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Further Ipstar News!


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Ready for that 1,500 Baht Broadband experience but, there are no phone lines where you reside? GPSR doe not seem to cut it? GSM too expensive? Well here is your solution if you take advantage of the offer before 30 November 2005.

ipStar at 1,500 baht per month

Want to know more than take a look at http://www.quote-host.com/ipstarinfo.html where I have posted the most recent communication with ipStar Sales staff. I get nothing for putitng out the word to everyone, so this is not an ad.

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The letter that everyone (existing customers) received dated 5th September is not valid as IPstar changed the conditions for CSLoxinfo. - There is no gold 1 & 2 and no Platinum 1& 2 packages!

So you need to phone them up and tell them what package you want (from the new offerings - Express 1 - 4.

Alos the change over is not going to be made until the middle of the month, so if you are going for a more expensive package (and it does not change by the end of the month) make sure you tell them that you will only pay for Express 1!

Ready for that 1,500 Baht Broadband experience but, there are no phone lines where you reside?  GPSR doe not seem to cut it? GSM too expensive?  Well here is your solution if you take advantage of the offer before 30 November 2005.

ipStar at 1,500 baht per month

Want to know more than take a look at http://www.quote-host.com/ipstarinfo.html where I have posted the most recent communication with ipStar Sales staff.  I get nothing for putitng out the word to everyone, so this is not an ad.

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Note there are several conditions attached to this offer:

- offer valid until 1 November

- must sign up for min. 12 months or face cancellation fee of 3,000 baht

- installation charge min. 3,000 baht

- probably equipment charge/deposit

- probably restrictions on bandwidth, something like 750 mb/m seems likely

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I don't think any of us will really know what the new rates are until we recieve the October bills.

After speaking to Loxinfo this am I am told I am on unlimited useage for 2,500baht this month.Yesterday they said we were on the same as before 750MB for 3,200baht.

For the rest of the month I will download freely and if the bill comes for many tens of thousands of baht I will not be paying it.

Looking forward to our collective experiences at the end of the month.

Interesting post there croftrobin.Your info seems more up to date than the Loxinfo staff,maybe you could get a job there and shake things up a bit!

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hmm. my bf just called the office in surat thani (i live in koh phangan) and they have none of these promotions. :o it's still the same old 3000b/mo. limited account as before.... perhaps it wasn't csloxinfo, i will have to check, but shouldn't all the agents have the same basic deals?

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hmm. my bf just called the office in surat thani (i live in koh phangan) and they have none of these promotions. :D  it's still the same old 3000b/mo. limited account as before.... perhaps it wasn't csloxinfo, i will have to check, but shouldn't all the agents have the same basic deals?

They probably do, but as usual do not know it.

Remember, "mai mee" usually means "mai roo" only :o

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Try calling the main office and seeing if that is true, then get the name of the person at the main office who told you it was possible as well as their direct extension, call Surat back and give them the name and extension of the person you talked to.

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"Try calling the main office and seeing if that is true, then get the name of the person at the main office who told you it was possible as well as their direct extension, call Surat back and give them the name and extension of the person you talked to. "

so obvious but so complicated... arrrgh. i hate phones. but i'll get back to ya'll on the southern situation.

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I was using iPstar at a customer site the other day, and while it was pretty slow (slower than 56k), it still worked. However, one day it just started to act strangely... web sites would start to load and then stay at, say 2.5k loaded, and never get any further than that. This happened with all sites, local and international. DNS worked, ping worked, traceroute worked.

The problem turned out to be with ThaiCom's (the satellite) gateways, at least that's what the engineers said. Took about a day to resolve. It happened another time, at another site, exact same problem. Also took a day to resolve.

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I've had Ipstar for quite a long time (until adsl came along :o ) and hardly ever had any problems with it. If it got stuck it always got resolved by shutting down the transceiver, let it coold down a bit and restart.

Actual download speeds for big files were almost always spot on 256kbps, since with the satellite thing you don't have the same overhead as with regular tcp/ip connections (something to do with the IP spoofing and other satellite tricks)

The only thing slowing down the surfing experience, to the point of making it look like a 56k connection, is the high latency inherrent to satellite links.

All in all I've been very happy with it, especially if it's the only way to accessing the intertnet!

With prices coming down and the removal of the silly download limits it certainly will become a viable alternative to dial-up.

Before, the improvement over dial up was not big enough to justfy the high price in my opinion...

Just curious how it will work when they start moving the subscribers to the new sat...

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We spoke to the very helpful Khun Surasak at CSLoxinfo. tel 022637171

Girlx ,my understanding of the new rates are that you are on the 2,500 baht 256/128 unlimited package, but its definitely worth confirming that with Mr. Surasak.

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oh, i don't have iPstar now, i just called to order it and they hadn't heard about any new deals. they still had the 256/128 at 2900b/mo. limited to 750mb. i am going to try to call again today.

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oh, i don't have iPstar now, i just called to order it and they hadn't heard about any new deals. they still had the 256/128 at 2900b/mo. limited to 750mb. i am going to try to call again today.

Call this guy, speaks english and knows what is going on

Sawat Jaratthong

CS Loxinfo Public Company Limited

Tel. 0 2263 8000 ext. 2238

Fax. 0 2263 8074

Mobile 0 1614 3960

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Ok everyone, just to stop all of this silly back and forth; I called ipStar a few minutes ago and then had my wife call again and then called the agent that has been taking care of me and this is the official scoop cause I got the same response all three times:

NEW CUSTOMERS: You can order ipStar at 256/128 kbps for 1,500 Baht per month - offer valid until 30 November - 3,000 Baht installation in addition to the first months rate in advance. You will also receive up to 10 hours monthly (FREE) access through landline for people that have the service at home and have a need to connect when away frOm home and while traveling. Normal price is 2,500 Baht

Top speeds of up to 1024/512 kbps are available at 8,000 Baht per month

No deposit on equipment

PRESENT CUSTOMERS: If you are already a user then you can change to any plan you wish, however, to do so you must follow the letter and send an email to ipStar. For those that do not send an email, you will be automatically switched to a unlimited I/O service at the same price (EITHER 3,000 OR 5,000 BAHT) that you have been paying. Again unlimited and effective 1 October 2005.

As for applying for a job with them. Already did that and also made them aware of the confusion that is taking place throughout the Kingdom, due to staff not being properly informed and/or their lack of linguistic abilities. Also was hoping to work for them from home, but, they have not responded to my offer to save them and be their FARANG INFO Center. If they do, then you will be talking to me next time you upgrade in English German, or Italian.

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We spoke to the very helpful Khun Surasak at CSLoxinfo. tel 022637171

Girlx ,my understanding of the new rates are that you are on the 2,500 baht 256/128 unlimited package, but its definitely worth confirming that with Mr. Surasak.

Please look at the email that I received from ipStar it says that the limited time offer (until 30 Nov 2005) costs only 1,500 Baht. See the letter at this location

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From what they just emailed me, the 1,500 Baht promotion is effective November 2005, so a few more days people. But you can get the forms now, fill it out and then be the first on the block or in the village.

No I still do not work for them, and I imagine that if I ever do, I will have to cease and desist with pushing their services, but, I am sure the moderators will allow me to keep the readers informed. :o


Wow! Right over the

Mouses house!

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I wonder if the sudden price/speed improvement has less to do with the increased capacity on the new satellite, and more to do with Inmarsat announcing a global satellite service starting next year?


It is slower, and probably won't be as cheap. But if the receivers are truly portable (no cement square in the garden, and being restricted to within wi-fi's reach of your base station (more of a taking the laptop + antenna to the beach), I could see a real demand for it, especially rentals by tourists connecting to their office email...

Add in the fact that it's proper international access, bypassing the Thai internet police. (although anyone connecting to their office in another country by VPN is doing that anyway), the only thing stopping it replacing IPStar completely for all but the heaviest users would be if Inmarsat doesn't come back with a decent price.

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Unfortunately, it would be completely illegal in Thailand.

The Thai government will not allow any form of internet access bypassing the Communications Authority of Thailand, and hence their blocking system of unwanted sites.

Simple for them to do, they just refuse to certify the transceiver needed to communicate with the satellite.

Anybody caught importing an uncertified transceiver of any kind, and gets caught at customs, will face havy fines, confiscation of equipment and possible refusal of entry into Thailand.

Anybody trying to smuggle anything into Thailand resembling a transmitter is rather daft!

Why can't we simply subscribe to any of the other satellite internet services with a footprint over Thailand??? Speeds of up to 1mbps are available at this moment...


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Unfortunately, it would be completely illegal in Thailand.

The Thai government will not allow any form of internet access bypassing the Communications Authority of Thailand, and hence their blocking system of unwanted sites.

Simple for them to do, they just refuse to certify the transceiver needed to communicate with the satellite.

Anybody caught importing an uncertified transceiver of any kind, and gets caught at customs, will face havy fines, confiscation of equipment and possible refusal of entry into Thailand.

Anybody trying to smuggle anything into Thailand resembling a transmitter is rather daft!

Why can't we simply subscribe to any of the other satellite internet services with a footprint over Thailand??? Speeds of up to 1mbps are available at this moment...


Totally correct. If you are part of the country in question it is called protecting your countries investment. If you are an outsider, then it is called unfair business practices. All depends what side of the business that you are speaking from. Hate to say it again "But being first is really important"

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Why can't we simply subscribe to any of the other satellite internet services with a footprint over Thailand??? Speeds of up to 1mbps are available at this moment...


Could you point me to some of them? Real available / affordable offers?

... of course not to be used inside Thailand, no no , it's for my summer house far away ;-)

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NEW CUSTOMERS:  You can order ipStar at 256/128 kbps for 1,500 Baht per month - offer valid until 30 November - 3,000 Baht installation in addition to the first months rate in advance.  You will also receive up to 10 hours monthly (FREE) access through landline for people that have the service at home and have a need to connect when away frOm home and while traveling.  Normal price is 2,500 Baht 

Top speeds of up to 1024/512 kbps are available at 8,000 Baht per month

No deposit on equipment


thanks for this nice summary!

After checking all info and websites however I'm not seeing expressly stated that this offer is for unlimited access. I see unlimited time mentioned, but not unlimited data traffic.

Can you confirm that there is no data traffic limit for this offer? I can download and surf as much as I want, and get pumped through the wires / air / satelite dish ...

If yes, and it is really unlimited data at 256/128 kbps for 1500 / month, then which is the best place to order it?

Should I try a local dealer, or central loxinfo, or...?



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