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To put this in another perspective...

Thaksin, known for micromanagement and total control, can NOT be ruled out as having had a back door access installed and left for his use. Especially considering he was under pressure at that time. Not as much as he would be POST Temasek sale, but control freaks think to use all their assets, and Thaksin would see the satellite as a way to control information.

Too funny.

Oh... you are being serious?


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To put this in another perspective...

Thaksin, known for micromanagement and total control, can NOT be ruled out as having had a back door access installed and left for his use. Especially considering he was under pressure at that time. Not as much as he would be POST Temasek sale, but control freaks think to use all their assets, and Thaksin would see the satellite as a way to control information.

Too funny.

Oh... you are being serious?


Sadly I think he is.........I think the polite term is............... 'having a vivid imagination'


'Screws' couldn't find his Al Jazheera? Didn't even realise you can watch it on TrueVisions. What channel No.?

With all the talk about new satellites coming into service, will there be additional channels like DW World, Russia Today and wasn't there some talk about an English language Chiese channel?

Anyone out there who knows?


I was unaware that in addition to be a diabolical political fiend he was also a an IT and satellite communications engineer.

Are we dealing with Mr. Thaksin or Dr. No????

This is becoming quite the cloak and dagger event. Does this satellite come with a death ray too?

I'm sure Thai Visa's enterprising sleuths will get to the bottom of this case, just as soon as they consult with Hardy Boy super detective reference texts.

No, but he owned more than a few IT and satellite communications engineer for several years. Maybe stick with your medical background and not engineering. This is entirely possible, and seeing the reactions it would be useful politically.

Am I saying he specifically DID do this, no. Though I find this and the Red Shirt coup whistle blower announcements a bit too coincidental.

Might he have? Well, it is quite possible to do this.


Guess they couldnt find the CD with the mandatory slide and theme music, so they had to call it off. :lol:

More like they were using pirated software. ph34r.gif

Nah, not available since their crackdown # 18,234,954. :whistling:


I was unaware that in addition to be a diabolical political fiend he was also a an IT and satellite communications engineer.

Are we dealing with Mr. Thaksin or Dr. No????

This is becoming quite the cloak and dagger event. Does this satellite come with a death ray too?

I'm sure Thai Visa's enterprising sleuths will get to the bottom of this case, just as soon as they consult with Hardy Boy super detective reference texts.

No, but he owned more than a few IT and satellite communications engineer for several years. Maybe stick with your medical background and not engineering. This is entirely possible, and seeing the reactions it would be useful politically.

Am I saying he specifically DID do this, no. Though I find this and the Red Shirt coup whistle blower announcements a bit too coincidental.

Might he have? Well, it is quite possible to do this.

Can we add some more suspects ? I think we should interrigete the Easter bunny ( aparently he has been seen around & about lately) and maybe tha dredded tooth fariy as well.

I was unaware that in addition to be a diabolical political fiend he was also a an IT and satellite communications engineer.

Are we dealing with Mr. Thaksin or Dr. No????

This is becoming quite the cloak and dagger event. Does this satellite come with a death ray too?

I'm sure Thai Visa's enterprising sleuths will get to the bottom of this case, just as soon as they consult with Hardy Boy super detective reference texts.

No, but he owned more than a few IT and satellite communications engineer for several years. Maybe stick with your medical background and not engineering. This is entirely possible, and seeing the reactions it would be useful politically.

Am I saying he specifically DID do this, no. Though I find this and the Red Shirt coup whistle blower announcements a bit too coincidental.

Might he have? Well, it is quite possible to do this.

Can we add some more suspects ? I think we should interrigete the Easter bunny ( aparently he has been seen around & about lately) and maybe tha dredded tooth fariy as well.

Maybe the batteries run out and someone just had to nip up and put in new ones...:whistling:

This thread is getting very bizarre...have some TV poster's forgot to take their paranoia medication again this morning ?

Maybe I should get my tin foil hat out, just in case.


The explanations of the occurrences the las few days do not make sense. According press agency AP the signal went down depending on the areas from a few minutes to many hours. If the Thaicom 5 satellite was down it would have been down the same time everywhere. The places where it went down a few minutes where those in foreign countries, that could not be inconvenienced too much to ares loyal to the government.<div><br></div><div>Add the military exercises to the mess in which tank brigades that are always first to rape democracy were telling in how many minutes or hours they wee ready to defend the monarchy and add the polls to the mix which make painfully clear PeuaThai is going to win the elections easily  as well as the military that are unhappy with PeuaThai and we al know what democracy rapist Pra-Ocha is planning. </div><div><br></div><div>Funny enough the monarchy is always used as a pretext by people who want to abuse it to stay in power locking up 18 red shirt leaders and keeping Prem from being harassed in the same manner will prove a blessing for the red shirts. Protests seen last year will be dwarfed by new ones no matter how hard Suthep will make it look like the red shirts burned down numerous buildings.</div>

So, are you saying it really was a coup? and the remnants of PTT are going to win the election? Really?


The way the Internet is growing and taking over from TV I'm surprised they would invest it another satellite. Satellites are too slow (due to the distance) and too delicate for practical use with the Internet. TV signals worldwide and in Thailand are moving towards Internet distribution. Would be better to spend the billions it cost to put a satellite in orbit on improving the Internet infrastructure.

Surely the internet also uses satellites as it runs through the phone networks? Or is there a fiber optic cable going from my pad in Thailand to my mum's on the other side of the world?


What no thai soaps or canned laughter sitcoms for 5 hours? What on earth did the population do for 5 hours

Talk of conspiracies!

Of course no one in this thread appears to believe conspiracies exist in Thailand... well except the Thais of course.


The way the Internet is growing and taking over from TV I'm surprised they would invest it another satellite. Satellites are too slow (due to the distance) and too delicate for practical use with the Internet. TV signals worldwide and in Thailand are moving towards Internet distribution. Would be better to spend the billions it cost to put a satellite in orbit on improving the Internet infrastructure.

Surely the internet also uses satellites as it runs through the phone networks? Or is there a fiber optic cable going from my pad in Thailand to my mum's on the other side of the world?

Both, and the internet takes the route or routes of least resistance at the moment a packet is sent.

One message could take multiple routes between source and receipt, broken into segments


What no thai soaps or canned laughter sitcoms for 5 hours? What on earth did the population do for 5 hours

Talk of conspiracies!

Of course no one in this thread appears to believe conspiracies exist in Thailand... well except the Thais of course.

It was little green men sitting on the satellite that messed it up. Just having a beer while waiting for the Cosmic AA to turn up and fix their spaceship. Or a simple sun outage but that sounds impossible?


The way the Internet is growing and taking over from TV I'm surprised they would invest it another satellite. Satellites are too slow (due to the distance) and too delicate for practical use with the Internet. TV signals worldwide and in Thailand are moving towards Internet distribution. Would be better to spend the billions it cost to put a satellite in orbit on improving the Internet infrastructure.

Surely the internet also uses satellites as it runs through the phone networks? Or is there a fiber optic cable going from my pad in Thailand to my mum's on the other side of the world?

Both, and the internet takes the route or routes of least resistance at the moment a packet is sent.

One message could take multiple routes between source and receipt, broken into segments

is this close to what you guys are discussing ?



The way the Internet is growing and taking over from TV I'm surprised they would invest it another satellite. Satellites are too slow (due to the distance) and too delicate for practical use with the Internet. TV signals worldwide and in Thailand are moving towards Internet distribution. Would be better to spend the billions it cost to put a satellite in orbit on improving the Internet infrastructure.

Surely the internet also uses satellites as it runs through the phone networks? Or is there a fiber optic cable going from my pad in Thailand to my mum's on the other side of the world?

Both, and the internet takes the route or routes of least resistance at the moment a packet is sent.

One message could take multiple routes between source and receipt, broken into segments

That's my point and satellites communications aren't slow and I should think are the quickest route we have to get info from one side of the globe to the other. Let's face it you can guide a Drone bombing mission in real time from thousands of miles away using satellite communications so it must be fast.


Softgeorge asked the important question:

"What no Thai soaps or canned laughter sitcoms for 5 hours? What on earth did the population do for 5 hours"

Unfortunate but true answer in our home:

In our home the daughter watched DVD's, but my wife acted like a junkie drug addict whose dealer had been busted on the way over with her fix!!! It was sure hell here Up Country. She was ready to drive 10 kl to her family village and watch Thai TV on their True Visions, or antenna as she blamed are 3 year faultlessly dependable SAMART legal free to air satellite dish. But after she phoned the customer service line of SAMART and heard with her own ears in Thai the official explanation she grit her teeth and was willing to watch a DVD. But she checked every 30 minutes and my did things brighten for her when her "movies" came back on the air. My suggestion she read a book or magazine was met with "that stare". I went out to the spirit house this morning with an offering to the satellite Gods that they please no fail again.


The way the Internet is growing and taking over from TV I'm surprised they would invest it another satellite. Satellites are too slow (due to the distance) and too delicate for practical use with the Internet. TV signals worldwide and in Thailand are moving towards Internet distribution. Would be better to spend the billions it cost to put a satellite in orbit on improving the Internet infrastructure.

Surely the internet also uses satellites as it runs through the phone networks? Or is there a fiber optic cable going from my pad in Thailand to my mum's on the other side of the world?

Both, and the internet takes the route or routes of least resistance at the moment a packet is sent.

One message could take multiple routes between source and receipt, broken into segments

is this close to what you guys are discussing ?


Not really . I was replying to Phil commenting about satellite communications being slow and the internet being much faster and the way of the future. The internet uses satellite communications and land communications so how it could be faster is beyond me? If your connecting to a site in the US your obviously going to bounce off a couple of satellites.


The way the Internet is growing and taking over from TV I'm surprised they would invest it another satellite. Satellites are too slow (due to the distance) and too delicate for practical use with the Internet. TV signals worldwide and in Thailand are moving towards Internet distribution. Would be better to spend the billions it cost to put a satellite in orbit on improving the Internet infrastructure.

Surely the internet also uses satellites as it runs through the phone networks? Or is there a fiber optic cable going from my pad in Thailand to my mum's on the other side of the world?

Both, and the internet takes the route or routes of least resistance at the moment a packet is sent.

One message could take multiple routes between source and receipt, broken into segments

is this close to what you guys are discussing ?


Not really . I was replying to Phil commenting about satellite communications being slow and the internet being much faster and the way of the future. The internet uses satellite communications and land communications so how it could be faster is beyond me? If your connecting to a site in the US your obviously going to bounce off a couple of satellites.

yep.......... it's beyond my knowledge..too ....

we don't need to know how it works. it's in the black-box.... only we enjoy using it enough...though...



Thailand: Hub of coup rumours.

Sort of sad that they even have to say no coup over insignificant events.

Maybe they are not insignificant???????????????????


The ICT is probably just repositioning it to catch more internet sites..Wikileaks reported that Thailands censorship at the moment rivals Chinas'!!'Freedom of Information isn't a devine right here anymore!!


The ICT is probably just repositioning it to catch more internet sites..Wikileaks reported that Thailands censorship at the moment rivals Chinas'!!'Freedom of Information isn't a devine right here anymore!!

Shh, you'll wake the Thaksin obsessives.


The way the Internet is growing and taking over from TV I'm surprised they would invest it another satellite. Satellites are too slow (due to the distance) and too delicate for practical use with the Internet. TV signals worldwide and in Thailand are moving towards Internet distribution. Would be better to spend the billions it cost to put a satellite in orbit on improving the Internet infrastructure.

Surely the internet also uses satellites as it runs through the phone networks? Or is there a fiber optic cable going from my pad in Thailand to my mum's on the other side of the world?

Both, and the internet takes the route or routes of least resistance at the moment a packet is sent.

One message could take multiple routes between source and receipt, broken into segments

That's my point and satellites communications aren't slow and I should think are the quickest route we have to get info from one side of the globe to the other. Let's face it you can guide a Drone bombing mission in real time from thousands of miles away using satellite communications so it must be fast.

Virtually all two way communications these days go through land (and undersea) based cables. If you ever tried using satellite based internet you would know how slow (laggy) it is. Ping values from here to the other side of the earth (east coast USA) is 250-300 ms over normal land based lines. Ping values to a satellite are typically 450-850 ms according to this website.

This has no practical influence on one way communication such as TV but makes two way communications really laggy.


To put this in another perspective.

Transfer of Traffic Thaicom 5 Satellite

From Russia Today http://www.rttv.ru/

Shin Satellite Public Company Limited (Shinsat) informed that THAICOM-5 was successfully launched into orbit on May 27, 2006. THAICOM-5 is located at 78.5 degrees east to replace THAICOM-3.

Shinsat completed all necessary satellite testing for commercial use on THAICOM-5.

We would like to inform you the date and time for traffic to transfer transmission from Thaicom-3 to Thaicom-5. The following details below:

Thaicom-3 transponder 6G

Date: July 12 2006

Time: 18:58 – 19:03 GMT

The satellite parameters for reception Russia Today channel from Thaicom-5 will remain the same as Thaicom-3.

In order to avoid any problems and make the transfer smoothly and efficiently, we will need to stop the transmission for 3 minutes with full cooperation of Shinsat, during the above date and time the channel will be interrupted.

......ไทยคม 5 จะเริ่มถ่ายโอนช่องสัญญาณจากไทยคม 3 ตั้งแต่วันที่ 12 กรกฎาคม 2549 เริ่มที่ช่องรัซเซียทูเดย์ ความถี่ 3640H 28066SR ครับ

Let us not discount that the company that installed the Thaicom software and financed the launch and set up of Thacom 5 in 2006, was the the JUST recently sold Shinsat, owned by Thaksin until a few months previous.

I do NOT assume that Temasek suddenly analysed

every snipet of code for backdoors and other access points by Shinsat techs.

Thaksin, known for micromanagement and total control, can NOT be ruled out as having had a back door access installed and left for his use. Especially considering he was under pressure at that time. Not as much as he would be POST Temasek sale, but control freaks think to use all their assets, and Thaksin would see the satellite as a way to control information..

If that could be used to cause a 'technical glitch' occasionally, that might serve his political interests is a given. All it takes is an up-link and knowledge of the frequencies and satellite placement. Yes passwords can be changed, but a back door is just that, a way around the typical security known only to a few.

Seems just having a glitch at 6pm is enough to totally upset the country....

Imagine what a faux transmission of 'military looking committee purporting to be a New Junta' would do, if that went out on the air 'announcing a coup that didn't exist', as false flag reason to have red shirts rising up 'to fight against the coup'.

Coup what coup,

oh the ones those guys on TV said they were doing...

OK, this is one possibility, but lets look at other options too.

Has anybody realized that the "no vote party" has fallen silent after they realized that the no vote campaign was back-firing? Could it be a new strategy? I don't think they are idle at this time.

Does anybody remember the occupation of the govt house where hard-disks with terrabites of sensitive security data was stolen? - Never ever mentioned again. In whose hand is it? Following that trace will eventually provide a real hint.


There is absolutely no advantage to be gained by having a coup yesterday. Paranoia has well and truly grasped Thailand. "Boo"

Today then?


To put this in another perspective.

Transfer of Traffic Thaicom 5 Satellite

From Russia Today http://www.rttv.ru/

Shin Satellite Public Company Limited (Shinsat) informed that THAICOM-5 was successfully launched into orbit on May 27, 2006. THAICOM-5 is located at 78.5 degrees east to replace THAICOM-3.

Shinsat completed all necessary satellite testing for commercial use on THAICOM-5.

We would like to inform you the date and time for traffic to transfer transmission from Thaicom-3 to Thaicom-5. The following details below:

Thaicom-3 transponder 6G

Date: July 12 2006

Time: 18:58 – 19:03 GMT

The satellite parameters for reception Russia Today channel from Thaicom-5 will remain the same as Thaicom-3.

In order to avoid any problems and make the transfer smoothly and efficiently, we will need to stop the transmission for 3 minutes with full cooperation of Shinsat, during the above date and time the channel will be interrupted.

......ไทยคม 5 จะเริ่มถ่ายโอนช่องสัญญาณจากไทยคม 3 ตั้งแต่วันที่ 12 กรกฎาคม 2549 เริ่มที่ช่องรัซเซียทูเดย์ ความถี่ 3640H 28066SR ครับ

Let us not discount that the company that installed the Thaicom software and financed the launch and set up of Thacom 5 in 2006, was the the JUST recently sold Shinsat, owned by Thaksin until a few months previous.

I do NOT assume that Temasek suddenly analysed

every snipet of code for backdoors and other access points by Shinsat techs.

Thaksin, known for micromanagement and total control, can NOT be ruled out as having had a back door access installed and left for his use. Especially considering he was under pressure at that time. Not as much as he would be POST Temasek sale, but control freaks think to use all their assets, and Thaksin would see the satellite as a way to control information..

If that could be used to cause a 'technical glitch' occasionally, that might serve his political interests is a given. All it takes is an up-link and knowledge of the frequencies and satellite placement. Yes passwords can be changed, but a back door is just that, a way around the typical security known only to a few.

Seems just having a glitch at 6pm is enough to totally upset the country....

Imagine what a faux transmission of 'military looking committee purporting to be a New Junta' would do, if that went out on the air 'announcing a coup that didn't exist', as false flag reason to have red shirts rising up 'to fight against the coup'.

Coup what coup,

oh the ones those guys on TV said they were doing...

OK, this is one possibility, but lets look at other options too.

Has anybody realized that the "no vote party" has fallen silent after they realized that the no vote campaign was back-firing? Could it be a new strategy? I don't think they are idle at this time.

Does anybody remember the occupation of the govt house where hard-disks with terrabites of sensitive security data was stolen? - Never ever mentioned again. In whose hand is it? Following that trace will eventually provide a real hint.

I agree that there is more than on possibility top this.

And simply Sun Spots radiation is one.

I doubt the at the access needed for this would have been on Government Back up disks. Simple reasoning, assuming they know what disks went walkabout, they would have changed sensitive access codes very quickly. Likely while PAD was still there.

My premis is that pro hackers / designers typically leave their own back doors in software of all types, and owners of companies often have back doors installed to allow emergency access, or a way to access systems in case of a hack happening in a front door.

And some of these access points don't get removed no matter WHO owns the company . Some are removed and others are not mentioned. On an international communications satellite it's hard to tell who has sent what to it and when, if they are any good. No one puts up a billion dollar satellite and only has one way to access its workings.

Is Thaksin crafty enough to see having ongoing control of ShinSat as a aspect of his power? I would venture yes, he wants to control the information, because information and how you control it is power.

Did he have systems designers with enough accumen to install any back door he wanted? No doubts, there was way too much at stake with a communications satellite to not have really serious experience programmers at work on it.

Did Thaksin have enough cash to BUY the work and silence of any one of them, most certainly. Did he? who knows. But I would have thought to do it if I were in his position.

It could have been simply gamma radiation. But to imagine conspiracies don't happen in Thailand or around Thaksin would be sheer naiveté.

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