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Muslim men removed from U.S. flight after pilot refuses to fly them


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so a minuscule thought by a captain and the safety of his passengers is admirable.

Going by that sentiment, no Muslim should be allowed on a plane again, ever.

Noooooooooooo, the captain had his reasons, we don't know what actually went on, only the written stuff but if l was on a plane and the guy in charge made a decision it was for my safety.

And what if every pilot in every flight was to make the same decision?

Anyway, as pointed out already, it was likely the passengers causing the problem to which I repeat: What narrow minded idiots.

If every Captain made that decision then so be it. Then would have planes for Muslims only, great really, nooooo problems. No bombers. :)

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If every Captain made that decision then so be it. Then would have planes for Muslims only, great really, nooooo problems. No bombers. :)

That reminds me of an Ali G comment.

But how then would you decide who is a Muslim, not all of them wear the kit. What if they just 'looked' Muslim? What you stop them from getting on the plane?

And who looks Muslim anyway? Islam is not a race. Some Caucasians are Muslim to, we'd just have to stop flights altogether because of a one in a gzillion chance of there being a bomb on their plane.

Edited by Moonrakers
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If every Captain made that decision then so be it. Then would have planes for Muslims only, great really, nooooo problems. No bombers. :)

Since the planes were built without a ceremony that was pointing to Mekka the Muslims shuldn't use it.

The pilot did a great job and saved them from commiting a sin, otherwise what would be the other options or plans of entering non-believing planes stuffed with infidels? :lol: :lol:

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If every Captain made that decision then so be it. Then would have planes for Muslims only, great really, nooooo problems. No bombers. :)

That reminds me of an Ali G comment.

But how then would you decide who is a Muslim, not all of them wear the kit. What if they just 'looked' Muslim? What you stop them from getting on the plane?

And who looks Muslim anyway? Islam is not a race. Some Caucasians are Muslim to, we'd just have to stop flights altogether because of a one in a gzillion chance of there being a bomb on their plane.

An interesting thought, don't think any Muslim would deny their faith, so something else for the new passport ''sim'' to record. :)

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So much ignorance on BOTH sides of the equation.

Deserving to die in Vienna, May 2010 I'm feeling the love from this comment left at YouTube on the video of my address at the Vienna Forum in Austria, May 8, 2010:


Is that more your taste then watch and get answers?

I know Robert for years and he's a real expert on the subject. He's getting threats like this regulary. When was the last time you received a threat?

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So much ignorance on BOTH sides of the equation.

Yep, perhaps your right but l don't give a shit as long as l and the family arrive safe. The Muslim faith should sort out it's problem element then we can get on with our lives instead of a religion telling every non believer they should be killed off, and sadly that's what the rest of the other religious and non religious world understand.

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In the history of the TSA they have discovered not one bomber or any one else planning a hijack.

Maybe that's because the threat since 9/11 has been external. The shoe bomber, underwear bomber, would-be liquid bombers in London, bombs on UPS coming from the UAE, etc.

I agree though that they are out of control back home from everything I've seen and read.

Edited by koheesti
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Why do bearded Muslims on flights get such a hard time! I mean what have they ever done to us.

True, it's not the bearded ones you have to watch out for B) .. It's the clean shaven ones that should raise some ire.

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If where Moslems are the majority,{ Pakistan, Indonesia , Malaysia and the Middle East, ) they force everyone else there to accept their values and submit to their prejudices, I see np problem with us forcing our values and prejudices on them.

The problem is with this statement is what constitutes "our values and prejudices?" Last I knew, the US, where this occurred, is a culture made up from a myriad of others, and American Muslims are part of that. They are part of our values and prejudices.

I do not like that some Muslim-majority nations do force their religious credos on non-believers, but part of the US is freedom of religion. And I feel very uncomfortable when we start taking profiling to such a level. Oh, I don't disagree that profiling is wrong. But there is a limit. And in my belief, some commuter pilot refusing to fly two Muslim men who have cleared security is taking it too far. If he wanted to kick them off the plane for "security" reasons, then delay the plane until they got checked again.

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Approximately 6 million flights have occurred in the US alone since a bomb was last found on a plane, yet still people find these actions justified.

I'm not having this conversation, it's ridiculous.

And why no bombs ? MEGA searches, sniffer dogs, X-ray machines. If this all disappeared many planes would be blown out of the skies, BUT for sure they are working to achieve their goal with something new. Remember the ink cartridge bomb in a printer, designed to bring down a plane. Hope it's not you chum. :)

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Sorry, but I can't agree with the pilots' actions if it all went down as reported in the article.

If these men went through all the security checks, then they should have been allowed to fly. The US is a free country where freedom of religion is a basic right.

The general public is generally afraid of young black men with lots of bling and young white men with shaved heads and tattoos. (This is backed up by several studies.) So do we start banning them from flights, too? None of them has recently tried to blow up a plane, true, but many men of this demographic do violence every day.

If we continue to spiral into demonizing all things Islam, we will push many more Muslims into the camp where they believe Islam is under attack by the West and become soldiers against us.

Their freedom of religion was not affected.

Why do you refuse his freedom to request a secondary scanning of the passengers of their choice?

And would you opposed the freedom of a company to refuse to serve any customer of their choice?

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Approximately 6 million flights have occurred in the US alone since a bomb was last found on a plane, yet still people find these actions justified.

I'm not having this conversation, it's ridiculous.

The chance to find any terrorist is small on any randomly picked flight...unless you are on an affected flight then putting the chance to 100%...

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If every Captain made that decision then so be it. Then would have planes for Muslims only, great really, nooooo problems. No bombers. :)

That reminds me of an Ali G comment.

But how then would you decide who is a Muslim, not all of them wear the kit. What if they just 'looked' Muslim? What you stop them from getting on the plane?

And who looks Muslim anyway? Islam is not a race. Some Caucasians are Muslim to, we'd just have to stop flights altogether because of a one in a gzillion chance of there being a bomb on their plane.

Well at least we could begin with all the Muhammad's and go from there :D ..

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Sorry, but I can't agree with the pilots' actions if it all went down as reported in the article.

If these men went through all the security checks, then they should have been allowed to fly. The US is a free country where freedom of religion is a basic right.

The general public is generally afraid of young black men with lots of bling and young white men with shaved heads and tattoos. (This is backed up by several studies.) So do we start banning them from flights, too? None of them has recently tried to blow up a plane, true, but many men of this demographic do violence every day.

If we continue to spiral into demonizing all things Islam, we will push many more Muslims into the camp where they believe Islam is under attack by the West and become soldiers against us.

Their freedom of religion was not affected.

Why do you refuse his freedom to request a secondary scanning of the passengers of their choice?

And would you opposed the freedom of a company to refuse to serve any customer of their choice?

Most of them won't be liable for numbers of lives and potentially millions of dollars in compensation for not taking EVERY necessary precaution either..

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The pilot has every right to request a 2nd screening. He is federally liscensed under the Homeland Security's TWIC program and mandated to report anything he deems suspect. While many have every right to critisise his verbage, I doubt there will be any lawsuit. :jap:

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Sorry, but I can't agree with the pilots' actions if it all went down as reported in the article.

If these men went through all the security checks, then they should have been allowed to fly. The US is a free country where freedom of religion is a basic right.

The general public is generally afraid of young black men with lots of bling and young white men with shaved heads and tattoos. (This is backed up by several studies.) So do we start banning them from flights, too? None of them has recently tried to blow up a plane, true, but many men of this demographic do violence every day.

If we continue to spiral into demonizing all things Islam, we will push many more Muslims into the camp where they believe Islam is under attack by the West and become soldiers against us.

Their freedom of religion was not affected.

Why do you refuse his freedom to request a secondary scanning of the passengers of their choice?

And would you opposed the freedom of a company to refuse to serve any customer of their choice?


I have rarely seen a Captain of a plane looking at his passengers so for sure the cabin crew brought to the attention of he Captain perhaps an unusual occurance that they had not seen before. ;)

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Approximately 6 million flights have occurred in the US alone since a bomb was last found on a plane, yet still people find these actions justified.

I'm not having this conversation, it's ridiculous.

And why no bombs ? MEGA searches, sniffer dogs, X-ray machines. If this all disappeared many planes would be blown out of the skies, BUT for sure they are working to achieve their goal with something new. Remember the ink cartridge bomb in a printer, designed to bring down a plane. Hope it's not you chum. :)

Exactly. It's like why does a bank need a vault? What percentage of the people who walk through the door everyday try to rob them?

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Sorry, but I can't agree with the pilots' actions if it all went down as reported in the article.

If these men went through all the security checks, then they should have been allowed to fly. The US is a free country where freedom of religion is a basic right.

The general public is generally afraid of young black men with lots of bling and young white men with shaved heads and tattoos. (This is backed up by several studies.) So do we start banning them from flights, too? None of them has recently tried to blow up a plane, true, but many men of this demographic do violence every day.

If we continue to spiral into demonizing all things Islam, we will push many more Muslims into the camp where they believe Islam is under attack by the West and become soldiers against us.

I agree 100% (if taking the report at face value).

It reports as blatant discrimination and whilst it is not entirely clear what prompted the 'second screening' it sounds as though a few passengers were nervous in the presence of Muslim passengers.

Muslims have understandably been demonised , especially after 9/11, and the Americans are more likely to react in this way. I have felt 'uneasy' on a flight from the UK to the Middle East until I realised that they were unlikely to bomb their own people - maybe I have watched too many movies etc but this is in instinctive reaction. I would have the same reaction if an Apache Indian was walking towards me with a Bowie knife !

No one disputes the pilot's responsibility to take adequate precautions and no one doubts that he was within his legal rights to take the action he took. Whether it was 'right' to do this is another matter. What reason did he have to warrant a second screening? How many second screenings has he authorised prior to this? How many for caucasian passengers?

I share the view that the plane could have been delayed whilst allowing the screening to take place. What happened smacks of a ploy to remove these Muslims to appease other racist passengers. That cannot be right.

I in no way condone what Muslim (or other) extremists have done and I am slightly nervous of the rapid expansion of the Muslim world. However, I cannot see any justification (on the face of it) for the actions of this pilot.

Muslim only planes? This makes apartheid look positively acceptable.

Edited by cardholder
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Sorry, but I can't agree with the pilots' actions if it all went down as reported in the article.

If these men went through all the security checks, then they should have been allowed to fly. The US is a free country where freedom of religion is a basic right.

The general public is generally afraid of young black men with lots of bling and young white men with shaved heads and tattoos. (This is backed up by several studies.) So do we start banning them from flights, too? None of them has recently tried to blow up a plane, true, but many men of this demographic do violence every day.

If we continue to spiral into demonizing all things Islam, we will push many more Muslims into the camp where they believe Islam is under attack by the West and become soldiers against us.

I agree 100% (if taking the report at face value).

It reports as blatant discrimination and whilst it is not entirely clear what prompted the 'second screening' it sounds as though a few passengers were nervous in the presence of Muslim passengers.

Muslims have understandably been demonised , especially after 9/11, and the Americans are more likely to react in this way. I have felt 'uneasy' on a flight from the UK to the Middle East until I realised that they were unlikely to bomb their own people - maybe I have watched too many movies etc but this is in instinctive reaction. I would have the same reaction if an Apache Indian was walking towards me with a Bowie knife !

No one disputes the pilot's responsibility to take adequate precautions and no one doubts that he was within his legal rights to take the action he took. Whether it was 'right' to do this is another matter. What reason did he have to warrant a second screening? How many second screenings has he authorised prior to this? How many for caucasian passengers?

I share the view that the plane could have been delayed whilst allowing the screening to take place. What happened smacks of a ploy to remove these Muslims to appease other racist passengers. That cannot be right.

I in no way condone what Muslim (or other) extremists have done and I am slightly nervous of the rapid expansion of the Muslim world. However, I cannot see any justification (on the face of it) for the actions of this pilot.

Muslim only planes? This makes apartheid look positively acceptable.

Muslim extremists do kill their own people for their cause, noooooo problem, they think they are sending them to a better place :rolleyes:

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The pilot should be fired and the airline sued.

And USA should stop to be the world police....

My sentiments exactly and I live in the USA. The USA has become so arrogant as well as violent in any recourse to "solve" problems. I am sick of it. Now, we are in three theaters: Iraq (from which we will never leave), Afghanistan (again, we won't leave) and Libya (too soon to tell but, as practice makes perfect, we will more than likely never leave there either!). The US is spending its money on war, making the riicher richer and the government wants to put the bill on the poor and, simultaneously, to destroy the middle class at the behest of the rich! Sad state the US is in. I see a bad moon rising and a twilight coming sooner for a nation that can't learn when to stop.

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The pilot should be fired and the airline sued.

And USA should stop to be the world police....

My sentiments exactly and I live in the USA. The USA has become so arrogant as well as violent in any recourse to "solve" problems. I am sick of it. Now, we are in three theaters: Iraq (from which we will never leave), Afghanistan (again, we won't leave) and Libya (too soon to tell but, as practice makes perfect, we will more than likely never leave there either!). The US is spending its money on war, making the riicher richer and the government wants to put the bill on the poor and, simultaneously, to destroy the middle class at the behest of the rich! Sad state the US is in. I see a bad moon rising and a twilight coming sooner for a nation that can't learn when to stop.

Sounds like you need to re-locate. :huh:

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The pilot should be fired and the airline sued.

And USA should stop to be the world police....

My sentiments exactly and I live in the USA. The USA has become so arrogant as well as violent in any recourse to "solve" problems. I am sick of it. Now, we are in three theaters: Iraq (from which we will never leave), Afghanistan (again, we won't leave) and Libya (too soon to tell but, as practice makes perfect, we will more than likely never leave there either!). The US is spending its money on war, making the riicher richer and the government wants to put the bill on the poor and, simultaneously, to destroy the middle class at the behest of the rich! Sad state the US is in. I see a bad moon rising and a twilight coming sooner for a nation that can't learn when to stop.

Sounds like you need to re-locate. :huh:

Ah! Get out if you don't like it !

Good idea - leave American to the Muslims.

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The pilot should be fired and the airline sued.

And USA should stop to be the world police....

My sentiments exactly and I live in the USA. The USA has become so arrogant as well as violent in any recourse to "solve" problems. I am sick of it. Now, we are in three theaters: Iraq (from which we will never leave), Afghanistan (again, we won't leave) and Libya (too soon to tell but, as practice makes perfect, we will more than likely never leave there either!). The US is spending its money on war, making the riicher richer and the government wants to put the bill on the poor and, simultaneously, to destroy the middle class at the behest of the rich! Sad state the US is in. I see a bad moon rising and a twilight coming sooner for a nation that can't learn when to stop.

Sounds like you need to re-locate. :huh:

Ah! Get out if you don't like it !

Good idea - leave American to the Muslims.

THAT is their desire. :)

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Google tells me that there are approx 27,000 flights, per day, in the US alone.

To my knowledge, the last time a bomb was found on a plane was 31 Oct 2010, lets call it 210 days. So, since the last time a bomb was found on a plane approx 5.8 million flights have occurred without a bomb in the U.S. alone. If we want think worldwide, we are talking ridiculous numbers.

And these people thought their plane was going to be bombed. What narrow minded idiots!

Actually it was 2 Nov 2010 http://articles.latimes.com/2010/nov/02/world/la-fg-bomb-plot-europe-20101102 and the latest one even though not a plane but in the airport

24 January 2011 suicide bomber in Domodedovo International Airport http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011_Domodedovo_International_Airport_bombing

People aboard all the planes on 9/11 i guess were also idiots because back then there was even less of a chance.

And i guess the ones working in Twin Towers, were even bigger idiots, since there never was an airplane crashing into a highrise, day light, in the heart of the city.

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Google tells me that there are approx 27,000 flights, per day, in the US alone.

To my knowledge, the last time a bomb was found on a plane was 31 Oct 2010, lets call it 210 days. So, since the last time a bomb was found on a plane approx 5.8 million flights have occurred without a bomb in the U.S. alone. If we want think worldwide, we are talking ridiculous numbers.

And these people thought their plane was going to be bombed. What narrow minded idiots!

Actually it was 2 Nov 2010 http://articles.lati...europe-20101102 and the latest one even though not a plane but in the airport

24 January 2011 suicide bomber in Domodedovo International Airport http://en.wikipedia....Airport_bombing

People aboard all the planes on 9/11 i guess were also idiots because back then there was even less of a chance.

And i guess the ones working in Twin Towers, were even bigger idiots, since there never was an aeroplane crashing into a high-rise, day light, in the heart of the city.

+1 , glad we see the obvious.

Imagine NOW going to an airport and no security. They say, fuc_k you, get on with it. Would you have a pleasant flight OR would you be scared shit less cos they never checked for the bomber, cos for sure if that happened you would be attacked by the fundlementalist who wants his future with many virgins.

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Ok, go back over the last 4 pages and substitute Jewish for Muslem and say again if the sentiments expressed are acceptable.

This thread is pretty hateful and ignorant, do you not think ??

This is a lively thread but if it degenerates into a religious debate I can't see it lasting very long.

The discussion is, to me, about discrimination and whether the pilot was right to do what he did.

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