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Street Fight


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Street fight

I am a 51 year old farrang with a child. One day my child had friends over playing the street. While I was sitting watching a Farrang man drive by on a motorcycle he didn't even slow down so the children could move, he zigzagged through the children at about 40 klm ( He said he was only going 30 ). ?

Sitting on my motorcycle watching this, I quickly drove to the end of the street ( I didn't speed nor go threw the children )where he had to stop because of traffic. I said excuse me, ( I didn't yell or sound upset, I was calm ) but I have been meaning to speak with you about your speed. Instantly he became defensive. This was the reaction I suspected. I wanted to tell him several months ago but noticed he never smiles and usually expressionless even when you nod your head with a smile to say hi. I see him in town he sits by himself always until after he starts drinking. You never see him with a friend ….I know none of these really means much as I don't follow him around so it is purely my one sided thoughts at a glance.

Anyway he got mad and told me to F*(& 0ff, then drove off very fast. A few days later he comes back while my wife and I were standing in the front yard. I saw him approaching and trying to look through the trees to see if I was in the yard. Once he saw me he sped up very fast and weaved up on my driveway leaving the pavement of the street then proceeded to drive away. I hollered at him (SLOW DOWN!) . He did a u-turn and came back to the house. Got off his motor bike and proceeded towards me with both fists locked and his right arm cocked and loaded to hit me. When he threw his punch I deflected it and threw him to the ground he is a very young and stalky guy so it wasn't easy. His girlfriend then jumped on me and started beating my chest. He got up and clocked me in the side of the head from behind..So I started hitting him back

It ended with me hitting him and him falling to the ground. Disoriented, I believe he was trying to get back on his feet but struggled for a few minutes and after getting to his feet he seemed to be having trouble getting his balance...

The fight ended with a few more words and him walking off leaving his motorcycle and girlfriend behind.

He was drunk and he was driving

He wasn't wearing a helmet

He was driving over the speed limit

He drove on to my driveway leaving the pavement of the road.

My wife and I started to finish up what we were doing, discussing whether we should go to the police or not.

While talking, the young girl came by and said she yelled out that she called the police she is going to the police box to file a report. A while late about 8 to 10 police came by truck motorcycle they got out of their truck and came at me with anger in they're eye's. The young man about 35 wasn't around, only his girlfriend and the cops. With her standing there, her phone on so he boyfriend could hear what was going on the cops interrogated me. They didn't bother asking him to be present so they could see if he was drunk or argumentative until after I demanded that he should be there as well. When he came you could clearly tell he took a shower and brushed his teeth washed the alcohol smell away. When he arrived he got off his motorcycle (his girlfriend was driving now) and came right over to me and started threatening me and pointing his finger at me…still drunk. The police determined that because I hollered at him I was at fault and saying we both had scratches so it was a draw. They asked him to shake my hand and he proceeded to walk away all the time saying I will end up in a box he will see to that. My feelings are by the police saying is was my fault because I hollard at him it now has given this idiot a license to keep doing the same thing, every time he comes by my home he purposely speeds up…his girlfriend now does the same thing. It's obvious I clearly wooped his ass and yet he just doesn't get it. I suspect by their actions at present they are trying to draw me into another fist fight...which I am really not willing to do.

What is the proper way to handle a situation like this?

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I would learn to mind my own business and not pick fights with strangers.

What you did would start a fight with almost any Thai.

Never pick fault with another person in Thailand, the police always blame the one who does this.

You are not living in the western world any more, you don't have the right to tell other people what to do.

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If somebody did this to a child of mine he would not be able to ride a motorcycle for a long time. He appears to be a right pri#k so just treat him like one. I would not have even talked to him just knocked him out.

Sarahsbloke. A post from somebody that doesn't have children I presume. I don't care where I am in the world. Somebody threatens my child they have a very big and angry problem on their hands !

Edited by metisdead
Edited out comments regarding a previously deleted post.
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That all sounds well and good, but you won't be able to help your children much if you're thrown in jail. I believe there are any real parents on this thread. Everybody want to blame everyone else for not keeping their own children safe. Why are the kids playing in a road where people drive by at 40K?

IMO, think more carefully about who is responsible for your childs safety. When its too late its too late, no yelling, arguing, or threats of not be able to ride for a long time will suffice.

If somebody did this to a child of mine he would not be able to ride a motorcycle for a long time. He appears to be a right pri#k so just treat him like one. I would not have even talked to him just knocked him out.

Sarahsbloke. A post from somebody that doesn't have children I presume. I don't care where I am in the world. Somebody threatens my child they have a very big and angry problem on their hands !

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That all sounds well and good, but you won't be able to help your children much if you're thrown in jail. I believe there are any real parents on this thread. Everybody want to blame everyone else for not keeping their own children safe. Why are the kids playing in a road where people drive by at 40K?

IMO, think more carefully about who is responsible for your childs safety. When its too late its too late, no yelling, arguing, or threats of not be able to ride for a long time will suffice.

If somebody did this to a child of mine he would not be able to ride a motorcycle for a long time. He appears to be a right pri#k so just treat him like one. I would not have even talked to him just knocked him out.

Sarahsbloke. A post from somebody that doesn't have children I presume. I don't care where I am in the world. Somebody threatens my child they have a very big and angry problem on their hands !

Your not supposed to go that fast and at least slow down when there are kids around. The Thais slow down too so its not a Thai thing.

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I would learn to mind my own business and not pick fights with strangers.

What you did would start a fight with almost any Thai.

Never pick fault with another person in Thailand, the police always blame the one who does this.

You are not living in the western world any more, you don't have the right to tell other people what to do.

A person has every right to say what is right when confronted by idiotic dangerous behaviour wherever they are in this world. What is unfortunate is that if the OP is accurate then there is little to be gained from trying to reason with a drunk <deleted> and very little reason to expect help from an indifferent police force.

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What you did would start a fight with almost any Thai.

I thought the guy was a foreigner---but the reaction of the police makes wonder if it's not a typo in the OP.

And to the OP, I probably would have done the same as you, but also would have regretted it later. In my experience, it's just not worth getting involved in things like this because it rarely (if ever) ends well.

Edited by up-country_sinclair
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you were right in my eyes,sounds like he is some small time thug his money should run out soon or get caught doing something else, karma my friend.

its a shame with your wife and any other witness around and on your own property the police did not take your side,pm if you have anymore problems my wifes family are well known in pattaya and im sure one of them would gladly have a word in his ear and you would not see him again in your area riding a bike

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The other kids have parents, right? You and the other parents can lodge a "joint" complaint against the drunk foreigner. The more of you, the better. Get organised for all your children's sake.

There was a separate matter re: one resident in my street (noise related). One neighbour complained to police but to no avail. A few more then organised and complained together, the police consequently knocked on the noisemaker's door. I think it boils down to a numbers game. Oh, and I think it helps if you let the most respectable of the Thai parents take the lead whilst you and the others can play the supporting role.

Or just accept that some battles are not worth pursuing further.

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If somebody did this to a child of mine he would not be able to ride a motorcycle for a long time. He appears to be a right pri#k so just treat him like one. I would not have even talked to him just knocked him out.

Sarahsbloke. A post from somebody that doesn't have children I presume. I don't care where I am in the world. Somebody threatens my child they have a very big and angry problem on their hands !

I wouldn't let my children play in a busy street.

Did what to a child of yours?

Drove past without running them down?

Edited by sarahsbloke
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One thing I did wonder, was this a fight in the street or in your yard.

In Thailand, I believe, you are allowed to use deadly force on people that come into your yard uninvited.

(but they do have to know they would be unwelcome)

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you were right in my eyes,sounds like he is some small time thug his money should run out soon or get caught doing something else, karma my friend.

its a shame with your wife and any other witness around and on your own property the police did not take your side,pm if you have any more problems my wife's family are well known in Pattaya and l am sure one of them would gladly have a word in his ear and you would not see him again in your area riding a bike.

First class post. :)

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Really, this isn't your problem, as you reallly don't have any rights here. It's a matter of what your wife is willing and able to do. Also, maybe talk to your neighbors about installing a speed bump.

It became his problem when the guy came onto his property and attacked him yes? Or is that not what happened? If it is how on earth did the police get angry at him for defending himself on his own property? Something wrong with this story.

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I love the way most fights end back home (for me, back in Texas), push, shove, a few to a few dozen punches and/or kicks exchanged, and most importantly definitely less than 1/4 a pint of blood in most cases spilled. I'd much rather have a fight like the one mentioned above than the way they can often end here (sometimes that day or night, or months or even years down the road), where you might end up burning in some 18 wheeler tire.


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Really, this isn't your problem, as you reallly don't have any rights here. It's a matter of what your wife is willing and able to do. Also, maybe talk to your neighbors about installing a speed bump.

It became his problem when the guy came onto his property and attacked him yes? Or is that not what happened? If it is how on earth did the police get angry at him for defending himself on his own property? Something wrong with this story.

Not really, because he let the guy get up to make another problem. Let the wife handle it with the police. If she's not willing or able to do that well then he's got a problem. A problem he's not likely to overcome.

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That all sounds well and good, but you won't be able to help your children much if you're thrown in jail. I believe there are any real parents on this thread. Everybody want to blame everyone else for not keeping their own children safe. Why are the kids playing in a road where people drive by at 40K?

IMO, think more carefully about who is responsible for your childs safety. When its too late its too late, no yelling, arguing, or threats of not be able to ride for a long time will suffice.

If somebody did this to a child of mine he would not be able to ride a motorcycle for a long time. He appears to be a right pri#k so just treat him like one. I would not have even talked to him just knocked him out.

Sarahsbloke. A post from somebody that doesn't have children I presume. I don't care where I am in the world. Somebody threatens my child they have a very big and angry problem on their hands !

Maybe there's no where else for them to play?? And the speed is not supposed be 40 MPH or anything even close thorough a residential neighborhood, mindless post...

Anyone who says "mind your own business" is one of these careless, inconsiderate trouble makers themselves and having children and living on the street it is HIS BUSINESS. The OP did the right thing but now he should have a nice spiked stop stick available at the ready to take the tires from under this drunk monkey and his GF..

I'm afraid the mistake the OP made was hesitating and not getting to the police box first maybe even earlier to lodge a complaint as he mentioned this has happened before this incident, then when this event occurred it may have been more in his favor....

The only such confrontations I've had here have all been with expats, it's shameful and another one almost happened the other night. We were eating at Food land when a group of expats and their wives (I'll refrain from mentioning nationalities but let's just say they're a southern hemisphere former penile colony of a former European empire) decided that right next to our table was the place to socialize when they could have moved a mere few feet away and bothered no one.

One of them was a big guy (read fat) and his back was to me and his rather large arse right in my face while I was trying to eat. To make matters worse they were blocking off both the customer service desk and the entire aisle so that people had to squeeze by them across our table to get by and one guy almost swiped off a glass of water and a plate of food with a laptop he had hanging across his shoulder in the process of trying to get by his fat arse, it just barely missed the glass and went right over top of the plate of food..

Several Thai's had tried to walk past this guy and brushed him but he never got the hints and Thai's being non-confrontational weren't likely to ask them to move directly and after several people going by barely passing I figured they might get the hint but no joy :( ..

Finally I politely but firmly interrupted and asked if they could move a few feet from our table and out of the aisle as they were creating a bottle neck which prevented people from passing and one of them was very apologetic and accommodating though I was pretty peeved they hadn't noticed and I had to mention it at all.. The fat arse however sarcastically raised a salute to me and were it not for my family being there and the other guys sensible and considerate apology the fat arse would have been spitting blood.

I asked nicely and clearly they were being rude not only to me but to every person who tried to pass, why be an arse for his own lack of decorum and consideration and not just apologize and move on thereby disarming the entire situation. Yes there's some really snotty, rude expats here for certain and this really creepy feeling came over me afterwards that brought back past life stresses and made me very uncomfortable about expats in general I'm sad to say..

Actually as I think back that creepy feeling was embarrassment for maybe being considered in that same group of people by those around :( ..

Edited by WarpSpeed
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Just kick his ass again. 500฿ fine. I'd do it everyday for a week and then see how much shit he talks.

You can kick his ass again, right?

There ya go! You'd get some worthwhile exercise too..

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That all sounds well and good, but you won't be able to help your children much if you're thrown in jail. I believe there are any real parents on this thread. Everybody want to blame everyone else for not keeping their own children safe. Why are the kids playing in a road where people drive by at 40K?

IMO, think more carefully about who is responsible for your childs safety. When its too late its too late, no yelling, arguing, or threats of not be able to ride for a long time will suffice.

If somebody did this to a child of mine he would not be able to ride a motorcycle for a long time. He appears to be a right pri#k so just treat him like one. I would not have even talked to him just knocked him out.

Sarahsbloke. A post from somebody that doesn't have children I presume. I don't care where I am in the world. Somebody threatens my child they have a very big and angry problem on their hands !

Maybe there's no where else for them to play?? And the speed is not supposed be 40 MPH or anything even close thorough a residential neighborhood, mindless post...

Anyone who says "mind your own business" is one of these careless, inconsiderate trouble makers themselves and having children and living on the street it is HIS BUSINESS. The OP did the right thing but now he should have a nice spiked stop stick available at the ready to take the tires from under this drunk monkey and his GF..

I'm afraid the mistake the OP made was hesitating and not getting to the police box first maybe even earlier to lodge a complaint as he mentioned this has happened before this incident, then when this event occurred it may have been more in his favor....

The only such confrontations I've had here have all been with expats, it's shameful and another one almost happened the other night. We were eating at Food land when a group of expats and their wives (I'll refrain from mentioning nationalities but let's just say they're a southern hemisphere former penile colony of a former European empire) decided that right next to our table was the place to socialize when they could have moved a mere few feet away and bothered no one.

One of them was a big guy (read fat) and his back was to me and his rather large arse right in my face while I was trying to eat. To make matters worse they were blocking off both the customer service desk and the entire aisle so that people had to squeeze by them across our table to get by and one guy almost swiped off a glass of water and a plate of food with a laptop he had hanging across his shoulder in the process of trying to get by his fat arse, it just barely missed the glass and went right over top of the plate of food..

Several Thai's had tried to walk past this guy and brushed him but he never got the hints and Thai's being non-confrontational weren't likely to ask them to move directly and after several people going by barely passing I figured they might get the hint but no joy :( ..

Finally I politely but firmly interrupted and asked if they could move a few feet from our table and out of the aisle as they were creating a bottle neck which prevented people from passing and one of them was very apologetic and accommodating though I was pretty peeved they hadn't noticed and I had to mention it at all.. The fat arse however sarcastically raised a salute to me and were it not for my family being there and the other guys sensible and considerate apology the fat arse would have been spitting blood.

I asked nicely and clearly they were being rude not only to me but to every person who tried to pass, why be an arse for his own lack of decorum and consideration and not just apologize and move on thereby disarming the entire situation. Yes there's some really snotty, rude expats here for certain and this really creepy feeling came over me afterwards that brought back past life stresses and made me very uncomfortable about expats in general I'm sad to say..

Well done Warps, unfortunately there are those who think they are above others cos of numbers, size or just a farang in LOS, but you did good. :)

Edited by transam
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If somebody did this to a child of mine he would not be able to ride a motorcycle for a long time. He appears to be a right pri#k so just treat him like one. I would not have even talked to him just knocked him out.

Sarahsbloke. A post from somebody that doesn't have children I presume. I don't care where I am in the world. Somebody threatens my child they have a very big and angry problem on their hands !

I wouldn't let my children play in a busy street.

Did what to a child of yours?

Drove past without running them down?

How fortunate you are, some children don't have any choice..Like blaming a rape victim sickening train of thought you have, I'm starting to suspect you being the other party...

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That all sounds well and good, but you won't be able to help your children much if you're thrown in jail. I believe there are any real parents on this thread. Everybody want to blame everyone else for not keeping their own children safe. Why are the kids playing in a road where people drive by at 40K?

IMO, think more carefully about who is responsible for your childs safety. When its too late its too late, no yelling, arguing, or threats of not be able to ride for a long time will suffice.

If somebody did this to a child of mine he would not be able to ride a motorcycle for a long time. He appears to be a right pri#k so just treat him like one. I would not have even talked to him just knocked him out.

Sarahsbloke. A post from somebody that doesn't have children I presume. I don't care where I am in the world. Somebody threatens my child they have a very big and angry problem on their hands !

Maybe there's no where else for them to play?? And the speed is not supposed be 40 MPH or anything even close thorough a residential neighborhood, mindless post...

Anyone who says "mind your own business" is one of these careless, inconsiderate trouble makers themselves and having children and living on the street it is HIS BUSINESS. The OP did the right thing but now he should have a nice spiked stop stick available at the ready to take the tires from under this drunk monkey and his GF..

I'm afraid the mistake the OP made was hesitating and not getting to the police box first maybe even earlier to lodge a complaint as he mentioned this has happened before this incident, then when this event occurred it may have been more in his favor....

The only such confrontations I've had here have all been with expats, it's shameful and another one almost happened the other night. We were eating at Food land when a group of expats and their wives (I'll refrain from mentioning nationalities but let's just say they're a southern hemisphere former penile colony of a former European empire) decided that right next to our table was the place to socialize when they could have moved a mere few feet away and bothered no one.

One of them was a big guy (read fat) and his back was to me and his rather large arse right in my face while I was trying to eat. To make matters worse they were blocking off both the customer service desk and the entire aisle so that people had to squeeze by them across our table to get by and one guy almost swiped off a glass of water and a plate of food with a laptop he had hanging across his shoulder in the process of trying to get by his fat arse, it just barely missed the glass and went right over top of the plate of food..

Several Thai's had tried to walk past this guy and brushed him but he never got the hints and Thai's being non-confrontational weren't likely to ask them to move directly and after several people going by barely passing I figured they might get the hint but no joy :( ..

Finally I politely but firmly interrupted and asked if they could move a few feet from our table and out of the aisle as they were creating a bottle neck which prevented people from passing and one of them was very apologetic and accommodating though I was pretty peeved they hadn't noticed and I had to mention it at all.. The fat arse however sarcastically raised a salute to me and were it not for my family being there and the other guys sensible and considerate apology the fat arse would have been spitting blood.

I asked nicely and clearly they were being rude not only to me but to every person who tried to pass, why be an arse for his own lack of decorum and consideration and not just apologize and move on thereby disarming the entire situation. Yes there's some really snotty, rude expats here for certain and this really creepy feeling came over me afterwards that brought back past life stresses and made me very uncomfortable about expats in general I'm sad to say..

Well done Warps, unfortunately there are those who think they are above others cos of numbers, size or just a farang in LOS, but you did good. :)


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If you have a fight with someone, always be the first one to call the police and press charges. It doesn't matter who started and who won, the one who called the police first has always an advantage. Always be the first to call the police, even if, actually especially if, you're the one who beat the sh_t of the other guy.

As it's the girl who called the cops, you're presumed guilty. But if they just asked you to shake hands, it means they realized who is right and who is wrong and they just try to save face. If you had called them first, the situation would have been more in your advantage.

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If you have a fight with someone, always be the first one to call the police and press charges. It doesn't matter who started and who won, the one who called the police first has always an advantage. Always be the first to call the police, even if, actually especially if, you're the one who beat the sh_t of the other guy.

As it's the girl who called the cops, you're presumed guilty. But if they just asked you to shake hands, it means they realized who is right and who is wrong and they just try to save face. If you had called them first, the situation would have been more in your advantage.


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you were right in my eyes,sounds like he is some small time thug his money should run out soon or get caught doing something else, karma my friend.

its a shame with your wife and any other witness around and on your own property the police did not take your side,pm if you have anymore problems my wifes family are well known in pattaya and im sure one of them would gladly have a word in his ear and you would not see him again in your area riding a bike


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Difficult situation if you don't know any police or influential people.

However, you have to do whatever needs done to protect your children, and others' kids too.

Fighting won't help - wise thing is to find someone who knows a policeman and slip them some cash.

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Pratice a bit of PR with the police vist the cop shop drop off a few bottles of whiskey have a chat with the top cop, explain the situation and tell him the trouble maker is a problem. Get the cops on your side, not so hard. The one thing I have noticed and my own experience in my years of visiting and living in Thailand, when you are precieved as being jai dee Thais will help you out.

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Why was your child playing in the street to begin with?

I sensed you must had some dirty look to provoke the attack.

Hes the perpetrator but you were asking for it. Next time it wont be a fist but cold steel to your abdomen, pick your fights accordingly. Your remember you have kids.

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