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Britains Stranded In Thailand


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Ahhh this thread reminds me of the string vest I had when I was six years old.....except this story has more holier than thou types....not to mention holes in its story. As to the average posters age.....well.....

How about we send a member along to the Embassy/Consulate to find out?

OK...I nominate Carmine.....get on the phone will ya! :D

Edited by smokie36
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Mind you, a major load of crap that ThaiVisa members fell for was The Richard Hewitt tale.

You all look upon him as being the victim, in some ways he was, but I knew him and he was a real pain the butt and was lucky that he wasn't buried long ago.

But hey, lets not slag off a Farang, there was a Thai taxi driver that overcharged him 20 Baht 7 years ago, lets have a go at him instead, f;;king Thais, they're all the same, they all hate us, why can't they drive, why do they drink and get drunk then drive, why can't they speak English, I want to buy land so I can keep my wife 35 years my junior as a financial hostage, why can't I buy land, why won't a women 35 years younger than me love me for who I am and not for what I have, why do motorcycle taxi drivers sleep in between fares, why are poor people poor , why did I come to Thailand, why didn't I leave, why don't I leave now, why do I stay, I know, I'll stay in Thailand just to spite the Thais , I'll show em, I'll join ThaiVisa and be a miserable bastard, I'll spend the rest of my life typing meaningless posts on an anonymous forum, I'll show em, really, they'll care, the wife hates me, the kids don't even know who I am as I spend all my time tapping away on a keyboard, pass me the freekin' cyanide pill quick !!!

I think you are the victim. :jap:

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Excellent post there Mrs M, keep up the good work.

Some of the farang deadbeats I have seen would have difficulty tieing their shoe laces, if they could actually afford shoes.

Others should stick to the confines of Euro socialist la la land where big brother knows whats best.

Why am i not surprised you like Mrs Mills' post. :rolleyes:

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I would'nt be surprised. Judging by their performance at the end of 2004, the British Embassy and their staff did'nt think it was their responsibility either to help British citizens after the tsunami. Disgraceful bunch of freeloaders at best.

Hang on, I missed this.

I was in the Tsunami.

I ended up in Phuket hospital. While I was there I had a visit from an embassy bod who helped me out with what I needed.,

No passport to get back to Bangkok......... sorted.

No transportation to the airport from the hospital... Done

Need my family in the UK contacted so they know I'm OK....... done

Help with getting a seat on a plane back to BKK....... Done

Passport replaced with a new one back at the embassy, and at no cost...... brilliant.

I didn't need money, I had money in BKK but they offered to make arrangements to get money organised through my family.

British embassy staff also had a large stall set up at BKK airport to help people who were arriving on flights from affected parts of the country. They were also coordinating with B.A. (I think) to get people on planes headed back home.

You are lying, stop it!

Then why did the foreign office issue a damning report on their performance? You were one of the lucky ones. I should add that in the years since the tsunami yours is the only positive info i've heard about them.

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Then why did the foreign office issue a damning report on their performance?

Do you mean this one from the National Audit Office?

Press Release - Review of the experiences of United Kingdom nationals affected by the Indian Ocean Tsunami

............The assistance provided was seen as good in parts, but there were clearly also lessons to be learned...........

............The sheer scale of the tsunami overwhelmed the initial response of the UK agencies, who didn't have a plan for responding to such a challenge. Members of the public services, their families, friends and other volunteers worked hard, through long hours over many days, to help and assist victims of the tsunami. But experiences reported by the 116 respondents included: survivors not finding UK officials in the affected areas who were able to give them effective help; family and friends in the UK not being able to get through on the overwhelmed emergency telephone lines, and to obtain subsequent updates; and traumatised people returned to the UK feeling "lost" in the wider health system.

However, better standards were achieved in some areas once the agencies had time to react and prepare a response. Some actions which respondents felt were handled well included planning for relatives to visit the affected areas, organising memorial events and directing people towards support networks............

Critical? Yes, but hardly damning.

A link to the full report can be found on this page.

Interestingly, I remember many posts on forums such as this from people awaiting the results of visa applications complaining over the delay caused by most embassy staff being sent to Phuket to assist! It seems that whatever they do, someone will find fault.

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I would'nt be surprised. Judging by their performance at the end of 2004, the British Embassy and their staff did'nt think it was their responsibility either to help British citizens after the tsunami. Disgraceful bunch of freeloaders at best.

Hang on, I missed this.

I was in the Tsunami.

I ended up in Phuket hospital. While I was there I had a visit from an embassy bod who helped me out with what I needed.,

No passport to get back to Bangkok......... sorted.

No transportation to the airport from the hospital... Done

Need my family in the UK contacted so they know I'm OK....... done

Help with getting a seat on a plane back to BKK....... Done

Passport replaced with a new one back at the embassy, and at no cost...... brilliant.

I didn't need money, I had money in BKK but they offered to make arrangements to get money organised through my family.

British embassy staff also had a large stall set up at BKK airport to help people who were arriving on flights from affected parts of the country. They were also coordinating with B.A. (I think) to get people on planes headed back home.

You are lying, stop it!

Then why did the foreign office issue a damning report on their performance? You were one of the lucky ones. I should add that in the years since the tsunami yours is the only positive info i've heard about them.

Yeah right....

That chap in the hospital, he must have come to see me only and then gone back home,

No doubt I'm the only one who was arranged transport as well and they must have scrapped their deal with BA when they found out that I didn't need a ticket.

Free Passport...... Just for me

Those stalls at the airports..... again, they must have just packed up after I walked past them

It was fortunate for all those Brits, and even some non-Brits, who were with me at the time because they were all helped as well. Of course, all others must have missed out because the embassy didn't want to help anybody really.

Where you there yourself? What was your first hand experience of what happened to claim that they didn't bother helping people?

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How do you post a letter or send an E mail with out any money.

He can't come up with baht to stick into a computer to send some email..? Please...I'm sure i could find baht in a few hours if i had to just by looking around for coins on the floor on in phone booths, or vending machines...

exactly and if the OP is so concerned about this person and this issue of not having baht to send this possible life changing e-mail, why doesn't he take him to an INTERNET café and pay for an hours worth of INTERNET and the terrible situation could be changed. Or just get an e-mail address and send an e-mail on his behalf.

Smells fishy...

Who do you send an E mail too , if the Embassy will not help you face to face who will, and you have burnt your bridges with your family and lost contact , where does your E mail go.Thats what i like about Thai visa there are some very sceptically people , also the police are always harassing the man, thats why he has to be very careful when leaving the temple, its only the monks that have stopped the police arresting him, who would help him then when he is put in Thai jail for not having any visa. and overstaying, would any body chance help from a Thai prison if you cannot get help from your British Embassy in person, where is his human rights that is always being quoted when the British police arrest bombers and murderers in England..

Edited by Thongkorn
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Who do you send an E mail too , if the Embassy will not help you face to face who will, and you have burnt your bridges with your family and lost contact , where does your E mail go.

You were the one to mention he doesn't have 10 baht to send an email.

Edited by Moonrakers
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Who do you send an E mail too , if the Embassy will not help you face to face who will, and you have burnt your bridges with your family and lost contact , where does your E mail go.

You were the one to mention he doesn't have 10 baht to send an email.

just a statement to say he did not have any money, many posters have taken it literally, I take it as sending the British Embassy an E mail.

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Who do you send an E mail too , if the Embassy will not help you face to face who will, and you have burnt your bridges with your family and lost contact , where does your E mail go.

You were the one to mention he doesn't have 10 baht to send an email.

just a statement to say he did not have any money, many posters have taken it literally, I take it as sending the British Embassy an E mail.

You are making it all very difficult for us here, why mention email at all if it is irrelevant?

So he has burned all his bridges back home then?

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How do you post a letter or send an E mail with out any money.

He can't come up with baht to stick into a computer to send some email..? Please...I'm sure i could find baht in a few hours if i had to just by looking around for coins on the floor on in phone booths, or vending machines...

exactly and if the OP is so concerned about this person and this issue of not having baht to send this possible life changing e-mail, why doesn't he take him to an INTERNET café and pay for an hours worth of INTERNET and the terrible situation could be changed. Or just get an e-mail address and send an e-mail on his behalf.

Smells fishy...

Who do you send an E mail too , if the Embassy will not help you face to face who will, and you have burnt your bridges with your family and lost contact , where does your E mail go.Thats what i like about Thai visa there are some very sceptically people , also the police are always harassing the man, thats why he has to be very careful when leaving the temple, its only the monks that have stopped the police arresting him, who would help him then when he is put in Thai jail for not having any visa. and overstaying, would any body chance help from a Thai prison if you cannot get help from your British Embassy in person, where is his human rights that is always being quoted when the British police arrest bombers and murderers in England..

Well you did say "how do you send a letter or e-mail without money" which would suggest if one had the money to send an e-mail or letter they would, which then would suggest it would be worthwhile to do so. If you'd already concluded it is not then there is not point making the statement.

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Does anybody care?

Answer; NO.

Not sure if these guys are kind or not, but I`m 100% certain they are stupid.

For example, if I travel abroad with no money, no insurance and no backup, do I deserve to be helped when the crap hits the fan? Would anyone here on Thai visa be prepared to bail me out of trouble? Why should the home country tax payers bear the expense via the embassy?

No wonder the girlfriend hopped it, guy`s a total loser. Perhaps she took his passport because he owed her money?

There are 6 billion people in this world that I would give priority for my help, before I would give assistance to this guy.

I doubt it. How can you sleep at night?

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As has been pointed out, with links to both the FCO and embassy websites, help is available to this person, and anyone else in his position, from the embassy; contacting friends and family in the UK on his behalf, issuing a replacement passport or emergency travel document, even lending him the money to enable him to return to the UK.

That he has ignored these options speaks volumes.

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It is almost beyond belief that one of the most advanced welfare states in the world would allow one of their subjects to languish in such conditions. I would expect this of the United States embassy but not the embassy of Great Britain. Surely there is some provision for helping this man. I realize that many on this board feel that he should pay for his lack of planning and no backup plan but compassion is worth the effort.

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OK. I went to see Matt this morning at the temple . The temple is at Samut Sakorn some 30 Kilometers from Bangkok, situated by a river. The temple is beautiful and quite famous.

I asked the lady flowers at the temple whether is there any farang in the temple? She said yes there is one now with the abbot.

He speaks little Thai but active and is very helpful.

Matt wai me first.( so he knows Thai's custom very well ), He told me that the embassy could not give the money nor ticket to him. But someone in the embassy tried to help him too by trying to contact whoever in UK but there was no respond so far.

I said is there anything I can help. He said (with British pride, I guessed ) there is some people came to see him and offer to help too, but he made the problem himself so he has to solve by himself. There was someone came to see him yesterday who will return back to England shortly and Matt gave some address.

So are you happy here? I asked. He said he's fine . He is now with the Abbot of the temple . And he teaches English to little kids around the area. He said if he save enough money for the ticket home and for the fines ( he over stayed in Thailand. ) Then the British embassy will issue new passport and take him to immigration at airport so he can fly back. ( without ticket to fly home , British embassy will not issue him new passport )

So how many kids you are teaching and when you think you will

have enough money to buy the ticket. He said around 10 and probably he will reach the target by the end of this year.

So I said good bye and got his phone number and promised to find more students around Samut Sakorn area. for him.

He seems fine to me and probably well fed. He said he had to go back to serve the Abbot. (I had no chance of talking to the Abbot as he was busy receiving offering from many Thais ) I think he is Abbot's right hand now and well taken care of.

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OK. I went to see Matt this morning at the temple . The temple is at Samut Sakorn some 30 Kilometers from Bangkok, situated by a river. The temple is beautiful and quite famous.

I asked the lady flowers at the temple whether is there any farang in the temple? She said yes there is one now with the abbot.

He speaks little Thai but active and is very helpful.

Matt wai me first.( so he knows Thai's custom very well ), He told me that the embassy could not give the money nor ticket to him. But someone in the embassy tried to help him too by trying to contact whoever in UK but there was no respond so far.

I said is there anything I can help. He said (with British pride, I guessed ) there is some people came to see him and offer to help too, but he made the problem himself so he has to solve by himself. There was someone came to see him yesterday who will return back to England shortly and Matt gave some address.

So are you happy here? I asked. He said he's fine . He is now with the Abbot of the temple . And he teaches English to little kids around the area. He said if he save enough money for the ticket home and for the fines ( he over stayed in Thailand. ) Then the British embassy will issue new passport and take him to immigration at airport so he can fly back. ( without ticket to fly home , British embassy will not issue him new passport )

So how many kids you are teaching and when you think you will

have enough money to buy the ticket. He said around 10 and probably he will reach the target by the end of this year.

So I said good bye and got his phone number and promised to find more students around Samut Sakorn area. for him.

He seems fine to me and probably well fed. He said he had to go back to serve the Abbot. (I had no chance of talking to the Abbot as he was busy receiving offering from many Thais ) I think he is Abbot's right hand now and well taken care of.

Congratulations for being a decent human being.:jap:

However leaves a lot of the posters with egg on their face.

Whatever happened to having a conscience ?


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OK. I went to see Matt this morning at the temple . The temple is at Samut Sakorn some 30 Kilometers from Bangkok, situated by a river. The temple is beautiful and quite famous.

I asked the lady flowers at the temple whether is there any farang in the temple? She said yes there is one now with the abbot.

He speaks little Thai but active and is very helpful.

Matt wai me first.( so he knows Thai's custom very well ), He told me that the embassy could not give the money nor ticket to him. But someone in the embassy tried to help him too by trying to contact whoever in UK but there was no respond so far.

I said is there anything I can help. He said (with British pride, I guessed ) there is some people came to see him and offer to help too, but he made the problem himself so he has to solve by himself. There was someone came to see him yesterday who will return back to England shortly and Matt gave some address.

So are you happy here? I asked. He said he's fine . He is now with the Abbot of the temple . And he teaches English to little kids around the area. He said if he save enough money for the ticket home and for the fines ( he over stayed in Thailand. ) Then the British embassy will issue new passport and take him to immigration at airport so he can fly back. ( without ticket to fly home , British embassy will not issue him new passport )

So how many kids you are teaching and when you think you will

have enough money to buy the ticket. He said around 10 and probably he will reach the target by the end of this year.

So I said good bye and got his phone number and promised to find more students around Samut Sakorn area. for him.

He seems fine to me and probably well fed. He said he had to go back to serve the Abbot. (I had no chance of talking to the Abbot as he was busy receiving offering from many Thais ) I think he is Abbot's right hand now and well taken care of.

I wish there were more people around like your good self.

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