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Whats the best? i know a lot will say Kindel but i would like one there will read epub, well, one who reads everything, wanna download ebooks to take offshore


I forgot to say that i have been looking at Sony PRS-950,i dont know anything about ebook reader


The Kindle is probably the most cost-effective reader at this time. It reads .mobi files natively. If you have books in another format usually Calibra can convert it.


I have a Sony 650 and the wife has a Kidle (she had a sony but the batteries crapped out, replaced it with a Kindle). The kindle hold a a lot more books 3500 compared to 633 for the Sony. The battery in the Kindle last much longer than the Sony.

The Sony is easier to download to as it takes a lot of formats, for the kindle you have to convert everything to Mobi. But whichever you get be sure and use the calibre library as it is fantastic, and free to download. After you try it out for a while make a donation to keep them going.

The Kindle is much easier to read than the Sony, sharper print.

So if my Sony craps out I will replace it with a Kindle. If you get a kindle be sure to get the cover for it $39 and very useful. The light you can get with it is very nice if you read at night. or in bed. there are a huge number of books available to download and it is fast. You can start the library before you get the e-reader. Haven't read a paperback since we got the e-readers.

Hope this is some help.



Font handling of PDF files is not as good as that of mobi files on the latest Kindle. You're better off converting PDF to mobi using Calibre.


I was talking about the newest Kindle that's actually available to buy. The only 'new' Kindle that I can find any info about on the 'net is the Kindle that's available now plus adverts on it which lowers its price somewhat. Do you have any info about any others?


I've not yet entered the eBook world but as more newspapers and magazines come online, I think I'll be buying something soon to replace my existing hard-copy subscriptions.

Which device is best for reading the online magazines and newspapers, i.e. those with the online paid subscriptions ? Of course I need color (Kindel is color now correct?).

I'm most concerned with the format/compatibility issues .... but also screen quality & resolution. My eyes ain't what they used to be :ph34r:


I've not yet entered the eBook world but as more newspapers and magazines come online, I think I'll be buying something soon to replace my existing hard-copy subscriptions.

Which device is best for reading the online magazines and newspapers, i.e. those with the online paid subscriptions ? Of course I need color (Kindel is color now correct?).

At the moment Kindle is not colour - it's E-ink which is as near to reading a paper book as possible.


Nook Colour does epub but poor battery life, 8 hours use

Nook original does epub but poor battery life, 8 hours use.

New Kindle has great battery life, 24+ hours use.

Doesn't do epub, so what, Calibre converts in about 10 seconds


Hi Guys

Thx a lot, very good info, i might go for the new Kindle 3 then, will look into it, if you guys have more info please let me know, as i say i dont have a clue about ebook reader


I bought the Kindle 3 ( UK version with 3G) to replace the books I usually take offshore. It's great. Heaps of books to download online or you can buy the latest titles from Amazon.

One of the guys on my team had a sony ereader so it was easy to compare the two.. Biggest difference is battery life. The kindle lasts for weeks if you switch off the WiFi. The book storage is no big deal as in reality cos nobody really needs 2500 books in the memory ( unless you are doing really looooong trips ?) It's only drag and drop to add new titles anyhow. Both the kindle and the Mobi format work well on the Kindle, PDF's are okay but you can't adjust the page orientation or the font size. With the kindle you also have the option to email documents to your kindle and they will automatically be formatted. TBH I don't think there is much to choose between them, but the battery life won it for me. The WiFi kindle is around 100 GBP not sure the price of the Sony.

As long as I don't break it I don't expect to buying paperbacks for a long time..


I was talking about the newest Kindle that's actually available to buy. The only 'new' Kindle that I can find any info about on the 'net is the Kindle that's available now plus adverts on it which lowers its price somewhat. Do you have any info about any others?

No. You're right. Thanks for the correction.


I bought the Kindle 3 ( UK version with 3G) to replace the books I usually take offshore. It's great. Heaps of books to download online or you can buy the latest titles from Amazon.

One of the guys on my team had a sony ereader so it was easy to compare the two.. Biggest difference is battery life. The kindle lasts for weeks if you switch off the WiFi. The book storage is no big deal as in reality cos nobody really needs 2500 books in the memory ( unless you are doing really looooong trips ?) It's only drag and drop to add new titles anyhow. Both the kindle and the Mobi format work well on the Kindle, PDF's are okay but you can't adjust the page orientation or the font size. With the kindle you also have the option to email documents to your kindle and they will automatically be formatted. TBH I don't think there is much to choose between them, but the battery life won it for me. The WiFi kindle is around 100 GBP not sure the price of the Sony.

As long as I don't break it I don't expect to buying paperbacks for a long time..


Look like its gonna be the new Kindle 3G wi-fi

I do loooonng trips, 8 weeks this time i think :)


I will be entering Kindle-dom soon but I was wondering what the market is like for Thai books and does the Kindle even handle Thai fonts? My wife likes to read a lot when we are traveling but the books are just so much excess baggage and when finished, get dumped in whatever country we are in.


I've asked about the Thai font thing and was told that the Kindle and Sony readers can only handle Thai books in PDF format as the fonts are built-in to the document rather than being provided by the reader.


I've asked about the Thai font thing and was told that the Kindle and Sony readers can only handle Thai books in PDF format as the fonts are built-in to the document rather than being provided by the reader.

OK, interesting to hear if these pdf files are good enough for Thai bookworm or not!


I don't know about Thai script on Kindle but judging by this website it seems the few ebooks available in Thai are in PDF format.

It's awful to read PDF files on the 6" Kindle. Most PDF files are made to be viewed on much larger screens so the font is tiny. You can "zoom" but it's like when you use ctrl+ in a browser, it kinda messes up the formatting.

If you intend to read a lot of PDF files I'd recommend getting the 10" Kindle DX instead.


Just like a paperback the Kindle doesn't like water, but I guess if you absolutely must bring it in a bathtub or pool you could put it in a condom, like people do with mobile phones during songkran <_<


You can reformat pdf files to fit Kindle screen perfectly. Off the top of my head the page size should be 8.4x11.5cm, or 8.5x11.4, or 10.4 if you want a bit more space at the top and bottom.

These days even Microsoft Word can save documents in pdf format and that way you can have your Thai language, too.

Of course it's a bit of a problem if you have some big, A4 size pdf already. Text can be copy-pasted into Word but if there are images, too, that's just too much work.


Have any Kindlers found a satisfactory method of keeping their Kindle dry in the bath?

I have!

Get a 7 inch zip lock plastic bag - insert kindle in bag and zip it. I read in the bath all the time - luxury :-)

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