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A couple of hours ago,some Jehovah`s witnesses were going door to door in my moo baan.Why they would target Chumphon is a bit beyond me,but anyway...

Some of them were apparently Korean.I am just curious to know if legally they should have work permits....?


They aren't getting paid are they? It's not work- they are sharing their beliefs.

Sure, but you don`t always need to be earning money in order to need a work permit.


are you working for immigration or tourist police if not why do you want to know lol

no im jocking i think you need some visa work visa or volunteers visa buth im pretty sure you cant do this


are you working for immigration or tourist police if not why do you want to know lol

Just interested.If I was working for the authorities I would already know the answer,would I not?


In light of the many discussions .... it isn't an unreasonable question.

I would assume that the answer is "no, you do not need a work permit" as you do not need a WP to be a monk.


In light of the many discussions .... it isn't an unreasonable question.

I would assume that the answer is "no, you do not need a work permit" as you do not need a WP to be a monk.

Thanks for your reply.However monks only solicit alms from those who wish to give on their morning rounds or at the Temple. No monk has ever tried to covert me or ask for money.


highly likely they would.

Had a mate a few years who worked for a big law firm who represented a religious group looking come to Thailand to do exactly that. Basically there are only a few religious denominations allowed into Thailand to preach, and they have lobbied long and hard for the permission to do so. JH's, Mormons, Catholics plus the one or two other 'mainstream' Protestant churches. Thai government takes all this quite seriously.

My understanding is the remaining evangelicals are allowed their churches, but can't do the doorknocking so to speak.

Stand to be corrected though.


SNIPPED: No monk has ever tried to covert me or ask for money.

Well, there is that shady asian monk who circulates lower Sukhumvit at nite. The one who wears really good running shoes under his orange robes and always has 100 baht in his little ash-tray dealy; which I guess is where you put the money you're gonna give him; if you're stupid enough to actually give a monk money! :rolleyes:

FWIW: When I was at Changwattana a coupla weeks ago I thought I mistakenly ended up in Salt Lake City Utah! :o The place was almost OVER RUN with Mormons on their 'mission' extending their visas. I mean there musta been 50 of ‘em, literally they were "thick as ticks on a hound dogs back" out there. They get their extensions at the section there that handles Education visa stuff.

I not certain but think there might be an "exemption" for people hell-bent on converting the 'heathen' Thais to what ever religion they think is better than Buddhism. I think those people (the convert-ers NOT the convert-ees ;) ) don't need Work Permits. But I freely admit I could be wrong about this. Then again, I don't hang around with religious zealots of ANY persuasion as a rule. :P

Seeing as the place the Mormons stay isn't that far from where I live, next time I'm going that way I'll stop in and ask 'em (just to be nosy really B) ) if they need work permits to bicycle around Bangkok and do what ever it is they do every day. I've talked to a bunch of 'em and they're always good fun to interact with, up for a chat and man-o-man they can speak some CLEAR Thai! Possibly, with this being Thailand and all, that'd be kinda a prerequisite wouldn't it? :blink:


They aren't getting paid are they? It's not work- they are sharing their beliefs.

Work is defined in the Thai law as exerting your energy for the benefit of others - or something along those lines. While this is currently under review by the government, the current version does not refer to whether you make money or not. I think this point is quite important.

However, there is a seperate regulation for missionaires. I don't know the details but can imagine that these people, who tell you that your religion (if you have any) is crap and you will face doom unless you convert to theirs, are actually legal. My suggestion is to tell them to come back when they can be tolerant to other religions and renounce their superiority-complex.


This is very simple. NO you do not need a WP to knock on someone's door and talk to them. If you don't want it just simply tell them to leave. If they are not trying to sell anything then they are within their rights here.


Samran,to be off my own topic for a moment,they were met by frosty Thai politeness elswhere.

I read elswhere they trawl the red light districts of Bangkok.Can they be arrestrd?

Personally,they do not bother me,but I can understand why a dim view would be taken of them.


Work is defined in the Thai law as exerting your energy for the benefit of others - or something along those lines. SNIPPED

The laws governing what actually constitutes 'work' here in the glorious "Land 'O Thais" are written (probably purposely so) with such a vague definition as to almost be laughable, :lol: well, almost anyway. :whistling:

Half the time I'm afraid to use the bum-squirter or flush the toilet by myself as I don't hold a work permit. :o For all I know; those actions could even fall under the "list of prohibited trades" which a foreigner cannot legally do as well!! ;)

Sorry, I dunno about the various religious sex err sects, which ply their "trade" here though.

Just as an aside; quite the quick edit job there "tombkk"! :thumbsup:


This is very simple. NO you do not need a WP to knock on someone's door and talk to them. If you don't want it just simply tell them to leave. If they are not trying to sell anything then they are within their rights here.

Are you entirely sure of that, especially since they are trying to sell their religion?


Interesting post...

I live in Hangdong, Chiang Mai in a nice housing company. Last week two woman rang my bell to leave some literature with me. Turns out they were Jehovah`s witnesses. I was shocked as I have lived here over 8 years and never expected to run into one here.

Maybe it's a country wide invasion... :unsure:


Sorry but I think you will find that a work permit is required, especially if they are knocking on people's doors and some money may change hands if the person concerned is at all receptive to them.


Whether it is preaching proselytizing, soliciting funds, or virtually any other endeavor in Thailand (except for Visa or extension of stay related purposes), the definition of when a Work Permit is required is simple: A Work Permit is required when the local Labour MIN Office TELLS you that a WP is required.


Whether it is preaching proselytizing, soliciting funds, or virtually any other endeavor in Thailand (except for Visa or extension of stay related purposes), the definition of when a Work Permit is required is simple: A Work Permit is required when the local Labour MIN Office TELLS you that a WP is required.

Not sure about Thailand but apparently the Bible beaters are not welcome in Laos.



are you working for immigration or tourist police if not why do you want to know lol

Just interested.If I was working for the authorities I would already know the answer,would I not?

Working for the Thai authorities and know the answer :lol: :lol: :lol: ...that made my day


Baboon it sounds like the bunch that were going round Samui last month hassling people. They tried it on me while I was eating some noodle soup but were politely but firmly told to F%$K OFF!

It sounds like they got the ferry to Chumphon after stopping off at KPG and Tao :D


They aren't getting paid are they? It's not work- they are sharing their beliefs.

Sure, but you don`t always need to be earning money in order to need a work permit.

There seems a double standard somewhat here because in Chiang Mai 5 farang musicians have been arrested just for jamming in the North Gate. I would rather hear them any day than have this bunch preach to me B)


They aren't getting paid are they? It's not work- they are sharing their beliefs.

what about voluntary teachers ? surely they are just imparting their wisdom. but they still need a permit and visa. :whistling:


I called and just spoke to a really nice Mormon who also happens to be a Thai national too, at the Mormon headquarters here in Bangkok.

He said they don't need work permits for the Mormons who are on their 'mission' in Thailand, but they do extend their visas every 90 days.

At least that's what he told me, so take it for what it's worth. :)


They aren't getting paid are they? It's not work- they are sharing their beliefs.

Work is defined in the Thai law as exerting your energy for the benefit of others - or something along those lines.

I am sure Thai Law says nothing like that!

I work hard - "exert my energy" (with a work Permit) but it's certainly not "for the benefit of others"

Just for my own benefit, only me; perverse and selfish bu99er that I am.



They aren't getting paid are they? It's not work- they are sharing their beliefs.

It doesn't matter if they are paid in money (and if not, I assume they're being compensated spiritually). Anyone who would like to do (unpaid) volunteer work still requires a work permit.

Besides, selling religion door to door is just plain offensive.


They aren't getting paid are they? It's not work- they are sharing their beliefs.

Sure, but you don`t always need to be earning money in order to need a work permit.

There seems a double standard somewhat here because in Chiang Mai 5 farang musicians have been arrested just for jamming in the North Gate. I would rather hear them any day than have this bunch preach to me B)

NO they were a BAND playing in a bar and getting paid for it. not just " Innocent musicians arrested for playing for fun "

And I'm all for these guys getting arrested and thrown into jail as well so there is no double standards !

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