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Arab League calls for imposing no-fly zone over Gaza


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Arab League calls for imposing no-fly zone over Gaza

2011-04-11 00:00:57 GMT+7 (ICT)

CAIRO (BNO NEWS) -- The Arab League Council said on Sunday in Cairo that it plans to ask the United Nations Security Council to impose an air embargo on Israeli warplanes to protect civilians.

Palestine News and Info Agency WAFA reported that the Council called on the United Nations and the Quartet to stop the ongoing Israeli aggression and work on providing international protection for the unarmed Palestinian people. It also demanded the international community to prosecute all Israeli war criminals and bring them to justice.

The Council emphasized the need to lift the siege on Gaza Strip, open crossings to and from the Gaza strip, and activate the crossings agreement.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on Saturday called for the emergency meeting at the level of permanent representatives to discuss the recent Israelis military attacks on Gaza.

Sources reported earlier on Sunday that a ceasefire agreement between Israel and Palestinian factions in Gaza had been reached. According to Ma'an news agency, UN special coordinator for the Middle East peace process Robert Serry managed to reach the deal, which stipulates that both sides must halt attacks.

Palestinian militants fired more than 120 rockets and mortars into Israeli territory in recent days, while at least 19 Palestinians were killed and several others wounded in intense retaliatory strikes.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2011-04-11

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China was opposed the last UN resolution on a no-fly zone, but didn't used its veto. Why?

"Considering the concern and stance of Arab countries and the Africa Union as well as the special situation in Libya, China and some countries abstained from voting on the draft resolution," foreign ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu said in a statement on Friday.


Russia was really not positive about the UN resolution on a no-fly zone, but didn't used its veto. why?

"We consistently and firmly support the unconditional protection of civilians. In accordance with this essential principle and humanitarian values it shares with co-authors of the project and other Security Council members, Russia did not hamper the adoption," the Russian diplomat said.


Clinton and Defense Secretary Robert Gates argued against a no-fly zone, said that will not work. Why they are bombing Libya now?

Clinton Says Arab League Vote for No-Fly Zone Changed Minds

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said that since the Arab League backed a no-fly zone over Libya there has been a “sea change” in international opinion toward favoring the action.

“That has changed the thinking of a lot of people,” Clinton said in an interview with CBS News, taped in Cairo. “As we consult in New York on the UN resolution” to pursue a no-fly zone “there is a much greater openness than there was a week ago.”


A draft resolution is adopted if nine or more of the fifteen Council members vote for it, and if it is not vetoed by any of the five permanent members.

Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, China, Colombia, France, Gabon, Germany, Lebanon, India, Nigeria, Portugal, Russia, South Africa, United Kingdom, United States.

Who will vote yes? Who will abstain from voting but don't block the adoption in respect of the willingness of the others and to support protection of civilians and who will use veto power like always and not change minds despite a call by the Arab League and the international opinion on Israel?

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