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Thai And Cambodian Troops Clash Again


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If there are any people in the conflict area, do you have any updates? Has it quieted down? Are villagers returning?

Still quiet but I am pretty sure no refugee is going home. Perhaps tomorrow more of the same - who knows?

edit - perhaps we can all find out more about government recommendations on the news tonight. I am fairly sure that they will be the ones issuing the all clear.

Edited by BuckarooBanzai
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If there are any people in the conflict area, do you have any updates? Has it quieted down? Are villagers returning?

We live in Amphoe Muang {Surin} about 20 kms north of the city. This morning continued to hear periodic booming from distant guns. We've always been right on the flight path from Korat, so we expect the usual helicopters and fighters passing within eye shot and distant audibles - but this has been going on for months now. I understand the southern border districts of Prasat and Kap Choeng have been on stand-by for another attempt at evacuation of those immediate areas. Talked to some relatives and friends in Prasat...the sounds of war are quite evident. Just some 45-50 kms away {from us}

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If there are any people in the conflict area, do you have any updates? Has it quieted down? Are villagers returning?

We live in Amphoe Muang {Surin} about 20 kms north of the city. This morning continued to hear periodic booming from distant guns. We've always been right on the flight path from Korat, so we expect the usual helicopters and fighters passing within eye shot and distant audibles - but this has been going on for months now. I understand the southern border districts of Prasat and Kap Choeng have been on stand-by for another attempt at evacuation of those immediate areas. Talked to some relatives and friends in Prasat...the sounds of war are quite evident. Just some 45-50 kms away {from us}

We are 12 km west of Prasat and the artillery sounds this morning shook the windows and walls. We made a quick trip to Prasat this morning at about 10:00 am and it was very quiet in town, not a lot going on. I hope tomorrow is quiet, and this ends soon.


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Such a tragic shame that this is happening in Surin, where 70% of the population is made up of the ancient Khmers residing on land the Thais colonized...

Here! Here!

The land belongs to the Khmer people, not the Cambodians or the Thais. Similar situation to Wales in the UK. The people of this area speak Khmer, and not Cambodian or Thai as a mother tongue. Cambodian is only 20% similar in language to Khmer. I say that Thailand and Cambodia should give all the lands back to the Khmer people.

In that case that would not be just and only Surin area as Thailand should to give back to ancient Khemrs 13 provinces which belongs today to Thailand.

Going so far in past, about to make revision of boundaries would be worse madness than it was with Serbia - Bosnia - Croatia war. Pure madness.

Shows pretty good how Cambodians think.

Give back all the Land to Khmer people while Cambodia identity's itself as Khmer. So simply give all the provinces to Cambodia and the great old Khmer empire lives again. Thats there dream and thats what many Cambodians hope for.

You can find maps and statements where absolutely good educated Cambodians and even Cambodians living century's in US demand that all provinces that Thailand has colonized are given back.

Thats why there are now always troubles and this is a never ending story.

Now you know why Thailand considers visitors as not needed and doesn't strike back with more than they need to hold positions.

Consider that China, Russia and France is on the side of Cambodia, so what would happen when visitors clearly see that Cambodia is provoking this ? Nothing, absolutely nothing.

Thats why Thailand doesn't take measures, even if schools and civilians are hit, because it's waisted time.

Think back at January 2003 when some Thai owned company's in Cambodia where burned or damaged and why. This alone shows the insanity.

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yes i am at work out of the country so i called my wife, we live about 100 klm southeast of Burriam.she says she has heard all days boom boom,,,not the good kind eitther

she thought it was going to rain,,i hope all is safe on the border in that area. stay safe all

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I'll remind you for the last time. No talk about specifics of troops, aircraft, or units operating in the area.

Understandable but in other hand is it ok to say where from Thai artillery is firing and when?

I observed the Thai artillery at Soi 13 school from about 9:30am to 11:30am.
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Such a tragic shame that this is happening in Surin, where 70% of the population is made up of the ancient Khmers residing on land the Thais colonized...

Here! Here!

The land belongs to the Khmer people, not the Cambodians or the Thais. Similar situation to Wales in the UK. The people of this area speak Khmer, and not Cambodian or Thai as a mother tongue. Cambodian is only 20% similar in language to Khmer. I say that Thailand and Cambodia should give all the lands back to the Khmer people.

In that case that would not be just and only Surin area as Thailand should to give back to ancient Khemrs 13 provinces which belongs today to Thailand.

Going so far in past, about to make revision of boundaries would be worse madness than it was with Serbia - Bosnia - Croatia war. Pure madness.

Shows pretty good how Cambodians think.

Give back all the Land to Khmer people while Cambodia identity's itself as Khmer. So simply give all the provinces to Cambodia and the great old Khmer empire lives again. Thats there dream and thats what many Cambodians hope for.

You can find maps and statements where absolutely good educated Cambodians and even Cambodians living century's in US demand that all provinces that Thailand has colonized are given back.

Thats why there are now always troubles and this is a never ending story.

Now you know why Thailand considers visitors as not needed and doesn't strike back with more than they need to hold positions.

Consider that China, Russia and France is on the side of Cambodia, so what would happen when visitors clearly see that Cambodia is provoking this ? Nothing, absolutely nothing.

Thats why Thailand doesn't take measures, even if schools and civilians are hit, because it's waisted time.

Think back at January 2003 when some Thai owned company's in Cambodia where burned or damaged and why. This alone shows the insanity.

Both are at fault and have a lot to answer for. Though, it's well understood that the Thais have been the principle instigators and antagonists for the last decade - since the renewal of historic angst has cropped up. This bladdy and fabricated "nationalism" perpetuation has no real place. There would be no Thai/Tai/Siamese without the extension of Khmer culture.....arts, language, cuisine, customs, architecture, etc. For the most part, borrowed from the esteemed "enemy" and fused to be created as our own.

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Before I got to your post, this is very similar to what I was thinking. Maybe a Khmer region, initially jointly governed by Thailand & Cambodia with a target of self governance within x years. Vatican City type scenario...

Such a tragic shame that this is happening in Surin, where 70% of the population is made up of the ancient Khmers residing on land the Thais colonized...

Here! Here!

The land belongs to the Khmer people, not the Cambodians or the Thais. Similar situation to Wales in the UK. The people of this area speak Khmer, and not Cambodian or Thai as a mother tongue. Cambodian is only 20% similar in language to Khmer. I say that Thailand and Cambodia should give all the lands back to the Khmer people.

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Unfortunately, the REAL problem is greed. Both Thai's and Cambondia's think they should have all the tourist money for the Kmer temple there. Why the hell they can't work something out diplomatically probably speaks for the way these people think. Maybe somebody should just blow up the temple and then there would be nothing to fight about. For anybody that hasn't been there, there is NOTHING except the temple that could possibly be disputed wrt the "border".

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Since 6:30 I thaught it was thunder, but Ban Kruat and Ta Muan are about 40 km...

artillery shells do not use roads ..... Ban Kruat is only 10-15 km away from Ta Muan

so when the cambodians bring the 205 mm.......better go to Prakhon Chai :-((

(A) The Cambodian guns are NOT firing from Ta Muan. They are somewhere deeper INSIDE Cambodia. (B) Ban Kluat TOWN is more than 25 Kms from Ta Muan , as the crow flies, so even further from the Cambodian Guns. AMPHUR Ban Kluat , extends to the Surin border, The nearest village in AMPHUR Ban Kluat is about 10 kms from Ta Muan in Buriram province ,as the crow flies. NO shells have fallen in AMPHUR BanKluat, as yet. Please , do not spread panic ,by your inaccuracies. Many of us have relatives overseas ,who were very worried, basically because of misinformation by people ,such as you. At this point in time , there is absolutely NO evacuation from Ban Kluat Town.The evacuations start at MooBan Sai To Sip Tai, (Soi10), 15 kms from Ban Kluat TOWN.By road.

if you are referring to me spreading panic......you should read all related posts before quoting my posts.

i've written that others shouldn't spread panic because the cambodian artillery cannot reach ban kruat town. someone mentioned that there were impacts (which is absolutely not true).

at the time of the posting there were no shells on buriram province soil. check the news and you will see that they've found shells in chan thop phet. and i,ve never ever mentioned any evac procedures of or in ban kruat.

WHO are you referring to?

again....read all posts before you write things out of context.

spreading confusion, basically because of misunderstanding by people ,such as you.....is as worse as misinformation.

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Shows pretty good how Cambodians think.

Give back all the Land to Khmer people while Cambodia identity's itself as Khmer. So simply give all the provinces to Cambodia and the great old Khmer empire lives again. Thats there dream and thats what many Cambodians hope for.

You can find maps and statements where absolutely good educated Cambodians and even Cambodians living century's in US demand that all provinces that Thailand has colonized are given back.

Thats why there are now always troubles and this is a never ending story.

Now you know why Thailand considers visitors as not needed and doesn't strike back with more than they need to hold positions.

Consider that China, Russia and France is on the side of Cambodia, so what would happen when visitors clearly see that Cambodia is provoking this ? Nothing, absolutely nothing.

Thats why Thailand doesn't take measures, even if schools and civilians are hit, because it's waisted time.

Think back at January 2003 when some Thai owned company's in Cambodia where burned or damaged and why. This alone shows the insanity.

Slow down a bit, will you?

Of course, that in Cambodia there are revisionists and nationalists, but also in Thailand. Alike. For such people and their thinking, will always be a reason for conflict. In the event that revanchists and nationalists seize part of authorities, the problems will surely be even greater. Perhaps all can become a real war, especially if some power put the nose in it.

For both current governments is priority to control such retrograde, mostly senile people so to keep them on safety distance. In my opinion actual Thai Government flirting with this kind of people in PAD.

And you made one mistake. You said:

Thats why Thailand doesn't take measures, even if schools and civilians are hit, because it's waisted time.

I am sorry but as Thai troops installed their howitzers in SCHOOL, what is expected? That Cambodians will not fire on them AT school?

But nothing new. Installing weapons in civilian object is provoking situation and civilian deaths so to point finger to Cambodians later, as savages? And that is what Thai field commanders consider as good tactic? Ridiculous and cheap trick.

Deja Vu.

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Please do not discuss the specifics of troop deployments, or give any identifying information about any units in your posts. Any such posts will be deleted without further notice.

Please keep this topic informational so that people in the area can make informed decisions for their own safety and that of their families. Discussing the politics of the story can be done elsewhere.


Maybe you could edit post#51 as it pretty specific as to location, but keep the photos

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If there had been any F-16's doing anything in the area, unless they went a very long way round, I'm sure that one of us would have seen or heard them and reported here as such.

No, not if they were up high enough. You'd never know. I've seen enough airshows with F-16s to know this. They are pretty quiet until they get down right on top of you.

But the news article states.

Phay Siphan said Thai F-16 warplanes were staging mock attack runs on Cambodian positions

Have you seen any F-16's do a mock attack run at 30,000 ft.

They have to start from somewhere

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"They are using artillery but the fighting is not as heavy as yesterday's."

uhm....yeah.....seems that they are pretty misinformed.

can ANYBODY confirm that?

IMO the fighting was way more intense as yesterday. please correct me, if i'm wrong.

"This time we have seen on a number of occasions Thai F-16 airplanes. This time they are not just doing reconnaissance, but air support, but they have not dropped bombs," he said.

wow....thailand is using invisible stealth f-16 with silencers.....

i thought i have heard ONE....maybe....

not sure if there were ANY planes

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To Ricci, Chan ToPphat, that is:: Soi 8, has not even been evacuated.So, I suspect your news story is incorrect.I, neither saw nor heard any mention of it and I was in Soi 10 between 08.30 and 11.30 Soi 10is the first village to be evacuated, but only women and children were asked to leave .The men mostly stayed, Albeit accompanied by copious quantities of lao Khao , in both Soi 10 and Soi12. However ,we have no way of knowing if any shells have fallen in the upland farming areas, but definitely NO shells have fallen in any villages. In Buriram Province. All has been quiet , this afternoon. We will have to wait and see what transpires about 06.00 tomorrow morning.

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So, I suspect your news story is incorrect.

it's not "my" news. check the tv.

they've shown shells in a farm....i've never mentioned bombed villages.

please work on your communication skills and/or do not quote me anymore.

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Cambodians here in general are calm about the goings on at the border , no resentment toward Thai living here , news is however that Thai army has fired poisonous gas shells and more cluster bombs in an effort to rescue some Thai troops who are injured inside Cambodia .

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Just watched the 7:30pm news, Channel 7. Their lead story -- the price of eggs ! Nothing about the situation just down the road. Looks like the media have been gagged which, in my opinion is wrong. If you live in the immediate area of the conflict, you need information like what to do and where to go if you are evacuating. The last thing you want to do is ' walk ' into a trouble spot.

My wife just asked me if what she heard was shelling -- it's now 8:50pm. Fortunately it's a thunder storm, but that just goes to show how tense the situation is here. If we could hear or see reports we might be more at ease.

Just as Afarang posted, we'll have to see what happens at 6am tomorrow........

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Just watched the 7:30pm news, Channel 7. Their lead story -- the price of eggs ! Nothing about the situation just down the road. Looks like the media have been gagged which, in my opinion is wrong. If you live in the immediate area of the conflict, you need information like what to do and where to go if you are evacuating. The last thing you want to do is ' walk ' into a trouble spot.

My wife just asked me if what she heard was shelling -- it's now 8:50pm. Fortunately it's a thunder storm, but that just goes to show how tense the situation is here. If we could hear or see reports we might be more at ease.

Just as Afarang posted, we'll have to see what happens at 6am tomorrow........

Another 'Gunfire Breakfast' could be well on the cards. :lol:

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Have you seen any F-16's do a mock attack run at 30,000 ft.

I must admit my eyes are not what they used to be. Minor details start to escape me when they are more then 50 feet away ;)

It don't matter to me how high up they are. Nothing more scary than being in a conflict situation and you have a fast mover flying over head. Scary, scary. :ph34r:

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To Ricci ,my communication skills are about reporting FACTS, I said , if you had of read my post, No shells in villages ,but as we are denied access to the upland farming areas ,we nor I nor anybody cannot state if shells have fallen. . Your error is in naming a village, NOT that it is an upland farming area South of that village, thereby putting the idea in peoples minds that it is a vill age that has been shelled. You have made factual errors in every post, Incorrect distances for starters. Leaving people with the impression , that shells have been dropping , where no shells have. Endangering lives. Which has NOT happened in Buriram province. Were you in Soi 8,10 or 12 , today? I was , so am speaking from experience ,as you might term it- On The Ground.

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Endangering lives.


if so....sue me

btw, you are the only one in this forum having such a dramatic problem with my posts


Could be because he's there and you're noit

again.....read(!!!) posts BEFORE replying

he and me have a distance of 6 kilometers .......

oops.....maybe 5,8km or 6,7 km......i don't want to spread panic....


it would be very nice if we could stop this flaming now

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More firing and shelling.

What is the big 'FACE " thing with the Thai Gov't / Military

There have been needless deaths in the past few days.

In a marriage, husbands and wives fo not always see eye to eye. If they sincerely do want to save the marriage, they both go to a marriage counselor. Thai officials, please read the marriage counselor is a neutral third party as an observer. Why the Thai side reluctance?

I would suggest if the Thai side is rejecting the observers for some hidden reason, let Indonesia send them to remain on the Cambo side of the border and observe from there.

They will soon enough be able to see who is the agressor and who is the liar.

I would think that if this would have been allowed, then some of those who have been killed in the past few days would still be alive and not being the cause of suffering for their respective families

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More firing and shelling.

What is the big 'FACE " thing with the Thai Gov't / Military

There have been needless deaths in the past few days.

In a marriage, husbands and wives fo not always see eye to eye. If they sincerely do want to save the marriage, they both go to a marriage counselor. Thai officials, please read the marriage counselor is a neutral third party as an observer. Why the Thai side reluctance?

I would suggest if the Thai side is rejecting the observers for some hidden reason, let Indonesia send them to remain on the Cambo side of the border and observe from there.

They will soon enough be able to see who is the agressor and who is the liar.

I would think that if this would have been allowed, then some of those who have been killed in the past few days would still be alive and not being the cause of suffering for their respective families

Gonzo: you're absolutely right. If you have nothing to hide, then observers will never be a problem, even if they come from Indonesia. I suspect foul play!

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Brother of GF, who lives in Ban Kruat, had shells landing in his property yesterday......

absolutely NO shells in Ban Kruat......please do not spread panic

we have already enough problems here

After trying to call all day (I'm currently in Vietnam), I've finally just managed to get in touch with my family.

Most of my family (women and children) have been evacuated from Ban Kruat because of the shelling. My father-in-law, who has remained at home, told me that our local butcher shop is no more as a shell landed on it.

My house is not in Ban Kruat town/village but I live just down the road. Regardless, it is still Ban Kruat!

You say you have enough problems already. What are those problems if not from the shelling?

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