pack of forum reactionaries.Go figure.

I really like and respect Abhisit and think he is a great pick to move Thailand forward. I really respect the fact he speaks to people as if they are intelligent. I too noticed the quote you bring up and thought him really big to be able to mention this without feeling a need to also slam the horrible things Thaksin did.

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Like why is a man that is banned from politics, AND not able to run for MP in the future based upon the law of the land being followed by so many apparently brainwashed people :)

You summarise above your view.Anyone who doesn't agree is in your opinion "brainwashed".So much for the spirit of open discussion.

However there are many scholars, academics - not to mention millions of Thais who have a completely different understanding of why Thaksin is loathed and feared by the ruling elite.

Thaksin IS the ruling elite. You might argue that he is a new brand of ruling elite but that would certainly be an arguable position.

I did not say that anyone who disagrees with me is brainwashed, nor did I imply it. In fact there are many people backing Thaksin that aren't brainwashed IMHO. Those are the people that are in it for the money. Lots of that type around too!

Certainly people aren't backing Thaksin out of a Human Rights belief, or an equality of opportunity belief if they have looked at what he and his proxy parties have done over the years.

IMHO the "huddled masses yearning to be free" simply don't exist, instead you have the wealthy regional power-brokers that have been in power all over the country for decades that have been bought off by Thaksin, that are the real beneficiaries of keeping the rural poor down. Show us a change in how rural Thailand has been represented and you could disprove that, but Sanoh's area still answers to Sanoh. Buriram etc still answers to Newin. Surat still answers to Suthep etc ....

edit (I did not intend to suggest that Suthep had been bought off by Thaksin, just used him as an example of the regional ruling elite.)

Edited by jdinasia
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BTW this is my whole post that Jayboy cut down to quote from.

As noted at the end of my post ------ This thread is about Thaksin. Staying on topic with Thaksin and Thaksin's proxy party is the appropriate thing to do. I do note, however, that you do not address the issues in the thread. Like why is a man that is banned from politics, AND not able to run for MP in the future based upon the law of the land being followed by so many apparently brainwashed people :)
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So why the need to constantly berate the opposition.......and not promote the government?

Perhaps because berating the opposition doesn't necessarily equal supporting the government. It is possible to support neither.

Now my question to you: why does berating the opposition bother you? Are they not worthy of being berated?

I don't think the constant berating of the opposition is as productive as extolling the virtues of the current government

You presume those berating believe the virtues of the current government are worth extolling. Rather than telling others what they should be berating and what they should be extolling, why don't you do some of your own berating / extolling? Wouldn't that make more sense?

Makes sense to allow the Thai to make their own decision...which ever way the election pans out they will have to deal with it.......I wish them well and hope the outcome works for Thailand.......

Are you sure the berators are not attempting to support the current government by constantly belittling the opposition? ..........You mean they just enjoy having a go at Thaksin...........who would have believed it?........strange....even a little wierd don't you think......almost like stalking......

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You presume those berating believe the virtues of the current government are worth extolling. Rather than telling others what they should be berating and what they should be extolling, why don't you do some of your own berating / extolling? Wouldn't that make more sense?

Makes sense to allow the Thai to make their own decision...which ever way the election pans out they will have to deal with it.......I wish them well and hope the outcome works for Thailand.......

Are you sure the berators are not attempting to support the current government by constantly belittling the opposition? ..........You mean they just enjoy having a go at Thaksin...........who would have believed it?........strange....even a little wierd don't you think......almost like stalking......

Again ... the topic is what?

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I did not say that anyone who disagrees with me is brainwashed, nor did I imply it. In fact there are many people backing Thaksin that aren't brainwashed IMHO. Those are the people that are in it for the money. Lots of that type around too!

I think only about 10% are along the lines of brainwashed. The other 90% believe they will get cash handouts on his being elected and could care less about anything or anybody else. As for the farang who support Thaksin, I think the vast majority want to believe he is something he is not (an honest socialist).

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You presume those berating believe the virtues of the current government are worth extolling. Rather than telling others what they should be berating and what they should be extolling, why don't you do some of your own berating / extolling? Wouldn't that make more sense?

Makes sense to allow the Thai to make their own decision...which ever way the election pans out they will have to deal with it.......I wish them well and hope the outcome works for Thailand.......

Are you sure the berators are not attempting to support the current government by constantly belittling the opposition? ..........You mean they just enjoy having a go at Thaksin...........who would have believed it?........strange....even a little wierd don't you think......almost like stalking......

Again ... the topic is what?

You stated in an earlier post "this thread is about Thaksin"....................(don't recall how you spell Thaksin for sure)


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I did not say that anyone who disagrees with me is brainwashed, nor did I imply it. In fact there are many people backing Thaksin that aren't brainwashed IMHO. Those are the people that are in it for the money. Lots of that type around too!

I think only about 10% are along the lines of brainwashed. The other 90% believe they will get cash handouts on his being elected and could care less about anything or anybody else. As for the farang who support Thaksin, I think the vast majority want to believe he is something he is not (an honest socialist).

Thaksin a Socialist? That rates up there with this year's April 1st joke :) Thaksin tried anything to garner rural support and used the local political machines to make sure the people saw it as largesse from Thaksin and not from the government. He then went on to do anything he could benefit himself.

Democracy requires a checks and balances system for many reasons and one is to protect the people from the tyranny of the "majority", I was pretty much pro-thaksin until 2003 and very anti-Thaksin since leading into the 2005 elections. I don't think the parliamentary form of democracy works very well in the face of money politics and when a government is beyond censure. Situations like that lead to what we have now.

I have spoken to a few redshirt folks that actually think Thaksin paid off the IMF loans with his own cash AND that he personally paid for the village loan scheme. I consider that brainwashed just like I consider the people still claiming 100's or 1000's of reds were killed in Black Songkran 2009 to be brainwashed.

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I did not say that anyone who disagrees with me is brainwashed, nor did I imply it. In fact there are many people backing Thaksin that aren't brainwashed IMHO. Those are the people that are in it for the money. Lots of that type around too!

I think only about 10% are along the lines of brainwashed. The other 90% believe they will get cash handouts on his being elected and could care less about anything or anybody else. As for the farang who support Thaksin, I think the vast majority want to believe he is something he is not (an honest socialist).

Thaksin a Socialist? That rates up there with this year's April 1st joke :) Thaksin tried anything to garner rural support and used the local political machines to make sure the people saw it as largesse from Thaksin and not from the government. He then went on to do anything he could benefit himself.

Democracy requires a checks and balances system for many reasons and one is to protect the people from the tyranny of the "majority", I was pretty much pro-thaksin until 2003 and very anti-Thaksin since leading into the 2005 elections. I don't think the parliamentary form of democracy works very well in the face of money politics and when a government is beyond censure. Situations like that lead to what we have now.

I have spoken to a few redshirt folks that actually think Thaksin paid off the IMF loans with his own cash AND that he personally paid for the village loan scheme. I consider that brainwashed just like I consider the people still claiming 100's or 1000's of reds were killed in Black Songkran 2009 to be brainwashed.

I agree but I do believe there are many who "believe" his is somehow a positive socialist or communist based on the number of Communist Caps and Che Guevara shirts I saw in the red crowd as well as reading between the lines of what posters here claim are the reason they support him.

I'm not sure what platform Thaksin originally road in on but he seems to be in favor of at least in part abolishing the opportunity to get rich through business ownership (except for himself) and making the worker (at least farmers in the north) be the face of Thailand.

Edited by Nisa
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Much better resolution is his plane goes down at sea and is never found or specifically explained. Other wise his grave becomes a shrine for further burnishing to a demi-god status, demagoguery, and others will milk that for decades to come.

Do you honestly believe that calling for the death of Thaksin is a responsible statement? And yet you point your finger at various political groups in Thailand calling them violent thugs? You can dance around with semantics and claim oh, but it was just a hypothetical scenario and snicker. Sadly, the fact remains that you are calling for death. Did you think your statement through? If a plane goes down, and is never found or specifically explained, what happens to the crew, or does your sick fantasy only have Thaksin on board? Basically you are asking that the pilot, co-pilot and FAs die too. Nice. Would you like to have a super orgasm and have the privilige of telling the aircraft crew's family that their loved ones died? Would your joy go to a new height if you could laugh at a kid while saying, Guess what, your daddy died at sea, hahaha??

Geriatric, where does it say I 'called for his death'?

Where does it say I 'called someone to do this'?

Or does it say the flight crew should die to further this?

Anywhere? No, it doesn't.

I just said it would be a "better resolution" of the political crisis, than most other possibilities. In reference to another statement you might have been more correct aiming your over heated and over wraught invective at.

While he is alive he is clearly obsessed with getting power back, and his recent past history shows he has no compunctions about how he does this. This weeks announcements show he is no more lucid than he was this time last year, and that is not totally, and as obsessed as ever. So yes, if he goes by Act of God or mechanical accident, it does pull the plug on much of Thailands current problems and political crisis.

Noting this, is not the same as calling for an assassination, is it? Oops. You just fell off your high horse.

Let's look at your statement;

Much better resolution is his plane goes down at sea and is never found or specifically explained.

If his plane goes down at sea and he is never found, are you suggesting he takes up a new identity somewhere in the South Pacific? You know quite well, that your sentiment was that you wanted the man to die in a plane crash. As the plane would have a crew, your sentiment includes the crew. Perhaps justifiable collateral damage in your view.

As I said, one can play with the semantics, but the intent was there. It isn't responsible to call for people's death.

You have every right to criticize Thaksin. Disagree with his politics, disagree with is policies, but don't call for his death. it's wrong. There is just way too much hatred and invective injected into these threads. All I am asking you to do is not to ramp up the violent chatter. Responsible people do not call for deaths in Thai politics. It is particularly irksome since you are not a Thai national and you are not voting in the election.

I doubt the Thaksin haters will undersand my position, but all I can do is ask that the hatred be kept in check as it serves no purpose save to make some Thais hate a segment of the foreign visitors and long term guests in this country, as we all suffer. My concern is that foreigners identified with political meddling in the upcoming election risk bringing down the wrath of a nation. One need only look at the mental deficients that were showing up at the Red rallies. Is it any wonder there was an immigration crackdown following those events?

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Why are political phone-ins allowed from people who are blocked from politics for another few years?

Typo corrected

Probably for the same reasons under the table deals can be done with banned politicians to form governments.

And yet the red apologists started complaining about the PM getting a huge from a banned politician...we don't want any double-standards now, do we?

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Geeee! What a fascinating thread! Now going towards semantic.... Some guys here have too much time in hands!!!

Anyway, Mr.T is a fugitive, banned frpm politics, and whatever crap goes out of his mouth is irrelevant. Period.

The ban for the 111 TRT execs will expire before too long. I wish that whatever came out of his mouth was irrelevant (as it should be!) but it isn't. The only good thing is that he still has been sentenced to two years in jail and he cannot appeal the decision. You cannot have been sentenced to jail and be a MP and you must be an MP to be PM, so maybe there is hope.

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I did not say that anyone who disagrees with me is brainwashed, nor did I imply it. In fact there are many people backing Thaksin that aren't brainwashed IMHO. Those are the people that are in it for the money. Lots of that type around too!

I think only about 10% are along the lines of brainwashed. The other 90% believe they will get cash handouts on his being elected and could care less about anything or anybody else. As for the farang who support Thaksin, I think the vast majority want to believe he is something he is not (an honest socialist).

Thaksin a Socialist? That rates up there with this year's April 1st joke :) Thaksin tried anything to garner rural support and used the local political machines to make sure the people saw it as largesse from Thaksin and not from the government. He then went on to do anything he could benefit himself.

Democracy requires a checks and balances system for many reasons and one is to protect the people from the tyranny of the "majority", I was pretty much pro-thaksin until 2003 and very anti-Thaksin since leading into the 2005 elections. I don't think the parliamentary form of democracy works very well in the face of money politics and when a government is beyond censure. Situations like that lead to what we have now.

I have spoken to a few redshirt folks that actually think Thaksin paid off the IMF loans with his own cash AND that he personally paid for the village loan scheme. I consider that brainwashed just like I consider the people still claiming 100's or 1000's of reds were killed in Black Songkran 2009 to be brainwashed.

I agree but I do believe there are many who "believe" his is somehow a positive socialist or communist based on the number of Communist Caps and Che Guevara shirts I saw in the red crowd as well as reading between the lines of what posters here claim are the reason they support him.

I'm not sure what platform Thaksin originally road in on but he seems to be in favor of at least in part abolishing the opportunity to get rich through business ownership (except for himself) and making the worker (at least farmers in the north) be the face of Thailand.

Thaksin's politics are old school populist and focus on core national values. Your interpretation that he seems to be in favor of at least in part abolishing the opportunity to get rich through business ownership (except for himself) and making the worker (at least farmers in the north) be the face of Thailand is a reflection of your own bias. The farmer in Thailand is an emotional touchstone. The farmer is a national symbol of hardwork and national bounty. When one invokes the farmer one is invoking the nationalism of Thailand. It is pure populism. Thaksin's policies focus on a return to core Thai family values, opportunity, and law and order.

One can scoff at such things but this is what a large part of the electorate wants to hear. Sure, one can say the Thaksin regime was rife with corruption and Thailand with its single parent families and social crises makes a mockery of such a platform. That's not the point. In Russia, Putin focused on law and order and family values along with restoring Russia's presence on the world stage. It's no secret that Russia is corrupt and the family unit is in tatters. In the USA, core Republicans appeal to family values and law and order, and lo and behold they draw support from former druggies like Rush Limbaugh and trailer parks filled with unwed mothers and meth heads. It's all about giving a vision, even if it is unrealistic. Look at Sarah Palin the darling of conservative America. She talks of family values and there she is with an unwed teenage mother for a daughter and a litany of white trash adventures. Thailand is no different than many other countries. the Thaksin policies are similar to some of the platform espoused in South Africa with an emphasis on giving voice and opportunity to the non urban poor. And yet today in South Africa, for all the political promises, the regime operates in a similar fashion to the old white regimes with similar economic policies. Thaksin's policies are intended to serve his core votes who are non urban. It's neither right, nor left.

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Much better resolution is his plane goes down at sea and is never found or specifically explained. Other wise his grave becomes a shrine for further burnishing to a demi-god status, demagoguery, and others will milk that for decades to come.

Do you honestly believe that calling for the death of Thaksin is a responsible statement? And yet you point your finger at various political groups in Thailand calling them violent thugs? You can dance around with semantics and claim oh, but it was just a hypothetical scenario and snicker. Sadly, the fact remains that you are calling for death. Did you think your statement through? If a plane goes down, and is never found or specifically explained, what happens to the crew, or does your sick fantasy only have Thaksin on board? Basically you are asking that the pilot, co-pilot and FAs die too. Nice. Would you like to have a super orgasm and have the privilige of telling the aircraft crew's family that their loved ones died? Would your joy go to a new height if you could laugh at a kid while saying, Guess what, your daddy died at sea, hahaha??

Geriatric, where does it say I 'called for his death'?

Where does it say I 'called someone to do this'?

Or does it say the flight crew should die to further this?

Anywhere? No, it doesn't.

I just said it would be a "better resolution" of the political crisis, than most other possibilities. In reference to another statement you might have been more correct aiming your over heated and over wraught invective at.

While he is alive he is clearly obsessed with getting power back, and his recent past history shows he has no compunctions about how he does this. This weeks announcements show he is no more lucid than he was this time last year, and that is not totally, and as obsessed as ever. So yes, if he goes by Act of God or mechanical accident, it does pull the plug on much of Thailands current problems and political crisis.

Noting this, is not the same as calling for an assassination, is it? Oops. You just fell off your high horse.

Let's look at your statement;

Much better resolution is his plane goes down at sea and is never found or specifically explained.

If his plane goes down at sea and he is never found, are you suggesting he takes up a new identity somewhere in the South Pacific? You know quite well, that your sentiment was that you wanted the man to die in a plane crash. As the plane would have a crew, your sentiment includes the crew. Perhaps justifiable collateral damage in your view.

As I said, one can play with the semantics, but the intent was there. It isn't responsible to call for people's death.

You have every right to criticize Thaksin. Disagree with his politics, disagree with is policies, but don't call for his death. it's wrong. There is just way too much hatred and invective injected into these threads. All I am asking you to do is not to ramp up the violent chatter. Responsible people do not call for deaths in Thai politics. It is particularly irksome since you are not a Thai national and you are not voting in the election.

I doubt the Thaksin haters will undersand my position, but all I can do is ask that the hatred be kept in check as it serves no purpose save to make some Thais hate a segment of the foreign visitors and long term guests in this country, as we all suffer. My concern is that foreigners identified with political meddling in the upcoming election risk bringing down the wrath of a nation. One need only look at the mental deficients that were showing up at the Red rallies. Is it any wonder there was an immigration crackdown following those events?

I agree that people shouldn't be calling for other's death but lets not pretend that Thaksin is not directly responsible for the majority of hatred and divide that exist between Thais politically.

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Just did a quick internet search to see if any International news outlets picked up on this story in terms of maybe changing their tune about having any doubt about Thaksin's motives and being the leader of the opposition .. instead I found an interesting interview with Abhisit by Forbes from 2 days ago where he talks about Thaksin and the elections ... http://www.forbes.co...p-for-vote.html

Having finished reading yet but found this quote from him interesting ...

When I took over the party leadership in 2005, polls showed we had 7% support in the northeast, which has been a Thaksin stronghold. Now polls show we have 25% to 30%.

Interesting also in the quoted article Abhisit recognised Thaksin had many achievements to his credit and that many Thai people were happy with this.

If I was to make this statement I would be attacked by the usual pack of forum reactionaries.Go figure.

You would probably be called out for embellishing by those forum posters that prefer honesty.

They might take exception to your adding adjectives that he didn't say, such as "many" achievements:

The direct quote of what he really said, sans embellishment:

Thaksin had almost six years in, and there were achievements from his rule--we don't deny that.


Edited by Buchholz
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So geriatrickid, you don't see a problem that Thailands version of Palin (i.e. Thaksin), with the same inane statements of how to fix things and lack of worldly knowledge, is being pushed as the foremost choice by a large group of people?

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I agree that people shouldn't be calling for other's death but lets not pretend that Thaksin is not directly responsible for the majority of hatred and divide that exist between Thais politically.

OUch .. succinct and powerful!

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I can hardly wait for the cash card, will it be based on amount of land ownership, number of children, wives, girlfriends, or what? Can I purchase fuel for the production equipment with the card (whiskey), do women qualify as production equipment? The proposed result which Thaksin promises should assure his party being winner of the upcoming election by acclamation, no need to spend the monies for the problems associated with elections in Thailand.

I will wait to see if another party can beat this offer prior to giving guidance to the Thai family on who to vote for. I may offer 100 baht in hand, buy booze, food, etc, set all out on election day, I figure I can incapacitate at least 20 potential voters with a one time investment of about 6 or 7000 baht.

parties will hand out 4 door pick ups to important village heads, giveaways...

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''After the first three months, the headache will be gone.''

i hope so Thaksin, you are the headache this country has

i would like to see you come back to Thailand .....................in a box!

Much better resolution is his plane goes down at sea and is never found or specifically explained. Other wise his grave becomes a shrine for further burnishing to a demi-god status, demagoguery, and others will milk that for decades to come.

If he has demi-god status it was given to him by the Thai people and taken away by a Military coup and Amataya money. As a European who are you to criticise them.

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So geriatrickid, you don't see a problem that Thailands version of Palin (i.e. Thaksin), with the same inane statements of how to fix things and lack of worldly knowledge, is being pushed as the foremost choice by a large group of people?

oooo you are a cagey bugger aren't you.biggrin.gif

You are darn right I got an issue with some of Thaksin's policies, however, I also know that most of them are electioneering and won't see the light of day, especially once the next finance minister sees the actual finance books.. Abhisit will offer similar populist dribble.

If I had my way, the key candidates would be coming from past administration ministries of health and finance and would encompass several political affiliations, a national unity thing if you will. However, my views are unimportant as I am not allowed to vote and Thais don't give a f*k what I think.

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So geriatrickid, you don't see a problem that Thailands version of Palin (i.e. Thaksin), with the same inane statements of how to fix things and lack of worldly knowledge, is being pushed as the foremost choice by a large group of people?

The large group of people are Thai electors - the same Thai electors who will most probably vote Phuea Thai into power. What's your problem with that?

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I agree that people shouldn't be calling for other's death but lets not pretend that Thaksin is not directly responsible for the majority of hatred and divide that exist between Thais politically.

OUch .. succinct and powerful!

And soooo predictable.

There is no possibility that a coup (just weeks prior to general elections) could perhaps have contributed just a little???

The Thai citizens --- who had supported him in every election since 2001 --- should not feel just a tiny bit put out ????

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So geriatrickid, you don't see a problem that Thailands version of Palin (i.e. Thaksin), with the same inane statements of how to fix things and lack of worldly knowledge, is being pushed as the foremost choice by a large group of people?

The large group of people are Thai electors - the same Thai electors who will most probably vote Phuea Thai into power. What's your problem with that?

So what you are saying is that if Palin was elected President you would not have any issues with it nor post any objections against it?

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Thanks (JD & Why) for the education and info on the election vs. house dissolution.

During the Red Uprising I was sure he was up to something by having his people only focus on House Dissolution date and completely not care about an Election date but people tole me everything actually operates normally during the time the house is dissolved with only limits on certain things such as possibly passing new laws. I cannot help believing that he intends to do something the minute the house is dissolved to try to take advantage of some perceived loop hole in the law. Is this a possibility?

Certainly it makes sense he wants to give less time for the opposition to scrutinize his pick for PM but again he is setting his terms around the house dissolution date instead of stating a period of time (6 to 8 weeks) before elections. I just don't get his focus with house dissolution instead of elections.

Nisa, the reds didn't want the government to be in power on Oct1 when the military reshuffle took place. If they had wanted elections they could have agreed in March, before the first violence on the part of the reds took place (not counting all the grenade attacks) and had said elections before Dec 31st. Elections were never what they were after. Abhisit offered those elections publicly on national television and the offer was reported upon all over the world.

I think you should put your rants away until after the elections. In any case it was also clearly reported that Leading Red Shirts would be held on treason charges even if they disbanded.

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So geriatrickid, you don't see a problem that Thailands version of Palin (i.e. Thaksin), with the same inane statements of how to fix things and lack of worldly knowledge, is being pushed as the foremost choice by a large group of people?

The large group of people are Thai electors - the same Thai electors who will most probably vote Phuea Thai into power. What's your problem with that?

So what you are saying is that if Palin was elected President you would not have any issues with it nor post any objections against it?

Why would I have? I'm not American and have no right to criticise the American electorate no matter who they vote into power. It's their country so they can vote for anybody they like to be president. By the same token you do not have any right to criticise the Thai electorate if they want Phuea Thai to be the next government of Thailand - It's called democracy.

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