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Witness History As Prince William Ties The Knot With Kate Middleton

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I live in the UK at the moment and I've managed to avoid the wedding completely. Mind you, I spent half the day with my eyes closed and my fingers stuck in my ears and the other half in a darkened cinema :rolleyes:

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Sorry to correct you but all white Aussies are immigrants.

And whether you agree with Royalty or not, as a spectacle no-one does it quite like the Brits.

Noooooooooooo Not all, the British forced a lot to go there against thier will.


A radio station conducted a survey in Australia some years ago asking people who the lady was in a photo (queen lizy) .From memory i think less than 25% recognised her.

That just shows how thick Australians are as they dont know who the women on much of their currency is, thanks for confirming how dumb the average Aussie is!

One of these so call "Dumb Aussies" will be the next Queen of Denmark. Just goes to show that anyone these days can become King or Queen and you don't have to be born in the country or have blue blood. The young Thai girl at your local market could marry into the British Royal Family and her children could be the future King/Queen of England. Royalty in the west no longer has the fairytale image that it did 200 yrs ago.


I care! And the answer to your absurd question is in your absurd post...the world cares...and that's what keeps our so called miserable economy 'ticking over'...amongst many other things.

Like others have said Australia voted to keep the Queen as head of state (or similar) not so many years ago...maybe the near 25 % that had the intelligence to recognise the Queen voted and the remaining 75% failed to vote due to their total ignorance of local and world affairs...or possibly did not know how to vote??


Australia actually voted NOT to have a certain type of republic, rather than voting to keep the Queen. Most Australians want a republic. They just can't decide what the format will be, so they stay with the devil they know.


Sorry to correct you but all white Aussies are immigrants.

And whether you agree with Royalty or not, as a spectacle no-one does it quite like the Brits.

Noooooooooooo Not all, the British forced a lot to go there against thier will.

That doesn't stop them from being immigrants.


A radio station conducted a survey in Australia some years ago asking people who the lady was in a photo (queen lizy) .From memory i think less than 25% recognised her.

That just shows how thick Australians are as they dont know who the women on much of their currency is, thanks for confirming how dumb the average Aussie is!

One of these so call "Dumb Aussies" will be the next Queen of Denmark. Just goes to show that anyone these days can become King or Queen and you don't have to be born in the country or have blue blood. The young Thai girl at your local market could marry into the British Royal Family and her children could be the future King/Queen of England. Royalty in the west no longer has the fairytale image that it did 200 yrs ago.

The new Duchess of Cambridge may not have royal blood but she ticked all the right boxes, as she went to one of Englands top public schools & St Andrews university. Her parents are wealthy self made millionaires.

Prince William is not the first royal to marry a commoner too, a previous Duke of Cambridge (Prince George) caused a stir in the 19th century by marrying an actress after refusing to have an arranged marriage with one of Europes Royal families.


Good luck to them both but i just don't get it. Will have to miss this one as i have paint drying.

Yep Euros are supposed to be sophisticated aren't they? I can't see how elevating ANY body above yourself or anyone else just because of some birth right that was bestowed upon them by other aristocrats several hundred years ago is sophisticated in any way in the 21st century.. Long past time to get over themselves IMO..

What's even worse is that the wealth and power they achieved came through less then moral means over the history of numerous questionable monarchs..The plot is lost in this day and age..

Whatever system you live in or were born in, there are always people elevated above you. Its true in republics too. Inherited wealth, wealthier parents to support education, area within country you were born etc etc all create that. It makes it difficult to argue one system is better than another.


The new Duchess of Cambridge may not have royal blood but she ticked all the right boxes, as she went to one of Englands top public schools & St Andrews university. Her parents are wealthy self made millionaires.

Yeah, Kate is the real winner in all of this.

Maybe I've been in Asia too long, but I reckon she looks mid 30's. It must be her fast paced, party going lifestyle:


The new Duchess of Cambridge may not have royal blood but she ticked all the right boxes, as she went to one of Englands top public schools & St Andrews university. Her parents are wealthy self made millionaires.

Yeah, Kate is the real winner in all of this.

Maybe I've been in Asia too long, but I reckon she looks mid 30's. It must be her fast paced, party going lifestyle:

Ironic when sexpats feel the need to take the higher moral ground on the way someone lives their life.


Good luck to them both but i just don't get it. Will have to miss this one as i have paint drying.

Yep Euros are supposed to be sophisticated aren't they? I can't see how elevating ANY body above yourself or anyone else just because of some birth right that was bestowed upon them by other aristocrats several hundred years ago is sophisticated in any way in the 21st century.. Long past time to get over themselves IMO..

What's even worse is that the wealth and power they achieved came through less then moral means over the history of numerous questionable monarchs..The plot is lost in this day and age..

Whatever system you live in or were born in, there are always people elevated above you. Its true in republics too. Inherited wealth, wealthier parents to support education, area within country you were born etc etc all create that. It makes it difficult to argue one system is better than another.

Yeah and none of that is a plausible reason either, but this is the only case that can't be mandated out. By human decree it's for life and generations not just this moment.

Anyone else gets there on their own merits to some extent and stays there only based on those merits as they can be dethroned (pardon the pun) at any time should they fall from grace. This is not true for European monarchs they or I should say their myth perseveres regardless of past or present indiscretions.. Well past time to drop the Cinderella story and move into the 21st century..

Anyway I don't want to discuss this anymore in the top half of the forum, can be taken out of context..


The new Duchess of Cambridge may not have royal blood but she ticked all the right boxes, as she went to one of Englands top public schools & St Andrews university. Her parents are wealthy self made millionaires.

Yeah, Kate is the real winner in all of this.

Maybe I've been in Asia too long, but I reckon she looks mid 30's. It must be her fast paced, party going lifestyle:

Ironic when sexpats feel the need to take the higher moral ground on the way someone lives their life.

Are you referring to me? I'm not a sexpat. Are you?

Did you see no humour in the video. It was very well done and a lot more interesting to watch than the royal kiss.


It was a great watching on the T.V. Good luck to both of them

It was just by accident that I saw the ceremony. I had left the TV on but the sound on mute. I had gone to bed but woke up at 3 AM west coast Canada time and saw a flickering of light coming from the living room. I took a couple of pictures and went back to bed knowing they were finally married. I would not trade my life for theirs even if I was young again. They have very little privacy and are forced into a life in the spotlight will all the demands that Royalty has to suffer through in today's world. I don't care how much money the British Royalty has.



Yeah, Kate is the real winner in all of this.

Maybe I've been in Asia too long, but I reckon she looks mid 30's. It must be her fast paced, party going lifestyle:

I though it was a documentary and then it was just a series of poor paparazzi photos and some overlay texts by some jealous teenager calling herself (sic) ChocoolatePrincess with an axe to grind. Meh.


It was a great watching on the T.V. Good luck to both of them

Yes it was great, The pomp, the organisation the security the tourists, the 2 billion worldwide viewers+ the others who would have loved the chance to view.

So up to the non royalists on forum that moan about everything anyway, The u.k. would be a DRAB place without the pomp, I'd rather watch the country alive like this brill day, than Cameron/ Clegg and the like.

Britain gets more money in from having the royals than it spends on them for sure, The immediate royals are o.k.--it's the royal "hangers on" that I object to, the ones that do NOT work to get tourists in.


It was a great watching on the T.V. Good luck to both of them

Yes it was great, The pomp, the organisation the security the tourists, the 2 billion worldwide viewers+ the others who would have loved the chance to view.

So up to the non royalists on forum that moan about everything anyway, The u.k. would be a DRAB place without the pomp, I'd rather watch the country alive like this brill day, than Cameron/ Clegg and the like.

Britain gets more money in from having the royals than it spends on them for sure, The immediate royals are o.k.--it's the royal "hangers on" that I object to, the ones that do NOT work to get tourists in.

Great job if you can get it.biggrin.gif

...it's the royal "hangers on" that I object to,...

I guess you might be referring to (among others) to Princess Michael of Kent (the former Baroness Marie Christine Agnes Hedwig Ida von Reibnitz), who is such a notorious self-promoter that it is said of her book "The Serpent and The Moon" that the collectors' items are the ones not signed by the Princess.

At any rate, the relatively bourgeois antecedents of Ms Middleton-as-was might inject some badly needed outside genetics into the British Royal Family's bloodline; as in many royal families round the world, the effects of inbreeding are noticeably deleterious.....whistling.gif


Finally paid some attention last night to the highlights as there were no other options on the TV other than a Vin Diesel movie. I confess that I thought it was the younger brother getting wed so now I understand better all the brouhaha to which I have paid no heed over the last few months. But I daresay the bodice on the bride's dress was smashing, she has got a nice little set of boobies on her and the hint of a Lady Gaga design did her well. She could match up nicely with a well known similarly nicely designed nude diner in another Kingdom we all know so well. But the highlight was of course not the ridiculous horse drawn carriages but the Aston Martin. Made me jealous and wanting to say to her: "what say, you, we go out on the down and swing, baby? Yea".


It was a great watching on the T.V. Good luck to both of them

Yes it was great, The pomp, the organisation the security the tourists, the 2 billion worldwide viewers+ the others who would have loved the chance to view.

The u.k. would be a DRAB place without the pomp,

You've got a good point because the UK is a drab place even with the pomp.

That 2 billion worldwide viewers estimate has got to be the most exaggerated nonsense I've ever heard. 29% of the current world population watching it on TV....please!


It was a great watching on the T.V. Good luck to both of them

Yes it was great, The pomp, the organisation the security the tourists, the 2 billion worldwide viewers+ the others who would have loved the chance to view.

The u.k. would be a DRAB place without the pomp,

You've got a good point because the UK is a drab place even with the pomp.

That 2 billion worldwide viewers estimate has got to be the most exaggerated nonsense I've ever heard. 29% of the current world population watching it on TV....please!

These are not my figures, they were official estimates. If China was tuned in, and India with the rest the Russians, Europeans, Africas, Colonies--why should you want to dispute a reality. I couldn.t care less how many viewed, only it'le bring a bit of revenue in, and in return will make the pound stronger hopefully, why knock the tourism we need. The Thais are in need of that now. If you don't like the colour and occasion fine, I'm happy for all the old folks back home, something for them to smile about, suppose your against the millions who enjoyed the street parties, with the kids having a great day.


It was a great watching on the T.V. Good luck to both of them

Yes it was great, The pomp, the organisation the security the tourists, the 2 billion worldwide viewers+ the others who would have loved the chance to view.

The u.k. would be a DRAB place without the pomp,

You've got a good point because the UK is a drab place even with the pomp.

That 2 billion worldwide viewers estimate has got to be the most exaggerated nonsense I've ever heard. 29% of the current world population watching it on TV....please!

These are not my figures, they were official estimates. If China was tuned in, and India with the rest the Russians, Europeans, Africas, Colonies--why should you want to dispute a reality. I couldn.t care less how many viewed, only it'le bring a bit of revenue in, and in return will make the pound stronger hopefully, why knock the tourism we need. The Thais are in need of that now. If you don't like the colour and occasion fine, I'm happy for all the old folks back home, something for them to smile about, suppose your against the millions who enjoyed the street parties, with the kids having a great day.

2 billion, whoever said that number, is absurd.

That would be almost 1 out of every 3 people on the planet.


Then laugh.


The new Duchess of Cambridge may not have royal blood but she ticked all the right boxes, as she went to one of Englands top public schools & St Andrews university. Her parents are wealthy self made millionaires.

Yeah, Kate is the real winner in all of this.

Maybe I've been in Asia too long, but I reckon she looks mid 30's. It must be her fast paced, party going lifestyle:

Ironic when sexpats feel the need to take the higher moral ground on the way someone lives their life.

Are you referring to me? I'm not a sexpat. Are you?

Did you see no humour in the video. It was very well done and a lot more interesting to watch than the royal kiss.

I watched it but couldn't for the life of me see anything in the slightest comical about it. To most mature adults with the slightest bit of intelligence it would of come across as something that an immature adolescent had knocked together in their free school time.

It rushed back some memories of a real nasty kid at my school many moons ago. He thrived on making nasty comments relentlessly about anything and anyone that wasn't, in his eyes, the same as him.

Sure enough, he grew into a self opinionated, unhappy, nasty piece of work that you wouldn't want to spend 1 minute with but unfortunately, with the internet, people like him one will unfortunately come across from time to time.

Best wishes to William and Kate.


The Police estimate that well over 500000 were in London, lining the route, in The Mall and St James Park to see the procession and the balconey appearance.

At the same time the British republican movement held a Not The Royal Wedding Event elsewhere in London, it attracted a crowd of well over 400!

Finally, Kate looked beautiful, but Pippa......phwoar! (I hope best beloved does not read this).


It was a great watching on the T.V. Good luck to both of them

Yes it was great, The pomp, the organisation the security the tourists, the 2 billion worldwide viewers+ the others who would have loved the chance to view.

The u.k. would be a DRAB place without the pomp,

You've got a good point because the UK is a drab place even with the pomp.

That 2 billion worldwide viewers estimate has got to be the most exaggerated nonsense I've ever heard. 29% of the current world population watching it on TV....please!

These are not my figures, they were official estimates. If China was tuned in, and India with the rest the Russians, Europeans, Africas, Colonies--why should you want to dispute a reality. I couldn.t care less how many viewed, only it'le bring a bit of revenue in, and in return will make the pound stronger hopefully, why knock the tourism we need. The Thais are in need of that now. If you don't like the colour and occasion fine, I'm happy for all the old folks back home, something for them to smile about, suppose your against the millions who enjoyed the street parties, with the kids having a great day.

2 billion, whoever said that number, is absurd.

That would be almost 1 out of every 3 people on the planet.


Then laugh.

yes i am laughing, at you...........


I watched it but couldn't for the life of me see anything in the slightest comical about it. To most mature adults with the slightest bit of intelligence it would of come across as something that an immature adolescent had knocked together in their free school time.

Best wishes to William and Kate.

It's pretty obvious you'll jump on anyone who disparages Kate or the Prince in any way, even in humour...hence your immediate assumption that I'm a sexpat with low moral standards.

I've had the royal family jammed down my throat for the whole of my life first in NZ and then Australia and have a healthy dislike for them....but how does this make me a sexpat?

I wonder about the mental health of anyone who is a genuine fan...especially to the point of spending days on the streets of London to get a good spot to view them.


Am I the only one who is really not interested in the whole thing?

De javu perhaps or was it only yesterday that a fuss was being made about one Diana and a proper Charlie, the one who loved the camelion but accepted the advice to keep quiet about his true love for the sake of siring kids for the nation. Job done return to Camelion and talking to trees about carbuncles.

So, having never loved her, we have a state wedding, a bit like this one due today, where Briton's finest morons camp on pavements or glue themselves to TVs or hold stret parties with neighbours they've spent the last two decades fighting over leylandi with and will again come Saturday. Pockets emptied by buying plates with the happy couple on them. Plates that will later rather than sooner see a ham sandwich and a car boot. Muge too. There are a lot of mugs right now.

Kate believes she is destined for this Royal tunnel of love, whereas Diana was just destined for a tunnel. But then I don't expect the morons who worshipped her ever wanted to see that she was little other than a highly manipulative bitch who used the Press to attack the dysfunctional family she was married into. Let's just consider the in laws for a mo then: many of the good ones have died off. Princess Margaret who apparently had a ponchon for shagging any bit of rough she could find, and that included ex-criminals. Good old Philip who would consider all Thais just part of the slanty eyed Chinks he describes the Chinese as. Edward the frightened, no right to wear a uniform, gay embarrassment. Andrew the divorced work shy bumbler. His better half who at least did it for the money [ ask any paying US TV station.] Ann who at least is thankfully like her mother and so does her bit, shuts up and goes home. Harry and Wills who despite trying to be themselves have been sucked into and at least one is to be spat out of the Royal machine and confined to a life time of waving from cars. It's what his right hand is for. Kate's too from today.

Interested? Well it's certainly not interesting unless you've been lobotomised, like reading Jeffrey Archer, voted Tory and believe the Thatcher years were the good old days, coming from Watford you supported Man U claiming to be a life long fan who moved South as a lad when your dad up sticks from his Strafford window cleaning round, changed for Chelsea under Vialli and now claim to be an ardent Man City fan as they are in the Cup Final next month but are considering a quick reversal since the 2-0 against Shalke and Fergie forcing another Euro victory; have a Thai wife who is 'not like that' and you describe her as 'a good one' and explain you met at a fauna and flora demonstration you happened to visit in Chiang Mai and she was also on the coach, you just got talking etc.; and not having met her anywhere near the Mai lu See bar on Soi LK metro after she'd finsihed her pole stint [ the Pole in question being a cocaine selling 27 year old ex-pat ex-con who flogged real estate fronting a Russian mafia money laundering go-go bar scam, where you paid the bar fine but couldn't remember much else about the night other than your clothes were missing and she'd taken everything to laundry but not your wallet to the cleaners, it was love then; spend your days moping around Malls as she does the shopping, drinking coffee which she tops up with coffee mate that she sniffs up her nose, need to lose at least two stone, have bad breath and are basically amoral and cowardly, desiring only to conform, be liked and fit in. So far you've avoided selling your mother's house to pay for the life style but are making enquiries as her birthday is coming up.

Hence, no BBC TV for at least 48 hours and even then only turn on for the football.

I'd rather eat som tam poo parah and spend the night vomiting than be force fed mindless banal commentary describing flags, horses, crowds, the dress and cheering. It is a meaningless nothingness that satisfies the hungry and need only of the hungry and needy. Do I know who Jordan is? No. Do I care about who is seeing Rhiana? No. Do I need to know 25 cars that stars drive? No. Do I follow the East Enders star who wants to be in Corrie [ what is a Corrie] ? No. I have heard of the North star but couldn't point it out.

In short, if your life is so empty it needs filling with celebrity pap, mindless dross, sugar coated fawning, adoration and psychofantic action - then try twisting the top off a large bottle of valium along with that of scotch, taking a razor to a vein or a step off the balcony ala Pattaya style . Better to end it then.

To borrow a line .................................. I'd rather stick pins in my eyes. Rusty ones with barbs.

Get the picture?

Succinctly put mate. You are not the only one who finds the whole thing totally boring.


You've got a good point because the UK is a drab place even with the pomp.

That 2 billion worldwide viewers estimate has got to be the most exaggerated nonsense I've ever heard. 29% of the current world population watching it on TV....please!

These are not my figures, they were official estimates. If China was tuned in, and India with the rest the Russians, Europeans, Africas, Colonies--why should you want to dispute a reality. I couldn.t care less how many viewed, only it'le bring a bit of revenue in, and in return will make the pound stronger hopefully, why knock the tourism we need. The Thais are in need of that now. If you don't like the colour and occasion fine, I'm happy for all the old folks back home, something for them to smile about, suppose your against the millions who enjoyed the street parties, with the kids having a great day.

I'm well aware they are not your figures. They were touted over and over by BBC. 2 billion is absurd and you come back with "why should you want to dispute a reality".

It's merely propaganda to pump up the occasion...or wishful thinking.

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