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I'm in my 6th year in Thailand. And I can reasonably say I'm happy. It's been a good 6 years. Not without its trials, but that's life ... everywhere! Cultural differences? I take them in my stride. 15% of the time my wife doesn't understand me ... ... literally!! But we get along just fine. Love the food, the weather (even the storms), the people, the mildly amusing politics ... and coconuts (everyone has their food fetishes). I even enjoy a good debate over whether I should actually pay for the (often) appalling workmanship that's been applied to something I've taken for repair. But the one thing that's guaranteed to make me cringe/whinge/fume, or simply state 3 good reasons why I should have gone to live in Botswana, is the DEEPLY annoying sound effects that clutter virtually every program on Thai television. Not that I actually watch Thai tv. Not intentionally. But you know how it works. If you're married to a Thai national, it's inevitable you're going to be subject to some of it, even if it's just as you're passing at light speed to get out of the house just as the 'on' switch is being pressed. What is it with Thai culture? Don't they know when to laugh? Do they really need to have constant cues to get them to open their mouths and have a good guffaw. Not that I've ever witnessed. In social settings, they seem to be able to do it handsomely without the intervention of some over indulgent schmuk, high on e numbers, presumably seeking promotion out of their grossly boring stint on the 'donut brain' machine. This 'spawn of the sound devil' seems to permeate every nook and cranny of Thai terrestrial television. A talk show guest only has to raise an eyebrow for 'Deung the digit' to dive for his 'doy-oy-oy-ong' button. It reminds me of old western music hall comedy acts, where the band drummer had the additional job of rattling his sticks whenever the comic tripped over or caught a custard pie in the face. It's like watching tv for toddlers. "Ooo look! Windy Miller's fallen out of the grain store (thud!)". I might add I'm composing this while my wife watches another cheap-to-produce afternoon talk show, full of so-called 'personalities, most of whom appear to need a personality implant. I had to close the door to the study. Wayyyyyyy too many laugh cues going on. IMO, when the Americans helped them set up Thai tv studios, they should have left out the giggle box. Some things just don't need to be encouraged.

If you have ... thanks for reading!


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Ah, the omnipresent "boing boing" thread raises its head again,. :lol:

First time I have read the "boing boing" thread... Or "Boiyoiyoiyoiyoing" thread as I might be inclined to call it.

Nevertheless, I couldn't agree more with the OP. Listening to these inane sound effects just sap my energy !

That said - America's Funniest home videos T.V Program...... Nothing could make the home videos less funny than the narration !


'dig' maybe I can understand but my planning had this in mind, my TV lounge is in the south wing and my Mrs one is in the north wing.:lol:


You mean "Boing.............weep" :rolleyes:

It IS very much like Western television from many many years ago, isn't it ? Eventually Thais will grow out of it, or at least there will be more sophisticated shows gradually taking over......though perhaps more slowly than in the West.

How you might wean the missus off these programs is something I have mused over lately. Although my wife is a high school teacher, she watches Thai soaps.....though not so much of the "boing" variety, but still rubbish.

What you might do is help her along in the process of evolution a little.

What happened to me was this : I discovered that when we took out something like an Indiana Jones or Narnia movie, she really, particularly liked them. So I am going to make a list of exciting, WELL-MADE adventure movies and get them from the dvd rental place for her.......at the same time gently pointing out the silliness and lack of imagination of the Thai soaps, versus how well-made the others are. Gradually it will dawn on her. Go with the flow rather than opposing it........but direct the process of evolution, in the same way you would with a child. I'm not meaning to sound paternalistic or superior here, but you know what I mean.......



Gradually 'weening' your Thai wife/girlfriend off of Thai soaps by using Indiana Jones and other classic Western movies is a genius idea, but it's not like Thai people are short of any great productions closer to home. I've seen a couple of Thai movies in the cinema that honestly surprised me - from what I've seen on Thai TV I really was expecting something rather poor, but I enjoyed them very much. And they've really no need to take any cues from us, they've got the rest of Asia to look to for inspiration - Hong Kong, South Korea and Japan have some major pull in the movies stakes, producing some of the best new films to come out in recent years.

However, the sound effects on their TV are bizarre. Just last night I was out with my girlfriend's (Thai) friends, and they seem to respond just as my own friends back home do to my sense of humour, which is very Westernised, I feel. So yes, Thai people don't lack any sense of humour or understanding of 'cleverer' forms of comedy, but they do seem to like it 'simple'. I've only lived here a year, so it hasn't quite gotten to me yet, and honestly my girlfriend seems to like watching Western stuff as much as she does Thai, but I can see myself getting as annoyed by it as you all. Pity those of us who don't have another room to escape to when the Thai TV comes on! :(

Saying all that - I know there is a LOT of great stuff coming out in the West, but there is also a lot of AWFUL TV. America, surely, has the monopoly on 'dumbing down' television, but England is catching up. Banal reporting from BBC Worldwide by Fern Cotton?! Yep.


There is an ongoing thread about the Orange Blossom tv show. This is a very serious show with very adult themes. Yet even in this show, the sound effects proliferate.

The evil wife recounts how she killed one of the other character's mother, then BOING.

One wife cries about the injustices pushed at her, then BOING (or was it the sliding whistle for that one?)

Comedies are bad enough, but on a serious, supposedly gut-wrenching show?


Ah, the omnipresent "boing boing" thread raises its head again,. :lol:

First time I have read the "boing boing" thread... Or "Boiyoiyoiyoiyoing" thread as I might be inclined to call it.

Nevertheless, I couldn't agree more with the OP. Listening to these inane sound effects just sap my energy !

That said - America's Funniest home videos T.V Program...... Nothing could make the home videos less funny than the narration !

That's probably where the Thais picked up on this subliminal TV perceptions.


The TV, My Dad used to call it the idiot's lantern. (Nice one Dad, I never understood what the fuc* you were talking about till you checked out) It can inform or keep the viewer dumb, my girlfriend is educated, (Thai) and wants to understand the point I'm trying to make about the 'dumbing down of the programs' for the viewer, (keeping the general population placid) Thai TV is not to educate or inform…….It's to pacify, Not unlike the so called developed world!

An example of control, or if you prefer manipulation .While I was serving in Northern Ireland, Belfast, 1980, there were major riots going on though out the summer months, some heavy stuff, we learnt very fast that there was never going to be any problems, on Tuesdays and Thursdays between the hours of 7 and 8 pm. Why? Coronation Street was on the TV, (an icon of BritishTV soaps) at this time I don't think the powers to be realized this tool of mass control was available to them. But they are fast learners.

Governments, around the world are constantly looking of ways to control and subjugate there citizens…….I would suggest dumb sound affects for given action and situations remove the need for the viewer to think for himself…… It helps to keep the poor and uneducated dumb, that along with cheap booze and an education system that feeds shit and calls it chocolate.


The TV, My Dad used to call it the idiot's lantern. (Nice one Dad, I never understood what the fuc* you were talking about till you checked out) It can inform or keep the viewer dumb, my girlfriend is educated, (Thai) and wants to understand the point I'm trying to make about the 'dumbing down of the programs' for the viewer, (keeping the general population placid) Thai TV is not to educate or inform…….It's to pacify, Not unlike the so called developed world!

An example of control, or if you prefer manipulation .While I was serving in Northern Ireland, Belfast, 1980, there were major riots going on though out the summer months, some heavy stuff, we learnt very fast that there was never going to be any problems, on Tuesdays and Thursdays between the hours of 7 and 8 pm. Why? Coronation Street was on the TV, (an icon of BritishTV soaps) at this time I don't think the powers to be realized this tool of mass control was available to them. But they are fast learners.

Governments, around the world are constantly looking of ways to control and subjugate there citizens…….I would suggest dumb sound affects for given action and situations remove the need for the viewer to think for himself…… It helps to keep the poor and uneducated dumb, that along with cheap booze and an education system that feeds shit and calls it chocolate.

Dumbing down sheds itself universally.


The TV, My Dad used to call it the idiot's lantern. (Nice one Dad, I never understood what the fuc* you were talking about till you checked out) It can inform or keep the viewer dumb, my girlfriend is educated, (Thai) and wants to understand the point I'm trying to make about the 'dumbing down of the programs' for the viewer, (keeping the general population placid) Thai TV is not to educate or inform…….It's to pacify, Not unlike the so called developed world!

An example of control, or if you prefer manipulation .While I was serving in Northern Ireland, Belfast, 1980, there were major riots going on though out the summer months, some heavy stuff, we learnt very fast that there was never going to be any problems, on Tuesdays and Thursdays between the hours of 7 and 8 pm. Why? Coronation Street was on the TV, (an icon of BritishTV soaps) at this time I don't think the powers to be realized this tool of mass control was available to them. But they are fast learners.

Governments, around the world are constantly looking of ways to control and subjugate there citizens…….I would suggest dumb sound affects for given action and situations remove the need for the viewer to think for himself…… It helps to keep the poor and uneducated dumb, that along with cheap booze and an education system that feeds shit and calls it chocolate.

Dumbing down sheds itself universally.

Only if we allow it.

It’s about not allowing the establishment (whoever that might be, to you) to take control of your life. People come toThailand bitching about…..Wherever they have left, (a big one from Europe is; “I’msick of being controlled” really! So they come to Thailand and move to Issanwith their new wife, Why to take control there!

Keeping this on topic, my g/f doesnot hear the ‘bongs and farts’………. to her they are subliminal, to me they are scary!


It's gratifying to know I'm not the only one to suffer the 'dings' and 'yahoos' of outdated drama. My wife, too, is a teacher. And I guess this raises my expectations of her ability to look beyond the culture in which she has spent her life so far. Of course, it's not so easy in the doing. I come from the UK, where, in the past, tv has been pretty good. The BBC, in particular, part of whose mandate has been to educate the populace for almost a century, have generally performed a useful public service in that regard. I've traveled a lot over the years, and seen tv programs in many countries. But I guess I haven't stayed in one place for long enough to become too critical of their program content. Having said that, I did live in the USA for almost 6 years, and must say their overkill with cable channels has probably produced some of the dumbest tv on the planet. Which leads me to suspect that Thai tv stations have had a lot of American influence in their programming. Certainly, many American shows have their Thai equivalents. But that happens in many countries. The idiotic sound effects are one source of annoyance. And I'd also agree wholeheartedly with the poster who brought up the subject of tv being used to pacify the masses. Dross for the dumbasses! And I'm not referring just to Thai programming. It's a worldwide phenomenon. The intelligence level of most national tv programming is utterly appalling. Having said that, it is suggested that around 70% of searches on the internet are for porn. So maybe we get what we deserve.

I was in China for almost the whole of 2005. I saw some tv in each of 3 provinces. It was very similar to Thai tv. Perhaps less drama, and more variety shows, featuring an abundance of people who thought they could sing. Undoubtedly, programming will change as tastes become more sophisticated in this part of the world. But I do agree with the fundamental ideal of tv as educator, as well as entertainer. This is a country in the throws of massive cultural change, or perhaps I should say 'pressure' to change. And as another poster said, it will take time. Thailand, unlike some of its counterparts in the region, resists change like it's the enemy at the door. Rather than guiding their people into a new global era, Thai politicians, in the main, seem to prefer to keep them in their place. Ultimately, not good for Thailand, for its people, for its economy. Rather than being told how special they are (and one only has to refer back to the way Chinese people were told the same during the Cultural Revolution and the Great Leap Forward, when the truth was they were lagging so far behind the west as to be virtually back in the Stone Age), Thai children should be given the best education the state can afford, including a serious dose of English and Chinese language, so they can participate in the world economy, and prosper. But ... ... I'm getting slightly off my own topic.

"Time for bed", said Zebidee ... Boinnnnng!!



Television, and it's esteemed {or less than} programming exist for one reason and one reason only. To promote and propagate mindless and unnecessary consumption. The perfect tool.


They think Mr Bean is funny, says it all I think

I can handle him for about 1o minutes, (amusing) then I wantto grip his jugular, and close him down.


It`s all to do with how and where we were brought up and being able or not being able to relate to these Thai TV programmes.

For example I would doubt that any Thai person born and bred in Thailand would ever be able to relate to UK TV programmes such as, Steptoe and Son, Only Fools and Horses or The Avengers. They would also consider these programmes naff.

Same goes that English people find it difficult to relate to some American TV comedies and vice vera because the sense of humour is different.

Mr Bean is a universal type of slapstick comedy, which does not use much spoken language and is not considered as strictly pertaining to English culture, (if we have any left) and therefore can be shared by everybody.

I have enjoyed many Thai movies when they have English subtitles, then at least I am able to grasp the story line. Just like any other movies these can be good and others can be total crap.

I never watch much Thai TV it just does not appeal to me for the reasons I mentioned above, but I never discourage my family from viewing the programmes if they enjoy them.


I might get shot down for this, but I actually quite enjoy Mr. Bean at times.

It's just a harmless kind of mindless humour that can give the occasional chuckle. Ideal for those days when you just want to vegetate and do nothing.


Just so you know....

I'm back in the states with my TW...she is now watching Thai tv on the internet on a

65in tv and a Krell-Martin Logan sound system. This stuff is worldwide.



for the full cinematic experience, surround-sound at high decibel level . . . recently went to a movie and one of the trailers/previews was for a new Thai comedy movie

I counted - 34 boings in a 2-3 minute preview.

The audience (well, most of them) loved it.


Having said that, I did live in the USA for almost 6 years, and must say their overkill with cable channels has probably produced some of the dumbest tv on the planet.

And it has produced some of the best.

I have a housesitter in my US home, and when I am back there cooking dinner, she often sits in front of the downstairs TV watching and becoming engrossed in shows like Flavor Flav or the Dysfunctional Housewives of Wherever, so yes, I do admit there is a lot of garbage. But cable gives networks the ability to go beyond the network comedies and dramas. Cable has given us The Wire, Arrested Development, Band of Brothers, and The Daily Show.. It created Discovery Channel, TLC, National Geographic, FoodTV, and the History Channel. It gives us CNN and MSNBC. Personally, I find that there is more quality tv now than ever before, especially when compared to when i was a kid watching My Mother the Car and Mr. Ed on the three network channels we could get.


Thailand will eventually produce intelligent and sophisticated shows, just as their film industry is starting to do. But I doubt many farangs will marry girls with the acquired taste to appreciate them :D


I might get shot down for this, but I actually quite enjoy Mr. Bean at times.

It's just a harmless kind of mindless humour that can give the occasional chuckle. Ideal for those days when you just want to vegetate and do nothing.

do you mean get stoned?


Ever watched an English Language sitcom with canned laughter? Some people find that annoying as well. Different culture dude. Different standards.


Having said that, I did live in the USA for almost 6 years, and must say their overkill with cable channels has probably produced some of the dumbest tv on the planet.

And it has produced some of the best.

I have a housesitter in my US home, and when I am back there cooking dinner, she often sits in front of the downstairs TV watching and becoming engrossed in shows like Flavor Flav or the Dysfunctional Housewives of Wherever, so yes, I do admit there is a lot of garbage. But cable gives networks the ability to go beyond the network comedies and dramas. Cable has given us The Wire, Arrested Development, Band of Brothers, and The Daily Show.. It created Discovery Channel, TLC, National Geographic, FoodTV, and the History Channel. It gives us CNN and MSNBC. Personally, I find that there is more quality tv now than ever before, especially when compared to when i was a kid watching My Mother the Car and Mr. Ed on the three network channels we could get.

Good post, Bonobo!

I should have been more balanced in my comment about cable tv. There are gems amongst the rubble, for sure.

Nothing wrong with Mr Ed :rolleyes:

For those who might have missed this snippet on TVF today ...


Relevant to the wider topic of Thai terr. tv


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