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Thailand’s Disorganized All Girl Stunt Team.


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I have been living in Thailand for a short time and visiting for quite a while, so I am used to the crazy sights seen on the roads, but recently I was really struck by a scene.

Whilst waiting in traffic on a busy road I saw four school girls on a scooter, weaving in and out of traffic, and eventually cut across the road and head away against the flow of traffic. I need to add that they had just exited the gates of a school. I know that there is nothing unusual in this as four on a bike is normal, as is driving in the wrong direction. What struck me was the appearance of the girls. They were all wearing identical school uniforms and had identical short cropped hair. They looked like part of a stunt team or circus squad. In any developed country people would pay money to see them perform their stunts along with the clowns. remeber the white helmet motor cycle display team (UK). In Thailand no one gives them a second glance. It is staggering really that there is not one person in the school responsible enough to take action to stop this.

I also wonder if the reason that the Circus is not popular in Thailand is that life in Thailand is itself a more incredible circus than anything a circus could offer.

I know that this is probably a topic covered many, many times and that we have all witness more crazy things, I just thought I’d share it.

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Just recently in my wifes home town 2 girls were coming home from school, turned right out of the gate against the traffic and wiped out into an oncoming pickup. One was killed, one has lost the use of an arm. Both were 13.

Total waste and will keep on happening.

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I’m sorry to say it but I think the S in LOS has got to stand for stupidity. They all seem incapable of using common sense when it comes to safety. Young or old, rich or poor, educated or not they all behave like complete idiots on the road. I see top end Merc’s and BMW’s but they are still driving like fools. It must be genetic.

It is entertaining, but extremely annoying not to mention dangerous for all.

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Hi all,

My friend (girl) took driving lessons.

After 10 hours of instruction she was told she can drive a car and get her driving license.

I asked her: Did you drive on the highway, small roads, parkings, busy traffic, things like that and she answered: No, but I can drive car.

I told her to take at least 40 hours of driving lessons before applying for a license

and then got that look.......



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It's about safety margin. The Thais have no concept of it. They can either do something or not do something. If they miss the oncoming bus by an inch it is as good as a mile, no difference.

As a former mechanical engineer, we designed to the maximum load or condition plus 25%, 50% or whatever, according to the situation. The Thais design (I use the term loosely) something to the maximum condition, or back off because the maximum condition probably will not occur. This results in a zero or negative safety margin.

That's probably way more than anyone wanted to know. Good night all.


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It's about safety margin.  The Thais have no concept of it.  They can either do something or not do something.  If they miss the oncoming bus by an inch it is as good as a mile, no difference.

As a former mechanical engineer, we designed to the maximum load or condition plus 25%, 50% or whatever, according to the situation.  The Thais design (I use the term loosely) something to the maximum condition, or back off because the maximum condition probably will not occur.  This results in a zero or negative safety margin.

That's probably way more than anyone wanted to know.  Good night all.


Your dead right. I think they used that principle in building my house. Things look ok, but then six months latter they fall apart. :o

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yep thailand is definately not boring when driving, the most dangerous and stupid thing i have seen is the 'u-turn' [and it is legal] on the motorways and seeing a twin rig speeding around thinking he can make it and every body else screeching to a halt.

so i guess he must have been right and he could make it so unfortunately he will keep doing this until he causes or becomes another statistic.

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