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What Is It With Thais And Their Noisy Cocks?


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This will not be of much interest to those living in condos or up-market estates in Bangkok, but for the rest of us who either by choice or circumstances live in rural area it may be.

Perhaps I should for the benefit of the more gentle members and some ex-colonials with translation challenges refer to roosters instead. :o

Now Thailand is a nation of chicken keepers, they are everywhere either for eating or “Chicken Boxing” or some “just for looking” but they are everywhere and they all have something to say.

I personally have nothing against chickens in fact I am quite fond of them, not only from KFC but as individual personalities. Yes, they are quite clever and I used to, in a former life, have one as a pet.

No, my concern is the roosters that do not see the bigger picture and crow at all hours of the day and night instead of at dawn like any self respecting rooster should.

Yet Thais don’t seem to hear them. I have been to friend’s house where a rooster would be crowing right under the deck where we were sitting and I could hardly hear any conversation for the noise. When I mentioned this my Thai host said “what chicken” This has happened many many times.

Roosters wake me up in the middle of the night, once one starts they all have to join in and it usually goes on for about an hour before they settle down again. In the morning Ms Beach says “what chickens” :D

I have had conversations with other Farangs about this and the general opinion is that the Thai people have a slightly different frequency range they hear and the crowing roosters don’t bother them so much.

Is it just me or are there other Farangs out there that get P***** off with all this rooster crowing that is noise polluting the environment?

Comments welcome.

On the side:- on Koh Phangan on the left side of road to Had Rin just outside of Thongsala is a BBQ chicken stall. If it is still there you can get a whole BBQ chicken for 150bt – it is the best – really – try it.

Cheers :D

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I have had conversations with other Farangs about this and the general opinion is that the Thai people have a slightly different frequency range they hear and the crowing roosters don’t bother them so much.

It's the same frquency range as people who have children. Whenever we have a big family bash, it does my nut in, with all the kids making noises. But the parents over the years have gained the skill of "selective" hearing and can't hear them :o

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A few years ago my neighbor decided to get some chickens and a rooster. It drove me bonkers being woken up at 3, 4, 5 am every morning. Bad enough to effect my work but had no recourse. However occasionaly one would get loose and land in our yard where our dog would make short work of him/her (always gave him a pat on the head for such good work). :o

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back to the topic

Yet Thais don’t seem to hear them. I have been to friend’s house where a rooster would be crowing right under the deck where we were sitting and I could hardly hear any conversation for the noise. When I mentioned this my Thai host said “what chicken” This has happened many many times.

yes.. methinks when people get used to it.. so the sound wont be annoyed anymore (and one day u will get use to it)

BTW, in TH , Roosters 's voice here in LOS ,it's so-called ALARM /clock and it mean "early morning..wake up!!"

TH Roosters = Eakkk ehhh eakkk eak so if u want to warn em, dont speak as "Cock-a-doodle-doo " they wont understand you

Bambi (hot chick!!) :o

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Cockerels or roosters are nothing compared to the idiot who drives the pickup truck with the 2 million decibel sound system and goes past the back of my house at all hours of the day or night. He even parks it up somewhere and leaves the doors open so everyone can enjoy, especially between the hours of 1 am and 3 am. Even when this truck is miles away you know it's acoming, everything starts to vibrate, even your teeth fillings. If he could pick the right moment when I'm on manouvers with the wife I might get to like it, but he always waits till I'm asleep. :o:D

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When I first stayed in the village the roosters woke me up every morning, then just as I was getting back to sleep the village headman would get on the PA system, starting first with music, then a bit of talking and a nice dancey bit of Morlam to finish.. after about 1-2 months I can sleep throught the lot.. :o

totster :D

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You must not have lived here very long. You do get used to it after a while. It was a lot quieter just after the bird flu culling, but is back to normal now.

Off subject-a couple of years ago i was driving south of Phetchabun on my way to one of the "buri" town" and for 50k kept seeing a sign for the best BBQ chicken in Thailand. Had to stop, and they were right. Can't tell you where, but the signs will guide you. :o

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back to the  topic

yes.. methinks when  people  get used to it.. so  the sound  wont be annoyed anymore (and  one day u will get use to it)

BTW, in TH ,  Roosters 's voice  here in LOS ,it's so-called ALARM /clock  and it mean "early morning..wake up!!"

TH Roosters  = Eakkk ehhh eakkk eak  so if u  want to warn em,  dont speak as "Cock-a-doodle-doo " they wont understand  you

Bambi (hot chick!!) :D

Erm! Miss Hot Chick (as long as you not rooster in disguise) If they are “Alarm Clock “how come they all seem to be living in different time zones? :D

I am a nice kind of guy perhaps if I learnt rooster Thai I could reason with them!

Would their owners object? :D

Where I am now they start up at about 4am well before any dawn in the LOS – have they got genes from somewhere else? Perhaps a roving rooster ancestor??


As for the other comments I agree LOS is a dam noisy place. Some time ago I took a longtail boat trip round a wetlands bird sanctuary near Songkhla and the boat had no silencer (muffler). We didn’t see many birds.


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As for the other comments I agree LOS is a dam noisy place. Some time ago I took a longtail boat trip round a wetlands bird sanctuary near Songkhla and the boat had no silencer (muffler). We didn’t see many birds.

TIT  :D  :D  :o

LOL! That is just such a perfect illustration of the madness. Personally, I can live with being surrounded by the sounds of nature like frogs, crickets, birds, even roosters if not super close. When they sing, it has a subconscious meaning that everything in the natural world around you is ok and at peace. Unlike warning sounds like say a barking dog means there is trouble or PA system means everyone stop what you are doing and pay attention. It is a part of feng shui I can relate with and wish Thai's could as noise is my #1 issue living in Thailand. And it does effect everyone adversely, either consciously or not.

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you  topic freak me out !!! 

Bambi  :o  :D

BambinA - My thoughts were similar (mentally though I had difficulty forming a picture & then as I looked outside the tube I thought about it some more "Thais" what have they got that that I don't?) - alas then I opened the thread ""Relief nearly overcame me" luckily I was brought back to the land of the living by the cock next door who can not only "cock a doodle doo" in English and Thai but I am sure he is befinning to master the art of yodelling!! and unless they have purchased a dog he also has a nasty "Growl". I am thinking of enrolling him in the TV "Teaching English" thread I sure the hours that he keeps would match some of the other wandering posters that seem to flit in and out during all hours of the AM.

Ooops must go the boss hen has summoned, we are off to feast at KFC Fairy Plaza must get in before Mr Toxin appears for another publicity shoot.

Edited by mijan24
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Hi All,

As one member said the key is: Selective hearing.

I travel all over the world for my work and when having dinners ore meetings it is all spoken in local lingo.

At first you get very boring as you not understand anything they talk about. You can try to understand by asking someone that speaks English but why bother, if they want to know something from you, you will be asked by someone who speaks English.

I just enjoy my meal and really do not hear all the talking, same when I am in Isaan, I just do my thing and not notice all the talking.

A good excersise is to just sit ore lay down and think of nothing, just be aware of the parts of your body that touch the floor ore bed whatever, just that.

Sort of meditation I guess.



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The Thais are just use to it. All the noise. My wife can sleep through anything. Even doesn't mind the lights being on. I have to have it quiet and dark. Being in the village kills me. I can't sleep at all. If it is not the chickens, it is the PA system at the crack of dawn, or the scooter warming up...or the locals sitting outside having a chat (and 40 degree)at 5am....a rather loud chat.

There is a resort I love on Samet. Great place. Except for the chickens. They keep them right on the property. They run under your hut and wake you up bright and early. And then hop up into the trees and scream all day. I have mentioned this to the owner but he just does not understand (or care). So, I now go to another resort. No loss, they are always booked.

When I was in Saigon I was amazed they even have them in the middle of the city! On the rooftops! Couldn't believe I got woken up there at 5am by bloody chickens...again...

All I can think of is to eat as much chicken as you can!

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I understood Alex's post, after I figured out the "ores" (s/b "or").

I think the last part, about the meditation exercise is supposed to be generic - just do a mental exercise that takes your mind off the noise. Is that right Alex?

It did sound sort of mystical the first time I read it. I got a chuckle out of these two posts.

By the way, Mijan. I have been noticing that you must be a Ford man, though the logo kept bouncing so much it was difficult to read at first. :o


Edited by Bryan in Isaan
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The recipe

Serves 4.

a large chicken, jointed into 6 or 8 pieces, giblets and carcass saved

an onion, a carrot and a few peppercorns for the stock

150g pancetta or unsmoked bacon in the piece

30g butter

2 medium onions

a large carrot

2 ribs of celery

2 cloves of garlic

2 tbsps flour

2 tbsps cognac

a bottle of red wine

4 or 5 small sprigs of thyme

3 bay leaves

40g butter

12 small onions, peeled

200g small mushrooms

boiled or steamed potatoes, to serve

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I spent a large part of my formative years on a poultry farm. 5000 chickens and a few cocks to keep ‘em happy. Whereas mostly they were housed in deep litter, we also had a free-range flock. I find that there is something comforting in waking up to the sound of a crowing cock.

Now in Thailand the situation is similar except you really don’t have to be in a very rural situation to be close to chickens. I live in a village development and my neighbour has a cock, in fact a lot of my neighbours have cocks and I hardly hear them. My girlfriend tells me she loves the idea of a little cock in the morning in fact she even says that late at night it helps her go to sleep. However I’m not to keen on the idea of it being my neighbour’s cock so I thought I’d investigate the possibility of investing in a coop and so would be able to satisfy her needs with a cock of my own. So in future my gf and I will be looking forward to a crowing cock in the morning and perhaps every now and then throughout the day….I wonder if it will silence my neighbour’s cock….

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Hi All,

Alex are you smoking something from the henhouse OR am I just perceiving the sent message incorrectly??

I understood Alex's post, after I figured out the "ores" (s/b "or").

I think the last part, about the meditation exercise is supposed to be generic - just do a mental exercise that takes your mind off the noise. Is that right Alex?

It did sound sort of mystical the first time I read it. I got a chuckle out of these two posts.

Hi Mijan and Bryan,

Nope, not smoke any dope.

Yep Bryan you are right.

As I said to be able to selectively hear you (in my experience) must be able to sit or lay down (whatever you prefer) and think of nothing.

Just try na, lay on the floor and feel your legs touch the surface, just concentrate on that feeling, try to focus on different parts of your body at one time.

Same when I am reading a good book, they can shoot a cannon beside me and most likely I won't notice it.

If you get anoyed by the sound of the chickens it means you are focused on that noise.

Oh and by the way sorry for my bad english writing, I am not a native speaker and after 12 years working with people with very limited English skills it seems my English went from good to bad, anyway I hope what I try to tell is understandable.



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.......I live in a village development and my neighbour has a cock, in fact a lot of my neighbours have cocks and I hardly hear them. My girlfriend tells me she loves the idea of a little cock in the morning in fact she even says that late at night it helps her go to sleep. However I’m not to keen on the idea of it being my neighbour’s cock so I thought I’d investigate the possibility of investing in a coop and so would be able to satisfy her needs with a cock of my own. So in future my gf and I will be looking forward to a crowing cock in the morning and perhaps every now and then throughout the day….I wonder if it will silence my neighbour’s cock….


Edited by Bryan in Isaan
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Oh and by the way sorry for my bad english writing, I am not a native speaker and after 12 years working with people with very limited English skills it seems my English went from good to bad, anyway I hope what I try to tell is understandable.



You're doing fine Alex.

You really do need to come up with some way to cope with all the goofy things that go on around here.


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There are 2 very easy ways to stop cocks crowing:

1 - Kill them

2 - Mount a low roof over their perch. When cocks crow, they stretch their necks up. If a low roof is put over their usual perch, then they cannot stretch their necks. Result = no crowing :o


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