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I Really Need Some Opinions

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Hi Guys,

I need your opinions a bit:

I have been offered a job with a very well respectable MNC in Bangkok that employs a large number of foreigners. They are offering me 80k baht per month. After tax reliefs, I believe I get back 72K, I have 2 kids and my Thai Spouse. Based on my current Singapore salary, my pay will be cut in half. My motivation for leaving for Thailand is that my wife has been with me in Singapore the last 4 years, she likes it here but I feel "bored" of working here and want to gain some international exposure. I have also hit the ceiling for my job grade unless I become a manager. My marriage was registered in Thailand in 2007 and I have 1 kid born there whilst the other is born in Singapore. Both are holding dual nationality.

My question is, will I survive on 72K baht per month? I will need to rent a place as well. Unfortuantely, my wife is from another province of Thailand so we dont have any assets in Bangkok. Other than my salary, I wont really be getting any other benefits (perhaps insurance but I need to check but is this generally expensive?)

What I am thinking is to step foot into Thailand and then try to apply for other jobs as I need that work permit as well which this company is willing to sponsor. Another company that I know is paying 120K (+benefits) for this same position but is unwilling to offer me the role as I am not Thai nationality. Is it generally easier to jump ship once you are in Thailand?

Here is what I envisaged on spending:

Accomodation - 15k (+ internet and utilities)

Food - 15K

Transport - 10K

School for kids - 5K (1 is 3, the other baby)

Helper - 5K (Probably a relative from another province will come)

Entertainment - 15K

Any others I should think of?

I will really appreciate any comments on this.

Thank you so much!

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The work permit does not open anything but the employment offered - it is specific to that job only. So of no use in getting a foot up on others as any job you are offered would have to qualify for your expat employment work permit issue.

Will move this to employment/jobs as really nothing to do with visas.

Edited by lopburi3
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I understand your motivation, but I would strongly consider not moving here if it means losing half your salary, for me the decision would be that simple, I wouldnt do it.

Also living a decent life in BKK is not a cheap as you may think it is. Could you survive on 72k a month ?....most likely...

I am also guessing you child who is school going age speaks predominately English, therefore eventually would need to go to an international school which is certainly a lot more than 5k/month

As Lopburi3 has said, the WP is job specific so provides no benefit for other job prospects and doesnt make it any easier to jump ship once here

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15k is a little high if you plan on using public transport (BTS, bus, moto taxi etc)

Not much chance of "jumping ship" here unless you have a job that a Thai national cannot do but there are expats that have been here for many years that can already speak Thai etc so slim chance.

What will you need a helper for? Does your wife have a job also here?

You can live good here on 70k I think

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Independent of whether you can live on 72K baht per month in Bangkok, it sounds like a legitimately bad career move. It might be a well respected MNC that you'd be working for in Bangkok, but by accepting a salary of half of your Singapore salary you are effectively moving down the corporate ladder instead of up it. If that MNC were offering the same or greater salary than what you were getting in Singapore it might mean that the company has a lot of respect for you and that you'd likely be well positioned for advancement, but taking the job under more-or-less "local" terms implies that you respect the company a lot more than the company respects you. If your new management thought that you were going to be a high flier they'd compensate you as such; and if they don't think that you're going to be a high flier you most likely will not be. On top of that, when you interview other companies for you next job after this, they may become aware of your salary history and it's backwards progression, and that might cause them to take you less seriously too.

Edited by OriginalPoster
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You say:

I have been offered a job with a very well respectable (sic) MNC in Bangkok that employs a large number of foreigners. They are offering me 80k baht per month.

I can absolutely guarantee you that there are no "well respected MNC" in Bangkok which legitimately employ "a large number of foreigners" .

To me it sounds like a Boiler Room operation and eventually you will end up in serious trouble with various authorities here.

Plus, if you have 2 English speaking children they will need to attend a reasonably decent International School: With a Nett salary of Baht 72,000.- per month there is no way you can provide them with a good education in Thailand unless you are happy to have them remain here as very low level, low salaried employees.


Edited by p_brownstone
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We live in Chiang Mai. I'm not positive, but I believe your estimate on lodging in bkk is a bit low and also food. Doesn't allow for any/many meals out with the family.

As others have said, taking a 50 percent pay cut is pretty drastic. Keep looking until you find something better.

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You say:

I have been offered a job with a very well respectable (sic) MNC in Bangkok that employs a large number of foreigners. They are offering me 80k baht per month.

I can absolutely guarantee you that there are no "well respected MNC" in Bangkok which legitimately employ "a large number of foreigners" .

To me it sounds like a Boiler Room operation and eventually you will end up in serious trouble with various authorities here.

Plus, if you have 2 English speaking children they will need to attend a reasonably decent International School: With a Nett salary of Baht 72,000.- per month there is no way you can provide them with a good education in Thailand unless you are happy to have them remain here as very low level, low salaried employees.


Depends what you mean by a large number. I can think of a few that probably have a couple of dozen westerners on staff, and maybe another couple of dozen from other SEA countries. Usually those are well-paying jobs though.

Edited by OriginalPoster
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You say:

I have been offered a job with a very well respectable (sic) MNC in Bangkok that employs a large number of foreigners. They are offering me 80k baht per month.

I can absolutely guarantee you that there are no "well respected MNC" in Bangkok which legitimately employ "a large number of foreigners" .

Absolute Rubbish....there are MNC's in Thailand who employ "large numbers" of Farang...the Oil & Gas business is one of them..

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Just on the money point alone.

I am currently retired, live in Bangkok (but outside of the foriegner "high rent" areas) and I live quite well by my standards on less than 45,000 Baht a month. There are 7 people in my family if you include me. I'm retired and live on my U.S. Social Security. My wife's children do work and add some to the family income but my roughly 45K baht is about 80% of our family income.

I don't pay rent because about 5 years ago I bought and renovated a Thai house which is in my wife's name.

I consider my lifestyle comfortable, and even manage to get out of the house for Sushi (with the family in tow)two or three times a month. I don't drink now, because of my high blood pressure problems.

Based on that, I think you can survive at a reasonable level of life in Bangkok on 70K to 75K bant a month. Even in Bangkok that is true but outside of Bangkok, even with rent to pay, it should be easier.

Probably others will disagree, especially if bars and boose are important to them. That's expensive.


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Tell your missus that you will be making half the salary in Bangkok, which means you will have to halve the money you are sending to her family every month. She will quick say, "Why we move? Singapore good. We stay Singapore." :) :) :) :)

Edited by NamKangMan
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You say:

I have been offered a job with a very well respectable (sic) MNC in Bangkok that employs a large number of foreigners. They are offering me 80k baht per month.

I can absolutely guarantee you that there are no "well respected MNC" in Bangkok which legitimately employ "a large number of foreigners" .

Absolute Rubbish....there are MNC's in Thailand who employ "large numbers" of Farang...the Oil & Gas business is one of them..

At Baht 80,000.- a month?

:whistling: :whistling:


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You say:

I have been offered a job with a very well respectable (sic) MNC in Bangkok that employs a large number of foreigners. They are offering me 80k baht per month.

I can absolutely guarantee you that there are no "well respected MNC" in Bangkok which legitimately employ "a large number of foreigners" .

Absolute Rubbish....there are MNC's in Thailand who employ "large numbers" of Farang...the Oil & Gas business is one of them..

At Baht 80,000.- a month?

:whistling: :whistling:


Go back and read what you wrote, you made a blanket statement, that no repsected MNC's employed large number of Farangs....no mention of the amount of money in that sentence......of course you will not get O&G farangs working for 80k/m thats absurd.....80k/m is typically an expenses claim for an O&G guy not a salary...:whistling:

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You can live here on 72K, no question. Decent houses can definitely be found for 10 - 15k and any kids who get here at infancy or as a toddler doesn't have to go to an international school -- living here they will (and should) learn Thai and by the time they reached primary school, would be OK at a bilingual school or school with an English program (though they would generally be of far less quality than an Intl school).

I wouldn't presume to comment on whether you should be willing to take a 50% reduction in income -- that's all a matter of priorities that only you can determine -- but you'd be living a fairly modest lifestyle by Farang standards at 72,000. And I agree with those who question how highly you are valued by the company if it's a well regarded MNC and they only offer you that much. (Now, for many Farang living here already, a medium sized Thai company offering that would be a pretty good opportunity -- but they would perhaps not be as qualified as you?).

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You seem to have the right idea....A nanny from the family at 5k a month, that means you have someone realiable and that you can trust.

Schools are important, get the 3 year old in a Thai Tessabaan school and do the same with the baby when he/she is 3 also..cost is approx 6K per kid twice a year..OK maybe not the best education but they will learn English as well as Thai and also have an identity....when they are older you can look at private education.

All your assumptions are correct but maybe generous on the transport side.

I think what people are missing is the cost of living in Thaialnd is cheaper than Singapore so although you may be taking a slight paycut, your quality/feel of life will be better as you are not comfortable in Singapore anymore...as for boiler room comments, there are a lot of companies in BKK and other parts of Thailand that employ many foriegners, hardly likely a boiler room would offer a work permit!!!...and yes in most cases it is easier to find a position here if you are already in Thailand...good luck and hope the move goes well

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You say:

I have been offered a job with a very well respectable (sic) MNC in Bangkok that employs a large number of foreigners. They are offering me 80k baht per month.

I can absolutely guarantee you that there are no "well respected MNC" in Bangkok which legitimately employ "a large number of foreigners" .

Absolute Rubbish....there are MNC's in Thailand who employ "large numbers" of Farang...the Oil & Gas business is one of them..

At Baht 80,000.- a month?

:whistling: :whistling:


Go back and read what you wrote, you made a blanket statement, that no repsected MNC's employed large number of Farangs....no mention of the amount of money in that sentence......of course you will not get O&G farangs working for 80k/m thats absurd.....80k/m is typically an expenses claim for an O&G guy not a salary...:whistling:

Goodness me there are some pedants on this Forum!

The OP told us he has been offered a Position with a SALARY - (NOT an Expense allowance) of Baht 80,000.- , that's in his first Post, to which I was replying.

I chose not to reproduce the whole Post simply for reasons of brevity.

I repeat - there are NO Legitimate MNC's in Thailand which employ a large number of Farang on a SALARY of Baht 80,000 - a month.


Edited by p_brownstone
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I repeat - there are NO Legitimate MNC's in Thailand which employ a large number of Farang on a SALARY of Baht 80,000 - a month.

The Farang label may be misleading as that usually implies westerners and we don't know that the OP is a westerner (he used the term "foreigner" not "farang"). There are, for instance, a fair number of Filipino engineers working at MNC's in Thailand and they generally don't pull in anywhere near the salaries that a Western expat would.

Edited by OriginalPoster
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I repeat - there are NO Legitimate MNC's in Thailand which employ a large number of Farang on a SALARY of Baht 80,000 - a month.

The Farang label may be misleading as that usually implies westerners and we don't know that the OP is a westerner (he used the term "foreigner" not "farang"). There are, for instance, a fair number of Filipino engineers working at MNC's in Thailand and they generally don't pull in anywhere near the salaries that a Western expat would.

I know plenty of western expats working for MNC's whose Thai salaries are equal to or less than 80k/m...;)

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Yes - I'm sure it's possibel to have a decent life on the stated salary. There's a HUGE gap between the fully sponsored corporate ex-pat who's been sent to Thailand by his US/European/Japanese mega corporation and foreigners here earning a living at local rates.

The figures look OK to me excett for the big question over schooling. If you want a good English, US or Singaporean International school it will cost you much more, but if you use the local schools then it could work out.

I guess that with a Thai wife you can eat local and do not need to shop at Villa/Central for impoerted foods and I also guess you are passed the bar scene - so that will make a significant difference to your daily costs.

Housing costs will depend on where you live ..... where's the office located and how far are you happy to travel ... but they will be much lower than Singapore on a like for like basis.

But there's also the separate issue of your career that several posters have mentioned. Once you move you will have reset your salary earning ability to the new (reduced) level and even if you moved back to Singapore you would be unlikely to be able to demand a 100% pay increase for the move.

Your move seems to be for your wife, which is understandable. But where do you want to live and raise your kids? Singapore is very different to Thailand. If I were you, I'd only consider the move if you plan to stay in Thailand long term and you think the new job can support your needs long term. As a short term move it's a no from me.

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I repeat - there are NO Legitimate MNC's in Thailand which employ a large number of Farang on a SALARY of Baht 80,000 - a month.

The Farang label may be misleading as that usually implies westerners and we don't know that the OP is a westerner (he used the term "foreigner" not "farang"). There are, for instance, a fair number of Filipino engineers working at MNC's in Thailand and they generally don't pull in anywhere near the salaries that a Western expat would.

I know plenty of western expats working for MNC's whose Thai salaries are equal to or less than 80k/m...;)

Don't doubt what you're saying but I have to wonder why a western expat would want a job like that. Living & working in Thailand is a great experience but it's not so cheap that 80k/mo affords a great lifestyle, you're going to have to dial your expectations way down if that's the budget. But then again, I'm having a good month if I can keep my wife from spending 80k baht on clothes, so in a way I'm envious of anyone who can make the whole household budget come in in that range.

Edited by OriginalPoster
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I repeat - there are NO Legitimate MNC's in Thailand which employ a large number of Farang on a SALARY of Baht 80,000 - a month.

The Farang label may be misleading as that usually implies westerners and we don't know that the OP is a westerner (he used the term "foreigner" not "farang"). There are, for instance, a fair number of Filipino engineers working at MNC's in Thailand and they generally don't pull in anywhere near the salaries that a Western expat would.

I know plenty of western expats working for MNC's whose Thai salaries are equal to or less than 80k/m...;)

Don't doubt what you're saying but I have to wonder why a western expat would want a job like that. Living & working in Thailand is a great experience but it's not so cheap that 80k/mo affords a great lifestyle, you're going to have to dial your expectations way down if that's the budget. But then again, I'm having a good month if I can keep my wife from spending 80k baht on clothes, so in a way I'm envious of anyone who can make the whole household budget come in in that range.

80k Baht a month spent on clothes is a small amount for you? Wow, i cant even imagine what would be your salary Sir. Am i jealous? YES I AM!!!

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The Farang label may be misleading as that usually implies westerners and we don't know that the OP is a westerner (he used the term "foreigner" not "farang"). There are, for instance, a fair number of Filipino engineers working at MNC's in Thailand and they generally don't pull in anywhere near the salaries that a Western expat would.

I know plenty of western expats working for MNC's whose Thai salaries are equal to or less than 80k/m...;)

Don't doubt what you're saying but I have to wonder why a western expat would want a job like that. Living & working in Thailand is a great experience but it's not so cheap that 80k/mo affords a great lifestyle, you're going to have to dial your expectations way down if that's the budget. But then again, I'm having a good month if I can keep my wife from spending 80k baht on clothes, so in a way I'm envious of anyone who can make the whole household budget come in in that range.

80k Baht a month spent on clothes is a small amount for you? Wow, i cant even imagine what would be your salary Sir. Am i jealous? YES I AM!!!

No, actually I think 80k/mo on clothes is excessive. But I'm having a hard time getting that message across to the wife.

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You say:

I have been offered a job with a very well respectable (sic) MNC in Bangkok that employs a large number of foreigners. They are offering me 80k baht per month.

I can absolutely guarantee you that there are no "well respected MNC" in Bangkok which legitimately employ "a large number of foreigners" .

Absolute Rubbish....there are MNC's in Thailand who employ "large numbers" of Farang...the Oil & Gas business is one of them..

Agree, about 120 on my job at present.

Over 200 on the last one.

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"my pay will be cut in half"

no one ever on their own volition takes a 50% pay cut

I'd rather stay in bed.

Or if I got up it would be to go play golf.

Edit: oh, and Singapore vs. Thailand? I'd rather be working in Singapore at double the salary.

Edited by PattayaParent
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I repeat - there are NO Legitimate MNC's in Thailand which employ a large number of Farang on a SALARY of Baht 80,000 - a month.

The Farang label may be misleading as that usually implies westerners and we don't know that the OP is a westerner (he used the term "foreigner" not "farang"). There are, for instance, a fair number of Filipino engineers working at MNC's in Thailand and they generally don't pull in anywhere near the salaries that a Western expat would.

I know plenty of western expats working for MNC's whose Thai salaries are equal to or less than 80k/m...;)

yes but you can probably count them on the fingers of one hand, whereas the number you konw earning that in a week would count in the hundreds?

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I repeat - there are NO Legitimate MNC's in Thailand which employ a large number of Farang on a SALARY of Baht 80,000 - a month.

The Farang label may be misleading as that usually implies westerners and we don't know that the OP is a westerner (he used the term "foreigner" not "farang"). There are, for instance, a fair number of Filipino engineers working at MNC's in Thailand and they generally don't pull in anywhere near the salaries that a Western expat would.

I know plenty of western expats working for MNC's whose Thai salaries are equal to or less than 80k/m...;)

Don't doubt what you're saying but I have to wonder why a western expat would want a job like that. Living & working in Thailand is a great experience but it's not so cheap that 80k/mo affords a great lifestyle, you're going to have to dial your expectations way down if that's the budget. But then again, I'm having a good month if I can keep my wife from spending 80k baht on clothes, so in a way I'm envious of anyone who can make the whole household budget come in in that range.

:rolleyes: .....think you missed my point, note I said the 80k/m related to their "THAI" salary......didnt mention the "other" salary being paid...:whistling:

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Plus retirement savings - that to me would be the killer as a 50% wage cut will likely have a serious effect on possibility of savings/investments. You really do need money in Thailand as there are few social nets.

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