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I just returned from my third visit to Thailand, and I love the place except for the soi dogs. I have posted something about my problem with them, and I have read a lot of other posts about them. Everyone talks about the solutions, including sticks, stones, a pork chop around my neck, or a BB gun (I will explain to security at LAX that the BB gun is to fend off the soi dogs).

But my question is, why not pepper spray? I have never used it, as the dogs and I at home get along really well. But it seems to me that it would work well - dogs are confused when something is pointed at them, the sound of the spray would also confuse them, and if it hits it hurts without doing serious damage. It is also easy to carry with you on a walk.

Is there some reason people in Thailand don't use it? Is it illegal?


I've recently started a walking routine. From our house, across Suk and down some small sois to the beach. Yesterday, I encountered 2 dogs that came right at me. One with fangs bared. And that was only 20M down a major soi and across from several restaurants.

I have an alternate route that seems to be free of aggressive dogs. So I am doing that one now, but for sure am looking at deterrents for these pests. There's nothing we can do about these dogs as many Thais use them as security. They run freely.

I'm headed back to the US for a few weeks and will be looking for something there. I've read about some "sonic" devices. But like you, feel pepper spray is to harsh. Another poster said they use ammonia in a spray bottle that seemed to work well when they were riding their bikes. That's easy to obtain here and easy to put in a small bottle.


If you give one of them a good hard kick a single time, that dog and all the others in the area will tend to stay well away from you, at least for a few months :)

I use to live in a condo right next to a work camp. These workers had to walk down a soi about 200 meters to get to the main road where they could get a scooter taxi, or walk further to the local market.

This soi was packed with dogs. I would watch them pick up a stick at the beginning of their walk and leave it at the other end. Doing the same on the return.

Dogs for sure would try to bite them. They would try to whack the dogs, but many would just stay there barking and trying to avoid being hit. Extremely aggressive and one reason we never walked to the local market.


Aggression create aggression. I don't think I am special, but I have never been seriously attacked by a soi dog. Small yippy dogs yes, but never a soi dog. Perhaps it is because I walk in an assertive manner and do not make eye contact. In the times I have been charged, I have either dealt with it with a clear command, NO or I have also gotten down on me knees to say hello. Hovering over a dog causes a fear defensive reaction. The dogs are out there because people refuse to spay and neuter. If people really care, they will contribute to the local capture and release programs and educate their Thai frinds and neighbors.


Aggression create aggression. I don't think I am special, but I have never been seriously attacked by a soi dog. Small yippy dogs yes, but never a soi dog. Perhaps it is because I walk in an assertive manner and do not make eye contact. In the times I have been charged, I have either dealt with it with a clear command, NO or I have also gotten down on me knees to say hello. Hovering over a dog causes a fear defensive reaction. The dogs are out there because people refuse to spay and neuter. If people really care, they will contribute to the local capture and release programs and educate their Thai frinds and neighbors.

I doubt I'll be getting on my knees to face a soi dog any time soon but understand the point.

A few years ago I was nearly attacked by a group of soi / street dogs, I was saved by a friend passing on a motorbike. Sticks and stones weren't helping, there were too many of the frightening, snarling and highly aggressive soi dogs . Pepper spray in that situation may have been the only thing to save me short of a firearm (or friend passing by)...


If you give one of them a good hard kick a single time, that dog and all the others in the area will tend to stay well away from you, at least for a few months :)

Quite often than not, the mutts are all bark and not bite {general rule}. This would apply to city dogs as well as their country cousins. The best defence is to apply noisy aggression towards them......they will back off. Done with any sort of repetition, they soon learn not to bother with you.


When my brother was a postman he would frequently encounter the odd doggie that objected to his presence as he entered the doggies garden,he used to spray their noses with anti-freeze,this would disorientate the dog for a few seconds,he would post the letters and run for the gate.


Why not round them up and sell them as food. I know of a few countries that enjoy some good dog meat. Someone could make a killing selling off these unwanted soi dogs. :lol:


Why not round them up and sell them as food. I know of a few countries that enjoy some good dog meat. Someone could make a killing selling off these unwanted soi dogs. :lol:

Great, so you are in favour of poisoning people? Many of these poor creatures are infected with various parasites and diseases.


Thanks for the responses. It is more about being annoyed, rather than being bitten, although I was thinking about that at the time I was being annoyed. However, I am not sure I will buy into the getting down on my knees - I have seen too many dogs attack other dogs that were in a submissive position. Plus, I think it would leave me in a very vulnerable position if that particular dog had not read the manual on behavior towards humans. But I am very surprised someone has not come up with a spray that doesn't do serious damage, but will cause the dog to immediately turn around and think - "it is just not worth it".

How about filing a water pistol with a substance, mainly water, but that also has a terrible odor to it? I think there is a business opportunity here.


I read this:

"Halt" is a brand of pepper spray that works well for many cyclists. It sprays a nice long stream instead of the "mist' you get with other sprays. It does no permanent damage to the dog. Costs ~$6.

Also, I know we use to put ammonia inside a spray bottle and spray our dog when it chased our car. Worked fairly well...but it eventually forgot and was run over by the trash truck. :(


If you give one of them a good hard kick a single time, that dog and all the others in the area will tend to stay well away from you, at least for a few months :)

Quite often than not, the mutts are all bark and not bite {general rule}. This would apply to city dogs as well as their country cousins. The best defence is to apply noisy aggression towards them......they will back off. Done with any sort of repetition, they soon learn not to bother with you.

Quite right, zzaa (I keep agreeing with you these days!). Face them, and yell at them; it works a treat. I've been bitten twice by dogs in Thailand, both of which shot out of gardens at the side of the road and took a chunk out of me before I even knew they were there. Not soi dogs, either.


I just bend over and pretend to pick up a rock. Any aggressive mutt knows what's coming next and will hightail it. If the dog is anywhere close and I actually am able to get my hand on a rock, I will throw it as hard as I can at its head.

When I lived in Cambodia we would often use coconuts as they were everywhere. Applied aggressively to the torso of a snarling dog usually solved the problem.


There is little control of pepper spray in Thailand and it is readily available (from Chinatown to Foodland); its use is not banned, but it can be a chargeable offence to use it although I am reliably informed that there has never been any legal problems over it being used against dogs or for self-protection.

It is highly effective and the effects wear off after a few minutes, but obviously you have to allow for wind - relatively speaking a "whiff" should be sufficient to put most dogs off and they will soon learn to avoid you. An alternative which gives you considerably longer range is a category 2 laser pointer which can cause temporary flash blindness but which would have to be shone directly into the eye for a period of time to cause any permanent damage.

I should point out the possible dangers of a couple of posts:

"he used to spray their noses with anti-freeze,this would disorientate the dog for a few seconds"- anti-freeze (ethylene glycol) is highly poisonous and causes kidney damage, uremia, and damages the central nervous system resulting in a slow, very painful and very unpleasant (and untreatable) death. Dogs and cats like the sweet smell and taste of anti-freeze, so far from being an effective repellant they will lick it up.

"The best defence is to apply noisy aggression towards them......they will back off" - the problem with any "general rule" is that there are always exceptions and openly aggressive behaviour could easily make the situation worse with a dog that is either already aggressive or frightened. There is a world of difference between being assertive and being aggressive.

" In the times I have been charged, I have either dealt with it with a clear command, NO or I have also gotten down on me knees to say hello." - clear command = yes, being assertive but not aggressive and also possibly taking a dog by surprise; on your knees = definite no! Not only are you gambling that a dominant dog won't bother (not always the case) but you are also putting yourself in a very dangerous physical position as you are putting your face and various other sensitive parts of your anatomy within reach of the dog; not a good idea under any circumstances!


Why not round them up and sell them as food. I know of a few countries that enjoy some good dog meat. Someone could make a killing selling off these unwanted soi dogs. :lol:

Here in issan you could shop a bad or nasty unwanted mutt for a brand new hand made woven basketrolleyes.gif


Hello everyone, I don't speack so good English but I make some research in goooogle and find this topic...Grrrr...this morning when I was driving my bike on a small road...during the time a ice cream vendor come in front , a dog jump on me and bit my leg...and purchase me...so afraid...what can I do..can not go to fast to escape even if I 'v done that . but it's so dangerous..cannot stop and confronte the dog ,he has already my leg !!!

I need to drive this road ..and by anyway, it's so many dangerous dogs alround...what can I do to protect myself ? when I drive my bike I need my hands for the bike ...when I walk i can take some stones or wood...but with the bike i don't know ! This <deleted>...k dogs make me afraid of them and accidents.

Any advices ?


Ps. I am a women not so tall and not so young any more ;)


If the dam_n things are being 'looked after' by some local street vendors, you can try asking them to muzzle the problem animal. Bending down like you are picking up a rock will also send a lot of soi dogs running.

Failing that, slingshot and marbles is a very effective defence. They learn to avoid you very quickly, though they will still bark.


If you give one of them a good hard kick a single time, that dog and all the others in the area will tend to stay well away from you, at least for a few months :)

Totaly agree with that and further more, a good kick is the least you can do.... A full bore kick followed up with as many kicks as you possibly can before they run off is needed, and then the whole pack tend to stay away from you. I walk my puppy on a route full of horrible aggresive soi dogs. Its only a 20 minute walk but I would encouter three of four packs on this route. The first time I walked him all three packs came at me and my puppy and I managed to crack a couple. Then I walked the route alone a couple of times and made an effort to crack as many dogs as I could along the way.

Now when I walk my pup they take a run for the hills and bark from a distance.

Just as an edit.... I dont want to sound like a dog warrior here lol.... But I see so many guys localy who wal there dogs with bamboo sticks, BB guns etc.... I just cant be bothered with all that. I just figured that making a point from the get go was needed and now they leave me alone

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