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Thailand Tourists Demand Measures To Tackle Illegal Tour Operators And Taxi Drivers

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In an industry that is made up of so many operators, & some fly by night ones, it is virtually impossible for authorities to keep up with the pace of 'innovation'. But even though I have lived here for years & was a tourist for decades before this it is still so tedious fending off the attempts to scam you. I was hosting someone in BKK just prior to Songkran & every day when we walked towards facilities like Wat Po & the Grand Palace we were pestered by tuk tuk drivers who told blatant lies that these facilities were closed. They were trying to get us to use them to visit retail outlets from which they would earn commission. Many unaware tourists will fall for this & end off being ripped off repeatedly. I was told by a friend that the Tourist Police will not take or cannot take action to stop this kind of practice because in the eyes of the law they have not actually committed a crime.

So as in all other countries tourists will have to be constantly wary if the travel independently and if they use an operator that they do not know. In Thailand too many visitors will interpret the wai as a sign of deference and will fall into these traps. Sad, but true.

Having said all this I cannot envisage living anywhere else right now.

In a criminology class I learned one thing: If there is no punishment there is no crime. And to stem "innovation" it MUST be understood there will be CONSEQUENCES if caught. My view is Thai "culture" has no understanding of consequences.

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why should they learn english? this is Thailand for god's sake. How hard is it for a tourist to have the name of their hotel or wherever written down in thai for the taxi driver?

I think that ideology and principles cloud the reality of the situation. Reality, not ideology is what matters. Over simplifying the issue by reducing it to writing the name of a hotel on a piece of paper does not address in full the problem.

Thai is a very difficult tonal language rooted to a large degree in Sanskrit. The reason names and places comprise sometimes 60 or more characters. All of the characters have nothing to do with any other language, not even Khmer, which is the closest language on the planet. Any country in the world that wants to be competitive and attracts more tourists will promote English as a second language. This is the first time after the fall of the Roman Empire that the world has a common language to do business and exchange ideas and culture. Tourism is a business that enables visitors to experience a culture. If Thailand wants to continue enjoying a 10% of the GDP from tourism, it had better promote learning English by Thais. Otherwise they risk to gradually fall into the same isolationism that kept China backwards for many years: that is a distinct possibility. If Thais want their country to remain a popular destination in the world, English is a must have.

I agree with your post, with the exception of one point. Thank you. Thailand will be a "popular" destination in the world as long as Thai girls are sent to prostitute themselves. Take away prostitution and see the numbers fall.

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Thailand should encourage these worthless scum - they cause lost tourism income and shame the nation. It means more poverty, more suffering, more pain in society which is precisely what they deserve.

Who's taken the jam out of your donut mate !! Wake up on the wrong side of the bed did we?

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In an industry that is made up of so many operators, & some fly by night ones, it is virtually impossible for authorities to keep up with the pace of 'innovation'. But even though I have lived here for years & was a tourist for decades before this it is still so tedious fending off the attempts to scam you. I was hosting someone in BKK just prior to Songkran & every day when we walked towards facilities like Wat Po & the Grand Palace we were pestered by tuk tuk drivers who told blatant lies that these facilities were closed. They were trying to get us to use them to visit retail outlets from which they would earn commission. Many unaware tourists will fall for this & end off being ripped off repeatedly. I was told by a friend that the Tourist Police will not take or cannot take action to stop this kind of practice because in the eyes of the law they have not actually committed a crime.

So as in all other countries tourists will have to be constantly wary if the travel independently and if they use an operator that they do not know. In Thailand too many visitors will interpret the wai as a sign of deference and will fall into these traps. Sad, but true.

Having said all this I cannot envisage living anywhere else right now.

who are these people out side the grand palace dressed in dark grey suits with what appears their photo id on a chain,we were showing some freinds arround when we were approached and he followed us to the top end of the palace then used his mobile to contact another bloke but the wife seen it got out her mobile and pretended to call someone,that stopped them. and getting them to improve their english,they could start with the word sorry.

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According to the survey, the director-general added that some foreigners also wish to see a smile from immigration bureau officers, more public toilets at tourist attractions and hope that Thailand will maintain its traditional culture forever.

Aw! bit of a "CATCH 22" here...... Illegal tour operators and taxi drivers, scams, no toilets, no smiles, etc,.. ARE Thai culture! LOL :lol:

OMG that is hilarious! And so true. What does it say about a country when we even have to talk about scams with taxis and jet skis! Really - jet skis????? Big timers!

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A smile at immigration? Me,I would happily settle for a little common civility.I do not appreciate having my Passport tossed at me in a way that implies I am beneath consideration.

Having said that,I think Bangkok taxis are far,far better than a few years ago.Just avoid the ones parked outside hotels.

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in defence of the taxi service attached to the landmark hotel on sukvt rd,1996 we left our video camera on the back seat of a limo,we got a call over the address system to go to cust.service at the airport the taxi driver found our v.c.told us he had another fare in 1hour so we were to meet him outside,no charge,he did say thankyou when we gave him 1,000bht,so there is one honest taxi driver in bkk.

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Most casual visitors don't really know they're getting ripped off by tuktuks and are willing to pay cause it's still not that expensive. I don't see why people go to other countries and demand they speak English. However, illegal tour operators that outright just take your money and lack of restrooms are valid points that should require action.

Why English, you ask? Just possibly, because we are talking the tourist industry, and whether tour industry workers like it, or not, tourists are not going to learn Thai, for the sake of a two-week - or however long - holiday. And maybe because English IS the international language - much to the chagrin of the French.

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The issue of cleanliness should be pursued as it would not only improve things for tourist but also locals/nationals.

Lets hope that the right people listen and things improve.

What happened to Mr. Happy toilet? Wasnt he supposed to fix the toilet cleanliness issue?

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why should they learn english? this is Thailand for god's sake. How hard is it for a tourist to have the name of their hotel or wherever written down in thai for the taxi driver?

I think that ideology and principles cloud the reality of the situation. Reality, not ideology is what matters. Over simplifying the issue by reducing it to writing the name of a hotel on a piece of paper does not address in full the problem.

Thai is a very difficult tonal language rooted to a large degree in Sanskrit. The reason names and places comprise sometimes 60 or more characters. All of the characters have nothing to do with any other language, not even Khmer, which is the closest language on the planet. Any country in the world that wants to be competitive and attracts more tourists will promote English as a second language. This is the first time after the fall of the Roman Empire that the world has a common language to do business and exchange ideas and culture. Tourism is a business that enables visitors to experience a culture. If Thailand wants to continue enjoying a 10% of the GDP from tourism, it had better promote learning English by Thais. Otherwise they risk to gradually fall into the same isolationism that kept China backwards for many years: that is a distinct possibility. If Thais want their country to remain a popular destination in the world, English is a must have.

I totally agree, tourism is a service industry, how can you provide adequate service if you cannot communicate with your clients.

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why should they learn english? this is Thailand for god's sake. How hard is it for a tourist to have the name of their hotel or wherever written down in thai for the taxi driver?

For the simple reason sbergin that if you are in the tourist trade anywhere in the world the one tourist language is English so you learn it! If you are a local and occasionally pick up a tourist ( such as a taxi driver) then of course its not essential but it should be encouraged not demanded. Tourists are always thrilled to bits when they can converse with a local and the smart tourist always has his basic information written in the local language.....but there will always be stupid tourists so i say tough luck.

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And i wonder if they realise the prices in the National Parks - 400 baht per foreigner and 40 baht per Thai to look at the same thing - The tourists are getting ripped off by the Govt as well - its all the way down!

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Cheating taxi drivers all over the world. How many cheating taxi drivers in Thailand are held accountable for their actions?

Of course, all of them, in their next life they will be a bar girl and take money off of passed out farangs!

Edited by jmccarty
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As a taxi driver, I can assure you this sort of thing only happens in Thailand. :whistling:

Never does an unsuspecting passenger get a scenic tour on the way to their hotel from Perth airport :blink: .

Nor do they get charged tolls for roads that do not have tolls (Perth does not have any toll roads) :ph34r:

Do they use meters in Perth or is it up to you to negotiate with the driver?

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why should they learn english? this is Thailand for god's sake. How hard is it for a tourist to have the name of their hotel or wherever written down in thai for the taxi driver?

Why indeed. Are you Thai? As many Thais think that Thailand is in fact the world and therefore there is no reason for them to learn another language. You remark is equally short-sighted. There are som valid remarks on this thread if you try and read through it. If you understand English.

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in defence of the taxi service attached to the landmark hotel on sukvt rd,1996 we left our video camera on the back seat of a limo,we got a call over the address system to go to cust.service at the airport the taxi driver found our v.c.told us he had another fare in 1hour so we were to meet him outside,no charge,he did say thankyou when we gave him 1,000bht,so there is one honest taxi driver in bkk.

Well thats a touching story and good --but 1 in a million.

All that is needed now they have LUCKILY found out that these things are happening, is for the cabinet to order the top police to issue--as follows, """" as from midnight tonight all province police to cease illegal activities arresting offenders and jail term to be commenced forthwith. laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif

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And i wonder if they realise the prices in the National Parks - 400 baht per foreigner and 40 baht per Thai to look at the same thing - The tourists are getting ripped off by the Govt as well - its all the way down!

A couple of years ago you could show your Thai driver's licence to show that you live here and support the country with your money and therefore could be let in for 40B. But not anymore. Now they demand a Thai id. Just to show we are not welcome, only our money.

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in defence of the taxi service attached to the landmark hotel on sukvt rd,1996 we left our video camera on the back seat of a limo,we got a call over the address system to go to cust.service at the airport the taxi driver found our v.c.told us he had another fare in 1hour so we were to meet him outside,no charge,he did say thankyou when we gave him 1,000bht,so there is one honest taxi driver in bkk.

Well thats a touching story and good --but 1 in a million.

All that is needed now they have LUCKILY found out that these things are happening, is for the cabinet to order the top police to issue--as follows, """" as from midnight tonight all province police to cease illegal activities arresting offenders and jail term to be commenced forthwith. laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif

i hope the taxi mafia cant trace him

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Most casual visitors don't really know they're getting ripped off by tuktuks and are willing to pay cause it's still not that expensive. I don't see why people go to other countries and demand they speak English. However, illegal tour operators that outright just take your money and lack of restrooms are valid points that should require action.

Why English, you ask? Just possibly, because we are talking the tourist industry, and whether tour industry workers like it, or not, tourists are not going to learn Thai, for the sake of a two-week - or however long - holiday. And maybe because English IS the international language - much to the chagrin of the French.

Currently, yes, but the PRC may very well dominate the economies of the third millenium and the increase in tourism is Mandarin speaking. The PRC has simplified their script and much Thai is not so difficult for Chinese.

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Make no mistake, despite the claims of Honest taxi driver from Perth, this kind of thing goes on in many other countries including the UK. As long as tourists "cannot resist a bargain" and fail to research local costs before they travel, the opportunity will always be there to rip them off and people will always be willing to do just that. There is a reason why most reputable tour operators provide transport to hotels because this is the only way they can guarantee the quality of service but that like better hotels will always come at a cost.

Regular visitors to Thailand know how to bargain and agree before undertaking longer taxi journeys or know to hail taxis on the street and insist on being metered. If a guy in a battered old mercedes just outside your hotel is offering to take you one a trip for less than a metered taxi then you can bet (a) he/she will not be insured and (B) that they will either take you on a sightseeing tour or worse insist that it will help them get petrol if you quickly visit their "cousin's factory shop". As for English then firstly I would question why we expect all Thais to speak English and secondly how English miraculously appears when they need to explain something to make money out of you.

Tourists who are not prepared to learn about the country they are visiting in advance should in my view always travel using a reputable tour operator based in their own country (for later legal redress) and stick to tours and transport provided by that provider through their local representative.

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Before I came to Thailand i owned a taxi company in Mitton Keynes with 100+ cab's , mostly farang driver as asian drivers in the U.K are the worst rip off drivers you will find any in the world including Thailand, The culture of Asia is get the money today, tommorow may not come. As i use to say to my drivers think before ripping someone off, rip them off they not come back.Most Farang driver would do this Asian driver would not. I had 98% farang drivers and 98% farang cutomers. Think about it what does that say?

As a taxi driver, I can assure you this sort of thing only happens in Thailand. :whistling:

Never does an unsuspecting passenger get a scenic tour on the way to their hotel from Perth airport :blink: .

Nor do they get charged tolls for roads that do not have tolls (Perth does not have any toll roads) :ph34r:

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Taxi drivers cheat & scam all over the world, but there are measures that can be taken to reduce the problem. It's not rocket science: just take the same ideas that have worked in other places and do it here. However, it does require the political will and beureaucratic competance to tackle the problem - which suggests it will be with us for years to come.

Although to give the authroites their due, they did a pretty good job of cleaning up the taxi scams around the airports. It used to be a bloody nightmare with taxi touts operating right inside of DM all screaming and scamming to rip people off the second they stepped through the gates.These days they manage to keep most of the touts out, and the docket system seems to keep the number of dubious rides to a minimum. Its a hell of a let better that it was, so maybe, just maybe, they can fix this problem too.

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why should they learn english? this is Thailand for god's sake. How hard is it for a tourist to have the name of their hotel or wherever written down in thai for the taxi driver?

Doesn't always work. A friend of mine had a business card (in Thai and English ) from a hotel near Suvarnaphumi Airport. He wanted to go to the hotel and check out before his flight to England. He had a good 3 hours to do this.

We were on Sukhumvit and asked about 6 taxis if they knew this hotel. Of course not one of them knew it. Finally one taxi driver said he knew it and would take my friend there. A good hour and 15 minutes later I had my friend on the phone telling me the taxi driver was hopelessly lost. I told him to call the hotel and let them talk to the taxi driver. Apparently they were somewhere down Srinakarin Road far from the hotel.

Taxi drivers often say yes to a destination without knowing where it is.

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Before I came to Thailand i owned a taxi company in Mitton Keynes with 100+ cab's , mostly farang driver as asian drivers in the U.K are the worst rip off drivers you will find any in the world including Thailand, The culture of Asia is get the money today, tommorow may not come. As i use to say to my drivers think before ripping someone off, rip them off they not come back.Most Farang driver would do this Asian driver would not. I had 98% farang drivers and 98% farang cutomers. Think about it what does that say?

As a taxi driver, I can assure you this sort of thing only happens in Thailand. :whistling:

Never does an unsuspecting passenger get a scenic tour on the way to their hotel from Perth airport :blink: .

Nor do they get charged tolls for roads that do not have tolls (Perth does not have any toll roads) :ph34r:

Very Interesting post, because most taxi drivers in UK, I came across were Indian or Pakistan, certainly not Asian or Anglo Saxon

You say, you taught your drivers to think or customers will not come back, but correct me if i am wrong,this is not a shop but a taxi, you catch one when you need one.

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