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Thai And Cambodian Troops Clash Again


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no more artillery fire...

seems that they take a longer break

105mm not 205,, Charge 7 HE Nato Range 7miles(11.26km) :o

i doubt that they can fire nearly 4 hours without a break....with charge 7....the barrels would glow red after 1 hour

New 105mm/M913 RAP 14km They dont have this one Yet


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Just went by two of the very large schools on 24 near Prasat. One school filled to capacity with refugees and one just about full. A lot of people! When all the big schools are full they will apparently be moving new refugees to smaller schools in villages to the north according to my village's loud speakers.

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Deputy PM Suthep says Thailand does not want to go to war with Cambodia and does not want 3rd party to intervene in conflict


Imagine there's a war and nobody goes there.

If K. Suthep doesn't want to go to war then a least he could stop the agent provocateurs(very clear in the picture) from the Thai side and the Cambodians will do the same.

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A lot of police on 24 next to Prasat directing refugee traffic to shelters but no army vehicles. As this is the major access route to the region and the amount of noise being generated by the army this seems strange. Only saw one army helicopter parked at one of the non-refugee schools. And still have not heard any jets.

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A lot of police on 24 next to Prasat directing refugee traffic to shelters but no army vehicles. As this is the major access route to the region and the amount of noise being generated by the army this seems strange. Only saw one army helicopter parked at one of the non-refugee schools. And still have not heard any jets.

i can confirm that. at Prasat Nikhom (a main access junction west of the conflict area) no army vehicles.

also no planes or helicopters in our area.

maybe the average reaction time of the Korat air force base is a bit more than 3 hours (i doubt they got any orders) :-/

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I am not too far from where it takes place. Can still hear the sound of the guns... Brother of GF, who lives in Ban Kruat, had shells landing in his property yesterday and called half an hour ago saying he was evacuating his family as it is now 'really getting close"...

Cannot understand the RT Armed forces... instead of buying additional Viggen fighters and subs, they should seriously consider acquiring "ARTHUR" ( "Artillery Hunting Radar") systems! And very quickly!

Don't encourage them too much. They shoot cluster bombs (but they have first renamed them) and do not want anyone else to see it (as they are systematically destroying the stone castle of Preah Vihear), surely not the Indonesians who are chairing the ASEAN. It might indeed result in a serious fingerpointing from the international community towards the Thais. Thai Rath, the Thai tabloid, knows skillfully how to blame the others, like all Thais are so skillful in this art... but all this should not be SEEN by international observers...

Now the competition is open to find a suitable substitute name for napalm bombs in order to use them as "conventional weapon"... :bah::bah::bah:

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no more artillery fire...

seems that they take a longer break

105mm not 205,, Charge 7 HE Nato Range 7miles(11.26km) :o

i doubt that they can fire nearly 4 hours without a break....with charge 7....the barrels would glow red after 1 hour

New 105mm/M913 RAP 14km They dont have this one Yet


Knowing these two militarys they would run out of money to buy bombs before the barrels even got warm.

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11:30 Seems all quiet on the southern front now.

This is one of those somewhat rare instances one can give a big thumbs up to the BIB. :thumbsup: They appear to be doing a very good job with a lot of displaced people during a very emotional period.

Just watched some very good coverage on Thai Channel 3 on the current border events. Pretty thorough.

All networks seem well represented here.

**info removed**

Edited by cdnvic
Please restrict any talk of military movements or anything that could identify units
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Four Thai soldiers wounded in fresh fighting with Cambodian troops

SURIN, April 23 -- Four Thai soldiers were wounded early Saturday during renewed fighting with Cambodian troops at a disputed border area in the Thai northeastern province of Surin bordering Cambodia, forcing border villagers to evacuate to eight kilometers deeper inside the country for their own safety, according to Thai Minister attached to the Prime Minister’s Office Ongart Klampaiboon.

Mr Ongart was in the area to inspect Friday’s clash between Thai and Cambodian troops which erupted on the western side of the Ta Kwai temple in Surin’s Phanom Dong Rak district. Three Thai soldiers were killed and 13 wounded while three Cambodian soldiers died and six others were wounded in yesterday’s clash.

Both sides exchanged brief gunfire around 6 am. today near yesterday’s clash site and not too far from Ta Muen Thom ruin and Ta Kwai temple, which sits on disputed areas along the border, said Second Army Region commander Lt Gen Thawatchai Samutsakorn, adding that Cambodian troops opened fire at Thai soldiers first.

Fighting between both sides was still continuing at about 10.00 a.m. as four Thai soldiers were reportedly wounded and later sent to Phanom Dong Rak Hospital. One of the four was severely injured while the rest received minor injuries. There is no official confirmation.

Casualties on the Cambodian side were still unknown.

Thai border villagers later evacuated to eight kilometers deeper inside Thai territory as the sound of gunfire could be heard nearly 20 kilometres inside the country.

Border officials said this morning’s fighting was fiercer than Friday’s skirmish.

Villages and roads along the border in Phanom Dong Rak district were virtually deserted last night following the fighting while combined Thai government troops patrolled the area and set up checkpoints at the villages. The Thai-Cambodian key checkpoint at the Thai border district of Kap Choeng has been closed since yesterday and peoples of the two countries have stopped trading since then.

Clashes in the area have occurred occasionally and ties between Thailand and Cambodia have been strained since Preah Vihear was granted UN World Heritage status in July 2008.

The International Court of Justice ruled in 1962 that the temple belonged to Cambodia, but a 4.6 square kilometre (1.8 square mile) surrounding area remains in dispute as both countries claim ownership of the tract. (MCOT online news)


-- TNA 2011-04-23

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Both sides will be getting rid of the out of date stuff first.

No facts but i would think plenty of old stocks for use on both sides.

I don't think the Cambodians will be able to maintain this rate, they'll be soon short in ammunition.

Who supplies Cambodia with this ammunition ?

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'midas' timestamp='1303533567' post='4375179']

'geovalin' timestamp='1303524026' post='4374834']

I don't think the Cambodians will be able to maintain this rate, they'll be soon short in ammuni

Who supplies Cambodia with this ammunition ?

Could well be a side line of some general to keep the momentum going , has to get the cash for antiquated submarines somewhere , I mean , really , they could move up some hitherto unkown river or two and attack from behind , that would prove beyond a doubt the firing started on the Cambodian side , not so dumb after all .


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Possibly some forces trying to prove that the Thai government is unable to handle the situation? It would implicate stepping in, taking matters into their own hands and solve the problem? Nah... just silly thinking, how stupid of me whistling.gif

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That would have been the best time for the Cambodians to attack. Always prey on your enemy's weakness.

0830....still firing

windows are shaking more frequently.

150 minutes with at least 40 artillery shells per minute.....do the math

odd thought comes to mind:

anyone else experienced the silence (on both sides) from 0800 to 0802 while the national anthem was on tv?

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Probably the Russians. Knowing how fond of Thailand America is, it wouldn't be surprising for Russia to be financing Cambodia.

I don't think the Cambodians will be able to maintain this rate, they'll be soon short in ammunition.

Who supplies Cambodia with this ammunition ?

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I observed the Thai artillery at Soi 13 school from about 9:30am to 11:30am. They were firing M-11 rockets at regular intervals and judging from the empty casings they had fired about 100 as of 11:30 am. They were also unloading hundreds more and preparing to fire them. There were three howitzers and they seemed to use different co ordinates every time they fired.

No-one I spoke to had seen or heard any artillery coming from Cambodia but I wasn't actually allowed into Phanom Dong Rak itself.





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Please do not discuss the specifics of troop deployments, or give any identifying information about any units in your posts. Any such posts will be deleted without further notice.

Please keep this topic informational so that people in the area can make informed decisions for their own safety and that of their families. Discussing the politics of the story can be done elsewhere.


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Such a tragic shame that this is happening in Surin, where 70% of the population is made up of the ancient Khmers residing on land the Thais colonized...

Here! Here!

The land belongs to the Khmer people, not the Cambodians or the Thais. Similar situation to Wales in the UK. The people of this area speak Khmer, and not Cambodian or Thai as a mother tongue. Cambodian is only 20% similar in language to Khmer. I say that Thailand and Cambodia should give all the lands back to the Khmer people.

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More firing and shelling.

What is the big 'FACE " thing with the Thai Gov't / Military

There have been needless deaths in the past few days.

In a marriage, husbands and wives fo not always see eye to eye. If they sincerely do want to save the marriage, they both go to a marriage counselor. Thai officials, please read the marriage counselor is a neutral third party as an observer. Why the Thai side reluctance?

I would suggest if the Thai side is rejecting the observers for some hidden reason, let Indonesia send them to remain on the Cambo side of the border and observe from there.

They will soon enough be able to see who is the agressor and who is the liar.

I would think that if this would have been allowed, then some of those who have been killed in the past few days would still be alive and not being the cause of suffering for their respective families

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Since 6:30 I thaught it was thunder, but Ban Kruat and Ta Muan are about 40 km...

artillery shells do not use roads ..... Ban Kruat is only 10-15 km away from Ta Muan

so when the cambodians bring the 205 mm.......better go to Prakhon Chai :-((

(A) The Cambodian guns are NOT firing from Ta Muan. They are somewhere deeper INSIDE Cambodia. (B) Ban Kluat TOWN is more than 25 Kms from Ta Muan , as the crow flies, so even further from the Cambodian Guns. AMPHUR Ban Kluat , extends to the Surin border, The nearest village in AMPHUR Ban Kluat is about 10 kms from Ta Muan in Buriram province ,as the crow flies. NO shells have fallen in AMPHUR BanKluat, as yet. Please , do not spread panic ,by your inaccuracies. Many of us have relatives overseas ,who were very worried, basically because of misinformation by people ,such as you. At this point in time , there is absolutely NO evacuation from Ban Kluat Town.The evacuations start at MooBan Sai To Sip Tai, (Soi10), 15 kms from Ban Kluat TOWN.By road.

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I observed the Thai artillery at Soi 13 school from about 9:30am to 11:30am. They were firing M-11 rockets at regular intervals and judging from the empty casings they had fired about 100 as of 11:30 am. They were also unloading hundreds more and preparing to fire them. There were three howitzers and they seemed to use different co ordinates every time they fired.

No-one I spoke to had seen or heard any artillery coming from Cambodia but I wasn't actually allowed into Phanom Dong Rak itself.





Great Photos James.

Just a point..... Isn't there a B2,000 fine for littering?

I can remember them shelling across the border near Kap Choeng and Bahn Pahnom Dong Rak back in '94 - '97 at our favorite picnic spot at the reservoir near Kap Choeng. In those days the Cambodians were fighting Pol Pot and shells were coming across the border as Pol Pot's Army were trying to escape the shelling. The Thai Army in turn were defending their territory.

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