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Drug Traffic Be Aware.


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Would you carry a suitcase full of explosive in the middle of a crowded place for a few thousand dollars ? Because that what drug does, it kills people.

I know, a bunch of retards think drug is cool. They smoke weeds for years, talking about changing the world until it's time for them to retire and then they realise they haven't done anything constructive of their life.

But it could be worse, yabaa and other synthetic drugs destroy families, not only the drug addict but everybody around them.

The best thing that can happen for a drug runner, and everybody around him, it's to end in jail !

Weed is far less damaging then alcohol, but the powers that be allow it. Its always fun to see people that are brainwashed to believe weed is so bad. But if you look at it scientifically its far less damaging and cost society much less money as a whole.

Its usually the brainwashed Americans sprouting this misinformation. I knew of plenty people in Holland who took XTC and weed and cocaine who had good lives and never got addicted to the stuff. They held good jobs and had houses and cars. They were casual users just once in week - month.

I am from holland....

Ah, Amsterdam one of my favourite City's. I remember very well, sitting in a bar in Dam Square, with friends, watching England beat Denmark 2-1, or was it 2-0? It was for sure a World Cup qualifier, or it might have been European Championship. :whistling:


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Here's a little test.

Pick any city in the west and piss test each and every individual on one day. You will be very surprised at the result. The fact is that the vast majority of people who use drugs recreationaly, live normal lives and manage it. What you will also find is huge numbers of "normal" people who use and are addicted to prescription painkillers and other mind altering prescription drugs with minimal damage. The drug "problem" is of our own making because we refuse to accept that humans are constantly seeking a high.

We will never solve the drug problem approaching it the way we are and as long as there are huge profits to be made there will be no end to people lining up to replace the guy who just got busted. Making laws against them only serves to make them more attractive, not less.

Alcohol is by far a greater problem (by factors of hundreds) for societies than all the illegal drugs combined. It is the entry level substance of choice and it is advertised as something that will make your life better. Hard drugs are more easily accessed by children and teens than cigarettes because it is only regulated by profits. Children are prescribed amphetamines for ADHD over 5% are using them and it is the exact same drug as crystal, yaa baa and other forms of speed.

Life is complected and people need to know how to manage their life responsibly. Passing laws is the lazy way and it does not work.

If all drugs were legalized tomorrow the numbers of users would change little because the people who want to use them can already find them and the people who are not using them would not start. The crime and violence would end overnight and the number of people trying drugs and becomming addicted would begin to rapidly decline.

Governments are never going to be clever enough to stop the flow.

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What concerns me is what is being financed by the profits, brought in by Muslims sold on by Muslims to prostitutes earning Western money to pay for it, right under the eyes of Thai officials, doesn't add up to me, the bigger the DEA's presence out here the better.

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Here's a little test.

Pick any city in the west and piss test each and every individual on one day. You will be very surprised at the result. The fact is that the vast majority of people who use drugs recreationaly, live normal lives and manage it. What you will also find is huge numbers of "normal" people who use and are addicted to prescription painkillers and other mind altering prescription drugs with minimal damage. The drug "problem" is of our own making because we refuse to accept that humans are constantly seeking a high.

We will never solve the drug problem approaching it the way we are and as long as there are huge profits to be made there will be no end to people lining up to replace the guy who just got busted. Making laws against them only serves to make them more attractive, not less.

Alcohol is by far a greater problem (by factors of hundreds) for societies than all the illegal drugs combined. It is the entry level substance of choice and it is advertised as something that will make your life better. Hard drugs are more easily accessed by children and teens than cigarettes because it is only regulated by profits. Children are prescribed amphetamines for ADHD over 5% are using them and it is the exact same drug as crystal, yaa baa and other forms of speed.

+1, good post.

mario299 :rolleyes:

Life is complected and people need to know how to manage their life responsibly. Passing laws is the lazy way and it does not work.

If all drugs were legalized tomorrow the numbers of users would change little because the people who want to use them can already find them and the people who are not using them would not start. The crime and violence would end overnight and the number of people trying drugs and becomming addicted would begin to rapidly decline.

Governments are never going to be clever enough to stop the flow.

+1, good post.

mario299 :rolleyes:

Edited by mario299
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Would you carry a suitcase full of explosive in the middle of a crowded place for a few thousand dollars ? Because that what drug does, it kills people.

I know, a bunch of retards think drug is cool. They smoke weeds for years, talking about changing the world until it's time for them to retire and then they realise they haven't done anything constructive of their life.

But it could be worse, yabaa and other synthetic drugs destroy families, not only the drug addict but everybody around them.

The best thing that can happen for a drug runner, and everybody around him, it's to end in jail !

Don't forget alcohol; certainly more destructive than weed ;)

Maybe? But as far as I know, I won't be arrested and have to serve a life sentence or a possible death penalty for being in possession of a bottle of whiskey or a few cans of Leo beer.

If some of you think the risks of using the dreaded weed are worth it, then go ahead, it`s your life and the best of British luck.

As for me, I prefer to play it safe and stay within the law, whether I agree with all the laws or not. Why? Because it`s common sense.

Apparently you are not too familiar with Thailand's drug laws; death penalty for weed :lol:

Anyway, my post was about not the legality of it but it's destructiveness compared to alcohol.

There are places where it is legal.


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Its usually the brainwashed Americans sprouting this misinformation.

You have bashed the English and Americans on this thread. Anyone else you want to moan about? :whistling:

Not sure yet do you have any suggestions :D But just remember most generalizations are based on true facts. That does not mean every American is brainwashed or supports their governments stance on drugs. I have nothing against Americans but the war on drugs is a joke.

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Drugs are not the evil here,the war itself on drugs has ruined more lives than drugs ever will.Why is it the mules get 20+years yet the banks laundering the profits get bonuses.


Fascinating read below and you realise the real reason why drugs will never be legalised.

Narco-Dollars for Beginners "How the Money Works" in the Illicit Drug Trade.


Edited by parryhandy
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Would you carry a suitcase full of explosive in the middle of a crowded place for a few thousand dollars ? Because that what drug does, it kills people.

I know, a bunch of retards think drug is cool. They smoke weeds for years, talking about changing the world until it's time for them to retire and then they realise they haven't done anything constructive of their life.

But it could be worse, yabaa and other synthetic drugs destroy families, not only the drug addict but everybody around them.

The best thing that can happen for a drug runner, and everybody around him, it's to end in jail !

Don't forget alcohol; certainly more destructive than weed ;)

Maybe? But as far as I know, I won't be arrested and have to serve a life sentence or a possible death penalty for being in possession of a bottle of whiskey or a few cans of Leo beer.

If some of you think the risks of using the dreaded weed are worth it, then go ahead, it`s your life and the best of British luck.

As for me, I prefer to play it safe and stay within the law, whether I agree with all the laws or not. Why? Because it`s common sense.

Apparently you are not too familiar with Thailand's drug laws; death penalty for weed :lol:

Anyway, my post was about not the legality of it but it's destructiveness compared to alcohol.

There are places where it is legal.

All drugs are destructive and have bad side effects, even the medical variety if used excessively.

What you do is up to you. Providing you keep at a safe distance from other members of the public, such as not driving while under the effects of drugs, trying to influence other people to use them or having problems controlling your actions because of drugs, then whatever damage you do to yourself, I doubt if anyone would give a rats behind.

If there are places where drug use is legal and you can blow your mind until it explodes, then good luck and have fun on the way out.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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Interesting. Yet no one {which shouldn't surprise} has touched upon the hypnotic control on human population of the pharmaceutical variety. We're drugged to death - literally. Some societies more than others.

Pharmaceutical deaths, dependencies, and broader ill-effects are the clear plague on our societies. And why aren't we aware of this? Because of our sheepish nature to imbibe the expected attention that the promoted stimulus receives.

A drug war. The battles are turned upon what is more trivial than the bigger picture......which of course we are drawn away from. Cleverly and manipulated so.

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Interesting. Yet no one {which shouldn't surprise} has touched upon the hypnotic control on human population of the pharmaceutical variety. We're drugged to death - literally. Some societies more than others.

Pharmaceutical deaths, dependencies, and broader ill-effects are the clear plague on our societies. And why aren't we aware of this? Because of our sheepish nature to imbibe the expected attention that the promoted stimulus receives.

A drug war. The battles are turned upon what is more trivial than the bigger picture......which of course we are drawn away from. Cleverly and manipulated so.

Speak for yourself, mate,,,


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Beetle my friend; there's a time to live and a time to die, I smoke Elvis Presley's toenails when I want to get high.

Btw, did you have a hand in the making of this movie?

I was very impressed by the sex crazed couple and the whipping.

Can anyone tell me where I can get hold of some of this stuff?

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Just the other day I was asked to bring in two big suitcases of heroin. After reading this warning, I have now decided against doing so.


two suitcases , thats double the risk ,

how come , you only go to jail for a life sentence , once .


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Here's a little test.

Pick any city in the west and piss test each and every individual on one day. You will be very surprised at the result. The fact is that the vast majority of people who use drugs recreationaly, live normal lives and manage it. What you will also find is huge numbers of "normal" people who use and are addicted to prescription painkillers and other mind altering prescription drugs with minimal damage. The drug "problem" is of our own making because we refuse to accept that humans are constantly seeking a high.

We will never solve the drug problem approaching it the way we are and as long as there are huge profits to be made there will be no end to people lining up to replace the guy who just got busted. Making laws against them only serves to make them more attractive, not less.

Alcohol is by far a greater problem (by factors of hundreds) for societies than all the illegal drugs combined. It is the entry level substance of choice and it is advertised as something that will make your life better. Hard drugs are more easily accessed by children and teens than cigarettes because it is only regulated by profits. Children are prescribed amphetamines for ADHD over 5% are using them and it is the exact same drug as crystal, yaa baa and other forms of speed.

Life is complected and people need to know how to manage their life responsibly. Passing laws is the lazy way and it does not work.

If all drugs were legalized tomorrow the numbers of users would change little because the people who want to use them can already find them and the people who are not using them would not start. The crime and violence would end overnight and the number of people trying drugs and becomming addicted would begin to rapidly decline.

Governments are never going to be clever enough to stop the flow.

I've been saying the same thing for years, but the authorities who have the say in how things are run DO NOT WANT TO STOP THE DRUG TRADE! They are too busy collecting the profits, either directly or indirectly. Pimps get young girls addicted and then the girls have to sell their bodies to pay for the drugs. Large drug companies are constantly promoting their products. I can't turn on the television without ads from some drug that is supposed to prevent anything from pimples to constipation.

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You can detox off heroin in 12 days. Coke is just a mental detox. But tranquilizers—they are dangerous


A few years ago i was injured in an accident. During my hospitalisation I was over prescribed morphine based pain killers due to some confusion between the hospital and my Doctor. I took this medication daily for several weeks unaware that I was becoming a junkie. One Friday my Doctor told me I should cease taking the morphine and go onto ordinary painkillers. I followed his instructions but that weekend was absolute purgatory, I had panic attacks, hot and cold sweats, shortage of breath and my mind was in absolute turmoil until the Monday morning when my son phoned an ambulance.

The paramedics and later the hospital staff explained that I was was suffering from morphine withdrawal and told me to continue taking it and gradually decrease my dosage. I declined their advice and decided to go the cold turkey route. The withdrawal effects gradually lessened over the next two weeks and by week three i was more or less back to normal. It was a terrible experience especially when you are unaware of the cause but once I was made aware of what was going on it was not an insurmountable problem.

My brief encounter with heroin/morphine has left me with little or no sympathy with junkies, if you wan't to come off of it badly enough you can. It's easier than stopping smoking IMO.

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You can detox off heroin in 12 days. Coke is just a mental detox. But tranquilizers—they are dangerous


A few years ago i was injured in an accident. During my hospitalisation I was over prescribed morphine based pain killers due to some confusion between the hospital and my Doctor. I took this medication daily for several weeks unaware that I was becoming a junkie. One Friday my Doctor told me I should cease taking the morphine and go onto ordinary painkillers. I followed his instructions but that weekend was absolute purgatory, I had panic attacks, hot and cold sweats, shortage of breath and my mind was in absolute turmoil until the Monday morning when my son phoned an ambulance.

The paramedics and later the hospital staff explained that I was was suffering from morphine withdrawal and told me to continue taking it and gradually decrease my dosage. I declined their advice and decided to go the cold turkey route. The withdrawal effects gradually lessened over the next two weeks and by week three i was more or less back to normal. It was a terrible experience especially when you are unaware of the cause but once I was made aware of what was going on it was not an insurmountable problem.

My brief encounter with heroin/morphine has left me with little or no sympathy with junkies, if you wan't to come off of it badly enough you can. It's easier than stopping smoking IMO.

Rough one man, I m sure it felt good to get your life back. I have had with drawal from alcohol back a few years ago, when some things were going on, and I was drinking to extremes. Its no fun coming off anything. My heart was totally pounding the whole time, I was scared to sleep but exhausted, hearing sounds, totally irrational thoughts, pending sense of doom, panicking, reclusive etc etc. Not a nice feeling at all. I m with you on the smoking. I think because it is so subtle that it does not get in the way of daily life, it becomes an ingrained, learned habit, on top of the nicotine addiction makes it difficult to stop.

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This topic has diverged from the original, and though many good points are being made regarding addiction, I think they need to be addressed in the health forum where they get a more serious reception.

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