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Large Spreadsheets And Workbooks(excel)


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Can somebody help me out here?

I have several large worksheets that I need to navigate around to update data

I want to find a way to jump from one position in a sheet to another without having to scroll through the whole sheet.

I want to create something on top op the worksheet that allows me when I click on it to jump immediately to cell adjacent to where the info is, update the info and then jump back to to the original position in the worksheet.

I have about 20 locations all around the worksheet that I want to jump to.

Each worksheets in a workbook with several worksheet needs to its own reference jumps applicable to that specific worksheet.

I created hyperlinks between worksheets in a workbook that do this, but if I try to do this whitin a worksheet it doesn't work.

Somebody knows a solution?

It would make the work a lot more easier and faster.


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Can somebody help me out here?

I have several large worksheets that I need to navigate around to update data

I want to find a way to jump from one position in a sheet to another without having to scroll through the whole sheet.

I want to create something on top op the worksheet that allows me when I click on it to jump immediately to cell adjacent to where the info is, update the info and then jump back to to the original position in the worksheet.

I have about 20 locations all around the worksheet that I want to jump to.

Each worksheets in a workbook with several worksheet needs to its own reference jumps applicable to that specific worksheet.

I created hyperlinks between worksheets in a workbook that do this, but if I try to do this whitin a worksheet it doesn't work.

Somebody knows a solution?

It would make the work a lot more easier and faster.


I think using a database would be more convinent for you.

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Can somebody help me out here?

I have several large worksheets that I need to navigate around to update data

I want to find a way to jump from one position in a sheet to another without having to scroll through the whole sheet.

I want to create something on top op the worksheet that allows me when I click on it to jump immediately to cell adjacent to where the info is, update the info and then jump back to to the original position in the worksheet.

I have about 20 locations all around the worksheet that I want to jump to.

Each worksheets in a workbook with several worksheet needs to its own reference jumps applicable to that specific worksheet.

I created hyperlinks between worksheets in a workbook that do this, but if I try to do this whitin a worksheet it doesn't work.

Somebody knows a solution?

It would make the work a lot more easier and faster.


I think using a database would be more convinent for you.

or have the cells you want to update linked to cells in the first row, or hide the stuff you don't need to look at

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I have one large Excel workbook (2.7 MB) which contains 46 worksheets. Some of these worksheets are 200, 300, and 700 lines long. They contain all my financial information and I update them regularly.

What I found the biggest problem was not jumping from top to bottom of a particular worksheet - which is your problem - but remembering what each column was. But then I discovered the menu item "Windows / Freeze Panes". This command allows you to keep the top part of any sheet at the top, and the data beneath scrolls normally. I expect you are an Excel spreadsheet expert but, just in case you didn't know about this command, I thought I'd tell you.

The other thing that happens with MS Excel is that it starts where I last was working, in every sheet. So after I update information on the first sheet, I click the tab for the second sheet and I am immediately presented with the bottom of that sheet - because that's the last place I was working.

One last thing that I do which may help you, is when a sheet becomes too big or unmanageable - jumping from top to bottom like you do - I reorganise it or split it into two or more worksheets. You can copy one sheet and past everything into a new sheet. Then it's just a matter of editing the new sheet to add a "worksheet reference" to the old sheet within the formulae of the cells you want to keep. You can then delete the cells above (the cells you don't want) and the remaining cells are OK because they refer to the old worksheet.

Hope this gives you a few ideas.

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Thanks RDN. Yes I know about the splits and fixed headings.

This thing is a master production schedule and one of the pages contains all the performance reference data for the different operational stages. This is the page that needs every month to be updated for these factors. I was indeed thinking of a kind of macro or visual basic thing, but apart from recording macros for certain operations, I have no clue and even less viual basic.

The idea is to have the different factors identified above in the top rows + cell indication , than click on the cell indication would make you jump to that cell. there you will have a similar thing that sends you back to the top.

As for your problem I have a neat little hyperlink program that creates automatically An index page you click in the hyperspace blue indicator and it jumps to the top of the spreadsheet of the page you want. Once there, you will find another hyperlink that gets you back to the index page. I just inserted an extra page for the index and on each page and extra column to the left (new A1).

When you are finished working in the page you do control Home, click the hyperlink and jump back to the index page. Therefore as you leave the page always from A1 and you exit the workbook from the index then save you will always come back in the start up to the index page.

Here is the hyperlink thingy: You open the sheet make the preparations(blank additional worksheet(sheet1),rename that sheet INDEX, additonal column in each worksheet. save. Then open the VBA (Tools, Macro, Visual Basic editor and copy in below.

Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()

Dim wSheet As Worksheet

Dim M As Long

M = 1

With Me


.Cells(1, 1) = "INDEX"

.Cells(1, 1).Name = "Index"

End With

For Each wSheet In Worksheets

If wSheet.Name <> Me.Name Then

M = M + 1

With wSheet

.Range("H1").Name = "Start" & wSheet.Index

.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=.Range("H1"), Address:="", SubAddress:="Index", TextToDisplay:="Back to Index"

End With

Me.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Me.Cells(M, 1), Address:="", SubAddress:="Start" & wSheet.Index, TextToDisplay:=wSheet.Name

End If

Next wSheet

End Sub

Three things to be aware of 1. the lines " .Hyperlinks.AddAnchor:= " needs to be one line. Same for Me.Hyperlinks.AddAnchor:="

2.Besides the word wrap problem there can be no spaces between lines.

3. Save the workbook, close it and open it up again and the hyperlinks should be there.



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One last thing that I do which may help you, is when a sheet becomes too big or unmanageable - jumping from top to bottom like you do - I reorganise it or split it into two or more worksheets. You can copy one sheet and past everything into a new sheet. Then it's just a matter of editing the new sheet to add a "worksheet reference" to the old sheet within the formulae of the cells you want to keep. You can then delete the cells above (the cells you don't want) and the remaining cells are OK because they refer to the old worksheet.

If instead of copying and paste, you cut and paste all cell references will automatically adjust to the new worksheet.

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