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my friend was deported from thailand after 3 years overstay and on a expired passport... and was held in immigration in bangkok, can they return to thailand in the future?? need answer ASAP please

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My friend had the same thing, expired passport, and 3 years overstay, but he got a new passport from the Embassy and did a Visa Run with a friends company, paid the Overstay and is now back in Thailand. Deportation means black listed.

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I had a friend who was blacklisted and deported. He changed his name by deed poll in the UK and returned here under a new name and new passport. Although he managed to enter Thailand ok at first under his new name and new pp, he was caught on his 1st border run and was refused entry at Aranyaprathet!!

Irritation sorry...Immigration....aren't as dumb as you may think!!

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An important factor might be if your friend went to court or justpaid the fine at immigration. If he appeared before court, he is convicted, deported and probably blacklisted. If he just paid a fine at immigration and was set on a plane after that, he probably can return.

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I had a friend who was blacklisted and deported. He changed his name by deed poll in the UK and returned here under a new name and new passport. Although he managed to enter Thailand ok at first under his new name and new pp, he was caught on his 1st border run and was refused entry at Aranyaprathet!!

Irritation sorry...Immigration....aren't as dumb as you may think!!

What was he deported for?..........a simple overstay and expired passport is slightly different to drug or sex offences commited here

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This isn't exactly the same situation, but I had a friend who had overstayed for a year. He left via the airport, paid the fine and went to HK with the paperwork from an employer to get a non-immigrant B.

They would not issue him with a non-immigrant B visa because he did not have a police clearance. The police clearance is necessary for a teaching position.

He then asked for a tourist visa but was refused on the basis of his overstay. He was told they would not issue a tourist visa to someone with a lengthy overstay. He was told he could return to Thailand, but no tourist visa. He was told if he gets the police clearance, they will issue the non-immigrant B visa from HK.

Immigration at the airport was quick, easy and polite. The consulate in HK was also polite.

Best to avoid these situations.

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I had a friend who was blacklisted and deported. He changed his name by deed poll in the UK and returned here under a new name and new passport. Although he managed to enter Thailand ok at first under his new name and new pp, he was caught on his 1st border run and was refused entry at Aranyaprathet!!

Irritation sorry...Immigration....aren't as dumb as you may think!!

What was he deported for?..........a simple overstay and expired passport is slightly different to drug or sex offences commited here

he was deported for overstay 3 years with an expired passport he was taken to a detention center in bangkok by the police, for a while ....then court then deporeted..

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You pay. If you are going to be deported you have to have your own ticket to your home country. If you don't you are slammed into the Detention center until you can manage to acquire your own ticket.

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What's probably going to be critical is exactly whether he was deported... i.e. blacklisted and deported for a crime, or was he just an overstay and had to pay the fine...even if he was detained until he left Thailand.

Now if he was deported for a crime...his chances of being alowed to return are slim at best. If they just caught him in a 3 year overstay, then he paid the fine, and was told to leave... he may be able to get back into the country relatively easily... although a new passport would be wise if he can get it from his home country.

They may have written something in his passport in Thai. Exactly what they said is also going to mean a lot to his future chances of returning to Thailand. If it just says he was caught in an overstay and was told to leave the country...that's not to bad. If it says he was made to leave Thailand under a court order...that is NOT good for his chances of ever returning to Thailand.

Be aware also that the Thai immigration now has the ability to enter information into his immigration records and his foriegn country may then access that information. This isn't always done, but if you p-ss of the Thai immigration too much, they COULD do it.

That might make it harder to get a new passport in his country, because they won't like the fact that he apparently delibeately overstayed in Thailand. It could also ake it more difficult for him to get a Tourist visa to return to Thailand...once he is known to have overstayed for that long, why should the Thai consulate be eager to let him come back to Thailand again?

It's not smart to wave a red flag in front of a bull...maybe you'll get away with it once or twice, but the bull always wins in the end.


Edited by IMA_FARANG
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What's probably going to be critical is exactly whether he was deported... i.e. blacklisted and deported for a crime, or was he just an overstay and had to pay the fine...even if he was detained until he left Thailand.

Now if he was deported for a crime...his chances of being alowed to return are slim at best. If they just caught him in a 3 year overstay, then he paid the fine, and was told to leave... he may be able to get back into the country relatively easily... although a new passport would be wise if he can get it from his home country.

They may have written something in his passport in Thai. Exactly what they said is also going to mean a lot to his future chances of returning to Thailand. If it just says he was caught in an overstay and was told to leave the country...that's not to bad. If it says he was made to leave Thailand under a court order...that is NOT good for his chances of ever returning to Thailand.

Be aware also that the Thai immigration now has the ability to enter information into his immigration records and his foriegn country may then access that information. This isn't always done, but if you p-ss of the Thai immigration too much, they COULD do it.

That might make it harder to get a new passport in his country, because they won't like the fact that he apparently delibeately overstayed in Thailand. It could also ake it more difficult for him to get a Tourist visa to return to Thailand...once he is known to have overstayed for that long, why should the Thai consulate be eager to let him come back to Thailand again?

It's not smart to wave a red flag in front of a bull...maybe you'll get away with it once or twice, but the bull always wins in the end.


Is disagree your point about making it harder to get a new passport in his home country, nobodys home country would act on any information like this and I seriously doubt any such database exists, if someone is persona no grata, then they will only either be refused a visa or refused entry and sent back where they came from, the only other way is if a serious crime had been commited with a sentence of at least 2 years, and the person being put on the interpol red list, then all travel would be difficult, but hey Thaksin is still out there! Thailand can't even get one of there own back let alone another national!

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Typically when people are deported it is because of 2 scenarios:

1. Overstayed visa and have been to court and had to pay a court levied fine and the court has ordered their deportation (misdemeanor). Many times the immigration officer says to the person at the airport see you again soon as they are put on the plane.

2. Having a criminal conviction in a court of law for what ever reason, be it drink driving, drug use or sale and capital crimes ,like murder. The court will order a person so convicted to be deported and blacklisted, banning their reentry into the Kingdom of Thailand. A person that is black listed may after a period of time apply through the Thai courts for the the black listing to be struck down and then at the courts discretion, you may be allowed unfettered entry to the Kingdom!

All court fines and deportation expenses are at you own personal expense. Typically your embassy can arrange for a relative or friend to pay your court fines and the cost of a plane ticket to a country that does not have right of refusal to your entry. The majority of embassies will not pay for you with out you signing a loan agreement and the revocation of your passport for the issuance of a travel document.

If after 6 months at Immigration Detention as happens with many African nationals, and you have not been able to secure a ticket and the deportation fees of 800 baht there is a Jesuit Foundation that will raise the money to buy you a ticket home.

Drug trafficking convictions always have a 100 year blacklist from entry in Thailand.

Edited by Badbanker
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Voluntarily leaving after a long overstay is very different from being deported!

Deportation means......

"to a country that does not have right of refusal to your entry."

If you are a commonwealth national then, you can be deported to Hong Kong for example! There are other countries that do not have a right of refusal for various nationalities. No it doesn't mean you HAVE to be deported to your country of origin! There are many countries that do not have direct flights to Bangkok, and so it is impossible to deport you to your country of origin for many people. Just remember that the airline that deports you may refuse to carry you in the future! Don't burn your bridges!

You get to pay it all

"All court fines and deportation expenses are at you own personal expense."

I thought my post was clear!


Edited by Badbanker
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