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Abhisit Ready For Political Debate With Yingluck

Lite Beer

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Would anyone take notice and watch that event if she don't have the time for it?

Yes, of course they would, but she would have missed a good chance to put across her policies & personality, whilst all the others taking-part would have extra time (hers), to talk about theirs and generally look good.

It may come as a shock, but the 'amazingly fresh and hot' lady isn't the only participant, this election isn't a 'one-horse race'. B)

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she would have missed a good chance to put across her policies.......

The woman has no specific policies that we're aware of. She perhaps has some general sweet mouthings (politician's sweet nothings) - though even those are dictated by her handlers.

She apparently has no specific fixes for a raft of important issues that affect Thailand. What's her stance on the following?........

>>> citizenship for tens of thousands of hill tribe people who reside in Thailand but have no papers?

>>> should Thailand go nuclear

>>> dearth of parks in all Thai cities. Same for dedicated bicycle trails.

>>> no youth recreation centers anywhere in Thailand. Libraries are either non-existent of miserably low on resources.

>>> not one real animal shelter or spay program for the millions of abandoned dogs.

>>> investigation of killers of Muslim men at Tak Bai, and Krue Say (while T was PM)

>>> investigation of killers of thousands of innocent people during T's 'war on drugs.'

>>> find out why Thailand's richest pay little or no taxes on properties or businesses.

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For a lighter tone on political debates, read this:

"Viewer Poll on Republican Debate: 25% Undecided, 75% Unconscious

Worrisome News for GOP Field

NEW HAMPSHIRE (The Borowitz Report) – In what could spell trouble for the current field of GOP presidential candidates, a poll of likely voters who saw last night’s Republican debate found that 25% of viewers were undecided while 75% were unconscious.

Additionally, over half of respondents agreed with the statement, “This field of candidates comes dangerously close to qualifying as a prank.”"


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Yingluck says she is ready for a debate with other prime ministerial candidates but it must fit her schedule /TAN_Network

She's got a hair appointment that day.

Let's hope sessions in parliament "fit her schedule" - I recall her brother was a bit crap at this one.

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Yingluck declines to commit herself to P-net debate

Pheu Thai Party prime ministerial candidate Yingluck Shinawatra Wednesday declined to commit herself as to whether she will participate in an election debate moderated by the People's Network for Election in Thailand.

When told that Democrat leader Abhisit Vejjajiva had accepted the P-net's invitation to participate in the debate, Yingluck said she would be busy with visiting constituents.

"Let me consider the timeframe first. I need to go out to announce my party's policies to the people first. The party's survey found the people would like to hear our party's policies," Yingluck replied.

Asked whether she would not join the debate, Yingluck said: "I did not mean that. But it would depend on the timing and situation."


-- The Nation 2011-06-15

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The party's survey found the people would like to hear our party's policies," Yingluck replied.

Obviously there's no better mechanism for reaching millions of Thais all at one time to announce her "party's policies" than a nation-wide televised live debate.

She needs to come up with a better spin than that. Even her hair appointment scenario sounds more plausible.


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Another angle, if she's doesn't participate this may well be a big plus for the others in two ways:

- Shows she's not confident to debatre with Abhisit, and the other panel members.

- Gives the others a golden opportunity (massive TV audience) to explain their policies, especially since Yingluck seems to have gathered a quite strong 'novelty' following, and unfortunately (as in many countries - Phillipines a good example) people will vote for the novelty person, and (although I strongly dislike what she stands for) IMHO she is photogenic, and it could well be that people are following the photogenic novelty, and not paying much attention to the other candidates, regardless of what they have to say.

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Another angle, if she's doesn't participate this may well be a big plus for the others in two ways:

- Shows she's not confident to debatre with Abhisit, and the other panel members.

- Gives the others a golden opportunity (massive TV audience) to explain their policies, especially since Yingluck seems to have gathered a quite strong 'novelty' following, and unfortunately (as in many countries - Phillipines a good example) people will vote for the novelty person, and (although I strongly dislike what she stands for) IMHO she is photogenic, and it could well be that people are following the photogenic novelty, and not paying much attention to the other candidates, regardless of what they have to say.

If she would participate she would give other the golden opportunity of a massive TV audience. If she doesn't participate nobody would watch.

If she debates with Abhisit, she gives him media exposure. That's why she's doing campaigning instead, because the Thai media are excited enough by her that they'll report every little thing she does, even if she sneezes or poops. And every second that they spend running behind her, they don't run behind Abhisit.

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She needs to come up with a better spin than that. .

Hey presto!

If she would participate she would give other the golden opportunity of a massive TV audience. If she doesn't participate nobody would watch.

Yingluck, or her handlers, may have reason to be fearful for that very reason. Will the redshirts watch if she's not in it? If they are trying to prevent the message from the Dems from getting out because they are afraid that could diminish some of the impact of the UDD vote ....... that could be reason enough for her to avoid an obvious chance of looking like a fool on national TV! (A move based on fear but not particularly phobic. It isn't , in other words, an irrational fear! The fact that she's using "I need to explain my party platform to the voters" --- certainly is a lame excuse ... but a bad showing in thedebate would certainly cost her many swing votes ....

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but a bad showing in thedebate would certainly cost her many swing votes ....

If her showing was 10 times better than her recent showings on international media, she would still get hammered to the wall, and so yes, the potential risk of losing those all important swing votes i would say would be massive. PTPs best chance is for her to keep her mouth shut as long as possible. Smile at the camera, make lots of number one gestures with her finger, mingle with poor folk as if that were a regular activity, and keep any words uttered to short little soundbites.

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How silly will she look if all the other party leaders turn up except her?

How silly might she look if she turns up ?

She obviously subscribes to the paraphrased Abraham Lincoln quote theory:

Better not to turn up and be thought a fool than to turn up and remove all doubt.

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quote removed ...

If she would participate she would give other the golden opportunity of a massive TV audience. If she doesn't participate nobody would watch.

... another quote removed

(look at original post if you feel like it)

One more time:

People would watch the event with or without Ms. Yingluck. Mind you with her present there would probably be more viewers, both to see 'miss beautiful' and to see how she fared against the others. Without her lots of people would probably be confirmed in their beliefs against and another group stressing 'no need to', 'not the right time', 'wait till after the elections', etc., etc.

'Rome wasn't build in a day' you know. These things take time, all in the appropriate time and place. I still have a free slot in my agenda, 31st of June? Any takers :)

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It would be funny if she turned up at the debate and spoke the truth about Thailand and the past few years. But I'm pretty sure that would be followed by a TV signal outage, which would then be followed by a military coup the following morning.

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It would be funny if she turned up at the debate and spoke the truth about Thailand and the past few years. But I'm pretty sure that would be followed by a TV signal outage, which would then be followed by a military coup the following morning.

It would really be funny, especially when she refers to the case the SET just dismissed. Those shares were mine/brother/family. Her brother said I'll stand with you when the first shot is fired and was shopping in Paris with his daughters (sorry, busy, call me later), where was she?

When k. Thaksin first became PM he made a very honest mistake in forgetting the shares he'd given a maid, chauffeur for safekeeping. I wonder if Ms. Yingluck is already preparing her declaration for when she gets elected MP (no if, a when as she's number 1 on the party list). Oh yes, please tell us, where were you April 2009, April/May 2010, how much did you donate to the 'UDD cause'? Didn't nong pipe get upset with all the noise, could he still play on his private football field? How many times did you go shopping abroad? Please tell us all, we want to know, we have a right to known :annoyed:

Edited by rubl
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It would be staggering cowardice if she did not turn up and stand her ground, especially with her pitching herself as a reconcilation figure with 50% of the electorate indicating they have not yet made up their minds.

She may end up looking more yellow than red.

Edited by longway
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How silly will she look if all the other party leaders turn up except her?

How silly might she look if she turns up ?

She obviously subscribes to the paraphrased Abraham Lincoln quote theory:

Better not to turn up and be thought a fool than to turn up and remove all doubt.

How about Margaret Thatcher?

Mrs Thatcher's official refusal said that presidential-style debates were alien to Britain and risked turning the campaign into show business.

She concluded: "We're not electing a president, we're choosing a government."

Mrs Thatcher remained consistent as prime minister.


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It would be funny if she turned up at the debate and spoke the truth about Thailand and the past few years. But I'm pretty sure that would be followed by a TV signal outage, which would then be followed by a military coup the following morning.

I disagree, I don't think that would be amusing, what might she say that would cause a coup to become necessary ? That she planned, if elected, to overthrow the rule-of-law ?

But for someone who claims to be a democrat, and wants to lead her country, to refuse to appear on television alongside the leaders of the other political-parties, that would be sad.

It would be denying the voters a fair chance to compare her with other contenders. Why would that be such a bad thing, if she is truly capable of the job then why does she continue to refuse a fair debate ?

What has she got to hide ? Why won't her campaign-managers, or the guiding-influence overseas, let her stand on her own two feet ?

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It seems five parties have accepted the Pnet invitation to take part in a debate on the 23rd of this month. These are Dem's, CTP, CPPP, Matubhum, BJT. PTP didn't respond yet, but have till the end of tomrrow to do so :)

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It seems five parties have accepted the Pnet invitation to take part in a debate on the 23rd of this month. These are Dem's, CTP, CPPP, Matubhum, BJT. PTP didn't respond yet, but have till the end of tomrrow to do so :)

She will be there if she needs to be. However she can turn up with her campaign managers and direct them to answer any curly questions. Piece of cake. B)

Or she may want to have a debate on another network.:rolleyes:

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Not directly related to a debate, more to styles within.

"Reason Seen More as Weapon Than Path to Truth

For centuries thinkers have assumed that the uniquely human capacity for reasoning has existed to let people reach beyond mere perception and reflex in the search for truth. Rationality allowed a solitary thinker to blaze a path to philosophical, moral and scientific enlightenment.

Now some researchers are suggesting that reason evolved for a completely different purpose: to win arguments. Rationality, by this yardstick (and irrationality too, but we’ll get to that) is nothing more or less than a servant of the hard-wired compulsion to triumph in the debating arena. According to this view, bias, lack of logic and other supposed flaws that pollute the stream of reason are instead social adaptations that enable one group to persuade (and defeat) another. Certitude works, however sharply it may depart from the truth."


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Not directly related to a debate, more to styles within.

"Reason Seen More as Weapon Than Path to Truth

For centuries thinkers have assumed that the uniquely human capacity for reasoning has existed to let people reach beyond mere perception and reflex in the search for truth. Rationality allowed a solitary thinker to blaze a path to philosophical, moral and scientific enlightenment.

Now some researchers are suggesting that reason evolved for a completely different purpose: to win arguments. Rationality, by this yardstick (and irrationality too, but we’ll get to that) is nothing more or less than a servant of the hard-wired compulsion to triumph in the debating arena. According to this view, bias, lack of logic and other supposed flaws that pollute the stream of reason are instead social adaptations that enable one group to persuade (and defeat) another. Certitude works, however sharply it may depart from the truth."


I hope you are not suggesting that the new de jure leader of the redshirts political arm is going to a battle of wits unarmed! Or, are you rather, implying that because she'd be unarmed she isn't going at all?

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It seems five parties have accepted the Pnet invitation to take part in a debate on the 23rd of this month. These are Dem's, CTP, CPPP, Matubhum, BJT. PTP didn't respond yet, but have till the end of tomrrow to do so :)

She will be there if she needs to be. However she can turn up with her campaign managers and direct them to answer any curly questions. Piece of cake. B)

Or she may want to have a debate on another network.:rolleyes:

Pnet isn't a network as in a broadcaster :rolleyes: but hey .... she probably thinks it is too!

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The moronic masses of north a north east love her or any ptp , the floating voters should take note if she is absent from a leaders debate

Is it necessary to be so insulting of about 50% of the electorate ??

Moronic indeed..........

Care to suggest an epithet for yourself ??

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The moronic masses of north a north east love her or any ptp , the floating voters should take note if she is absent from a leaders debate

Is it necessary to be so insulting of about 50% of the electorate ??

Moronic indeed..........

Care to suggest an epithet for yourself ??

36% of the electorate ...

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The moronic masses of north a north east love her or any ptp , the floating voters should take note if she is absent from a leaders debate

Is it necessary to be so insulting of about 50% of the electorate ??

Moronic indeed..........

Care to suggest an epithet for yourself ??

yes when its true more than 50% supported Saddam Hitler and rest so whats so sacred about 50% if they are completely manipulated and controlled or simply part of those who can be fooled most of time. Even Taksin supporters will eventually understand he cares not 1 bit for poor and 100% for himself jap.gif

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Yingluck declines to commit herself to P-net debate

Pheu Thai Party prime ministerial candidate Yingluck Shinawatra Wednesday declined to commit herself as to whether she will participate in an election debate moderated by the People's Network for Election in Thailand.

When told that Democrat leader Abhisit Vejjajiva had accepted the P-net's invitation to participate in the debate, Yingluck said she would be busy with visiting constituents.

"Let me consider the timeframe first. I need to go out to announce my party's policies to the people first. The party's survey found the people would like to hear our party's policies," Yingluck replied.

Asked whether she would not join the debate, Yingluck said: "I did not mean that. But it would depend on the timing and situation."


-- The Nation 2011-06-15

Abhisit should show up for the debate, and in fickle Yinkgluck's place at the podium, there should be a life-sized cardboard cut-out with her smiling broadly (pun intended).

Really though, how can we expect her, or any other PT candidate to debate unless they have a direct phone link with their puppetmaster? After all, by their own declaration, "Thaksin Thinks, PT Acts" - they need Thaksin to do the thinking for them. The only speaking they can do on their own is regurgitate the words and sentences he's pre-arranged for them. Their posters should show a whole mass of Red Shirts and Red handlers and Ms Yingluck herself standing at microphones, with a 'Wizard of Oz' like giant head of Thaksin up above them, with 1,000 wire links from his big microphone - down to their microphones.

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