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Bank Accounts In Thailand


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I have a passbook savings account at Thai Farmer's that I opened years ago, but when I tried to open an account with a debit card they told me I needed a work permit. I checked at two other banks and both said the same thing.

I'm expecting to move to Thailand next year using a one-year retirement visa. Does anyone know if I'll be able to get a bank account with a debit card?

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I opened a passbook account with access to a debit card with Bangkok Bank about 12 months ago while only on a tourist visa. There seemed to be no problems there at all.

Earlier this year when I had upgraded to a Non Imm O visa I requested internet banking through the bank and was told there was no problems getting it and duly waited for the username and PIN to come through the mail. After 4 months I went and asked the bank where the internet banking details were. I was told that I need a work permit to get internet banking and a credit card.

Maybe they have changed their requirements for opening banking accounts and facilities.

I would check up on the various banks websites and see what their requirements are and if it seems that you meet these requirements sign up with that particular bank.

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There's an awful lot of retirees living in Thailand and they obviously need sensible banking arrangements to enable retirement extensions at Immigration. I know a few people who have decent baking arrangement with Ayuthya Bank, Farmers, and SCB. Ask to see the boss if the counter jumpers make it hard.

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There's an awful lot of retirees living in Thailand and they obviously need sensible banking arrangements to enable retirement  extensions at Immigration. I know a few people who have decent baking arrangement with Ayuthya Bank, Farmers, and SCB.  Ask to see the boss if the counter jumpers make it hard.

I am a retiree living on Pattaya.

I recently opened an account with Bangkok Bank at their satellite branch in Big C at Pattaya Tai. One of the main reasons I opened this account was because I wanted online banking with them.

They actually asked me if I wanted a Debit card so I accepted their offer; they told me to return in one week. I asked about online banking but was told that could be dealt with later. I went back a week later and the card was ready. I once again asked about online banking and it looked as though I was about to be fobbed off again.

I had previously suspected that the woman dealing with me was unfamiliar with online banking so I produced the completed form that I had downloaded from their website.

This visibly threw her and off she went to the back office. When she came back she said the service was unavailable to me unless I had a Work Permit (she already knew I did not have one). I politely explained that as my visa extension was on the grounds of retirement, I was therefore forbidden to work so I could not possibly have a work permit. She started the typical 'jobsworth' speech about rules so I cut her short and asked to speak to the manager. She basically ignored me and went to the back office again. When she returned she had with her a blank form (different to the one on their website) which she filled in, asking me for my e-mail address etc.

A week later I received postal confirmation with my log in details. The account works fine.

You can draw your own conclusions from the above, but the work permit requirement line is all too often used when staff do not seem to know the procedures. If only certain Thai people could be taught that there is no shame in saying: 'I don't know but I will find out.'

That will be the day... :o

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