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Don'T Speak Pidgin Thai To My Kids


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When they do this do they know your kids speak English or do they assume they speak only Thai?

Not all know but even the ones I tell, still do it. One of my best friends who is an English teacher still does it from time to time.

If I meet half-caste kids, i always start off speaking english with them.

What pisses me off, is people using "half-caste" as a way of describing mixed race children. :whistling: They sound like a plonker. :ph34r:

Yes what an extraordinary term to use from someone complaining about how people speak to their kids!

Talk about the pot calling the kettle black! Ugh!

And here I was thinking people came to Thailand to avoid this kind of "PC" crap.

And why would you assume that?

Ive never heard of anyone actually coming here for that reason and probably never will!

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Wow, what a rude thread full of nastiness, insults and all sorts of wild assumptions.

How to start? Go back and delete it all? Or just close it since it starts off with a rather rude and aggressive assumption anyway?

considering deletion of offending posts would probably prune this to less than half the size and the topic isn't really that redeemable anyway, I think just


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