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Teen Pregnancies And Drugs On The Rise In Thailand Due To Globalisation

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Gobalisation 'the cause of problems'

By Wannapa Khaopa

The Nation

Criminal cases and youth's unwanted behaviour problems are on the rise. Up to 266,010 drug cases were reported last year, 11.6 per cent higher than the previous year (2009), Office of the National Economic and Social Development Board has told the public, adding that the figure was the highest in eight years, and most of the offenders were youth aged 2024 years old. Moreover, 67,958 teenagers gave birth in 2009 up from 61,510 in 2006, according to Thailand's Child Watch Project.

"Globalisation has caused the problems in society," Dr Catherine Bernard, FounderPresidentDirector of Service and Research Institute on Family and Children (SERFAC) said yesterday in an interview with The Nation.

Globalisation had weakened society as international culture had engulfed good and unique Asian culture and materialism from western countries had caused family problems, in which families with different financial status were facing similar problems as parents focused on making money to their needs rather than giving their children's love and care. So, the weak culture and families were main causes of crimes and children's and youngsters' unwanted behaviour, she said.

Catherine said technology had come in globalisation era. Western countries had influenced more technological equipments to be used by people for 20 years, particularly in developing countries, like India, Thailand and Bangladesh. There was also higher cost of living. Thus, more women began to get into workforce. People in developing countries migrated to Europe and the US for better way of life.

"So, the globalisation process becomes faster and wider. Today, we live in a market economy and throw away society."

"Western countries are exposing values and way of life of eastern countries," said Catherine, adding that eastern children wanted western things, such as junk food due to influence of advertisements.

She said many children now grew up in violent family environment. So, they would be terrorists when they became adults.

Therefore, she urged people to go back to spiritual, religious, cultural and moral awareness, while governments should be strong enough to approve only what considered good for people, not focusing only on materialism. "The best way (to create more human society) is through family." Parents should change themselves, taking care of their children with care and love.

To seek new ways of addressing globalisation impact at the level of family, SERFAC will hold its silver jubilee conference, entitled "In Defense of the Family: Family, Children and Culture" on June1620 at Holiday Inn Hotel, Silom in Bangkok, where experts on family, children and culture will share their ideas.

Catherine said a statement would be issued at the end of the conference to be sent to the United Nations, governments and leadership groups. So, they could implement the statement's solutions on the issue. She hoped the UN would use its global influence to encourage the governments to practise following the statement.

The conference needed participation from representatives from the Thai government and state agencies, she added.


-- The Nation 2011-05-09

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But waxing nostalgic and trying to convince yourself that the current younger generation is bad compared to yours and previous is as old as time itself.

The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for

authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place

of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their

households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They

contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties

at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers.

--written by Plato and attributed to Socrates


Wow!!! Goddamn westerners corrupting poor innocent Asian cultures!!! Not the fact that these countries promote tourism, mass market on their own, and want all of the foreign money, hence the double pricing standards the genius parents put into effect. Now they complain cause they have to pay more to keep their kids happy! Poor, poor Thailand!! It's funny, I've met kids who live in the mountains, can't speak English, never tried McDonald's, don't know how to use the internet, and they are getting stoned and messing around too!!!! Way to blame everyone else for your errors, sometimes it's no ones fault, it just happens. Next thing you know, they won't be smiling when they try and rip you off!!!! How rude!



But waxing nostalgic and trying to convince yourself that the current younger generation is bad compared to yours and previous is as old as time itself.

The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for

authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place

of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their

households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They

contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties

at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers.

--written by Plato and attributed to Socrates


Therefore, she urged people to go back to spiritual, religious, cultural and moral awareness, while governments should be strong enough to approve only what considered good for people, not focusing only on materialism. "The best way (to create more human society) is through family." Parents should change themselves, taking care of their children with care and love.

Discipline, Education, The worst enemy in LOS is materialism, I want. Upbringing also the key, they drag them up, in general not bring them up. How many times do you see the mothers out shopping shouting at their kids, hitting them, or ignoring them altogether I do not see much love passed from parents to children in most cases, especially in rural areas.annoyed.gifannoyed.gif


Teen pregnancies are up! I thinks this is more to do with the total lack of education around contraception and lack of consequences, especially for men/boys, in having these children. Socially the stigma lies directly with the girls, whereas many young guys still believe it is their RIGHT and OBLIGATION to have as many "kik" as possible!:realangry:


The biggest problem is the complete deriliction of the fathers duties. The fathers of these kids dissapear and provide no support financially or morally so the poor mother has no option but to dump the kids with grandparents and go work in the big smokes so as to feed and educate her offspring..

The grandparents, certainly those away from big cities, are still living the "old thai way" and are not able to supervise out of control kids who experience the materalistic modern world as we know it. The generational gap is just too large. Except for providing food and a place to sleep, the kids have no guidlines to help them develop into a better person. Its much easier to fall down than climb up.

I was teaching Thai kids for some time and it was plain to see the difference in the students behavior of those that had both (very rare) parents involved in their upbringing, compared to the dis-respectful attitude of students left to develop without that close loving environment.

I fear Thai society will continue its downward spiral into a corrupt lawless dog eat dog rat race, unless some measures are taken to force fathers to at least provide financial support for their kids. But dont hold your breath waiting for that to happen.

The obvious self serve attitude of Thai politiciens are a great example in maintaining staus quo.


Teen pregnancies are up! I thinks this is more to do with the total lack of education around contraception and lack of consequences, especially for men/boys, in having these children. Socially the stigma lies directly with the girls, whereas many young guys still believe it is their RIGHT and OBLIGATION to have as many "kik" as possible!:realangry:

Lay off the alcohol boys and girls, maybe you will be able to think better.

regarding the not the girls fault, but the boys=we have had all this rubbish before on T Visa F. It's equal responsibility, it's sex sharing NOT rape. Use your hand boys a bit more and girls keep your knees together, keep a 5 bht coin between them.

In most rural areas It is the girls that are chasing the boys, and near begging them for it, trying to score with the goodlooking boys in the village, fact! I have a bar and see it every day.

Most girls at high school are free style with no parental control, they enjoy the life, Girls only have to say NO.


Wow!!! Goddamn westerners corrupting poor innocent Asian cultures!!! Not the fact that these countries promote tourism, mass market on their own, and want all of the foreign money, hence the double pricing standards the genius parents put into effect. Now they complain cause they have to pay more to keep their kids happy! Poor, poor Thailand!! It's funny, I've met kids who live in the mountains, can't speak English, never tried McDonald's, don't know how to use the internet, and they are getting stoned and messing around too!!!! Way to blame everyone else for your errors, sometimes it's no ones fault, it just happens. Next thing you know, they won't be smiling when they try and rip you off!!!! How rude!

So much for the civilisating influence from the West.:whistling:


"" Dr Catherine Bernard, FounderPresidentDirector of Service and Research Institute on Family and Children (SERFAC) said yesterday in an interview with The Nation.

many children now grew up in violent family environment. So, they would be terrorists when they became adults.

If this is actually a "true" quote Dr Bernard is a raving lunatic with absolutely ZERO credibility at all, I find most of her statements not only flawed but highly repugnant, but this one OMG what an idiot, she wouldnt be a white,aging western woman would she?


Wow, see how wrong I can be. I always thought teen pregnancy actually was normal no less than 100 years ago. It was Thai culture. Get married at 15 and have babies right away.

And now it's all wrong? And even we Westerners have to be blamed for that? Blamed for what? Bringing back ancient Thai culture?


Typical Thai. Blame everyone else and never take responsibility. Our children are bad it must be Farangs fault.


So it`s MY fault youngsters I have never met are out there getting stoned and having unprotected sex.How convenient for the parents who may as well just give up on their offspring and go back to getting stoned and having unprotected sex.


The biggest problem is the complete deriliction of the fathers duties. The fathers of these kids dissapear and provide no support financially or morally so the poor mother has no option but to dump the kids with grandparents and go work in the big smokes so as to feed and educate her offspring..

The grandparents, certainly those away from big cities, are still living the "old thai way" and are not able to supervise out of control kids who experience the materalistic modern world as we know it. The generational gap is just too large. Except for providing food and a place to sleep, the kids have no guidlines to help them develop into a better person. Its much easier to fall down than climb up.

I was teaching Thai kids for some time and it was plain to see the difference in the students behavior of those that had both (very rare) parents involved in their upbringing, compared to the dis-respectful attitude of students left to develop without that close loving environment.

I fear Thai society will continue its downward spiral into a corrupt lawless dog eat dog rat race, unless some measures are taken to force fathers to at least provide financial support for their kids. But dont hold your breath waiting for that to happen.

The obvious self serve attitude of Thai politiciens are a great example in maintaining staus quo.

Here, here! Well put . Something I can relate to in the village where I am. The grandparents are past bringing up their children's kids. I am a de facto father for two kids here in the village trying to give them love,caring,food,time and education as every kid in this world has a right to.

Their father shot through, the mother is shacked up with somebody else in BKK and visits "her" kids about once a year and only stays for two days then it's back to BKK for her.

There are many villages throughout Thailand that have the same issues and I often wonder how other kids without parents and grandparents manage. I suppose it falls to the whole village to "bring" up these kids.

I don't want to be a Thai basher but Thailand has problems, problems that most Thai's accept and carry on with their life.

She is not a mother in the true sense of the word.


Blame the farang syndrome, a very useful panacea indeed! So kick us all out and our herecy with it, this of course does not include the ever so necessary BB or IPhone :whistling:


Teen pregnancies are up! I thinks this is more to do with the total lack of education around contraception and lack of consequences, especially for men/boys, in having these children. Socially the stigma lies directly with the girls, whereas many young guys still believe it is their RIGHT and OBLIGATION to have as many "kik" as possible!:realangry:

Lay off the alcohol boys and girls, maybe you will be able to think better.

regarding the not the girls fault, but the boys=we have had all this rubbish before on T Visa F. It's equal responsibility, it's sex sharing NOT rape. Use your hand boys a bit more and girls keep your knees together, keep a 5 bht coin between them.

In most rural areas It is the girls that are chasing the boys, and near begging them for it, trying to score with the goodlooking boys in the village, fact! I have a bar and see it every day.

Most girls at high school are free style with no parental control, they enjoy the life, Girls only have to say NO.

I can relate to the above as I have seen girls as young as 8 and 9 chasing the good looking 8 and 9 yo boys in my village. On many an occasion I have put a stop to this as soon as it appears and the girl's go away red faced. Yes, village girls are on the prowl without any thought for their future nor the possible babies!


I think the authors view has been obstructed by their butt cheeks.

First, Life imitates art, and media is art in it's crudest form.

Second, the "powers that be" control media and government, regardless of the country. The west and western people have nothing to do with it, in fact they (western people) are victims as well if you really look at the big picture.

Third, The "powers that be" want to dissect the family, family values, keep people uneducated and superficial, and get people to focus on what they want people to focus on.

we will now return to our regularly scheduled programing. :rolleyes:


"" Dr Catherine Bernard, FounderPresidentDirector of Service and Research Institute on Family and Children (SERFAC) said yesterday in an interview with The Nation.

many children now grew up in violent family environment. So, they would be terrorists when they became adults.

If this is actually a "true" quote Dr Bernard is a raving lunatic with absolutely ZERO credibility at all, I find most of her statements not only flawed but highly repugnant, but this one OMG what an idiot, she wouldnt be a white,aging western woman would she?

I couldn`t agree with you more.She surely did not really say that?


A total lack of respect for consequences and a short sightedness is intrinsic to, most, of the Thai youth. This I see daily in work, with over 800 employees, basically jut looking as far as lunch time and then as far as home time! As for tomorrow, well we can look at that later



"" Dr Catherine Bernard, FounderPresidentDirector of Service and Research Institute on Family and Children (SERFAC) said yesterday in an interview with The Nation.

many children now grew up in violent family environment. So, they would be terrorists when they became adults.

If this is actually a "true" quote Dr Bernard is a raving lunatic with absolutely ZERO credibility at all, I find most of her statements not only flawed but highly repugnant, but this one OMG what an idiot, she wouldnt be a white,aging western woman would she?

I couldn`t agree with you more.She surely did not really say that?

Yes she is indeed ageing but not too sure about her heritage, BUT she is somewhat of a religious nut! and therefor in my mind anything she says will be treated as codswallop :jap:



Blame the farang syndrome, a very useful panacea indeed! So kick us all out and our herecy with it, this of course does not include the ever so necessary BB or IPhone :whistling:

I agree. The answer is really to kick us out; along with electricity, print media, TV, radio, automobiles, computers, modern medicine, satellite communication, and all the other similar evils inflicted on Thailand by western society--which Thais hate so much. :whistling:


Sounds like she is exporting rhetoric from India.

Dr. Catherine Bernard is a member of the Sisters of the Cross (SCC) Chavanod, France. She is a Medical Doctor from St. John's Medical College Bangalore, India and has a Masters Degree (MS) in Religion and Religious Education from Fordham University, New York, USA.

Dr. Catherine Bernard has held important offices in India and abroad and traveled extensively in Asia, her own country in India, in Africa, Europe, Central America, the United States, Canada and Australia, reading scientific papers in National and International Conferences and training persons, assisting countries, National and International Organizations and NGO's establish Family life Centers.Dr. Catherine Bernard has established two family life centers in India.

1) Society of Family Integration and Development at Tiruchirapalli, India (SOFID)

2) Service and Research Institute on Family and Children (SERFAC) at Chennai, India



This story is no surprise just another instance of Thais trying to avoid the responsibility of their own actions and pass the blame to some one else.

The key to solving most of the problems here would be that simple, rather than trying their hardest to find another party to take all of the blame just stand up and say okay it was me i made a mistake how can we /I make sure that it does not happen again.

Also every generation looks back and remembers the good old days when really we should all be looking forward. maybe if we spent more time and thought on the future we would not have the global problems we have today.


Blame the farang syndrome, a very useful panacea indeed! So kick us all out and our herecy with it, this of course does not include the ever so necessary BB or IPhone :whistling:

I agree. The answer is really to kick us out; along with electricity, print media, TV, radio, automobiles, computers, modern medicine, satellite communication, and all the other similar evils inflicted on Thailand by western society--which Thais hate so much. :whistling:

Dont forget Whiskey! we know how much they hate whiskey :bah:


Where to start?????

We all know the Vatican's position on family planning as it relates to birth control pills devices and medications.

I don't know how much faith I have in a holy roller that is a graduate of an Indian "medical school" amd that is a proponent of the now user friendly term "Natural Family Planning".

I got one think to say to the lady; Yo sister, condoms work. Accept the fact that young men like to fornicate with young women. It's natural, and dare I say, a healthy manifestation of normal adolescent sexual behaviour. Instead of avoiding the issue, give the kids sex education and access to birth control.


I think it would be a good idea for the government to further restrict internet access and probably also ban international television broadcasters like BBC and CCN just to name a few.

I guess installing barbed wire 5 meter high all around the whole country would turn out too expensive.


I think it would be a good idea for the government to further restrict internet access and probably also ban international television broadcasters like BBC and CCN just to name a few.

I guess installing barbed wire 5 meter high all around the whole country would turn out too expensive.

It would be after they sent out the tenders, to the wife or brothers business, charge 200% over the actual cost, not finish on time or at all, get the wrong size/shape, forget to bolt it together, then eventually get a FARANG to do it!:jap:

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