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hey, what shots do you need to go to thailand?where is the best place to live?Are there casinos to play poker?Where in Asia could an American deal games?how do you get those fun things on the side? All hot American chicks are so uptight if there hot.I joined an airline just to hang out with some,not very hot though and i hang at colleges alot but the american ideal is so warped and pathetic.The usa is so played.

Edited by conrad
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The following vaccines may be recommended for your travel to Southeast Asia. Discuss your travel plans and personal health with a health-care provider to determine which vaccines you will need.

Hepatitis A or immune globulin (IG). Transmission of hepatitis A virus can occur through direct person-to-person contact; through exposure to contaminated water, ice, or shellfish harvested in contaminated water; or from fruits, vegetables, or other foods that are eaten uncooked and that were contaminated during harvesting or subsequent handling.

Hepatitis B, especially if you might be exposed to blood or body fluids (for example, health-care workers), have sexual contact with the local population, or be exposed through medical treatment. Hepatitis B vaccine is now recommended for all infants and for children ages 11–12 years who did not receive the series as infants.

Japanese encephalitis, if you plan to visit rural farming areas and under special circumstances, such as a known outbreak of Japanese encephalitis.

Malaria: your risk of malaria may be high in some of the countries in this region. See your health care provider for a prescription antimalarial drug. For details concerning risk and preventive medications, see Malaria Information for Travelers to Southeast Asia.

Rabies, if you might have extensive unprotected outdoor exposure in rural areas, such as might occur during camping, hiking, or bicycling, or engaging in certain occupational activities.

Typhoid, particularly if you are visiting developing countries in this region. Typhoid fever can be contracted through contaminated drinking water or food, or by eating food or drinking beverages that have been handled by a person who is infected. Large outbreaks are most often related to fecal contamination of water supplies or foods sold by street vendors

As needed, booster doses for tetanus-diphtheria and measles.

Required Vaccinations



Never any jabs for me and for most people unless you will be in the jungles.

Edited by britmaveric
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Didn't get a chance to post my reply to Maddy did I.

Thanks for thinking of me, I'm touched. But I'll be thinking of you next time I'm out and about in Pattaya and I next see one of those Katoeys that looked like the operation was done by a drunken friend in a very dark alley. I mean I'm going to have to help you out on this litle mia noi search you have going :o

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Conrads still here Icey, get Pm ing, you don't wanna miss your chance mofo!!! :D

Desprate is not a trait I look for in a man so no PM'ing for me. Shame Conrad isn't a female, huh? You'd be onto something there :o

Nah... he likes em more weird than that... :D

Weird is your word for excuse me,I'm a little slow

totster :D

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conrad - Just pweasssse promise me that you'll warn me about sending me photos of the ugly you :o

Better still don't send me any at all. Anyway, I heard from an unnamed source that bkkmadness likes a bit of both so try your luck with him :D

No harm in trying a bit of everything is there? :D

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Anyway, I heard from an unnamed source that bkkmadness likes a bit of both so try your luck with him  :D

I heard that also... must be true.. :o

totster :D

That explains the "I'll be your Totty" mails then dude.

Great pics you sent by the way, that sure is one well trained ferret. :D

Edited by bkkmadness
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