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Several Bombs Explodes In Bali Tourist Areas


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It wouldn't matter who was president. If the US withdrew its support from Israel, and the Arabs succeeded in wiping them out (as they have often stated as their ultimate goal), it still wouldn't solve anything. Certain groups would still be pushing their own agendas and quests for power. They would just find different excuses for their cause(s), and different people to blame for their preceived injustices.

An excellent perception, well said Kerryd

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Bali is predominatly Hindu

You are right there - but it won't remain a Hindu island for long. All Indonesian govt policies formal and informal are designed to have more and more muslims resettling to Bali. Wait another 10 years and muslims shall have an overwhelming majority in Bali.

Population manipulation is just one of the strategies being implemented by radical muslims to stake claims to parts of Asian countries.

E. Timor was heading in the same direction before it's timely freedom struggle and independence.

At the time of partition, Kashmir was a Hindu majority state and its ruler opted to join the union of secular India. In just 50 odd years, it has become a majority muslim province with a carefully targetted terror campaign.


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It wouldn't matter who was president. If the US withdrew its support from Israel, and the Arabs succeeded in wiping them out (as they have often stated as their ultimate goal), it still wouldn't solve anything. Certain groups would still be pushing their own agendas and quests for power. They would just find different excuses for their cause(s), and different people to blame for their preceived injustices.

An excellent perception, well said Kerryd

Agreed. And Butterfly, either get educated or give it up. Nobody in their right mind blames what is happening in the Philippines, Russia, Sulawasi, or SOUTHERN THAILAND on anything ANY western leader has done. It is all in the name of Islam and trying to get their own country so they can run it their way. Which means all their crazy laws that they could never get put in place with reasonable minded people. Like was said before, they have been doing this for thousands of years.

I think what Bush did was wrong with regards to Iraq. But what these people are doing to innocent people is what we are talking about here. They are killing their own people! How crazy is that. Terrorists plain and simple and they need to be wiped out.

The only problem I have with muslims is that ###### loud speaker 5 times a day. :o

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Sorry chaps but I feel the forum is going down that "all Muslims are bad" road again. Remember this is a minority. Oh blah blah...... it's all so difficult. I don't believe in violence in any form, except squashing ants... and I quite like the loud speaker actually, but I like all religious 'music'

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Agreed.  And Butterfly, either get educated or give it up.  Nobody in their right mind blames what is happening in the Philippines, Russia, Sulawasi, or SOUTHERN THAILAND on anything ANY western leader has done.  It is all in the name of Islam and trying to get their own country so they can run it their way.  Which means all their crazy laws that they could never get put in place with reasonable minded people.  Like was said before, they have been doing this for thousands of years.

I think what Bush did was wrong with regards to Iraq.  But what these people are doing to innocent people is what we are talking about here.  They are killing their own people!  How crazy is that.  Terrorists plain and simple and they need to be wiped out.

The only problem I have with muslims is that ###### loud speaker 5 times a day.  :D

Once again, this post prove how racist americans (and the west in general) is in regard to muslims and the ME. All in the name of freedom :o

You are proving to be an ignorant racist uneducated redneck who need a good spanking by a few "arabs" to get the message.

Terrorism is an act of cowardice, but likewise bombing weddings and innocent civilians (Hiroshima and Iraq alike) from 10,000 feet is not an act of courage either. Americans like terrorists are cowards, so see at the end you are no better than them.

Edited by Butterfly
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Sorry chaps but I feel the forum is going down that "all Muslims are bad" road again. Remember this is a minority. Oh blah blah...... it's all so difficult. I don't believe in violence in any form, except squashing ants...  and I quite like the loud speaker actually, but I like all religious 'music'

I was on Lombok a few months ago. The speaker woke me up at some incredibly early hour. Then, while playing a nice, quiet game of pool with my wife, it started again. Right next to us. And the person doing the "chanting" was horrible. And it was incredibly loud. Couldn't hear yourself think.

In India, in some villages, they go most of the night. Couldn't get a wink of sleep all night. Seems the different places of worship compete with each other. So, it got louder and louder...all at 3 or 4 am.

Love religious music, just not blaring at 3am! :o

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Hi all,

For sure bombings and killings are no good, either done by so called christians or moslims. Islam religion in origin is a peacefull religion (look here e.g: http://www.usc.edu/dept/MSA/introduction/woi_history.html).

It are the radicals (christian ore moslim) that make things worse, same like hooligans.

I have trained a group of Palestinians and Israelis sitting together and talked about all violence and they all condemended it.

Every normal human being no matter what religion can live in peace together as they did before.

What, ore who is the source of all this violence?



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Butterfly: how can you say that? You don't even know me! Just to point out, I am a native American indian. I carry my tribal card proudly.

My father was born on a reservation and had to live his whole life being called a 'half breed'. My grandfather had all his land taken away and lived on a reservation his whole life. Don't talk to me that way. You have no right...you don't know me at all...

I have nothing against muslims. Just hate people who generalize...like you do about Americans. Just shows what a small mind you have.

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Butterfly: how can you say that?  You don't even know me!  Just to point out, I am a native American indian.  I carry my tribal card proudly.

My father was born on a reservation and had to live his whole life being called a 'half breed'.  My grandfather had all his land taken away and lived on a reservation his whole life.  Don't talk to me that way.  You have no right...you don't know me at all...

I have nothing against muslims.  Just hate people who generalize...like you do about Americans.  Just shows what a small mind you have.

and that give you a blank check from not being a racist or not having a bias against other minorities ? :o

The most racist people I have met were black Policemen. They would treat fellow blackmen like shit and would be more agressive on blacks than a KKK wanabee.

You being a native american doesn't give you "immunity" from being racist. Get a grip :D

Edited by Butterfly
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Sorry chaps but I feel the forum is going down that "all Muslims are bad" road again. Remember this is a minority. Oh blah blah...... it's all so difficult. I don't believe in violence in any form, except squashing ants...  and I quite like the loud speaker actually, but I like all religious 'music'

Hey seonai watch it!! It is a very sinful act to kill an ant...

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Sorry chaps but I feel the forum is going down that "all Muslims are bad" road again. Remember this is a minority. Oh blah blah...... it's all so difficult. I don't believe in violence in any form, except squashing ants...  and I quite like the loud speaker actually, but I like all religious 'music'

Hey seonai watch it!! It is a very sinful act to kill an ant...

Agreed! My Thai wife won't even let me kill mozzies! I have a hard time not swatting them!

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This act was terrible and I send my deepest sorrows to all the victims aswell as their familes and friends.

But now when the word terrorism is mentioned why the relation to religion? And a certain religion too. Okay there is obviously a connection between the latest acts of terrorism and the muslim religion but how narrow minded can one be and genralise the minority to the majority.

This is beyond me. It unfortunately reflects a part of society today.

Surely resorting to violence against all muslims is not the answer. Doing so will be the cause of more terrorism acts and racism. Is that really the world you wish to live in?

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Agreed Ice. No doubt some hardliners will call you naive for saying this, but if so, they could use a little naïvity themselves.

Muslims are not out to get you. A minority of hardliner religious fanatics are, and because of the ignorance and double standard displayed by hardliners on the side that claims to be moral, they get more people to their cause.

What is being started now cannot be finished this way, it will be an endless lashing out at different states, in the process killing and alienating more and more potential allies, both among muslims and non-muslims.

You are not the only ones to hate and despise the terrorists. We all do. But you are the ones creating excuses for them.

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You are an illiterate turdburger Butterfly, and obviusly deprived of any form or comprehensive schooling from an early age. Wake up :D


if you say so then it must be true. Stick to NASCAR and football. International politics is out of your league :D

Jeeze you must be a mind reader too, and I thought you were just a dullard. How on earth did you know I raced cars? Wow your powers of perception are boundless, but I'll pass on the football thank you :D

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Agreed Ice. No doubt some hardliners will call you naive for saying this, but if so, they could use a little naïvity themselves.

Muslims are not out to get you. A minority of hardliner religious fanatics are, and because of the ignorance and double standard displayed by hardliners on the side that claims to be moral, they get more people to their cause.

What is being started now cannot be finished this way, it will be an endless lashing out at different states, in the process killing and alienating more and more potential allies, both among muslims and non-muslims.

You are not the only ones to hate and despise the terrorists. We all do. But you are the ones creating excuses for them.

I don't believe the answer is to be ignorant. Maybe. Just maybe I wish to hold no negativity against the majority of muslims.

When taking a walk in the street I'd like to say "Hello" to a person without questioning their religion and motives. But in todays society that seems to be impossible. Caution is an absolute must now.

This behaviour is now something that everyone should own and if one dosen't they are said to be naive.

Being naive is not the answer and although I may seem it from my previous post I am far from it in my opinion. I will not excuse the terrorists but just show the rest of the muslim religion something I'd like to have if I was in the same situation.

But are we not all naive? The truth is none of us understand these terrorists. If we did the problem would soon be sorted out by now. Because we face the unknown that is why there are many mixed opinions on the matter.

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Sorry if this is a stupid question, but is the first time a suicide bombing has taken place in SE Asia?  I thougth there others were planted.  The thought of that starting to happen in Asia is chilling....

2nd bombing in Bali and there has been multiple bombings in Philippines, Thailand that I know of - prob other SEA countries too.

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Sorry if this is a stupid question, but is the first time a suicide bombing has taken place in SE Asia?  I thougth there others were planted.  The thought of that starting to happen in Asia is chilling....

2nd bombing in Bali and there has been multiple bombings in Philippines, Thailand that I know of - prob other SEA countries too.

And all of these were suicide? I was in the Philippines for a few and the were not suicide bombs. Most in Thailand have been remotely detonated...right? That is why they are cracking down on cell phones there.

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For those of you willing to read books as a critical complement to the conflicting information and varied opinion found here in the World Wide Wastelands, may I suggest reading Michael Scheue's excellent book Imperial Hubris published under the author "Anonymous." He makes several excellent points including the unmasking of several ill informed falsehoods perpetuated in this thread such as the percepetion that Bin Laden and Al Qaida are terrorists and that this is a war against terror. He also points out that Israel is only one of several issues affecting the Muslim world and removing Israel (not a particularly realistic feat at this juncture) will not change the overall agenda of the Islamic militants. His primary point, and one that I agree with, is that the Islamic world is at war with the rest of the world (including the US & the west, Russia, China, and India) because of specific actions and not for any other reason including nebulous reasons such "who we (the US) are and what we stand for." Those actions, whether they be based upon unconscious or subconscious racism or religious intolerance, are indeed detrimental to the Islamic world. That is the gist of Osama's message which is being favorably received by the vast majority of Muslims, including the moderates, who are being called to support a defensive Jihad.

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I live in Phuket. I am also going to Bali on Monday. I was in Manchester when they cowardly bombed that. I lived in Germany when they detonated bombs there. I was in Karon Beach when the Tsunami hit. My girlfriend was in Madrid, Spain when the Basques bombed that.

Please let me know the next time you come to Pattaya. I think I'll move out for a while while you are here. :o

but perhaps you would like to sit next to him when he is putting his bet in a casino? :D

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