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there is an awesome dude that is on the big buddha road....he actually fixes everything, he even fixed a plasma TV for free for me. I gave him 300 baht and he was trying to refuse that. I had a problem with jing joks climbing in the TVs and shorting shit out, My friend who had a similar problem recommended this jing jok specialist....if you follow the road up to the buddha...you will see a farang restaurant on the right hand side with gazebo type structures out the front...then further up on the left you will see a little dirty style market....just opposite that you will see a house about 20 meters back with a large parking area at the front...he has a little workshop off to the side of his house....if you have gone too far you will find yourself at big left corner with N&D hydroponic farm. I actually need to get something serviced there soon....next time i am there i will grab his number....but he is awesome and he speaks good english, I see all sorts of electronics/ washing machines and other gismos there.

I reckon he under charges for his work so throw him a bit extra when the bill comes jap.gif

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